The FAA does not believe that these higher fees would cause students not to be able to learn to fly. The costs would include the need to hire an aviation professional to advise on, prepare, and file registration documents. The FAA recalculated the three 20-year scenarios presented in the NPRM to include the additional operating and start-up cost addressed in the previous paragraph. Register documents. Existing § 47.51 requires the return of the triennial reports without changes. Make sure to identify the amendment number or docket number of this rulemaking. of the issuing agency. Subpart B applies to each applicant for, and holder of, a Certificate of Aircraft Registration, AC Form8050-3. This rule does not contain such a mandate. Loss of taste and smell during a SARS-CoV-2 infection, Convert a .txt file in a .csv with a row every 3 lines. This form is issued as authority to place a special N-number on a specific aircraft during the next 12 months. We suggest readers seeking greater detail read the full regulatory evaluation, a copy of which we have placed in the docket for this rulemaking. (f) The Registry authorizes a special registration number change on the Assignment of Special Registration Numbers, AC Form 8050-64. (1) Owned by a citizen of the United States; (2) Owned by an individual citizen of a foreign country lawfully admitted for Start Printed Page 41980permanent residence in the United States; (3) Owned by a corporation not a citizen of the United States when the corporation is organized and doing business under the laws of the United States or a State within the United States, and the aircraft is based and primarily used in the United States; or. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. 31. Final order of Hearing Officer in certificate of aircraft registration proceedings. 2. Authority to use the registration number obtained under paragraph (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this section expires 90 days after the date it is issued unless the applicant submits an Aircraft Registration Application and complies with § 47.33 or § 47.37, as applicable, within that period of time. To reduce the potential for these events to occur, the FAA is implementing several procedural safeguards introduced in the following discussion. This requirement creates a labor-intensive chore when a fleet of aircraft changes hands. 1095 (49 ... 47.40 Registration expiration and renewal. 46504), 46304-46316, 46318, 46501-46502, 46504-46507, 47106, 47107, 47111, 47122, 47306, 47531-47532; 49 CFR 1.47. The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. Another mentioned that these fees would affect general aviation more severely than airlines. The notice will remind the owner of the pending expiration and announce that the 3-month filing window will run from November 1st through the last day of January. In the NPRM, the FAA proposed to remove § 47.51 and eliminate the requirement for aircraft owners to complete and return a Triennial Aircraft Registration Report. Is it always one nozzle per combustion chamber and one combustion chamber per nozzle? 44111). There is no charge for the assignment of numbers provided in this paragraph. (d) When a corporation submits an Aircraft Registration Application, a document submitted as supporting evidence under this part, or a request for cancellation of a Certificate of Aircraft Registration, it must—. The Registry sends documentation six months before expiration as well as two months before registration. There will be a substantial number of small entities. A requirement for registered owners to notify the Registry of these and other registration-related changes has been part of the registration regulations for many years. A printable form will be available online and from the Registry. Reminder Notice, Extended Filing Timeframes, and Online Access, C. Triennial Aircraft Registration Report No Longer Required, D. Time Limits for Aircraft in Sale Reported and Registration Pending Status, C. Regulatory Evaluation, Regulatory Flexibility Determination, International Trade Impact Assessment, and Unfunded Mandates Assessment, F. Regulations that Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use, H. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. How long is a state registration valid for and how long is a federal registration valid for? Timely applications, meaning those received at the Registry during the filing window, will be processed and issued with sufficient time for the registration certificate to arrive well before expiration on the last day of March. One commenter asked whether the requirement to return expired registration certificates could be modified. (i) When aircraft registration has ended, as described in § 47.41(a), the assignment of a registration number to an aircraft is no longer authorized for use except as provided in § 47.31(c) and will be cancelled: (1) Following the date established in § 47.40(a)(1) for any aircraft that has not been re-registered under § 47.40(a); (2) Following the expiration date shown on the Certificate of Aircraft Registration for any aircraft whose registration has not been renewed under § 47.40(c); (3) Following the expiration date shown on the Dealer's Aircraft Registration Certificate, AC Form 8050-6, for any aircraft registered under Subpart C of this part, when the certificate has not been renewed, and the owner has not applied for registration in accordance with § 47.31; or. (1) State the full name of the partnership on the application, document, or request; (2) State the name of each general partner on the application, document, or request; and. 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