You still won’t look like you are pregnant when you are 8 weeks pregnant, but you are certainly feeling like it. Week 2 – Eyes begin to open. Our Ragdoll cat is 8,5 weeks pregnant and the babies are really teasing her right now. “Heat (Estrus) Cycles in Cats” The Spruce Pets, Accessed May. The 5 Stages of Cat Pregnancy.” Catster, 9 May 2018, Accessed 16 Oct. 2018. Fingers and toes are webbed and are growing longer. Five-week-old kitten Growth. Week 2 (days 8-14): at this stage the female sex cells continue to divide and, as in the previous week, you will not observe any physical changes. Once a cat mates and the egg is fertilized, they enter the 2nd stage of their feline pregnancy. I sat her up a birthing box with her food dish right beside it. Although a cat’s breeding season is technically year around, the western hemisphere breeding season is typically regarded as happening between March and September. Pay attention to your mental health. But it’s good to have one on hand, “just in case.” Note that you should never try to help your cat unless you know there is a real problem. Kittens are now extremely active. Here is an at a glance guide to your cat’s pregnancy from conception to birth, week by week. Make sure you have a clean pair of scissors on hand or a suture kit to cut any of the cords if necessary, and stock iodine to swab the kitten’s little bellybuttons and prevent infection. Early pregnancy symptoms (at 8 weeks) Being 8 weeks pregnant isn't easy. 4 Labor can take up to 24 hours, with three distinct stages. Kittens begin to try solid food. Im only guessing that she is about 58 days in to her pregnancy. The first stage is when a cat goes into feline estrus (also known as heat). She doesn't "act" pregnant. Our staff will be happy to assist you with any queries you have regarding your cat's pregnancy. You will also need to ensure that you will be able to take care of your cat properly during the period of gestation and accommodate for her changing needs. My cat is 8 weeks pregnant today. Buy Our Products at Local Retailers & Veterinarians,,, Assisi Botanicals – Our Products for People. If your catâs pregnancy makes it as far as ten weeks without delivery, you may simply find yourself playing a waiting game! At 8 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a raspberry. She doesn't "act" pregnant. You might also want to include Q-tips in your emergency kit and keep a little suction bulb for babies to help clean any mucus from tiny little kitten mouths and noses. Nesting is when your cat starts looking for a safe and comfy place to birth her babies. Most cats will know what to do from that point. The weaning process can begin around five weeks of age. You might notice that your feline is leaking some vaginal discharge. If you haven't done so yet, find her a queening box. This is a normal behavior and the fur will grow back pretty quickly once the kittens are born. Week 3 – Ears are now erect. 1 Signs of pregnancy will be few in the first two weeks. She may still be nursing and in heat at the same time. My Families cat is burning up on its ears and face shes 8 weeks pregnant so just wondering if she is near labour When your pet is conceiving, you may be wondering how long your cat will be pregnant, and what the. It is important to establish if there is in fact going to be call for the type of kittens that you will produce, in order to be a responsible owner and avoid adding yet another litter of unwanted kittens to the ever-growing cat population simply to give yourself the experience of witnessing the miracle of birth. At the end of week four, your vet should be able to feel the abdomen and definitively confirm the pregnancy manually, if you have not already had an ultrasound scan performed. Of course, labor is never comfortable, and if your kitty is a new mama she may behave as though she is anxious, pace, and meow or yowl. This is important to ensure the cat does not infect her newborn kittens. Weeks 8 to 9: Giving birth. Watch our video for tips on how to get the best maternity photos week after week. It's common to feel moody during pregnancy. If you own a good quality, healthy pedigree cat and are considering breeding from her, you will need to spend a lot of time researching the process before you get started. “The Stages of Feline Labor – When Your Cat Gives Birth.” 2nd Chance, Accessed 16 Oct. 2018. We adopted a cat and werenât told she was pregnant, 8 weeks later and here are the results ... My cat Buckeye had a mental breakdown :( my husband finally got a job after being home everyday for 8 months. Three? Cats can go into heat and breed as early as 5 to 6 months old. If you do need to take her anywhere, use a small cat carrier. To get ready for the big day, at the start of week 8, you can prepare a “nest” in a quiet spot where your cat can take refuge when she is ready to deliver her kittens. This is a common symptom of pregnancy as your breasts are starting to prepare for breastfeeding. The gestational age of your baby is 6 weeks, and they are now graduating from embryo to fetus. During week two, your cat’s fertilized eggs will be implanted, and your mama’s little kittens will begin developing into fetal membranes. Your nipples may darken in colour and the skin area surrounding your nipples may spread a little, due to the extra melanin (a group of natural pigments), which is produced when you're pregnant. It’s very easy for overheating to occur with pads and for your cat and her babies to get burned. Do you like this article? The bones are beginning to develop, and the muscles can contract. If your sweet queen cat is pregnant, the anticipation of the upcoming fluffy bundle (or bundles) of joy can be a lot of fun. Hello:) my cat is 8 weeks pregnant and I can clearly feel babies moving In her stomach. Your cat can get sick at any time throughout the day. Cat pregnancy normally lasts between 63 to 67 days, but it can be tough to know exactly how long a cat is pregnant for. Get the Fetal Life App for Apple and Android endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association. It's not heavy bleeding, just spotting but has been happening for the last 6 hours or so on and off. Kelley, Jane A. It just depends on how many male cats your girl has mated with. She has been sleeping a lot for the past few days and seems to stretch a lot while she lays. Yes, she is very close. Your baby’s facial features continue to mature. She has gone 8 weeks with no signs of being in heat … Unfortunately, this not true. Just as is the case with human childbirth, cats do not give birth to a firmly fixed schedule, and so you should potentially be prepared for a few days’ difference between the guidelines and the reality of what will happen with your own cat! Receive 25% off your next order when you share your testimonial with us! The 5 best cat breeds for an indoor-only home, Places Where You Should Not to Buy a Kitten, Ten things you need to know about the British shorthair cat breed before you buy one, Five important things to know before buying a Bengal cat, Cat Pregnancy - A Week by Week Pregnancy Calendar. Week 4 – Canine teeth (fangs) have erupted. If she is pregnant, and did conceive on the date you said, she should be giving birth sometime between April 6, 2011 and April 12, 2011 because the gestation period for cats is approximately 62 days. Your new mama will begin to clean up her litter and eat the placentas. The breeder told me to mark May 17th as her approximate due date. Start documenting your bump. A cat’s gestation period is roughly 10 weeks, or about 64 days. Week 5 – Eyesight is now fully developed. , weight gain, and possibly little lumps you can feel which are the kittens developing in her stomach. Teeth â Premolars start to emerge. She may also pace and behave as though she is anxious and seek you out for reassurance, or simply lay around a lot. 2 Following this, your cat may experience morning sickness and swelling of the nipples and abdomen. You will also notice your cat seems to be grooming herself a lot. Once your cat has reached week six in gestation, her appetite will grow even more as she starts getting ready for the monumental job of nursing her kittens after the birth. You may be able to see and feel the kittens moving within the stomach at this point too! Tell us what features and improvements you would like to see on Pets4Homes. “Understanding the Signs and Stages of Pregnancy and Advice on Caring for Your Pregnant Queen.” MedicAnimal, Accessed 16 Oct. 2018. Looking for free pet advice for your Cat? At this point, eyes begin to develop pigment, and genitals are forming too, although it's still too soon to know whether you're expecting a boy or a girl. The cat gestation period can vary from as short as 61 days to as long as 72 days. Learn more about pregnancy symptoms and body changes in week 8 of pregnancy. Around week three or four, your cat may begin to suffer from morning sickness, which may make her less interested in food than normal and can also cause vomiting; not necessarily just in the morning! These external features arent the only things developing the internal organs are making … Pay attention to your mental health. My cat was bred back in March. With in 24-48 hours I would guess. Exercise during pregnancy is a good way to keep yourself fit and prepare your body for labor, as well as lower your risk of certain complications. are from week to week. During this stage, she will begin nesting and about two days before the kittens arrive she may even stop eating. You should be prepared for the onset of labour at any time now! My cat is currently around 58/59 days pregnant and today has been loosing a little blood. The average feline pregnancy lasts between 60 and 65 days. Hello Ive just joined. Cats are quite good at having babies without any human intervention. How old should kittens be before they leave their mother? Your cat should be dewormed with an all wormer, at 4 and 6 weeks of pregnancy. She seems well in herself, eating and drinking normally and doesn't seem upset or unsettled by this. “How Long Are Cats Pregnant For? © Copyright - (2005 - 2021) - Pet Media Ltd, Five Questions and Answers Concerning Cat Breeding and Neutering, How to Keep Your Pregnant Cat Safe and Healthy, Five Questions and Answers Concerning Cats and the Family. I mean, she isn't very careful with her belly. apparent that your cat is pregnant. are very important in keeping the population under control and reducing how many kitties end up in shelters, on the streets, or euthanized. Pregnancy checklist at 8 weeks pregnant. Start slowly by mixing canned or dry cat food in with some kitten formula to make baby food (check the ingredients to make sure the ⦠How big is my baby at 8 weeks pregnant? I'm new to this. Kelley, Jane A. Help us by answering a short survey. See how your baby is developing at eight weeks of pregnancy. Pregnant Cat Care: What to Expect. If you notice any of these behaviors, they are clear warnings that the babies are due any time. I mean, she isn't very careful with her belly. The first stage is when a cat goes into feline estrus (also known as heat). Pregnancy hormones will be working overtime in supporting your baby to grow and establish itself even more firmly into your uterine wall. Your cat’s nipples will be very large and swollen as labor looms closer and closer. Leucorrhea is a vaginal discharge that protects the birth canal from getting infected. Guide to your cat to the human nesting instinct all of that extra nutrition to keep herself healthy balanced... As they are clear warnings that the babies wait for nature to take your cat is pregnant and her... To confirm pregnancy by means of an ultrasound scan from around 18 days they. 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