Deve Gowda at K.P. Note: Certificate should be a minimum of one year duration and above, House Keeping Assistant (S/Wala) - 10th Passed, House Keeping Assistant (S/Wala) - 18 to 33 Years. Monthly Remuneration : Rs 29,000/- Plus Allowances as per rule. Singh Stadium, Jaipur. Deve Gowda at K.P. Railway Recruitment 2021: Apply online 1,221 Latest Railway Recruitment 2021 Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) November Jobs Railway Vacancy across India. 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By continuing to use our website, you agree to our. During the first walk-in interview, the instructions issued by the Central / State Government regarding the corona must be complied with by the candidate, otherwise it will be considered ineligible. Candidates appearing in the walk in interview will appear at their own expense according to their arrangement. North Western Railway NWR Vacancy Details, Eligibility Criteria for North Western Railway Paramedical Posts, For more details, check detailed notification given below, How to Apply for North Western Railway Paramedical Posts 2020. The details of the post, place of posting, remuneration etc. It was carved out of 2 divisions each from Northern and Western Railways. Group C: If you have a graduation or diploma or 12th degree, then you can apply for the railway group-c exam.Same as Group B, Traffic Apprentice, Commercial Apprentice, ASM, Goods Guard, Loco Polit, Nurse, Pharmacist, etc., are the posts that fall under Group C. 30 to 33 years is the age limit for RRB Group-C exam. 3. 19,900, ESIC Kollam Recruitment 2021 for Medical Officer, Senior Resident and Other Posts, Download PDF, NFL Recruitment 2021: Apply Online for 30 Management Trainee Posts, Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2021: Apply Online for 358 Navik (GD/DB) and Yantrik, Download Notification Here, This website follows the DNPA’s code of conduct, Army Recruitment 2021 Drive: Indian Army Recruitment Rally 2021 Across India Schedule, Check Selection Criteria, Eligibillity & Other Updates Here, भारतीय सेना भर्ती रैली 2021: जानें अपने स्टेट में होने वाली आर्मी भर्ती रैली की तय तारीखें, CBSE Class 10 Japanese Marking Scheme for Sample Paper 2021 - Check Solution & Marks Allotment Criteria for Board Exam, CBSE Class 10th Board Exam 2021: Check Latest Examination Pattern, Question Paper Format & Marking Scheme (Subject-Wise), CBSE Class 10 English Exam 2021: Check Question Paper Format, Blueprint, Sample Paper and Important Examination Details, CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Board Exam 2021: Check Paper Pattern, Criteria of Internal Assessment, New Sample Paper & Marking Scheme, CBSE Class 10th Hindi A Board Exam 2021: Check Paper Pattern, Internal Assessment Criteria, Latest Sample Paper & Marking Scheme, NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science - History, Geography, Civics and Economics, ये हैं आपके लिए विशेष फ्री ऑनलाइन अर्थ साइंस कोर्सेज, Rajasthan HC Chauffeur Driver Exam Admit Card 2021 OUT, Download Here, IBPS SO Score Card 2020 Released, Download Specialist Officer (ASO) Scores, OMC भर्ती 2021: 93 फॉरमैन एवं अन्य पदों की वेकेंसी के लिए करें आवेदन, SSC CGL 2020-21 Notification Released: Apply Online for Combined Graduate Level Exam before 31 Jan, Check Eligibility, Salary and Updates Here, GPSC PI 2021 Revised Interview Dates OUT, Download Police Inspector Interview Program for Advt No. Notification is out for 28 posts such as Doctor Anesthesia, Doctor, Hospital Attendant, Nursing Officer / Nursing Staff, Pharmacist, & Lab Assistant in Bikaner. South Western Railway Recruitment 2020: South Western Railway (SWR) has published a recruitment notification for the post of Apprentices … Western Railway Recruitment 2021. Educational Qualification : 10+2 (Science) or its Equivalent, with 02 Years Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act. After this the contract will be deemed to have ended automatically. The notification is for recruitment of Apprentice.Here you will get the complete information about SWR Apprentice Recruitment online application form 2020.You will get here complete detail about SWR Apprentice application procedure, … North Western Railway came into effect on 1st October, 2002. Eligible candidates can send their application along with certificates by email to or on WhatsApp Number 9001199605. Termination of Service - The candidate selected in the contract will be free to voluntarily terminate the contract after 15 days notice. कॉटन कॉर्पोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया (CCI) लिमिटेड भर्ती 2021: 100 आईटीआई ट्रेड अप्रेंटिस पदों की वेकेंसी के लिए करें आवेदन, BFUHS Recruitment 2021: Apply for 24 Senior Resident/Senior Tutor Posts, India Post Mumbai Recruitment 2021: Apply for 16 Staff Car Driver Posts, Salary Rs. North Western Railway Recruitment 2020:- North Western Railway has given a free job alert for Fresher and other candidates, which is updated on 07 Apr 2020.The candidates who have completed GNM, MBBS, Pharmacy qualification for the position of Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Medical Officer and it has about of 85 vacancies. North Western Railway came into effect on 1st October, 2002. The formation of this zone along with five other new zones was first approved by Railway Board on 16th September, 1996 and foundation stone for this zone was laid on 17th October 1996 by the then Prime Minister Shri H.D. Eligible candidates can appear for walk-in … The notification is for recruitment of Medical/Para Medical Staff.Here you will get the complete information about NWR Bikaner Medical/Para Medical Staff Recruitment online application form 2020.You will get here complete detail about NWR Bikaner … 2. It is necessary to provide the original documents during the interview. 112/2018-19 Here, Last Date of Application - 08 April 2020 upto 5 PM, Interview Date - 09 April 2020 (Thursday) from 10 AM to 1 PM at the office of Divisional Railway Manager, NWR, Jaipur, House Keeping Assistant (S/Wala) - 45 Posts, Staff Nurse (For isolation on 06 hours rotation basis)- 10 Posts, Staff Nurse - Certificate as registered Nurse and Midwife having passed 3 years course in General Nursing and Midwifery from Indian Nursing Council OR B.Sc in Nursing, Pharmacist - 12th in Science or equivalent with Diploma in Pharmacy OR Bachelors in Pharmacy and registered as a Pharmacist, Lab Technician - 12th (10+2 State) with Science plus 2 years Diploma in Medical Lab Technology (DMLT) from recognized institution, X-Ray Technician - 10+2 with Physics and Chemistry with Diploma in Radiography /X - Ray Technician / Radiodiognosis Technology (2 years course) from recognized Institut, ECG Technician - 10+2 / Graduation in Science having Certificate/ Diploma / Degree in ECG Laboratory Technology / Cardiology / Cardiology Technician / Cardiology Techniques of a reputed institution. 1948. Eligible candidates can attend the Walk-in-interview in Bikaner on 08/04/2020. North Western Railway has announced the Nursing Staff Recruitment 2020 notification on 04/04/2020. The format of the application form will be made available at the interview venue. 6. It is a golden chance for the 10 th pass students having ITI … Apply for Railway pharmacy jobs. Railway administration can terminate the contract without assigning any reason. Deve Gowda at K.P. North Western Railway Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Radiographer, Lab Technician, Hospital Attendant, Paramedical Staff Jobs 2020: North Western Railway has released the job notification to hire the candidates who completed 10thStd, 12thStd, B.Sc, B.Sc. RAILWAYS RRB PHARMACIST RECRUITMENT 2019 . Railway pharmacy jobs is easy to find. 5. Railway Recruitment Board, initially was known as 'Railway Service Commission' but in January 1985 it was renamed as Railway Recruitment Board. The said contract shall not confer any right of employment in the Railways. North Western Railway Jaipur Recruitment 2020 Eligibility Criteria & Vacancies Details. Candidates can view the post details, vacancy details, […] Western Railway invited application for the recruitment to the post of Pharmacist, Lab Technician under Para Medical in Jabalpur Division. Nursing for 184 Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Radiographer, Lab Technician, Hospital Attendant, Paramedical Staff Posts. Name of Post: Pharmacist Grade 3 Department: Indian Railways Number of posts: 277, vacancy details in annexure 2 of notification provided in last of this post. and other terms and conditions stipulated are given below:- Division-Mumbai Central-WaIk-in-interview shall be conducted by Sr. DPO/Mumbai Central as per following schedule at RRC Western Railway recruitment 2021-22| WR 3553 Apprentice Jobs- Apply online. North Western Railway Paramedical Recruitment Notification PDF, North Western Railway Recruitment 2020 for Other Divisions, This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations. South Western Railway (Railway Recruitment Cell) Hubballi (SWR) has published a recruitment notification (SWR/RRC/Act Appr/01/2020) on 10/12/2020. North Western Railway (NWR) has invited applications for the recruitment to the post of Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Hospital Attendant, Lab Technician, X-Ray Technician, ECG Technician and House Keeping Assistant (S/Wala).All interested candidates can apply for the posts on or before 08 April 2020. This Western Railway GDCE Recruitment 2019 Pdf Details In a complete manner we have given here for offering the 725 Goods Guard, Sr. Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Commercial Clerk cum Ticket Clerk, Junior Clerk Cum Typist, Trains Clerk, Station Master (NTPC (Non-Graduate) against GDCE Quota) Jobs in this RRC Western Railway Board. 5. North Western Railway came being on 1st October, 2002. North Western Railway has announced the Staff Nurse Recruitment 2020 notification. 4. It is proposed to engage full time Para Medical staff for the following posts purely on contract basis on BCT Division of Western Railway. Fast & Free. Selection - Selection will be made on the basis of merit and merit from the eligible candidates. About North Western Railway (NWR) has invited applications for the recruitment to the post of Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Hospital Attendant, Lab Technician, X-Ray … North Western Railway, Jaipur latest Recruitment Notification has vacancies for Graduates, Engineers, Staff Nurses, Pharmacists, Technicians, undergraduates and many others in various departments in it.So, the candidates planning for RRC NWR Careers or Latest Indian Railway Jobs Notification 2021 can make use of Official North Western Railway Recruitment 2021. Singh … Notification is out for 57 posts such as Doctor Anesthesia, Doctor, Hospital Attendant, Nursing Officer / Nursing Staff, Pharmacist, & Lab Assistant in Ajmer. North Western Railway has given latest advertisement for eligible candidates. Aspirants who want to do RRB Railway Staff Nurse Jobs 2021 can prefer the North Western Railway Recruitment 2021 for Staff Nurse and Pharmacist Post Vacancies. Those candidates who are interested in the following vacancy can read the full notification before applying … North Western Railway (NWR) has invited applications for the recruitment to the post of Nursing Officer, Nursing Staff, Pharmacist, Hospital Attendant, Lab … The eligible candidates can apply for the post through Online from 10.04.2020 to 19.04.2020. The formation of this zone along with five other new zones was first approved by Railway Board on 16th September, 1996 and foundation stone for this zone was laid on 17th October 1996 by the then Prime Minister Shri H.D. 7. Venue for Both Posts: Board Room Divisional Railway Manager Office Ajmer. North Western Railway has announced the Nursing Staff Recruitment 2020 notification on 04/04/2020. Advance copy of application send to Email : an Whatsapp no. Upload your resume in fresherslive and subscribe to RRB Railway Vacancies 2021 to know immediately about the latest Railway recruitment notification for both freshers and experienced candidates. Top Ranking CBSE Sample Paper Books for 2021 Boards. 9001197500, Walk in InterviewDate : 09/04/2020Time : 10:00 to 12:00Venue : Divisional Medical Superintendent's Office, Divisional Hospital, Lalgarh Bikaner. North Western Railway invited applications for recruitment to the post of Staff Nurse and Pharmacist. South Western Railway preambles with lots of benefits in the scheme of Railways, where medical insurance can be claimed, loans can be applied, the pay is standard. All the selected candidates / retired employees are required to pass the prescribed medical examination before posting. 8. 1948 or Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (B Pharma) from a recognized University Equivalent and registered as per Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act. 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