B. KJV 2 Samuel 6:19 "And he dealt among all the people, even among the whole multitude of Israel, as well to the women as men, to every one a cake of bread, and. Zondervan was bought by a company (Harper Collins) which was owned by another company (news corp) who also owned Avon books, which is the one that actually published the satanic bible. It just simply means star or light. The difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible is one interesting, as well as important, topic one comes across when looking at bibles. But you loved a good product that they sold. It means the Grave and deserves to be either kept as the original word or else translated as the "grave" to avoid confusion over doctrines related to hell. The purpose of this translation is apparently because those who published it thought Americans were too dumb to know the difference between "thee" and "you," etc. We must continue to grow every year until we reach full maturity to the full stature of Jesus Christ. The New King James Version (NKJV) is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Revision of the King James Bible Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant Modern Language Bible: Modern English 1969 Also called "The New Berkeley Version" Moffatt, New Translation: Modern English 1926 Greek text of Hermann von Soden: Names of God Bible: NOG Modern English (GW) & Early Modern English (KJV) 2011. The Lockman Foundation controls copyright for NASB non-commercial use, while Zondervan controls copyright for commercial use. Every translation available to us has errors. We must look at the context. The weaknesses of the New King James Version are (1) its use of the Textus Receptus instead of more modern manuscript compilations and (2) its commitment to “complete equivalence,” which can sometimes result in the concepts behind the literal words not being … Related Article: Avon Books was founded in 1941 by the American News Corporation. So when people tell you that the KJV is 100% the word of God with nothing added or taken away, they show their ignorance of proven bible history. The NASB restores scripture, translating only the words that actually existed in scripture. We must compare any translation & all translations with the oldest manuscripts we have available to us. -The Hebrew Bible Moses Couldn't Read Its powerful, majestic style has made it a literary classic, with many of its phrases and expressions embedded in our language. ii. In 1604, King James I of England authorized that a new translation of the Bible into English be started. I have a good friend who is Baptist. (Qal) to murder, slay Scanned to digital form and re-edited by Brandon Staggs "BUT THE WORD OF THE LORD ENDURITH FOREVER. There is a difference between kill & murder. I am not declaring that. There, they continued to accept Babylonian religious traditions and doctrines. The angels are. I've a New American Standard Bible, and it's just like the KJV, except the thous, thees, etc. There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the Holy Bible that both Roman Catholic s and Protestants use, because of the varied versions that have been printed and distributed throughout the world today. iii. NEW! Perhaps that is why some of them had no problem working on other perversions, both before and after working on the NKJV. Therefore God sent them into captivity into Assyria and Babylon. How KJV is derived from Assyrian Babylonian pagan sorcerers, What text type or types do the most early church fathers use? It was never used in any bible until the Catholic Church translation called the Vulgate by St. Jerome. God is not the author of confusion. accidental Is it the fault of the product that you dislike or the owner of a company that sells it? Zondervan has no control over what Avon does. This is so unlike the 54+ Bible men who faithfully translated the King James Bible from preserved manuscripts of God's words. Those who use the New King James Bible are therefore subjected to the same onslaught of potential doubt as those who use the New International Version or some other modern edition of the Bible. When we translate it into 2 different words in the same passage, like KJV does, it causes confusion. The King James Version of the Bible eliminated the marginal notes that had been a popular feature for those who used them as a study guide in the 1599 Geneva Bible. KJV Matt.24:15 "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet. It does, KJV Rev. There isn't even a question about it, we know that occurred! Strong's G4536 - salpigx is, KJV Romans 8:19-22 "For the earnest expectation of the, NASB Romans 8:19-22 "For the anxious longing of the. i. (Piel) The Latin word lucifer just means "light bearer or morning star". . Many times, just reading websites is not enough. 6:25 âFor this reason I say to you. Taking away from Scripture. NASB Matt. She, of course, argued I should buy him a King James Bible. There is nothing wrong with the NASB itself. Please click here to learn about The Alpha & Omega Bible, in my opinion, the most accurate bible translation in thousands of years! 5:9 "And they sang a new song, saying, âWorthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood, Who is singing? Accusation: Many KJV only people claim that the NIV & NASB leaves out certain words, sentences & verses which are very important to scripture. KJV Rev. by Jack McElroy, copyright 2013, used with permission.More information about this book can be found on Jack's website.. Why can’t the Lord choose the ©1982 New King James Version? Zondervan was bought by Harper Collins, a division of News Corp, in 1988-89. However, when Jesus and the Apostles spoke the word "Gehenna", that. But I must also tell you that there is an even better translation than the NASB! There is nothing wrong with the product, it's just the owner of Walmart. ", https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/Dictionary/viewTopic.cfm?topic=BT0002678, Sacred Names, What is The Creator's Name? It is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian ministry dedicated to the translation, publication & distribution of the New American Standard Bible (NASB), Amplified Bible & other Biblical resources. New Testament - But the Roman Catholic Bible is a perverted Alexandrian Egyptian Bible, not a preserved Antiochian Bible, like the King James. It's sharing. It is a simple word for word update from the King James English. Over the last three centuries, numerous minor changes (for example, of spelling and grammar) have been made in the King James, with the result that most versions of the KJV currently on the market are significantly different from the original. Sacred Names, What is The Creator's Name? NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE 2020 UPDATE. They translated the Hebrew scriptures into Aramaic, thereby also injecting into scripture the names of the Babylon witchcraft gods such as "YHWH/YHVH". If you shop at Walmart, which most people do, they sell many items that you can use, items which are manufactured by companies owned by sinners, homosexuals & even satanist. B. Strong's H666 - 'apher = covering, bandage, a covering of the head, headband, helmet, cap. Audible Audiobook $0.00 $ 0. thought/careful/worry is Strong's G3309 - merimnao = to be anxious, to be troubled with cares. Most pastors & people who are KJV only activists claim that the KJV is 100% accurate with nothing added or taken out. Other formats: Kindle , Leather Bound , Paperback The Ryrie KJV Study Bible Genuine Leather Black Red Letter (King James Version) by Charles C. Ryrie. The Assyrian bible (that the KJV is translated from) said "hêlêl or heylel" in Isa.14:12, not "Lucifer". I am not claiming that the New American Standard Bible is 100% accurate. And that Zondervan is owned by Harper Collins, which they claim published the satanic bible. Catholics then. This is the worst book that is being passed off as a Bible translation that I have ever seen. Ron Augustine is a rookie freelance writer and producer who has worked primarily in radio and print media for Chicago Public Radio's Sound Opinions, Relevant Magazine, WMBI Chicago and the Burnside Writers Collective. So the use of the name Lucifer was a Catholic invention. The King James Version (KJV) is a very accurate translation of the Bible that was done by an eminent team of scholars 400 years ago (AD 1611) in England. are replaced. When I saw her, I. Recommended Reading: NASB makes it more clear that the son of perdition will be standing there. Majority of bible translations say share. Version Information. It was awesome! 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. The American King James Bible is nothing special even to an American. KJV in Exodus 32:25 says Moses found the people, Strong's H6544 - para means "to show lack of restraint" or "out of control". Strong's G2932 - ktaomai = I.to acquire, get, or procure a thing for one's self, to possess. Other manuscripts discovered since the King James Version was translated show it to be extremely reliable. -Questions For Those Who Believe In Only The KJV The definition of dreadful is "causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious". The goal of the NASB is to be as literal "word-for-word" as possible. The last page of II Maccabees, in the 1611 King James reads, “End of Apocrypha.” Then it returns to God’s inspired words in Matthew. Alexandrian versus Byzantium A. -1 Peter 1:25 . G2937 means anything that has been created. For instance, when the King James Version is compared with what was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, "the King James Bible is 98.33 percent pure [in terms of comparison]" (Norman Geisler and William Nix, We should pray that He remove all deception from us & always be willing to change as He continues to teach us. What if you found out something about the owner of Walmart & wanted to boycott Walmart? The Word of Promise Audio Bible - New King James Version, NKJV: Complete Bible. Alexandrian versus Byzantium, Questions For Those Who Believe In Only The KJV. Zondervan never published the satanic bible! The New Testament was published in 1979, the Psalms in 1980, and the full Bible in 1982. Among the first changes that greets the reader of the NKJV is the removal of the much maligned "thee, thou and ye". It is not a sin to kill an animal for food. The Lockman Foundation was started in 1942 by F. Dewey Lockman (St. Jacob, Illinois 1898-1974) & his wife Minna Lockman. The Contemporary English Version (CEV) was completed in 1995. The full NKJV Bible was translated in 1982. From the context and previous verses, it is very clear it is the angels (beast/living creatures). Commissioned in 1975 by Thomas Nelson Publishers, 130 respected Bible scholars, church leaders, and lay Christians worked for seven years to create a completely new, modern translation of Scripture, yet one that would retain the purity and stylistic beauty of the original King James. As in the sense of communion, fellowship, giving in an intimate way. You might notice that in bookstores, there are sections for Catholic Bibles and Protestant Bibles. https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/Dictionary/viewTopic.cfm?topic=BT0002678 iii. by FollowInTruth LJ Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a liar, as it is written, The first part of the sentence in KJV "God forbid", is, KJV 1 Kings 20:38 "So the prophet departed, and waited for the king by the way, and disguised himself with, NASB 1 Kings 20:38 "So the prophet departed and waited for the king by the way, and disguised himself with a. A. King James Version The world's most widely known Bible translation, using early seventeenth-century English. 4.3 out of 5 stars 2,014. Click here to subscribe to our newsletter/notifications mailing list. The complete bible was published in 1971. The American King James version of the Bible was placed into the public domain on November 8, 1999. Strong's G2296 - thaumazo can be translated as to wonder, wonder at, marvel, to be wondered at, to be had in admiration. It would be acceptable for you to boycott Walmart, but impossible to find a store that isn't owned by a sinner. to free from defilement of sin and from faults It took seven years to complete. News Corporation bought Harper Collins in 1988-89. Phil. It is not a sin to kill by accident. iii. Many times, it takes days-weeks, even years to undo man's doctrines or traditional thinking. Vine's Expository Dictionary: "a keeping of a sabbath" (akin to sabbatizo, "to keep the Sabbath," used, e.g., in Ex 16:30), KJV 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record. Not Harper Collins & not Zondervan. This is chapter 8 from Which Bible Would Jesus Use? as avenger to consecrate, dedicate utensils, food NASB Matt. Many of the products sold there are completely acceptable to buy & is not wrong to buy them. NASB is more true to the scriptures. KJV makes it look like John's last name was "Baptist", while NASB clarifies that John was "the baptist", meaning one who baptizes. Strong's H829 - 'eshpar = piece of meat, measured portion, date-cake. The King James Bible compared with The Message. The Greek Septuagint that Jesus and the first century church used said "heōsphoros". NASB keeps the original word "hades" (which means the Grave and has, The word "hades" appears in 11 verses in the original New Testament writings. The original Greek New Testament capitalized every word and every letter of scripture. kill or murder is Strong's H7523 - ratsach. Therefore it refers to Satan. It is based on "YHWH" or "YHVH" which also never appeared in scripture until the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews. KJV makes it look like John is admiring Babylon, but of course he was not an admirer of Babylon. NASB hints at something greater than talk. Accusation: Some people claim that NASB is published by Zondervan. The difference between the King James and the "New" King James is the difference between day and night. Two Catholic monks invented the name of "Jehovah" around 1270 AD. . Most Bible scholars hold the NASB to be the most literal of all the modern English Bible translations. The Old Testament word "sheol" also means the grave and has nothing to do with a place of fire. iv. THE NEW AMERICAN BIBLE 2002.11.11 See also: Credits IntraText CT is the hypertextualized text together with wordlists and concordances. How KJV is derived from Assyrian Babylonian pagan sorcerers. This brand new update of the widely respected NASB 1995 builds upon its strengths by further improving accuracy, modernizing language, and improving readability. ii. The satanic bible was published in 1969 by Avon Books, which was owned by News Corp. Not Harper Collins and not Zondervan at that time. NASB more consistently translates Strong's G2937 - ktisis as "creation". I grew up reading the King James Version and I have the New King James Version (along with 20 other versions) in my library. NASB 1 John 5:7 For there are three that testify: KJV sometimes refers to God as "he", "him", "his" "him". Harper Collins was structured under Avon Books in 2010. Why are there so many translations? "God" not in the Textus Receptus of these verses, which the KJV is supposed to be based on. Authorised King James Bible (KJB) Edited by David Otis Fuller. No, we can't. Zondervan has published only Christian theme books. Don't blame Tom for what his dad Henry does. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer KJV makes it look like we are commanded to go stand there. premeditated JAMES 2 Parallel KJV. The KJV is the oldest English version of the Bible, completely translated from the original Hebrew and Greek in 1611. The NASB New Testament was first published in 1963 before the satanic bible even existed. by Thomas Nelson Inc., Jason Alexander, et al. ii. Some people try to say that refers to Jesus. What many advocates of both King James-onlyism and Douay-Rheims-onlyism do not know is that neither Bible is the original issued in the 1600s. Some Christians consider the KJV to be the only version of the Bible that can be considered the "inspired word of God." Hebrews 13:16 But to do good and to, NASB: Hebrews 13:16 And do not neglect doing good and, Strong's G2842 - koinonia = fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation, intercourse. to consecrate by cleansing or purifying KJV Gen. 28:17 And he was afraid, and said, How, NASB Gen. 28:17 He was afraid and said, âHow. NASB 2 Samuel 6:19 "Further, he distributed to all the people, to all the multitude of Israel, both to men and women. NASB is more true to the meaning of the original scriptures. I know they are mainly the same, but a friend of mine and I are trying to convince each other that the other is better. The Authorized Version, or King James Version, quickly became the standard for English-speaking Protestants. Care has been taken to change nothing doctrinally, but to simply update the spelling and vocabulary. Answer: The word "Lucifer" was never used by God to refer to the devil. -King James Only Refuted! If we have not changed anything that we believe in 12 months, we are not growing enough in His Truth. Wherever words are absent from the NASB, it's only because those words were absent from original scripture as shown by the oldest surviving manuscripts. C. KJV sometimes translates it as "creature". Free with Audible trial. The New King James Version is very literal in its rendering, resulting in a very good “word-for-word” translation. King James Version (KJV) Compared to New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright 2016 I Saw The Light Ministries, Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. 17:6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. Thus, they are known as "KJV Only" Christians. He was seeing an amazing sight and wondered greatly. Eph.4:11-16. Other translations cannot be proven wrong by comparing them with the KJV … The NKJV is usually preferred by readers who want a translation that is easier to understand. God sent many nations into war. to free from guilt of sin, to purify Sacred Scripture. Question: I was wondering which translation you think is better: King James Version or New King James Version? The things Jeff uncovered in this comparison deeply disturbing. 00 $45.63 $45.63. But Catholics may find it helpful to use the version of the Bible that is used at Mass: the New American Bible. II. This is true not only of Walmart but of every store. the new edition, while much clearer ARE SO CLOSE to the traditional. KJV makes G2842 seem like just communication/talking. The Latin name "Lucifer" although never used by God/Jesus, has now come to refer to only Satan. Note: Jeffrey has not copyrighted these materials so you may freely share them. -Masoretic Text vs. Most all bible translations use the word "standing". to purify from wickedness Some say that the King James Version is the only true Bible, and that the New American Standard, New International, etc., are corrupt translations. The Holy Word every Christian should know about is found in the Bible. WHERE TO GET THE MOST ACCURATE BIBLE TRANSLATION The NASB is more true to original scripture. The Creator's Name Removed KJV Gen.22:1 And it came to pass after these things, that, NASB Gen. 22:1 Now it came about after these things, that, KJV: Zondervan was founded in 1931 as a Christian book publisher & was not affiliated in any way, shape or form with News Corp, Avon books or Harper Collins at that time. The New American Standard Bible is most known for its strict adherence to "formal equivalence" in its translation. We encourage you to take your time in prayer & fasting as you continue to examine this subject. But the fact is that the KJV was not written until over 1600 years after Christ went back to Heaven. (Niphal) to be slain -What text type or types do the most early church fathers use? ." This doesn't make a difference in meaning most of the time. There is nothing wrong with the products themselves. There are other problematic words like "shalt" that are apparently too hard for the modern reader. The Preface to the New King James Version (NKJV) reads, "A special feature of the New King James Version is ITS CONFORMITY to the thought flow of the 1611 Bible. That's because the people that say that are evil people. They also adopted the Assyrian language of Aramaic. Originally, The Old Testament had been written partly in True Hebrew which is called "Paleo-Hebrew". i. The KJV is known for its Old English language, using words like \"thee,\" \"ye,\" \"thine\" and \"thou,\" while the NKJV uses modern English (\"you\" and \"yours\"). We must consider the context to apply the correct expression. 5:9 "And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed, NASB Rev. Whether you decide to use the KJV or NKJV is ultimately a matter of personal preference. So, it could be said that Zondervan is the nephew of Avon Books. to pronounce clean in a levitical sense, KJV Matt.14:8 "And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here, NASB Matt. (Click here for proof what it was). 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great, NASB Rev. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." KJV Mark 7:19 "Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, NASB Mark 7:19 "because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?â (, purging = Strong's G2511 - katharizo = I. to make clean, cleanse Sin and from faults ii discovered since the King James Version, quickly became the Standard English-speaking! 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