for $25.27 it’ll be 2527) Donate/Spend (for faster searches, just donate), I donated in camp increments of $00.10. Added Suicide Player (individual). Somebody please upload screenshots, at least for the more obscure peds eg. - The .ini offers many more customization options now so you can tailor the experience to your liking. Lennys Simple Trainer is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you do a bunch of awesome things in RDR 2, including clear your current wanted level, give yourself money, and much more. - rebalanced everything (NPC health, thresholds, chances, etc. Copy ScriptHookRDR2.dll to the game's main folder, i.e. ----- This script will conflict with mods that override the game's time scale every frame - this may include slow motion mods or trainers with slow motion settings enabled. A few thing the menu has Hotkeys, Mount Spawner, Ped Spawner/Manager, World Editor, Wardrobe Editor, Mouse/Controller Support, Translation/Theme Support. If there was a way to pull all screenshots easily that would be amazing, most of them we have a fairly good idea what they will be but it's good to confirm anyways. CS_CAVEHERMIT - Devil or Wolfman (probably Devil)? Since you donated $00.10, next search should be 2517 Open Cheat Engine (RDR2.exe) Donate/Spend (If your cash is $25.27, its value is 2527) Value is Float then search (ie. - fixed a bug where dyingthreshold and knockbackthreshold would not compute properly (thanks to @fitfondue for reporting! The save game option is a little hidden away, but you can find it by hitting the 'STORY' tab on the pause menu. Creator Bilago said that the RDR2 Mod Manager is a … They may trip over scenery or lean onto walls before falling or recovering their balance. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Browse our wiki-style database of native functions in Red Dead Redemption II. RDR2_LuaOn_CheatsOff_l0wb1t_updated.CT Thank you very much for the update ... - animal spawner - random - horses - dogs - fish - other animals - ped spawner - random - cutscene - other peds - cannon spawner - wrap in spawned - set properly - all cannons - vehicle spawner - wrap in spawned [AddonPeds 3.0] The 3.0 version arrive! So, after you choose the mod file, click on Red Dead Redemption 2 Mod download button and follow the installation instructions. Then press V. Try to keep the player's front area clear because there the rope will be hitched so you can control it. I have not come across any references to these variants before. Rampage is a GTA V Single Player Trainer for GTA V Story Mode with many useful and special features Rampage needs the latest version of Alexander Blade's ScriptHookV plugin (ScriptHookV.dll and dinput8.dll) Install Instructions and other Information can be found in the readme file. × - There is only one .zip file to download, which includes both the standard and the realistic version. More features to come in the future! The Best Red Dead Redemption 2 mods such as maps, vehicles mods are avialiable in mods categories on the left or choose Top RDR2 Mods which is the most favorite by Red Dead Redemption 2 community. - added ini for configuration with the following values: ToggleKey (set the F-key with which you want to toggle the mod), EnableScriptByDefault (choose if you want the mod to be enabled by default), PlayerInvincibility (choose if you want to be invincible), FireSurvivalChance (set the chance of NPCs surviving fire yourself), FireHealth (health value which NPCs will get when they are burning and are not supposed to survive), KnockbackThreshold (set the amount of health under which NPCs can be knocked back), KnockbackChance (set the chance for an NPC being knocked back when under the threshold), DyingThreshold (set the amount of health under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again), StumbleChance (set the chance for an NPC to stumble or fall if it has damaged legs), SpecialWeaponModifier (set the damage modifier for the weapons mentioned above), - fixed all the bugs that I noticed in v1.0. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. 3. CS_FRANCIS_SINCLAIR - Does he spawn as a baby or adult? 3. RDR2 Mod Manager is the first available management tool for installing and then disabling mods. Place .asi & .ini into your RDR2 Game Directory where you RDR2.exe is 4.0.1 Change Of Design Again(Returning to RDR2 Menu Style) Added Rain Money Added Pause Game(Activate only when in menu, Hotkey F11 Changeable) Added Teleport To Marker Hotkey F12 Small Change To ped Spawner(ped preview should now face the player) On 11/7/2019 at 7:22 PM, LiberachiX said: On 11/16/2019 at 2:18 PM, dannyboy84 said: A_C_Horse_AmericanStandardbred_PalominoDapple, A_C_Horse_AmericanStandardbred_SilverTailBuckskin, A_C_Horse_HungarianHalfbred_DarkDappleGrey, A_C_Horse_HungarianHalfbred_FlaxenChestnut, A_C_Horse_HungarianHalfbred_PiebaldTobiano, A_C_Horse_KentuckySaddle_ButterMilkBuckskin_PC, A_C_Horse_MissouriFoxTrotter_AmberChampagne, A_C_Horse_MissouriFoxTrotter_SilverDapplePinto, A_C_Horse_TennesseeWalker_GoldPalomino_PC, A_C_Horse_Thoroughbred_ReverseDappleBlack. This mod adds a cinematic kill camera, similar to RDR2. Visit our new database of RDR2 ped models here:, Any way to change Sadie’s clothing? Download the zip file of this mod and extract it somewhere you want. So, after you choose the mod file, click on Red Dead Redemption 2 Mod download button and follow the installation instructions. We have a great collection of Red Dead Redemption 2 Online game Scripts mods free files to offer so that every player could find the missing piece for their game. Script Hook RDR2 . 2. Since you donated $00.10, next search should be 2517 Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. Now you can edit ped settings, like walk animation, personality, combat mode and much more. RDR2: how to save your game. Paste as plain text instead, × In order to load asi plugins you need to have asi loader installed, you can use the latest version that comes with this distrib (dinput8.dll). the only one on here is with his winter clothes, I cant find the wolfman model and dutch and the other gang members are in their winter clothes still, I was able to get rid of Sniper in Chapter 3 by changing my character to John in Save Editor, then change John back to Arthur in game with trainer. CS_DaveyCallender - Same model as his corpse at the start of the game?. 2. Aim at a Ped and Press 4 to make them enter your vehicle. Most times they'll flee, sometimes they'll keep attacking with a knife or bare fists. (melee wounds dont apply bleeding effects anymore), - When disarming NPCs there is now a small chance of surrendering (hands up) or cowering in fear (additional to the fleeing or attacking behaviors), - Added multiple stages of dying (with different movements) when health is below a certain threshold - all based on chances, so behaviors wont get old, - Rebalanced most of the values to fit in with the new features, - Added more configuration options to the ini. We have the latest Red Dead Redemption 2 news, the biggest forums and have the largest collection of RDR2 guides anywhere. Aim at a Ped and Press 3 to make the closest bodyguard lasso them. RDR2 Cheats RDR2 Cheats permit the player to access a range of options and resources within the game instantly. Falls can also result in leg damage, so shooting one leg may result in the other also being wounded in the fall. ), - added a bleedout function (NPCs in dying mode now lose health continuously, based on chance), - added the option to adjust Arthurs health value (deactivated by default, but configurable in the ini), - added a separate version with more "realistic" values. It includes a ped camera, player camera, screen effects, sound effects and 20 configurable settings to suit your preferences. Script Hook RDR 2 is the library that allows to use RDR 2 script native functions in custom *.asi plugins. What about updating your game with some really useful options? CS_DisguisedDuster_01, 02, 03, CS_DusterInformant_01 and CS_UNIDUSTERJAIL_01 - What are these? You can post now and register later.   Pasted as rich text. Ped Spawner: Spawn Dead Spawn Invincible (Semi) Spawn Networked (Sichtbar im Netzwerk oder nicht) Delete Peds Spawn Panther Spawn Cougar Spawn Buck Spawn Bear Keyboard Result Open Keyboard Clipboard Result Get Clipboard Result Fahrzeug Spawner: Spawn Networked Wrapped in Delete Vehicles Gatling Gun Gatling Maxim 02 - After attaching a ped to the ground, you can wind the rope by standing near it and pressing E or unwinding it by pressing R. - Hang peds by hogting them and stand under a bridge or a tree. Esp Players Esp Ped's Draw Distance from 100 - 8000 Draw Box Draw Name Draw Distance Draw Health Draw Health Bar Model Changer: ~Edit your model to new one~ To Animals To Ped's To Horse Spawner Options Spawn UFO (On your Coordinations) Spawn UFO (On all Citys) Spawn Ped's Spawn Vehichles Spawn Horses Spawn Animals Spawn Pickups Spawn Objects Changelog v2.5 Added Kill Player (individual).   Your link has been automatically embedded. two-headed skeleton - obese woman - tiny arm swamp guy etc. Uploaded: 06 Nov 2020 . - added the following ini values (those marked with * are not in the config by default, but you can add them if you want to tinker): BleedWhenDying (enables or disables the bleeding function), BleedingChanceDying (the chance of NPC losing health = bleeding), BleedingValue (the value which is deducted when bleeding kicks in), PlayerHealth (option to set Arthurs health), *BleedWhenShot (adds a bleeding function for NPCs under the knockback threshold), *BleedingChanceShot (chance for NPC losing health when under the knockback threshold), *StumbleForcePushX (pushing force when stumbling, x-direction), *StumbleForcePushY (pushing force when stumbling, y-direction), *StumbleForcePushZ (pushing force when stumbling, z-direction), *IsDirectionRelative (pushing force when stumbling, is the pushing direction relative), *IsForceRelative (pushing force when stumbling, is the pushing force relative), - lowered chance of NPCs surviving fire from 90% to 20%, - certain weapons (shotguns, sniper rifles, tomahawks, improved arrows, dynamite arrows, dynamite) now do way more damage. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Rampage is a GTA V Single Player Trainer for GTA V Story Mode with many useful and special features Rampage needs the latest version of Alexander Blade's ScriptHookV plugin (ScriptHookV.dll and dinput8.dll) Install Instructions and other Information can be found in the readme file. Is there any way I can easily get a text or spreadsheet version of this? This mod was created by HJ and I uploaded it with his permission. Information Developer: XB36Hazard Total Downloads: 92,633 First Release: Nov. 19, 2018 Last Update: Dec. 24, 2020 Current Version: The Best Red Dead Redemption 2 mods such as maps, vehicles mods are avialiable in mods categories on the left or choose Top RDR2 Mods which is the most favorite by Red Dead Redemption 2 community. Great Read Dead Redemption 2 menu made by the popular Paragon team, has literally all the things you might need in RDR2. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, - Fixed a bug where falling from horses made NPCs die almost instantly, - Fixed a bug where lasso-ing injured NPCs would instantly break the lasso, - Fixed the bug where NPCs movement physics would go crazy in slow motion (dead eye or weapon wheel), - More story NPCs were excluded from the mod's effects, - Added an ini parameter for horse health (applies to the horse the player is sitting on), - Added an ini parameter for horse invincibility (applies to the horse the player is sitting on), - Re-tweaked bleeding values for compatiblity with story missions (NPCs bleed out faster, so enemy spawning is not hindered), - Introduced a "longer bleedouts mode" making NPCs in dying states take longer to bleed out -> if you don't like the above mentioned tweak (can be enabled via the ini), - Added an ini parameter for permanently toggling or untoggling "longer bleedouts mode", - Introduced a "kill wounded mode" killing all NPCs in dying states (can be enabled via the ini), - Added an ini parameter for permanently toggling or untoggling "kill wounded mode", - Reduced the available config versions to "standard" and "overhaul" (both tweaked for maximum enjoyment, hopefully^^), - Disabled the ini setting which made NPCs only bleed if hit in the torso (can be re-enabled in the ini), - Hogtied NPCs don't bleed anymore (except from artery shots) -> handy for bounty hunting (can be disabled in the ini), - Tweaked the fear mechanism so it is harder to make enemies fear you, - NPCs will now react audibly if they are in hopeless situations, - Fixed a bug where NPCs would just sack down when hit in the head with a throwing weapon or bow, - Fixed a bug where it could occur that NPCs just die from being knocked down (can still happen from certain knockouts, but that's vanilla behavior), - More story NPCs added to the "story NPC exlusion" option in the ini, - Added an ini parameter for the sneaking noise multiplier, - Re-implemented the accuracy mechanic and made it more complex and random, - Added a new fear-mechanic which lets NPCs flee, surrender or panic if the player is a god-like combatant (details configurable in the ini), - Fixed a bug which could occur with melee dying states enabled (NPC not transitioning into dying stage properly), - Fixed a bug causing weird behavior when falling from certain spots in the world, - Re-implemented disarming - now you can set disarming chances, not only switch it on or off, - Disarming reactions can now also be configured (chances of each behavior can be set), - Re-implemented stumbling on bullet impact - now you can set stumbling chances, not only switch it on or off, - Re-implemented falling calculation mechanics (now based on falling time, not on health value), - Core depletion amount can now be set separately for each core, - DyingState animations re-tweaked to avoid weird movement, - Bleeding is now only applied if NPCs are shot in the torso (so you can take NPCs out with leg shots without having them bleed out) - can be configured in the ini, - Added an experimental ini value for those with performance problems (amount of affected NPCs can be configured, - Re-tweaked the dying movement values to match the new animations better (spinning NPCs should be gone now), - NPCs now drop sooner when entering dying states - extended stumbling is now disabled by default (can be enabled in the ini), - NPCs in writhing animations don't die from lasso-ing them anymore, - Removed an unused ini value, added a missing ini value, - NPCs can now be shot off their horses and into the dying states, - NPCs can now be shot into the dying states even if in cover, - Added proper writhing animations to the dying states and tweaked the states for adjusted behavior (occurences can be tweaked in the ini), - Added an option for "melee fight victims ragdolling into dying state behavior" to the ini (disabled by default), - Reworked the code of DyingStates to be more performant, - Completely re-tweaked DyingStates behavior, - Re-tweaked stumbling on "bullet impact" behavior, - Added the option of adjusting story NPC health (to survive higher enemy damage), - Created a new config called "Overhaul" (next to "Standard" and "Realistic") which makes use of almost all the ini values available, - Fixed a bug where NPCs would enter the dying state immediately after being spawned and not snap out of it, - Fixed a bug where fall damage wouldn't work properly, - Fixed a bug where NPCs wouldn't play the coughing sound when in a dying state and in water, - The occurence of dying states can now be configured in the ini (percentage chance of when to use dying states and when to use vanilla behavior), - Excluding story NPCs is now optional (a setting was added to the ini, which allows the mod to affect story NPCs as well), - Body part specific damage modifiers can now be set in the ini (arms, legs, torso, neck, head), - Added rare occasions of NPCs audibly panicking when in hopeless situations, - Added a modifier for knife damage to the ini, - Tweaked a value for the first dying stage, - Added more story NPCs to be excluded by the mods effects (please report to us, if we forgot any), - Added an option for NPC accuracy to the ini (disabled by default), - DyingStates are now disabled for NPCs who only got damaged in fistfights, so they can always get back up again like in vanilla (can be enabled/disabled in the ini), - Disabling the disarming feature now also prevents NPCs from dropping their weapons when entering a dying state, - Added an option for core depletion (health, stamina, deadeye) to the ini (turned off by default, but it can be turned on and configured in the ini), - Added an option for core depletion (health, stamina, deadeye) on death (turned off by default, but can be turned on in the ini). 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