The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the following TÅhoku Tsunami, resulting in approximately 15,800 fatalities, 6100 injured persons, 2500 missing persons and 220,000 evacuees , were of magnitude and devastation extent much greater than the forecast.Several factors contributed to the intensification of this enormous disaster, including: (i) poor evacuation response of the residents ⦠The Japanese government did a wonderful job handling the earthquake/tsunami before it happened. Donated profits from a remix of their single. [1] The magnitude of the earthquake was estimated at 9.1. Tokyo also observed tremors with a seismic intensity of 5-strong, but damage there was relatively modest. On March 11, 2011 a 9.0 earthquake struck Japan. Response of Japanese energy ... dropped out due to a East Japan great earthquake on March 11, 2011. A Tsunami warning was issued 3 minutes after the earthquake. The 2011 tsunami disaster also implied that hazard maps have two functional aspects. The Japanese prime minister, Naoto Kan, has survived a vote of no confidence, winning time to cope with the nation's nuclear crisis following the earthquake and tsunami 1:23 Published: 2 Jun 2011 A small quantity will be sold in New Zealand with proceeds being donated to relief efforts in the wake of the February, This page was last edited on 26 November 2020, at 22:44. Visit the HHS Japanese Tsunami response page for more information on HHS response activities. Auctioned his crystal piano, and it was sold for ¥11 million. 2011 Japan tsunami Emergency Management Response Operations Abstract This research paper highlights the emergency and disaster management response operations in 2011 tsunami in Japan. The resulting structural damage to the plant disabled the reactor's … On March 11, 2011 a 9.0 earthquake struck Japan. In response, the Japanese government has stated that no “donations” have been used to fund the whale-killing stimulus package, but we all know that just parses the real budget issues involved. The 2011 Great Tohoku earthquake is considered a historical catastrophe not only due to its tsunami tremor of magnitude 9.0 that led to a chain of ruins counting the breakdown of numerous economic assets and precious lives but in addition the nuclear mishaps which made the government's post disaster response a huge, difficult and complex challenge. We describe the U.S. Government response and assistance to the Government of Japan during the emergency phase Japanese refugees rest inside a school gymnasium where hundreds took shelter in Sendai, northeastern Japan, on Monday, March 14, 2011 following Friday\'s massive earthquake and the ensuing tsunami. Some systems did not work well because the destruction from the scale of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster combined were more than such systems were designed to address. Damages were inflicted in Kanto district, too. Each distillery will donate a cask of their single malt, which will be blended together and named the Spirit of Unity. Donated ¥80,000,000, quoting that others should donate where they can. He told a news conference a large amount of damage had occurred in the northern Tohoku region. [3], Japan specifically requested teams from Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States;[4][5] it also requested, via its space agency JAXA, the activation of the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, allowing diverse satellite imagery of affected regions to be readily shared with rescue and aid organizations.[6]. Service: Emergency response. Japanese refugees rest inside a school gymnasium where hundreds took shelter in Sendai, northeastern Japan, on Monday, March 14, 2011 following Friday\'s massive earthquake and the ensuing tsunami. World Vision was, therefore, well-positioned to provide aid after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The money was donated to the, Donation via charity founded by him. Inclusive of personal salaries and all proceeds from their charity work – waku waku and 'Nippon no Arashi'. This isn't likely to happen on the East Coast, but it could. Japan's overseas missions are accepting relief money from private organizations, etc., of foreign countries. On 11 March 2011, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale struck off the coast of Japan, triggering destructive tsunami waves of up to 40 metres high that swept over the north-eastern coast of the country. Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 - Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 - Relief and rebuilding efforts: In the first hours after the earthquake, Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto moved to set up an emergency command centre in Tokyo, and a large number of rescue workers and some 100,000 members of … [2] This article is a list of charitable and humanitarian responses to the disaster from governments and non-governmental organizations. All money collected through bank transfers and. Surveys have been conducted by UN organizations and other institutions related to disaster relief. Location: Japan . The most powerful recorded earthquake in Japanâs history struck 250 miles north-east of Tokyoâand generated a 10-metre-high tsunami that swept away everything in its path, triggered a Pacific-wide tsunami alert and raised fears of a nuclear catastrophe from damaged ⦠We revisited the lessons of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Tsunami disaster specifically on the response and impact, and discussed the paradigm shift of Japan's tsunami disaster management policies and the perspectives for reconstruction. The Fukushima Disaster. Access your account or create a new one for additional features or to post job or training opportunities. Donated profits from their newly released song, Donated profits from their newly released single, Donated time and effort to relief-fund for Japan with IFRC, and Donated profits from her newly released single. The number of those evacuated is approximately 206,400 (as of April 3 at 11:00 according to the National Police Agency). Total employee donations, donation matching and firm contributions have totaled to over US$2,470,000 to the, Matched employee donations, up to $1 million, to the. This is an aerial view of damage to Sukuiso, Japan, a week after the earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated the area in March, 2011. Donated ¥22 million acquired through Danish firms, along with 2,400 pairs of shoes. (5) Medical relief teams from around the world have started operation in Japan. Raised over $3 million to Japan at a charity concert in Hong Kong. It brought a ... the earthquake and the tsunami. As of March 31, Japan has received relief goods from 29 countries/regions and international organizations. 4 Lessons from the 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami for Canada’s Humanitarian Sector - September 2012 1.3 Research limits Some difficultieswere encountered during this research. International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, the National Protection and Rescue Directorate, Urban Search and Rescue California Task Force 2, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Red Cross Society of the Republic of China, Red Cross Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Fund, Japanese Red Cross Society's relief efforts, United States women's national soccer team, "Recovery from Great East Japan Earthquake – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan", "Offer of Assistance from Foreign Countries, Regions and International Organizations (as of September 15, 2011)", "List of Relief Supplies and Donations from Overseas (As of December 28, 2012)", "FACTBOX-Aid and rescue offers for Japan quake", "Japan requests foreign rescue teams, UN says", "Japan earthquake: Aid request to the UK", "Factbox: Aid and rescue offers for Japan quake", "Shqipëria ndihmon Japoninë me 100 mijë dollarë", "Armenia Approves Relief Aid To Japan Quake Victims", "Azerbaijan to render $1 million aid to Japan", "Japan: Acceptance of Relief Supplies from Bangladesh", Bulgaria Sends Blankets to Disaster-struck Japan, "Cambodia expresses deep sympathy to Japan over massive quake", "Canada's response to the earthquake in Japan", "Canada offers aid and disaster ID team to Japan", "Canada offers expertise, DART assistance to Japan", "China delivers humanitarian assistance to Japan", "China aid to quake-hit Japan continues to rise", "Outpouring of international support for Japan", "International aid to Japan continues to ramp up", "Work on Fukushima Daiichi power connections", "Georgia Donates USD 1 mln to Japan Relief Efforts", "Erdbeben in Japan – Angst vor der Kernschmelze – Panorama –", "DLR releases satellite images of Japanese disaster area",, "Indonesian Red Cross to send aid workers to quake-hit Japan", امدادرسانی جمهوری اسلامی ایران به مناطق زلزله و سونامی زده ژاپن, قبول کمک های امدادی جمهوری اسلامی ایران بدنبال زلزله 2011توهوکو در اقیانوس آرام, توزيع کمکهاي ايران در مناطق آسيبديده ژاپن, "Israeli team leaves for Japan aid mission", "Israel first to set up field hospital in Japan", "IDF field hospital officially open doors to Japanese", "Aid continues to reach Japan, evacuations go on", "Macedonia with 100.000 Euros will help Japan", "Mercy Malaysia Deploys Four-Person Team to Tokyo", "Mongolian rescue team begins work in Miyagi", "Mongolian government to send rescue teams to Japan", "Acceptance of Mongolia's emergency rescue team", "Prime Minister ordered to evacuate Mongolians from danger zone | Mongolia Business and Mongolian Daily Business News", "Mongolian journalists donate wages to Japan", "All officers of presidential office donate one day salary to help people of Japan", "Letter of appreciation from Ambassador of Japan in Myanmar regarding the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake", "€1 miljoen voor noodhulp Japan (in Dutch)", "New Zealand Fire Service Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)", "Embassy officials hand over relief goods", "Pakistan to send relief assistance to Japan", "Special flight carrying relief assistance leaves for Japan", "No Pakistani casualty in Japan earthquake, tsunami: FO", "42 Filipinos missing; PH set to send rescue team", "2-man advance team sent to Japan to assess disaster relief mission", "Premier: Polska jest gotowa do udzielenia pomocy ratowniczej Japonii", "Japan asks Russia for more energy after quake", "Russia to send additional rescuers to quake-hit Japan – Emergencies Ministry", "Japan: Fukushima Nuclear Plant Under Control – UN Nuclear Watchdog", "Japan requests foreign rescue teams, U.N. says", "РФ направила в Японию ликвидаторов чернобыльской аварии", "Russia rescuers in Japan extricate 60 bodies of dead from under debris", "Donation from the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", "MOFA: Donation from the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", "DACIC EXPRESSED CONDOLENCES AND OFFERED ASSISTANCE TO JAPAN", Japan: Earthquake and Tsunami: 24 Month Report Glide no. The Japanese government utilized then-existing emergency systems and resources after the earthquake. Donated 20,000 cases of bottled water, half of which were allocated to area hospitals. Responses have been taken with regards to these situations. World Vision was, therefore, well-positioned to provide aid after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.Within 48 hours of the disaster, World Vision sent its disaster assessment team to the most affected areas of Miyagi and Iwate prefectur… Roads, railways, airports, and other infrastructure were also severely damaged. On 11 March, 2011 an 8.9-magnitude earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan triggering consecutive disasters. 11, 2011", "Lincolnshire fire team to join Japan rescue effort", "U.S. military, aid teams headed for Japan", "Operation Tomodachi Aiding Japan Efforts", "Relief workers, search and rescue teams arrive at Misawa AB", "Tsunami Update 4: Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) deploying to Japan", "First fixed-wing lands at Sendai Airport", "U.S. readies earthquake relief response", Viet Nam Red Cross National Headquarters: Report on Response to the Appeal for resources to assist the recovery of Japanese people affected by the earthquake and the tsunami dated March 11, 2011, "JCIE Special Report: US Giving for Japan Disaster Nears $750 Million", "Grassroot responses to the Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011", "Taiwanese raise $26 million for Japan relief", "Jewish groups raise at least 2 million dollars in Japan aid", "Cleveland County can help: Charities reach out to Japan earthquake survivors", "U.S. churches reach out to help, pray for Japan", "Bishop Burton presents Mormon church aid to Japanese fishermen", "UUA President Peter Morales Releases Statement on Tragedy in Japan", "Canadians reach into pocketbooks to help quake victims", "Philippine Redcross – Japan Earthquake and Tsunami appeal", "S.Koreans step up efforts to help quake-stricken Japan", "Taiwan's charity organizations ready to launch relief aid to Japan", "Thailand Gathering Aid for Japan to Repay Help for 2004 Tsunami", "Phuket Launches Appeal for Immediate Aid for Japan", "Walmart Commits $5 Million in Response to Japan Earthquake", "JPMorgan Chase Commits $5 million in Aid to Victims of Japan Earthquake", "U.S. Carriers Aid in Japan Earthquake Relief Effort", Japanese authorities request ShelterBoxes for the North, "Delta Pledges $1 Million in Cash, In-Kind Support for Japan Disaster Relief", "Major record labels join for Japan relief album", "A Busy Week: ChildFund's Emergency Response in Japan", "JFD: Report meeting related to Deaf relief at headquarters,", "Support for Japanese Individuals with Disabilities Affected by Earthquake,", Relief Headquarters for Persons with Disabilities of Tohoku-Kanto Great Earthquake, "Polscy biskupi apelują o pomoc dla Japonii", "東日本大震災復興支援チャリティープロレス 「ALL TOGETHER ~もう一回、ひとつになろうぜ~」」", "Nurse Akali Proceeds Total Over $160,000", "Nurse Akali Aids the Red Cross in the Wake of Japanese Tsunami", "[DONATE TO JAPAN = PERMABAN A SHITHEAD][over $70,000 raised] School help - The Something Awful Forums", "Softbank President Son Pledges $120 Million for Disaster Relief", "NTT – Damage and Restoration Status Regarding the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake and Future Prospects", "Samsung Group to donate Y620 mil for quake relief", "Report: City of Heroes - NCSoft Donates $6.3 Million to Japan Relief -", "Asian Tech Companies Chip in Relief to Japan Quake Victims", "Goldman Sachs Will Match Personal Donations Its Bankers Make To The Tsunami Relief Effort", "Lloyds' Japan donation is just 3.5% of Daniels' bonus", "Japanese game publishers announce plans to support relief efforts following Friday's earthquake", "Suntory – Relief Donation for Earthquake in the Tohoku Region of Japan", "Hitachi to Provide Support for the Recovery from the Earthquake off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku", "Honda – About the Major Earthquake in Northeastern Japan", "Morgan Stanley Employees Pledge Further JPY134 Million Donation to Disaster Relief", "Disney Makes Red Cross Donation for Earthquake Victims, Encourages Cast Members to Donate by Matching", "CEO Vikram Pandit on Citi's Disaster Relief Efforts in Japan", "Microsoft Supports Relief Efforts in Japan", "Blogs on:Beauty Companies Donate To Japan", "Société Générale : la banque fait un don de 1,2 M$ à la Croix Rouge japonaise", "Here's What Goldman, Merrill and Morgan Stanley Did When The Earthquake Hit Japan On Friday", "Nexon – The Disaster in Japan, How We Can All Help", "Final Fantasy XIV - Square Enix Donates $1.2 Million to Japan Relief -", "Jefferies to Support Japan Earthquake / Tsunami Relief Firm and Staff to Contribute Directly and Organize Global Support Through Dedicated Trading Days", "Air Liquide fait le point sur la situation au Japon", "FedEx pledges US$1 M in disaster relief support", "Mazda to Donate for Earthquake Relief in Eastern Japan", "Nissan Provides Support for Tohoku-off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake victims", Johnny & Associates cancel concerts, provide free trucks for disaster relief, Johnny & Associates donates 2000 liters of diesel fuel, Fuji TV donates more than US$12 million to the Japanese Red Cross, Avex donates US$1.2 million to disaster relief, "AKB48 to donate another Y585 mil to disaster-stricken Tohoku", "Taiwan businessman donates US$12.35m to Japan", "Himuro Kyosuke donates 669 million yen to the disaster area", "Jackie Chan Delighted With Japan Concert Total", "Ishikawa to donate nearly £2m to Japan earthquake relief fund", Lady Gaga raises 1.5 million dollars for Japan – World News, 176441, "Sandra Bullock sends $1 million for Japan", "Gwen Stefani gives $1 million to Japan relief efforts", "Utada Hikaru donates ¥80million to Japan",, Fujiwara Norika donates 63 million yen to disaster relief, "Matsui donates 50 million yen for Japan quake relief", "Danish crown prince visits disaster-hit city in Miyagi Pref". USAID is coordinating the overall U.S. government efforts in support of the Japanese government’s response to the earthquakes and subsequent tsunami that hit Friday and are currently directing individuals to for information about response … Problem. (3) Minister for Foreign Affairs Matsumoto met with Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia, Foreign Minister Juppe of France, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi of China, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Kim Sung-hwan of the ROK, met and held telephone talks with Secretary of State Clinton of the United States, held telephone talks and an informal meeting with Foreign Secretary Hague of the United Kingdom, and had telephone talks with Foreign Minister Rudd of Australia and Foreign Minister McCully of New Zealand, Foreign Minister Patriota of Brazil, and Foreign Minister Marty of Indonesia. The Fukushima Disaster. The aftermath of the 2011 TÅhoku earthquake and tsunami included both a humanitarian crisis and massive economic impacts. The U.S. This âtriple disasterâ represented the first need for a U.S. Government response to a large-scale natural disaster combined with a nuclear accident. I would like to update the House on the Government’s response to the earthquake and tsunami which struck Japan on 11 March, and the consequent events at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant. U.S. Preparedness for Catastrophic Nuclear Power Plant Accidents and the U.S. Capacity to Protect Children With Appropriate Availability of Potassium Iodide Dr. Irwin Redlener Washington, March 29, 2011 I join Congressman Edward Markey today to highlight my concerns on overall U.S. readiness for the possibility of a catastrophic nuclear power plant accident and to underscore the particular failure to protect chil… The Japanese government utilized -existing emergency systems and resources after the then earthquake. Donation of ¥100 million to the Japanese Red Cross. 2011 … response to the March 11, 2011, earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster in Japan. Without a doubt this horrible tragedy would have been much worse if people here did not have the foresight to try to tackle the problem before it happened. Overview of the earthquake disaster and the Government of Japan's response. JAPAN EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI: Immediate Response and Recovery Projects. World Vision worked with local organisations and the Japanese government to improve the lives of tsunami survivors. Japan; Posted 4 Apr 2011 Originally published 4 Apr 2011 Ambassador declared an emergency which opened ⦠All proceeds from their 2-day 20th anniversary concert held at Ajinomoto Stadium. In addition to $250,000 in cash as well as in-kind contributions such as software. I would like to update the House on the Governmentâs response to the earthquake and tsunami which struck Japan on 11 March, and the consequent events at ⦠NTT Group is working to gather donations from its customer, Matched employee donations, up to $20,000 per donor, Radios, flashlights, solar LED lanterns, batteries, Additional to the 30,000 radios and flashlights which have a combined total of US$100,000, One million 550ml bottles of Suntory Natural Mineral Water (360,000 bottles already shipped on March 12), Considered further provision of goods and services as needed. (3) Sympathies have been expressed and assistance offered from around the world. Prime Minister Kan also received a courtesy call from Director General Amano of the IAEA and others. In March 2011, was sent a track convoy with 72,000 lb (33,000 kg) of food and clothes. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, in the Futaba District of the Fukushima Prefecture in Japan, was severely damaged by the earthquake and ensuing tsunami that struck off the northern coast of the island of Honshu on March 11, 2011. The tsunami created over 300,000 refugees in the TÅhoku region of Japan, and resulted in shortages of food, water, shelter, medicine and fuel for survivors. USAID is coordinating the overall U.S. government efforts in support of the Japanese governmentâs response to the earthquakes and subsequent tsunami that hit Friday and are currently directing individuals to for information about response donations. (1) So far 134 countries and regions as well as 39 international organizations have expressed their intentions to extend assistance. But since 1987, World Vision Japan has funded child-focused programs in developing countries. Therefore, the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company went to Rolling blackout to prevent the large power failure not anticipated. (2) The Government of Japan immediately set up its emergency headquarters with Prime Minister Kan at the helm, making all-out efforts for search and rescue, assisting evacuees, and reconstructing various lifelines, in liaison with all government bodies and local governments. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. (2) So far, rescue and medical support teams from 20 countries and regions (Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Mongolia, New Zealand, the ROK, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, the U.K., the U.S.) as well as and the UNOCHA, an IAEA expert team, and the WFP have arrived Japan and have been operating in disaster-stricken areas. Total corporate donations were US$130,008,543. Before the end of 2011, the Japanese parliament had passed laws to establish âtsunami-safe citiesâ. (4) Australia's C17 aircraft has been providing transportation assistance in Japan, and urgently transported a special pump needed for cooling Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant from Australia. (2) Prime Minister Kan had telephone talks with President Obama of the United States, President Lee Myung-bak of the Republic of Korea, Prime Minister Gillard of Australia, President Medvedev of Russia, Prime Minister John Key of New Zealand, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations, President Sarkozy of France, President Van Rompuy of the European Council, Prime Minister Singh of India, Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom, and Chancellor Merkel of Germany. (4) The earthquake and tsunami resulted in emergency situations including failure of the reactor-cooling systems in TEPCO(Tokyo Electric Power Company)'s nuclear power stations in Fukushima Prefecture. As of March 2012, donations to areas affected by the disaster totaled ¥520 billion and 930,000 people have assisted in disaster recovery efforts. Current situation and the Government of Japan's response, 4 Apr 2011 Format News and Press Release Source. JAPAN EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI: Immediate Response and Recovery Projects. Author: Aurelia George Mulgan, UNSW@ADFA. Direct Relief partnered with organizations on the ground to aid in ongoing efforts to rebuild and recover. ... Government of Japan. From its experience of massive earthquakes (Kobe in 1995 and Niigata in 2004 and 2007), Japan was prepared to respond quickly. Herein we examine the government response of the Japanese government to the meltdown at the Fukushima power plant, shown in Fig. We have already been helping in a number of ways. ReliefWeb Labs projects explore new and emerging opportunities to improve information delivery to humanitarians. Open job opportunities in the humanitarian field. We have already been helping in a number of ways. 6 Lessons from the 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami for Canadaâs Humanitarian Sector - September 2012 3. Donated ¥669,220,940 to Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate prefectures. Mon 14 Mar 2011 09.03 EDT ... relief efforts from last Friday's earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the government ... the UK had no plans to offer funds direct to the Japanese government⦠Minister Matsumoto also had an informal meeting with High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union (EU) Ashton. The Response: 116 countries and 28 organisations offered assistance to Japan. Following the March 11, 2011, earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear emergency in Japan, the Government of Canada quickly engaged Japanese officials and offered them its full support. Revisiting the modern histories of Tohoku tsunami disas … The number of deaths is 12,087, the number of the injured is 2,876, and the number of missing is 15,552 (as of April 3 at 20:00 according to the National Police Agency). Funds from selling of five specific in-game items through, Equivalent of 3.5% of the bonus of former CEO, 2,000 L of diesel fuel and free use of the company's delivery trucks for the delivery of relief goods, Funds from a special sale of Akali, a character from, ¥10 billion donation to the Japanese Red Cross Society and other nonprofit organizations. Forces in Japan are extending assistance. Mercy Corps is working with Peace Winds Japan & PlaNet Finance Japan to help affected communities recover emotionally, restart businesses & regain lost jobs. YOSHIKI’s crystal piano auctioned off for 11 million yen! Response. (1) The earthquake and tsunami devastated Tohoku district and other regions. We describe the U.S. Government response and assistance to the Government … 2 The Japanese government set up the emergency disaster response headquarters to initiate disaster relief immediately and, within 24 hours, 178 disaster medical assistance teams were dispatched to the disaster zone. All megadisasters have a significant regional and national impact. The Japanese prime minister, Naoto Kan, has survived a vote of no confidence, winning time to cope with the nation's nuclear crisis following the earthquake and tsunami 1:23 Published: 2 Jun 2011 Find latest updates on global humanitarian responses, Japan: Earthquake and Tsunami 46 Month Report, Japan: Earthquake and Tsunami 36 Month Report, Japan: Earthquake and Tsunami Operations Update n° 15, Japan: Earthquake and Tsunami Operations Update n° 14, Sympathies from countries and regions around the world, Emergency assistance from overseas countries and regions. • Afghanistan city of Kandahar donated $50,000 to Japan. Waves of tsunami of more than 7 meters swept cities and villages of Tohoku district off the Pacific Ocean, causing devastating human as well as physical damages. Govt. Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who convened an emergency Cabinet meeting, urged the nation to be calm and said the government will do its utmost to minimize damage from the quake. Financial resources created new opportunities The mediaâs heightened interest in the Japan disaster produced a environment in which external, private partners were ⦠The group donated personal salaries and issued a single for charity purposes titled "Dareka no Tame ni (What Can I Do for Someone? The firstwas the variety of expectations raised during the interviews by the members of the HC in … b. The quake, with an epicenter located about 230 miles northeast of Tokyo, generated a tsunami Forces in Japan have dispatched their aircraft carrier "Ronald Reagan" and other vessels to the sea area off Tohoku district and are extending assistance(more). 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