The FAA has not established a list of disqualifying medical conditions under § 107.17 because there are a wide range of small UAS operations that could be affected differently by different medical conditions. As I said above, that 10 years only applies to jobs where you must be TSA-cleared into air carrier areas unescorted. These include, but aren't limited to, anticoagulants, antiviral agents, anxiolytics (anti-anxiety), barbiturates, chemotherapeutic agents, experimental, hypoglycemic, investigational, mood altering, motion sickness, narcotic, sedating, antihistaminic, steroids, or tranquilizers. AMEs should not issue airmen medical certificates to applicants who are using these classes of medications or medications. And since your offense was unrelated to drugs or alcohol, the FAA regulations on … Dopamine agonists used for Parkinson's disease or other medical conditions: bromocriptine (Cycloset, Parlodel), pramipexole (Mirapex), ropinirole (Requip), and ; rotigotine (NeuPro) FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved less than 12 months ago. The information in this section is provided to advise Aviation Medical Examiners (AMEs) about two medication issues: The lists of medications in this section are not meant to be all-inclusive or comprehensive, but rather address the most common concerns. The FAA may approve its use on an individual basis, depending on the underlying condition and after reviewing the airman’s case records. For aviation safety, airmen should not fly following the last dose of any of the medications below until a period of time has elapsed equal to: Label warnings. In order to become a licensed pilot, the FAA requires prospective pilots take and pass a medical exam and obtain an FAA Medical Certificate. The FAA generally disallows certain types of drugs that are continuously used for treatment. Establish a long term relationship with an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) An AME who knows you and your medical history well and who is also willing to make the extra effort to help you keep your medical certificate is an invaluable resource. The FAA make it clear what counts as a disqualifying condition. Amphetamines (Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, MDMA, MDA) 4. Our number is 1-800-872-2672. When your career or joy of flying is at risk, don't take chances with sources that are not affiliated leading Aerospace Medicine experts. Applicants should also be aware that the FAA checks the National Driver Register each time an airman’s application for medical certificate is sent to AMCD. Below is a list of medical conditions that the FAA has labeled as disqualifying medical conditions. Airmen should not fly while using any of the medications in the Do Not Issue section above or while using any of the medications or classes/groups of medications listed below without an acceptable wait time after the last dose. The sanction for providing an incorrect answer or providing an intentionally false answer to 18y. To help sort through this complicated issue, AOPA’s Pilot Information Center maintains a database of over 500 medications, both FAA-allowed and non-allowed. Once obtained, all medical certificates expire after a set period of time and must be renewed. Of all the medical issues that disqualify a person from being in the service, the mental health side is most rigid in its stance, even if some diagnoses can be highly subjective. Share; Share on Facebook; Tweet on Twitter; Pharmaceuticals (Therapeutic Medications) As an Examiner you are required to be aware of the regulations and … If an applicant for a medical certificate has the diagnosis of ADHD and/or is taking medication for symptoms, the FAA requires a comprehensive evaluation to determine if the diagnosis exists. For example, there is a 30-hour wait time for a medication that is taken every 4 to 6 hours (5 times 6), Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) - Many OTC sleep aids contain diphenhydramine as the active ingredient. During an average week, hundreds of pilots contact AOPA’s Medical Certification Services staff to discuss a wide array of health-related matters, including questions about their medications. In some cases an airman is switching from one medication to another, and in other cases their physician is prescribing a new medication for a different condition. If you report the current use of a "disqualifying" drug on item 17a of the medical application, the medical examiner will have to defer the application, and there's that long delay again. Truth or Dare: Telling the FAA About Your Health. Opioids (Codeine, Morphine, Heroin, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone) 5. A history of "substance abuse" within the preceding 2 years is disqualifying. by Paul Engstrom, Aviation Writer and IFA Member. The safety impact of the underlying condition should also be considered. 12 Tips for Taking Your FAA Medical Exam The 12 Tips: 1. Any history or current issue with alcohol dependence, drug dependence, alcohol abuse, or other drug abuse is disqualifying. (PDF), Page last modified: January 21, 2021 2:38:41 PM EST, This page was originally published at:, Airport Coronavirus Response Grant Program, Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) Information, Acceptable Combinations of Diabetes Medications. For any additional information about the DOT/FAA Drug and Alcohol Testing Program please contact Aviation Personnel’s human resources department at Phone # 866-614-2840 or for questions about our registration with the FAA drug abatement division please contact: FAA/Office of Aerospace Medicine Drug Abatement Division (AAM-810) Although many medications are acceptable for FAA medical certification, unfortunately, there is no "official" published list of disqualifying drugs. cardiovascular drugs which includes medications for high blood pressure. Medications for which they should not issue (DNI) applicants without clearance from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), AND. Phencyclidine (PCP) Obviously, a … This includes medical marijuana, even if legally allowed or prescribed under state law. Such medications can cause impairment even when the airman feels alert and unimpaired (see "unaware of impair" above). The FAA requires at least one-year of post-marketing experience with a new drug before considering if … If you have one of these conditions, please let us know so we can help determine the best options before you fill out the medical application. For pilots with health problems that aren't debilitating but possibly disqualifying, 'fessing up on the application for a third class medical certificate can be a busted-if-you-do, busted-if-you-don't proposition. The following substances are included in that screening: 1. ATCS Medical Standards Overview ATCS personnel must comply with the standards outlined below. The use of medication is reportable on each FAA medical application in Block #17. pramipexole (Mirapex), ropinirole (Requip), and, antidepressants (certain SSRIs may be allowed - see, antianxiety drugs - e.g. database of over 500 medications, both FAA-allowed and non-allowed. One individual suggested that the FAA provide a list of disqualifying medical conditions. This applies even if label states "until you know how the medication affects you" and even if the airman has used the medication before with no apparent adverse effect. Applicants should indicate the reason for use of the medication and the absence of side effects. That eliminates the right to fly. However, if you are involved in an accident, incident, or disciplinary action, you can bet that the FAA and the necessary authorities will take the time to investigate, and things you didn’t disclose will come out. Per Federal regulations, the following 15 conditions are disqualifying medical conditions for prospective aviators: Angina pectoris ; Bipolar disease ; Cardiac valve replacement ; Coronary heart disease that has been treated or, if untreated, that has been symptomatic or clinically significant ; Diabetes mellitus requiring hypoglycemic medications FAA Medical Disqualifying Conditions. Contact Pilot Medical Solutions for additional information. nitrates (nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, imdur). For airmen seeking more information, see Medications and Flying (PDF) and What Over The Counter Medications Can I Take and Still Be Safe to Fly? Guidance is compiled and interpreted by professional pilots and physicians at from the 2014 AME Guide, FAA and FDA web data ( &, instructions specified in the Aeronautical Information Manual, Federal Air Surgeon Bulletins from 1999-2015, and 14 CFR Part 61 and Part 67 (the FARs). Medications for which for which they should advise airmen to not fly (DNF) and provide additional safety information to the applicant. If the search reveals a drug or alcohol related motor vehicle action, an FAA investigator will contact the state motor vehicle agency to request the applicant’s driving record. AOPA’s Medical Resources website provides a wealth of information regarding BasicMed, Airman Medical Certification, Health Conditions, Submitting Records to the FAA, Special Issuance Certification and what I’d like to focus on in this article – AOPA’s List of FAA Allowed/Disallowed Medications. Some medical conditions require simple document review by the FAA, which can ultimately result in issuance of a FAA medical certificate. Air Traffic Control Specialists are entitled to preferred rates for services available … The following drugs are accepted by the FAA on a case by case basis only and depending upon the manifestation and severity of your migraines: Axert (Almotriptan Malate) Beta-Blockers (when labeled & approved by the FDA for migraines) Caffergot; Calcium-Channel Blockers What Over The Counter Medications Can I Take and Still Be Safe to Fly? In both cases the pilot wants to know if the medication is on the FAA’s list of allowed medications or if it will impact their ability to fly. ©2021 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, AOPA’s List of FAA Allowed/Disallowed Medications, AOPAs List of FAA Allowed Disallowed Medications. This article has been provided by AOPA's Legal Services Plan staff. If the FAA denies an applicant based on a medical condition that is specifically disqualifying as set forth under Part 67, the denial is final and may be appealed to the NTSB. Press option #3 for Medical Certification or #4 for the Legal Services Plan. The following is a list of some of the ADHD medications that are disqualifying for medical certification. Consult an AMAS physician if you have a question about a specific medication or need a full explanation of the current FAA policy. For a number of disqualifying medical conditions, FAA may grant a special issuance medical after a review of the specific circumstances. Drivers that operate under a DOT drug and alcohol testing program will be have to submit to a pre-employment drug screening, and will be subject randomized testing thereafter. Again, FAA policy determines which drugs are acceptable, based on the medication's potential side effects and on the symptoms for which the drug is being taken. (Intro What is the FAA Medical Exam? Some less common impairing drugs include antidiarrheal drugs (some contain opioids), anti-seizure drugs, some smoking cessation drugs, and some antidepressants. It has nothing to do with FAA medical certification. The database is updated for accuracy and verified with the FAA Aerospace Medical Certification Division in Oklahoma City. Not all medical conditions are treated the same by the FAA. : alprazolam (Xanax), attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications, 5-times the maximum pharmacologic half-life of the medication; or, 5-times the maximum hour dose interval if pharmacologic half-life information is not available. Under certain circumstances, with This is part of the student pilot certification process. If you have one of these conditions, you'll want to do some research and speak to an aviation medical examiner or a pilot advocacy group like AOPA about your options before you fill out the medical application. Simply presenting with the disqualifying symptoms or condition, or having experienced the symptoms or condition in the past, regardless of whether the airman currently has the symptoms or condition, may be sufficient justification for the FAA to deny the medical … Go to Legal Services Plan Staff's Profile. Alternatively, pilots who meet the BasicMed criteria have the option of transitioning to the BasicMed certification program after obtaining their initial standard FAA medical certificate. Although it’s always a good idea to contact our Medical Certification Specialists to discuss your medication questions, you can access the database yourself by selecting the link above and reading the disclaimer. If a pilot unknowingly reports a "disqualifying" drug on the medical application, the medical examiner has to defer the application, and that will mean a lengthy delay before you receive a denial letter. Failing to disclose VA disability benefits on your FAA medical application could potentially be a big problem for you and your airman certificate. Migraine – Medications such as Topamax (Topiramate) are not acceptable to the FAA. "Substance" includes alcohol and other drugs (i.e., PCP, sedatives and hynoptics, anxiolytics, marijuana, cocaine, opioids, amphetamines, hallucinogens, and other psychoactive drugs or chemicals). This impairment can occur even when the individual feels alert and is apparently functioning normally - in other words, the airman can be "unaware of impair.". FAA Medical Certificate Notice . Do Not Fly. Air Traffic Control Specialist Applicants with disqualifying conditions may still be eligible for "Special Consideration" of a medical certificate. Also, there's a good chance that other pilots have … Note: for documented temporary use of a drug solely for a medical procedure or for a medical condition, and the medication has been discontinued, see below. Getting an aviation medical certificate is required in order to get most pilot licenses. However, Part 67, the body of regulations which identify criteria for medical certification, identifies certain disqualifying medical conditions. Cocaine 3. The wait time after diphenhydramine is 60 hours (based on maximum pharmacologic half-life). Below is a list of medical conditions that the FAA has labeled as disqualifying medical conditions. All these medications are disqualifying for medical certification purposes! For any medication, the AME should ascertain for what condition the medication is being used, how long, frequency, and any side effects of the medication. This is important to remember because if you develop a disqualifying condition that isn’t amenable to special issuance—say, for example, epilepsy and report it, the FAA will ask for your medical to be surrendered. Airmen should not fly while using any medication, prescription or OTC, that carries a label precaution or warning that it may cause drowsiness or advises the user "be careful when driving a motor vehicle or operating machinery." Mebic (meloxicam): The FDA approved this oxicam-derivative, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug in April 2000, and the FAA has authorized pilots to use other medications in this class. FAA Home Offices Aviation Safety Offices Aerospace Medicine Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) Information Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners Pharmaceuticals Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners. Getting this medical … Do Not Issue. All of these medications may cause sedation (drowsiness) and impair cognitive function, seriously degrading pilot performance. If you are currently or have ever taken the following medications, whether prescribed or not, you are disqualified from holding an FAA medical certificate until further evaluation is done. Marijuana 2. on FAA Form 8500-9 (the FAA airman medical application) with respect to your VA disability benefits is revocation of … Continue reading … In applying the principles of 49 CFR part 40 to the 14 CFR part 67 airman medical qualification standards, the FAA is proposing that a refusal to take a drug or alcohol test should be an immediately disqualifying factor, resulting in the denial or revocation of the airman medical certificate. You may find accessing the database ahead of time will result in a more productive conversation with the Medical Certification Specialist you speak to when you call AOPA. For many of these drugs there are options that are not impairing or disqualifying if you work with your primary care Disqualifying ADHD Medications . In a 2011 study from the FAA Civil Aerospace Medical Institute’s Toxicology Lab, drugs/medications were found in 570 pilots (42%) from 1,353 total fatal pilots tested. This article covers an overview of this process, how to complete it, as well as answers to common questions. If there are any questions, please call the Regional Flight Surgeon's (RFS) office or the Aerospace Medicine Certification Division (AMCD). As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you have by reaching out to our office Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 6pm (eastern). With disqualifying conditions may still be Safe to Fly be a big for. Potentially be a big problem for you and your airman certificate use of the current FAA policy about! Fly ( DNF ) and impair cognitive function, seriously degrading pilot performance this process, how to complete,! Disqualifying conditions may still be Safe to Fly or providing an incorrect answer or providing an incorrect or! `` unaware of impair '' above ) ) 5 it, as well answers! Medications, AOPAs list of disqualifying drugs FAA make it clear what counts as a condition... 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