Share With Others By Clicking Icons Below! Bucks are known to annually grow and shed their large sets of antlers, which serve for sparring and “to attract female deer for mating,” according to Hunting. Finding lightly pressured areas is a great way to find more and bigger sheds. Binoculars are a useful tool for scanning fields and for confirming a visual on a potential shed in the distance. Shed hunting isn’t easy. Then this shed hunting tip may benefit you more than any other. I like to bring surveyor flagging with me when I’m shed hunting. For this reason, you want to wear clothing that will keep you warm when you’re walking slowly in high opportune areas. I am a big advocate for wool clothes for shed hunting. Mint color! Bringing a backpack is very helpful. There is a good chance you will find a matching set! You can get a pair of polarized glasses for around 15-25$. From pictures it appears there’s no way this is a doe either, because … It can take as little as 24-48 hours for the antlers to actually fall off, but the shedding process takes between two to three weeks and then new antlers will regenerate throughout the summer. Additionally, bucks often drop their sheds in thick bedding areas such as swamps. This makes a huge difference. ST. LOUIS – Deer hunting season is coming to an end, but a set of trophy deer antlers may be waiting in the woods for you.This time of year, bucks begin to lose their antlers. Some of these antler hunters we have known for 15+ years. Bringing food, water, or anything else you might enjoy will ensure you are as comfortable as possible. The dense vegetation in the distance provided good bedding and screening cover. If you’re curious about how to use dogs for shed hunting check out; Maine Shed Hunting Tips: Heavily hunted areas will result in a lower probability of finding sheds than areas that have low hunting pressure. Then walk about and observe the sheds to train yourself on what to look for. Filed Under: Deer Hunting, Maine Hunting News Tagged With: antlers, deer horns, maine, sheds. These areas consist of dense softwood stands that block a lot of snowfall. Also, a lower percentage of bucks are able to make it to an older age class. Often when bucks lose one antler the other is not far away. Get e-Sword . A lot of time and hard work can be spent shed hunting with little to no success. It makes the most sense to start shed hunting when the majority of antlers are off, and not before. There is a good chance a buck could have knocked an antler off in his travels between the two destination areas. Many products offered today on the market utilize antlers that are bleached then artificially colored, because of cost considerations. It makes the most sense to start shed hunting when the majority of antlers are off, and not before. Finding food sources are being used during the late season will greatly increase your odds of finding sheds. Before you shed hunt an area make sure you wait long enough into the season so that the majority of bucks have lost their antlers. Additionally, south-facing ridges are the first to melt. It is really easy to miss sheds. These areas include food sources, late-season bedding, and travel corridors between these two areas. By marking the locations of the sheds you will start to develop a database of areas of where you have found sheds. If you’re curious about how to use dogs for shed hunting check out; The Basics of Shed Dog Training and The Best Shed Hunting Dog Breeds. Virtual scouting will save you a lot of time and energy. The more time you put yourself in the high percentage areas the better your chances will be of finding sheds. Made of solid bone, our antlers are very high quality, freshly shed and brown in color. Bedding areas are a great way to find sheds. There are many factors that influence when bucks will drop their antlers and it varies slightly from year to year. Subscribe to Tom Remington. Being careful not to spook deer out of the area, check your trail cameras a couple times between late January and mid-March. I'm Jason Tome, the founder (no surprise there). Having snacks out in the woods will satisfy your hunger and allow you to spend more time in the woods. It involves looking for antlers that Deer lose every winter. Fresh set of wild Maine deer sheds that are webbed and nicely palmated. Receive Tips and Tricks on Hunting, Fishing, Woodsmanship Skills, and More! Surveyor flagging is a very bright-colored ribbon. The concentration required to be good at shed hunting is very similar to tracking deer, which requires you to be present and in the moment at all times. your Maine Recreation Land Specialists, Find out what your loan payment will be with our Seller Financing Package, East Grace Pond Road, Upper Enchanted, ME. The velvet has blood vessels, a very sensitive … Guns. A lower age class means sheds will be smaller than unpressured areas where bucks can grow to maturity. It’s not a universal given that all bucks will drop around the same time. Google Earth and Google Maps are my favorite tools for virtual scouting. This saves you from walking up to every bleached stick or rock. Our antlers are sourced from a network of antler hunters in the state of Maine. Maine Expanded Archery Zones | Free Google Earth File, Easily Determine the Boundaries of the Maine Expanded Archery Zones on Google Earth. Every year during winter and early spring, groups of adventure seekers take to the woods in search of moose and deer antlers, also known as sheds. Spend time looking in the areas where you found the first shed. I like to use a GPS app on my phone. If you wait too long, you may miss out on all the antlers that were on the ground waiting for you. Recent Posts. These 30 Maine shed hunting tips combined with hard work will have you collecting more sheds than ever before. In an attempt to reduce energy expenditure at this time bucks are looking to keep as warm as possible. I have a bad habit of over-thinking, over-analyzing, and projecting what the future holds. Here I blog about what I live and breathe; Wildlife and the Outdoors. Referring back to these Maine shed hunting tips will help until they become second-nature. Having company makes shed hunting more enjoyable. Male moose drop their antlers every winter and all Maine Moose Antlers grew on wild, free range moose. 15 Best Tips for Scouting Deer Using Google Earth. I end up needing to retrain myself every year to look for sheds only. These areas provide your best chance for finding them, so go slow and double-check every stick to make sure it is not a piece of an antler.Â. You can spend all the time in the world shed hunting, but if you’re searching at the wrong time your success will be reduced. Not to worry though, the animals begin to grow new antlers almost immediately. In spring or early summer, March or April, the new antlers begin to form, growing out from a pedicel bone, a bony stalk situated on the frontal bone of the skull. A buck can carry-on without antlers post-breeding because they do not need to fight-off other bucks for territory and does. One of the most important Maine shed hunting tips is to make sure you are searching at the right time. The antlers begin to grow at a rapid pace. Here’s an interesting article about why bucks cast their antlers early by the Quality Deer Management Association: Causes of Early Antler Casting. To learn more about scouting deer using these platforms check out my post: 15 Best Tips for Scouting Deer Using Google Earth. Consistent shed hunting success in Maine has less to do with luck than you might think. Bucks shed their antlers between January and April, depending upon many factors including the animal’s age and the latitude at which it lives, after … Shed hunters have to figure out where the bucks have been resting, feeding, and find the paths that they travel on. You can see old and new tracks in this travel corridor. Once the antlers have reached their full length, the blood … It happens during the first quarter of the year. Additionally, using a GPS will help you see what parts of the high potential areas that you have not walked through. I am a Wildlife Ecologist, Registered Maine Guide, and a Woodsman. Areas that do not allow hunting or have limited hunting seasons could be a good bet for finding more sheds. What makes Maine Antler Art unique is that Toby uses only naturally shed antlers that he hand collects and he refuses to use artificial coloring to enhance the appearance. Having the right state of mind plays a big role in shed hunting success. Every now and then glance at your GPS to see where you have gone. I also offer Services, so be sure to check those out as well. The same can be said for shed hunting. Make sure to print out these shed hunting tips to bring out in the field with you. This way you can go back through the areas you have missed, putting you back in high potential areas which boosts your odds of finding sheds. For this reason, it can be helpful to place bright colored flagging over the area where you found the first shed. Horns, in contrast, remain permanently affixed to the skull. Being able to refer back to where you found the first shed will allow you to make another game plan for searching the area for the second shed. Hunger is very distracting and often causes you to head home early. Properly preparing for shed hunting and continuously putting yourself in high odd areas will greatly increase your chances of finding sheds in Maine. Triggered by day length and maintained by hormone production, antlers begin growing in April, and are nurtured by a velvety outer network of skin tissue and blood vessels. This late winter period is perfect for finding these antlers from farms and other areas within Maine because there is low snowfall. Dogs are very effective for finding sheds. My goal is to inspire, entertain, and educate those interested in the outdoors. Hunting • Woodsmanship • Wildlife Habitat • Self-Reliance • Sustainability. When you begin shed hunting start tracking your path. Older males can grow six or more points. Each season the deer's antlers will typically get a little bigger and broader. Snow conditions dictate our luck and abilities to navigate the back country. Know exactly when the Whitetail Rut is happening in Maine. This is still really difficult for me to do. Lower buck densities combined with smaller sheds makes finding sheds in heavily hunted areas more difficult. This way I can mark the locations of sheds that I’ve found and can refer back to the area if needed. It could be buried under mud or snow with just the tines sticking up. If you're searching for whitetail or mule deer antlers, the time when you're most likely to find some are between the months of January and March, so try to do the most shed searching during those times. Additionally, overcast rainy days block a lot of sun which reduces glare making for good shed hunting. I'm Jason Tome, the founder (no surprise there). A similarity between tracking deer and shed hunting is that when you are tracking you rarely see the entire deer. Having an extra pair of gloves is nice after wearing wet gloves for a while. February 1, 2007. You’ll want a backpack to put your lunch in and any other useful things you might want to bring. But you have to be realistic depending on where you live. Check out my About Page for more information. ***All sales are final so please ask any and all questions before bidding. More Hunting. In Maine, bucks start dropping antlers around mid-December with most antlers off by mid-March. Using aerial imagery you can often determine bedding areas, feeding areas, and travel corridors. Following the fall rut, male deer and moose will shed their antlers. I prefer polarized sunglasses to really help cut down on the glare. Some great ways to keep from getting discouraged is to bring friends or bring a dog. Scrolling through social media during Maine's most popular hunting season, you may see an endless stream of downed deer. In order to have the most success, it is important to shed hunt smart. Bucks also like to bed under small evergreen trees for thermal protection on these south-facing ridges for additional warmth and protection. Antlers do not always grow the same size each year due to fluctuations in a deer's food supply and health. By Michael Hanback. Shed hunting is very much a numbers game. Make sure to check under these evergreen trees on the south sides of ridges, you might be in for a welcome surprise. Areas between bedding and feeding areas also provide potential to hold sheds. However, there are steps that can be taken to increase success and make shed hunting a whole lot more enjoyable. Get the facts about sheds, and learn how to find your own. You can spend all the time in the world shed hunting, but if you’re searching at the wrong time your success will be reduced. These 30 shed hunting tips will enable you to get results by putting the odds in your favor in Maine. Latest. Once you start noticing most bucks have lost their antlers you can determine when to start shed hunting. Make sure you set your expectations based on what your area holds for bucks to avoid disappointed. Out of all the shed hunting tips, this is probably the one I need to work on most. By keeping your eyes and mind focused on sheds you will have the most success. Bedding areas that provide good thermal cover are great places for bucks to bed during the frigid winter months. Mule deer, whitetail deer and other ungulates shed their antlers once a year. Pushing deer off a property by looking for sheds too early, or by checking trail cameras too often will likely push bucks off a property. Therefore, if you want to collect your first antlers, I suggest going antler hunting either in mid-December or mid-April. December through February is prime time to hunt for antlers shed from moose. This shedding procedure takes two to three weeks to complete, while the regeneration takes an entire summer to complete — before the cycle starts all over again. The Warring Two Beasts and the Sheep December 14, 2020; 1 Corinthians 12 King James Version December 10, 2020; Prophetic: The … As shed hunting continues to pick up in popularity, more and more antler hunters are hitting the woods. Check out my About Page for more information. When antlers get a sheen of water on them they tend to shine and glisten. To do this effectively, leave your cameras out after hunting season is over. The force of jumping increases the likelihood that an antler may be knocked off. The reason to flag sheds is because, as mentioned above, many times bucks lose their second antler not far from their first. This ribbon can be used to flag trees over sheds that you have found. Trail cameras are a great way to determine when bucks in your area are losing their antlers. Once you have determined the bedding and feeding areas search the area in-between where deer are traveling. The deer antler shed will take two to three week before full completion. Antlers have a covering of living skin called velvet. When searching for the second shed it is easy to forget the exact location where you found the first. Flagging will make it so you can easily go back and refer exactly where you found the first shed. Here’s an interesting article about why bucks cast their antlers early by the Quality Deer Management Association: Causes of Early Antler Casting. Wool clothes keep you warm when wet, they are water-resistant, fast-drying, warm, and quiet. We only buy and sell 100% legal, naturally shed antlers. I know it does for me! To get your eyes accustomed to finding sheds it helps to look at images on the internet of sheds on the ground. This information can be used to improve future shed hunting excursions. One area deer spend a disproportionate amount of time in is feeding areas. The minute you stop concentrating on what you’re looking for is the moment a shed slips by unnoticed! Field Test: The New Straight-Pull Savage Impulse Rifle. It can be helpful to bring old sheds with you and place them at random locations at the beginning of a shed hunt to help train your eyes. The ability to shed antlers allow the deer to begin growing a new set over the summer and replace any damages (broken points, etc) that occured during mating season. Also, remember that deer usually shed both sides of their antlers around the same time. In late winter, after the rut is over bucks shed their antlers. Between January and April, you are more likely to find deer antlers that have shed. Dogs are very effective for finding sheds. The numbers are in for Maine's 2020 deer season. Some areas are hunted more than others during the actual hunting season. For this reason, light rainy days or the day after a rainy day is a great time to be out looking for sheds. A true hermaphrodite is a buck that has both male and female sex organs with antlers, but these deer typically stay in velvet and shed their antlers early. Moose and deer shed their antlers each winter before growing a new set over the next two months. When shed hunting it is best to forget about scouting. Members of the deer family are unique because they shed their antlers every year. 3. In the northern regions deer congregate together in deer yards. For additional/interesting information on sheds and shed hunting tips check out these articles: The QDMA: 6 Things You Can Learn From Shed Antlers (And 1 You Can’t), The Portland Press Herald: The Search For Sheds Has Become a Popular Pastime, Outdoor Life: Bone Guide: How to Estimate the Price of Shed Antlers. Using aerial imagery you can often determine bedding areas, feeding areas, and travel corridors. If you shed hunt in Maine join and share your pics and stories. Safety glasses/sunglasses will allow you to plow through thick brush without taking a stick to the eye. “Widespread early antler casting (in your area) may signify a nutritionally stressed herd resulting from too many deer for what the habitat can support.” Also, Kip says that in northern states mature bucks typically shed antlers earlier than younger, smaller deer. Some of these antler hunters we have known for 15+ years. It takes a lot of walking in the right places to find them. It is also a good idea to bring some older sheds with you and place them in random locations at the beginning of the shed hunt. Cedar is a great late season food source in Maine. The antlers primarily serve to allow bucks to spar over females during the breeding season and serve little purpose once their task is over. While it may seem like every hunter that ventures into the woods returns with a big ol' buck, in reality … The late-season is energetically expensive for whitetails, especially in Maine because of the harsh winters. I have the hardest time with this one. Around late September to early October, bulls will dig a " rutting pit," into which they’ll urinate and then splash urine on their antlers—a scent that induces cows to ovulate. For this reason, bucks like to bask in the rays during the cold months to warm up. A typical day may consist of riding 50 – 100 miles on snowmobile finding 2 -5 antlers per day; if you are lucky enough you may find a matched set or a whooper weighing over 20 lbs. Deer (and other ungulates, like elk) shed their antlers every year, then grow a completely new set. Because dogs use scent as their primary tool for finding sheds they are able to cover ground faster and more effectively. Get e-Sword Free. Additionally, after rain, the snow around sheds has melted, making them even more obvious. Don’t let poor weather hold you back! I also offer Services, so be sure to check those out as well. (The American pronghorn antelope sheds its horn sheaths each year, but the bony horn cores remain in place) In the wild in Maine, only deer and moose grow antlers. Instead of looking for an entire shed, look for parts of sheds. Having the proper attire when shed hunting helps to keep you in the woods longer. They also are able to find sheds in the ‘thick stuff’ which is useful for finding those sheds back in the dense bedding areas. Highly traveled corridors are also great places to find sheds. By setting realistic expectations you will be able to accurately visualize what size sheds to search for when shed hunting. There are many factors that influence when bucks will drop their antlers and it varies slightly from year to year. Virtual scouting is a crucial step for finding more sheds, and one of the more important shed hunting tips. When you get into high-quality areas (bedding, feeding, travel corridors) make sure you take your time. The season for shed hunting begins in February – when most bucks around the northeast lose their antlers –and continues through April. Welcome! By focusing your efforts in late season bedding areas your odds of finding shed will be much higher than aimlessly walking through the woods hoping to stumble upon a shed with no plan. When looking for antler sheds in Maine, the winter months are great to begin the search. You can do this without even getting off the couch! If you’re after a specific buck’s sheds, trail cameras are a great way to determine when that buck has shed his antlers. But a negative about the winter months can be snow fall and sometimes fresh snow can cover old tracks and even bury the antlers which make them harder to find. More often than not it’s an ear twitch or a tail wag that gives the deer away. By making a list of the high-quality areas you can move from property to property throughout the day, ensuring that you are remaining in high opportune areas. Fishing. You can do this without even getting off the couch! Human Competition: In addition to rodents chewing up antlers, you also need to worry about other shed hunters. These areas are great places to check for sheds because deer are congregated in these deer wintering areas. One suggestion – any place a deer has to jump, like a stream, that could jar antlers loose. How to Hunt for Deer Antler Sheds. One of the most important Maine shed hunting tips is to make sure you are searching at the right time. Virtual scouting will save you a lot of time and energy. South sides of ridges get the most sunlight. Additionally, if you start sweating you’ll become cold when you have to slow down in the high opportune areas. Mint color! Fence lines, streams, or any area where bucks have to jump within travel corridors offer great opportunity for finding sheds. Although this sounds a little odd, it actually does help. Safety sunglasses reduce glare, making shed hunting easier and more enjoyable. Some things to throw in your backpack could be a compass, GPS, extra gloves, survey flagging, sunglasses, lunch, and of course for putting sheds in! I have seen bucks that have shed their antlers in early December, and at the other extreme, I once observed a large 9-point still holding his antlers in early April. In Maine, bucks start dropping antlers around mid-December with most antlers off by mid-March. These deer yards are found in areas that provide good shelter from the snow. Also, you can add a competition component to it, which turns shed hunting into a game that boosts spirits and helps to prevent discouragement. Bucks in heavily hunted areas just aren’t as numerous as they are in lower hunted areas. The hardened, polished antlers remain until they are shed in late December to early March. If your sole reason for shed hunting is to find sheds, scouting will be counterproductive. Shed hunting requires your full attention. Shed hunting requires a lot of walking, and walking at variable paces. Here’s an interesting article about why bucks cast their antlers early by the Quality Deer Management Association: Trail cameras are a great way to determine when bucks in your area are losing their antlers. Getting overheated and sweating will drain your energy and make you want to head back to the truck. As a deer or moose ages, the antlers get larger and develop more points. Although backpacks are great try to keep them light or they will feel pretty heavy by the end of the day. Bumping deer in these areas at this time causes them to expend needed energy and creates stress. Shed hunting in Maine has become a mainstream activity. It is not recommended to continually disturb deer that are in these deer wintering areas in the middle of winter. Late season food sources and bedding areas are explained in greater detail below. After you have thoroughly scouted the high percentage areas of a property don’t waste your time scouting the low percentage areas afterward. Waiting until most antlers are off will make sure you have the best chances for success.Â. This will maximize the time you spend in high percentage areas, which will overall increase shed hunting success. That being said, you don’t want to dress so warm that when you have to pick up the pace you overheat and sweat. 7 Tips for Catching Big Cold-Weather Bass. Both the expanded archery and muzzleloader seasons ended Dec. 12. The Short Answer Most deer will shed their antlers pretty soon after the rutting season is over. Serve little purpose once their task is over bucks shed their antlers and it varies slightly year. 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