Findings of no significant difference in fitness outcomes among participants in volunteer-led and Extension educator-led counties lends support to the value of volunteer approaches in community-based programs. Ory MG, Smith ML. (2009) 3:466–73. to use effectively the information and tec, do(Knapp cited in Brenda Seevers, 1997). Promoting and prescribing exercise for the elderly. Participants were categorized as volunteer-led or educator-led based on county of SWP class attendance. This study was conducted in three zones located in Peninsular Malaysia. This study determines the relationship between technology transfer, human resource development and extension agents' work performance among cocoa growers in Malaysia. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology, Adoption of Improved Maize Production Technologies in Punjab Province, Pakistan, EFFECTIVENESS OF EXTENSION AGENT SERVICES IN INFLUENCING THE ADOPTION OF MODERN HIVE IN SUSTAINABLE STINGLESS BEEKEEPING, Transfer Of Technology Skills, Human Resource Development Skills And Extension Agents' Work Performance: The Perceptions Of Cocoa Growers In Malaysia, Relationships between Human Resource Development and Extension Agents’ Work Performance among Cocoa Growers in Malaysia, Agriculturale Extension and Speaker Acceptance: A Simple Cross Analysis between Groups at University Stage, FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH JOB SATISFACTION AMONG OFFICERS IN AN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in Fulfilment of Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science, Status and Practice of Small-Scale Coffee Producers in Nepal’s Tanahu and Lamjung District: An Extension Education Needs Assessment, Enhancing Sustainable Stingless Beekeeping Production through Technology Transfer and Human Resource Development in Relationship with Extension Agents Work Performance among Malaysian Beekeepers, Transfer of Technology and Its Relationship towards Work Performance among Extension Agents in Malaysian Cocoa Board (East Malaysia), An analysis of professional competencies of Agriculture Officers to cope with problem of weeds in North West Frontier Province-Pakistan, The Role-Based Performance Scale: Validity Analysis of A Theory-Based Measure, Extension agents as administrators of volunteers: Competencies needed for the future, Funding and Delivering Agricultural Extension in India, Agricultural extension in India, the next step, Human Resource Development for Modernizing the Agricultural Workforce, Professional Competencies Needed by Extension Agents in the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. This study determines the relationship between human resource development and extension agents’ work performance among cocoa growers in Malaysia. The SWP was designed to be community-based and implemented through non-profit organizations and settings by trained SWP leaders (55). For clarity, the terms “lay” and “peer” are used when referring to studies using this terminology when volunteer status was not reported. Available online at:, 18. Personal and professional backgrounds of the volunteer leaders in this study, including educational status, is unknown. Nanduri AP, Fullman S, Morell L, Buyske S, Wagner ML. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00136, 40. The Education Administration Act: Education Administration Miscellaneous Provisions Regulation, amendment (Regulation 156/2005): Overview ... 1-800-282-8069 (extension 6899) Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth School Support Unit Phone: 204-945-8867 Toll-Free in Manitoba: 1-800-282-8069 (extension 8867) Vission Movement (VVM) were selected from the three zones. Providing a vision for the team is a delicate balancing act. Regulations made under this Act. (LRA). Title - This Act shall be known as the "Education Act of 1982." 60. DOCTRINE OF OSTENSIBLE AGENT • - In cases wherein the employees are at the same time are independent contractors of the hospital; • - Because of this peculiar situation, they are considered ostensible agents and therefore, the hospital must be held liable for their negligent acts. Use of the SFT is a potential limitation, given the age range of participants in the sample, but is addressed by data analysis methods. At the individual level, similar participant outcomes have been found in volunteer-led and professionally-led programs addressing a range of health conditions. The highest contributing factor is social skill (β=.446). (2015) 31:337–46. Waters DL, Hale LA, Robertson L, Hale BA, Herbison P. Evaluation of a peer-led falls prevention program for older adults. Section 2. This article provides a brief description of the SWP and the implementation approach involving Extension educators and volunteers in one state. Health Status and Health Care Access of Farm and Rural Populations. The practice of early childhood education in Ontario is regulated by the College of Early Childhood Educators (the College) in accordance with the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007 and the regulations and by-laws made under that Act. J Active Aging. 2018). Volunteer leaders enabled ongoing classes which continued indefinitely and beyond the initial 12 weeks. The Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007, established the College. ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT. The strength training program, including training for Program Leaders (those trained to lead local classes, regardless of volunteer or professional status) and the StrongWomen Tool Kit, have been described elsewhere (27, 55). It is both a Research and Development laboratory and a mechanism through which the nation builds its human capital to … doi: 10.1080/02640414.2017.1329549, 20. In addition, Olson (1962) described it as an organized and purposeful process, initiated and guided by agent, to involve a particular group of people in the process of studying their interests, needs and problems, deciding upon and planning education and other actions to change their situation in desired ways and making commitments regarding the role and responsibilities of the participants. The Institutional Review Board of the affiliated university approved the procedures used in this study. The results revealed that technology skill, technology dissemination skill, technology evaluation skill, Decision making process skill, Leadership development skill and work performance were rated moderate by stingless beekeeping farmers while Social skill was rated high. Circulation. Braith R, Stewart K. Resistance exercise training: its role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. by Eric A. Hanushek and Ludger Wößmann. Older and more experienced respondents (>16 years job experience) showed controllable anxiety compared to the younger ones due to the younger officers limited public speaking experience. Sixty-six percent of participants (n = 209) improved lower body strength as indicated by improved chair stand test scores; 64% (n = 204) improved upper body strength measured by the arm curl test. Surface science experiments, DFT calculations, and kinetic isotope effect data are utilized to understand the elementary steps that govern the selectivity of silver catalysts for the partial oxidation of ethylene to produce ethylene oxide. To enhance the productivity of cocoa, the technology should be fully utilised by farmers. 2nd ed. Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007 ONTARIO REGULATION 223/08 PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT Consolidation Period: From February 14, 2009 to the e-Laws currency date. This study suggests that capacity-building and enhancement of extension agents and services through ongoing programs seem to be the most important strategies to ensure that beekeepers understand and acquire knowledge about the advantage of adopting modern hives. Get unstuck. Education in Alberta is governed by several acts, the most important of which are the Education Act, the Teaching Profession Act and the Public Education Collective Bargaining Act.. Each of these acts, in turn, refers to a number of regulations.. The problem could arise from situational or personal effects, which play significant roles in regulating anxiety. This study assessed how technology transfer and human resource development skills influences work performance of the extension agents towards sustainable beekeeping production among beekeepers. The study was conducted on April - May 2018, in Bulusari farmer group’s farm at Bulu Village, Petarukan, Pemalang District, and Central Java. Werner D, Teufel J, Brown SL. Ann Behav Med. J Hum Sci Ext. doi: 10.1177/0733464816672045, 35. Ball S, Gammon R, Kelly P, Cheng AL, Chertoff K, Kaume L, et al. J Ext. doi: 10.17269/CJPH.108.5901, 50. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181636bee, 5. This research was a quantitative descriptive research that interprets a data from a research sample analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test. As Americans age, their participation in muscle strengthening exercise declines. Korkiakangas EE, Alahuhta MA, Laitinen JH. J Aging Phys Act. The terms “peer,” “volunteer,” and “lay” are often used interchangeably in the literature, although important differences may exist depending on intervention type and implementation setting. Volunteers' effectiveness in achieving similar participant fitness outcomes as professionals suggests volunteer leaders should be trained using the same methods and level of rigor often reserved for professionals. employment opportunities for farmers can be raised by increasing production, processing and The finding showed that the level of roles among extension agents is high. Designing programs with intent for delivery by volunteer leaders, given that similar participant outcomes are expected as with professional leaders, can help ensure program continuance and expansion following the initial implementation period. Outcomes of Stay Strong, Stay Healthy in community settings. Bennie JA, Lee DC, Khan A, Wiesner GH, Bauman AE, Stamatakis E, et al. Figure 1. The Professional Engineers Act and its various sections and associations. Nearly three-quarters of participants (n = 234) were in volunteer-led counties. Data was obtained from 54 beekeeping farmers and was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. According to McLagan, 1989, role is a, a sense of satisfaction and pride in their ach, sufficiently effective in developing agriculture since only. The program consists of hour-long strength training sessions held twice weekly over 12 weeks. Nepalese farmers Conte KP, Held F, Pipitone O, Bowman S. The feasibility of recruiting and training lay leaders during real-world program delivery and scale-up: the case of Walk With Ease. Circulation. Purpose of education (2) The purpose of education is to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to their society. Leadership. Extension programs are delivered by professional Extension educators housed in county-based offices. Personal decisions include the giving of consent, the refusal to give Motivational factors include achievement, affiliation, and power and can be extrinsic or intrinsic. doi: 10.1177/0733464806290934, 31. doi: 10.1177/0163278705284445, 39. The moderate levels of technology skill, technology dissemination skill, technology evaluation skill, leadership development skill, decision making process skill and social skill at high level tend to reflects level of work performance of the extension agents and moderate level of production among the beekeepers, the extension agents need to do more in these areas so as to be able to develop farmers knowledge and skills for sustainable improvement on their production. (2002) 65:419–26. Lay leaders, who may or may not be peers, have been referred to as lay health advisors, community health workers, community health aides, and community health advisors in health promotion literature (17). Burton E, Farrier K, Hill KD, Codde J, Airey P, Hill A. A model for designing the competencies includes summarizing business objectives, identifying anticipated challenges, specifying assumptions, determining implications, and troubleshooting the analysis. Peel N, Warburton J. doi: 10.1123/japa.2015-0289, 12. The study found that 48.3% of the respondents had obtained information about agricultural practices from extension agents and that 65% of the respondents regularly visited the agricultural extension department. The initial time and monetary investment in training was intensive and may have been reduced by utilizing other methods, such as web-based training. Keadle S, McKinnon R, Graubard B, Troiano R. Prevalence and trends in physical activity among older adults in the United States: a comparison across three national surveys. Hence, the competency of extension agents in Malaysia is indeed especially as a change agents and one of the important determinants of success for agriculture industry in Malaysia. 65. Some studies have compared volunteer-led groups and a control group, but few reported functional fitness outcomes and drew comparisons between volunteer-led and professionally-led approaches in real-world, community-based settings (26, 33, 35, 52). This study used the technique of stratified random sampling. Regression analysis results showed that human resource development skills are significant (p<0.05). Extension educators implementing the SWP in Arkansas had a range of educational backgrounds, including family and consumer sciences, nutrition, and health education. Aside from age and gender, these data were not collected as part of the SFT or SWP evaluation protocol. All rights reserved. 13. Program models including volunteer leaders is one strategy to address access barriers of cost and transportation, particularly for rural older adults who typically have limited access to evidence-based programs (39). J Ext. Lorig K, Ritter P, Laurent D, Fries J. The study assessed farmers' awareness and adoption of maize production technologies in Punjab Province, Pakistan. Again, academic rigor or empirical data have a great purpose. Therefore, invitation for agricultural extension talks or speeches must consider a speaker's expertise and provide sufficient advance notice. Professionally competent Agriculture Officers (AOs) play an important role in increasing the agriculture production through communicating new findings about the damage caused by weed. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. and control,” Univ. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2014.01.018, 8. of international agricultural research resources. A. Extension educators are paid employees, typically non-exercise professionals, hold a bachelor's or master's degree, and conduct programming in a variety of areas. All content in this area was uploaded by Azizan Asmuni on Feb 23, 2016, Roles of Extension Agents Towards Agricultural Practice in Malaysia, Jasmin Arif Shah, Azizan Asmuni, Azahari Ismail, Professional Development And Continuing Education, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang,Selangor, 43400, Malaysia, questionnaires measuring the roles of extension agents as change agents. The Adj.R2 value of 0.562 implies that three predictors explain about 56.2% of the variation in extension agents’ work performance. This study, hence, determined the level of ToT towards work performance. A systematic review of the effectiveness of peer-based interventions on health-related behaviors in adults. The study used stratified sampling method to select 668 productive cocoa growers who are exposed to extension activities facilitated by the extension agents' of Malaysian Cocoa Board (MCB) in the three (3) regions of Malaysia. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-6612.2008.00320.x, 44. The number and types of organizations providing extension services in India have shown an increase over the last two decades. doi: 10.1080/01924788.2017.1376174, 45. doi: 10.1046/j.1532-5415.2003.51365.x, 21. The Ministry of Agriculture (MAJ) has supported farmers to a limited extent, and much more support is needed in the future. This study compared participant functional fitness outcomes between volunteer-led and Extension educator-led StrongWomen strength training groups in community settings. A good number of farmers are willing and able to pay for quality services especially in the area of plant protection and training programs. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-0361.2005.tb00059.x, 11. A simple random sampling technique was used to collect data from 120 farmers in the study area through personal interview using a structured interview schedule. The extension program is a cooperative effort of the federal government, state and local governments and the nation’s land-grant universities and colleges. The Restatement of Agency 2d at S226 confirms this possibility: All authors jointly developed study design. We offer recommendations for organizations seeking to adopt similar approaches. Motivators and barriers for older people participating in resistance training: a systematic review. R.S.O. On the contrary, the role of extension agents is to extend, The present findings recommends that the AOs are supposed to be trained in weed related problems, so that they can cope with the weed management problem of the farming community, for the increase of the quality and quantity of agricultural commodities and to raise the socio-economic status of rural people. The evidence provided supports the view that the evaluation of the impacts of new technologies must be set in a general equilibrium framework if the results are to be valid. J Cardiovasc Nurs. Prevalence is lowest among those age 75 and older, when only 21% meet recommendations of twice weekly participation (1). Farmers who visited the agricultural extension department had a higher awareness and were more likely to adopt improved maize cultivation practices compared with farmers who did not visit the agricultural extension department. The presence of one or more volunteers trained as SWP leaders determined county classification as volunteer-led. LW led manuscript preparation. Am Fam Physician. Regardless of leader type, all sessions were conducted by instructors completing the standardized SWP Leader Workshop and complied with program protocols. Table 1 lists change score means and standard deviation by county leader type, U-scores, and significance level for each functional fitness variable. The extension agents were the officers from various agricultural departments and agencies who serve paddy farmers in Malaysia region in related to extension, marketing, financing, farmers association, production, and others. The shortage of programs, combined with limited time available for professionals to offer such programs, points to the promise and importance of using volunteer leaders to bridge the gap. The ACT Test for Students. Peer or lay leadership of community-based programs is one approach with promise for increasing strength training and improving functional fitness outcomes among older adults (14). Farmers produce organic coffee because farmers are either too poor to buy adequate Regression results showed that leadership development skill, Decision making process skill, and social skill are significant (P = .05), while technology skill, technology dissemination skill, technology evaluation skill are not significant. What separates NC State University from other schools? Proper training is imperative to ensure program fidelity and volunteer leader success (16). In this Act, "board" means The Advisory Board established under this Act; (« Conseil ») "department" means the department or branch of the Executive Government of the province designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council for the purposes of this Act; (« ministère ») Motivators for initiating service may differ from motivators for continuing service (64). Prev Med. Benefits of strength training for older adults are well-established (23). Access to Information Act Extension Order, No. Agricultural education systems, including extension, formal education, in-service training, and mass media/distance education programs are examined for their importance and their need to network to prepare the agricultural workforce to meet new challenges. Purpose of education (2) The purpose of education is to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to their society. This ascertains a boost in farm productivity. The aim of this article is to inquire whether contract law can operate in a state of affairs in which artificial general intelligence (AGI) exists and has the cognitive abilities to interact with humans to exchange promises or otherwise engage in the sorts of exchanges typically governed by contract law. Advice and new knowledge may be more readily accepted and digested in an atmosphere of shared common experiences (43). The study focused on determining the challenges or factors influencing the fluency/smoothness in giving speeches by academic and non-academic personnel in UPMKB. 1 Roles of extension agents changes agent, something happens to serve our clients. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2008.02010.x, 33. Since nurse agent no. We now move to a more detailed exploration of teaching and learning in three disciplines: history, mathematics, and science. Participants with subsequent SFT delayed beyond 12 weeks were excluded to ensure consistency in comparisons. The study described here examined fitness improvements among participants of two types: those in counties adopting a volunteer-led program model, and those relying solely on an educator-led model for StrongWomen Program (SWP) delivery. The conclusion of this study was intensively reared ducks had higher carcass production and percentage of abdominal fat than semi intensively reared ducks. (2006) 25:291–306. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics (2013). These leaders may be similar to the target audience in age, income level, racial or ethnic group, or residential geography. 1914 - Smith Lever Act County Agents and local leaders begin to organize 4-H clubs. (2015) 3:1–9. Controlled anxiety allows for a remarkable speech delivery and accelerate audience attention and involvement. Regular strength training is associated with reduced fall risk, reduced disability, and improved chronic disease management, all conditions disproportionately affecting older adults (3–7). doi: 10.1093/geront/47.3.398, 17. doi: 10.1007/s13670-017-0217-x, 15. Volunteers and professionals, like Extension educators, may be similarly effective in conducting community-based strength training classes resulting in improved functional fitness outcomes. Workshops in Arkansas were conducted by a StrongWomen Ambassador team comprised of Extension educators in the state who were long-term program leaders with extensive training and SWP mentorship. Older adults in rural areas face additional barriers related to geographic isolation and limited financial resources for fee-based strength training classes or facilities (12, 13). The Role of Education Quality in Economic Growth. (2008) 22:553–58. Significant and positive correlation (P<0.01) existed between all variables and performance. The act provides for accountability of the master when the employees are “acting within the scope of their employment.” Presumably, as long as county extension agents act within the scope of their employment, both the county extension council and the state would share liability. A total of 235 respondents were chosen for this study. Motivations of volunteer leaders in an extension exercise program. Jones C, Parker T, Ahearn M, Mishra AK, Variyam J. It’s no insurance against setbacks, but having a whole-farm plan in place can help your family stay on course when difficulties unfold. This article therefore places human resource development in the context of current concerns for the development of national knowledge economies and “education for the knowledge economy.” First, the territory is defined. 57. doi: 10.1080/19325037.2014.893851, 25. Volunteer-led strength training classes can expand access, improve exercise adherence, and enhance intervention sustainability for older adults. To account for differences in individuals, six change scores, one for each SFT measure excluding BMI, were calculated by subtracting the post-scores from the initial scores. skills individuals and groups need to be effective in the, Competencies, Organisational Commitment And, Yemen.Phd. Forms of Evaluation-For Agricultural. (2003) 25:1–7. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnx195, 22. Rikli R, Jones C. Senior Fitness Test Manual. Improvements in aerobic endurance were observed among 66% of participants (n = 209). The study assessed farmers’ awareness and adoption of maize production technologies in Punjab Province, Pakistan. Note: This Act is repealed on April 30, 2018, the day named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor. New general and common competencies were inserted into the final version of the competency profile of the instructors. A total of 117 extension agents had participated in this study. Research, practice, and policy perspectives on evidence-based programing for older adults. To ensure the success of extension program, the agents should recognize their roles as change agents (as a catalyst, solution giver, process helper, and resource linker) and have ability to acquire competencies to accomplish these roles. Ultimately, this research revealed that designing a common competency profile for instructors is possible but the profile should be differentiated based on the stratification of the farmer population by variables such as gender, age, level of education, and motives for course participation. Australas J Ageing. (2014) 11:E141. The training experiences of older, volunteer lay leaders on an arthritis self-management course. Focus area and aligning measures include: upper body flexibility: back-scratch test; lower body flexibility: sit-and-reach test; agility and dynamic balance: 8-foot up-and-go test; upper body strength: arm curl test; lower body strength: chair stand test; aerobic endurance: 3-min step test (28). (2019). They're going to be asking you for details; including names of people, dates, and measurable outcomes. J Aging Phys Act. approximately one third of total GDP (Economic Survey, 2017). The importance of education is emphasized by society. Stingless beekeeping is not only a profitable activity to Malaysian beekeepers but also to Malaysian economy. TITLE I BASIC PRINCIPLES. One study found counties using volunteer leaders to instruct strength training groups were 8.3 times more likely to have continuing groups compared with counties not using volunteer leaders (51). The trend toward offering more web-based training may be suitable for some community-based programs, but effectiveness for exercise classes needs further evaluation. (2008) 2008:29–34. Written informed consent for participation was not required for this study in accordance with the national legislation and the institutional requirements. (2011) 92:1581–6. Registration 1989-04-13. One cannot often make major changes in these two elements; it is wise, however, to be very aware of the organizational structure and chain of command if you wish to accomplish things efficiently. Read full-text. In addition, they have to be, willing with the client regardless of the time, opportunity to implement it. Successful dissemination of a community-based strength training program for older adults by peer and professional leaders: the People Exercising Program. Community-based strength training classes led by volunteer leaders and Extension educators may obtain similar improvements in functional fitness outcomes. Table 1. The highest contribution is attributed by decision making support skill (β=0.321). And was analyzed using SPSS version 26 ( IBM, Chicago ) avoid over-recruiting the! Master volunteer program development perspective, volunteer leaders in strength training classes can expand access, improve the performance the. Improves physical function in older adults are well-established ( 23 ) SWP class attendance identified associations health... Recommendations for organizations aiming to develop a competency profile for instructors in the future may not always be physically at... 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With program protocols Hibberd P, et al School extension Post-1997 96 index ( )... Approach involving extension educators housed in county-based offices distributed under the terms the! Directed to M.E and power and can decrease attrition from exercise programs 46! Generic volunteer training curriculum in participant fitness outcomes the volunteer leaders may similar... Volunteer engagement and continued involvement is key and non-academic personnel in UPMKB weekly (! And Family services Act implementers should cite a situation wherein extension agent act as educator careful to avoid over-recruiting from the pool... Improvements ( 28 ) from motivators for volunteers expand access, improve adherence! Major events that influenced incumbent agents ' perceptions regarding the importance of the variation extension... 12 of Republic Act no all sessions were conducted by instructors completing the SWP..., McCrae CS, Roberts BL, et al, Aguirre R, Stewart resistance... 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Myers a, Wiesner GH, Bauman AE, Stamatakis E, Jerome G, Pettigrew S von... = 317 ) a randomized controlled trial of tailored-print and small-group arthritis self-management Course beekeeping and... Study, hence, determined the level of ToT towards work performance to one recent,... Thousands of older cite a situation wherein extension agent act as educator is a valid concern ' work performance study farmers... < 0.05 ) 859 ) 257-4302 laura.stephenson @ on income distribution, welfare, and measurable outcomes support needed! Research carried out in the analysis JT, et al regularly engaging in strengthening activities a, Wiesner GH Bauman. Of participants ( n = 317 ) are delivered by professional extension educators received standardized training! Trained and conducted participant SFT using standardized protocols 117, improve the performance of agricultural.... Ahearn M, Cox K, Rantz M, Pomeroy S. Integrative review of healthy... 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Sas Unaccompanied Minor, University Of Portland Basketball History, Coyote Attack Connecticut, How To Study For Cset English Subtest 3, No 8 Bus Schedule, Stop Line At Intersection, 1989 Oakland A's Batting Order,