"Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman." Lower courts have to follow the decisions of higher courts. looking after other people's children. a certificate proving that the executors of a will are entitled to deal with the estate. a person appointed by a director to take the director's place. someone who depends on someone else for financial support. the criminal offence of causing damage to someone else's property either recklessly or intentionally. what is left of an estate after all debts, taxes, expenses and specific legacies have been dealt with. Parliament can delegate its power to make and amend law to a person or organisation. help from an independent person (a mediator) to solve differences between a husband and wife whose marriage has broken down. A court may decide not to punish a criminal immediately for an offence and may conditionally discharge the criminal instead. Also, the company's registers can be inspected at the registered office. a company which limits how much its members will have to pay if the company is wound up. a person who is appointed to deal with a dead person's estate. someone appointed to act for a principal. The things it deals with include minor criminal cases, most criminal cases involving 10- to 17-year-olds, issuing alcoholic drink licences and hearing child welfare cases. an officer of the Supreme Court whose duties include acting for people who cannot act for themselves, such as children or people with mental health problems. Better See Laws. a document which transfers ownership of goods from one person to another. (Enduring power of attorney (EPA) was replaced by lasting powers of attorney (LPA) on 1 October 2007. (This term is Latin.). an offence which can be tried by jury in the Crown Court. "No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it. They will be listed in the insurance policy. when written on a document, the document cannot be used as evidence that a contract or agreement exists. company accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. in a civil case, formal questions from one side which the other side must answer under oath. the court's final decision in a civil case. In an action in the High Court to recover damages or a debt, if the claimant ('plaintiff' before April 1999) swears an affidavit that it is believed that there is no defence to the claim, the claimant ('plaintiff' before April 1999) can obtain summary judgement. If the debt is not repaid the property will be repossessed. a person aged between 10 and 17 who has committed a criminal offence. a document which gives power to the person appointed by it to act for the person who signed the document. The amount is set out in the company's memorandum of association. regaining possession of land by taking court proceedings. a man appointed in a will to deal with the estate, according to the wishes set out in the will. Law's empire is defined by attitude, not territory or power or process." It is also in a civil case a written statement (pleading) by the defendant setting out the facts that the defence will rely on. doing something to interfere with the justice system (such as misleading the court or intimidating witnesses). an examination of a dead body to find the cause of death. (They may still have to pay compensation though.). an offence committed by someone who is unfit to drive because of drink or drugs, but nevertheless drives a vehicle and kills another person. describing something referred to previously in the document. If a person is capable of dealing with their own affairs at present they can make either or both types of LPA. The judge decides whether or not evidence can be used in the case. disposing of all a company's assets and paying all its debts. Law Quotes, Famous Law Quotes, Quotations, Sayings about Justice. ~ Voltaire, "Law practice is the exact opposite of sex: even when it's good, it's bad." land which is not recorded in the registers at HM Land Registry. They do not have to pay in extra money if there is not enough to pay all the company's debts. Act of bankruptcy. a person who fails to send tax returns to the tax authorities or fails to pay the tax owing, such as income tax or value added tax. a warehouse approved by HM Customs and Excise for storing goods imported into the UK until the duty on them has been paid or the goods have been exported to another country. For example, if the charges were 2%, the allocation rate would be 98%. the contract between employer and employee. a company officer does something which is a breach of trust or a breach of duty. If they want to deny they committed the offence they plead not guilty. debts which can be bought and sold, such as debentures. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Supreme Court Justice, "The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions." reducing the payments to creditors in proportion, if there is not enough money to pay them in full; or reducing the bequests in a will, in proportion, when there is not enough money to pay them in full. making money from crime and then passing it through a business to make it appear legitimate. © 2009 - 2021 Inspiration Station. That’s why here I have come with some famous inspirational quotes for law students (on study or already a graduates) as well as for lawyers. asking people to pay for new shares they have applied for. They should be the places where the disputes end after alternative methods of resolving disputes have been considered and tried." immunity that a judge normally has from being sued for damages when acting as a judge. When a person intends to buy a property such as a house, a solicitor arranges the inspection. For example, a committee set up to deal with a particular situation is an ad hoc committee. the seal companies use to authenticate (validate) important company documents. a group of people (usually 12) who review all the evidence in a court case and then come to a verdict. If there is no will, the courts will appoint someone called the administrator. a person between the ages of 14 and 17 who has committed a crime. the person who gives legal advice to the Treasury. getting a judgement against you because youfailed to do something. the person who receives the legally binding offer. It means treaties. the person or organisation that has written a bill of exchange, such as a person who has written a cheque. an audit required by law. This is called judicial precedent, binding precedent or precedent. Some taxes are called indirect because they are part of the price we pay for goods and services, such as VAT. It belongs to you." A company makes a call when it asks buyers of its new shares to pay some, or all, of the share price. a person who has been given authority to manage another person's affairs, such as under a power of attorney. cannot be transferred. a body of people appointed by the Crown. pretending that the goods and services offered are those supplied by another business. Every year the Law Society issues these certificates to the solicitors who can practise law. something which must happen before a contract starts. acting unlawfully to deprive someone of their ownership of goods. (This word is Latin.). An example would be a tenant failing to leave the property when the tenancy finished. The memorandum gives details of a company's name, objects (purposes) and share capital. It is only through the enforcement of the law that the global citizen can feel safe in this global village. St. Peter says to him, âYou only look about 45 years old.â âYes,â says the lawyer, âI just turned 45.â âBut our records say that you are 94 years old.â âOh,â responded the lawyer, âyou must have been looking at my billing records.â, The client started to question the lawyer about part of his bill. This includes people such as trustees looking after trust assets for the beneficiaries and company directors running a company for the shareholders' benefit. an act which, if carried out by a person with debts, could have led to bankruptcy proceedings against that person. (This phrase is French.). a document issued by a company which acknowledges that some or all of the company's assets are security for a debt (usually to a bank). release from prison early. minor rights in land such as a right to do something on the land. A change is as good as a rest. an official in charge of the office which keeps records of registered companies. a written demand for payment of a debt of more than £750. lacking proper care to do a duty properly. a right such as a patent, or a right to recover a debt. when one person deliberately misleads a second person with a statement which causes the second person to do something that causes them damage. ), describes someone who can enter into a contract without any restriction. the process of winding up a company by disposing of its assets, paying its creditors in a strict order of priority and distributing any money left among the members. Murder and voluntary manslaughter have the same meaning in law. ~ Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice, "Our government may at some time be in the hands of a bad man... We ought to have our government so shaped that even when in the hands of a bad man we shall be safe." It is intended to benefit the creditors and avoid the bankruptcy of the debtor. when someone is sentenced for different crimes and the sentences have to be served one after another. This is known as probation and it is an alternative to sending the person to prison. The reason for this is that ancient Rome’s legal system has had a strong influence on the legal systems of most western countries. Jun 10, 2015 - legal advice, law inspiration, philiosophical ponderings. In a civil case the defendant may offer a defence to the claim, or even make a counterclaim. an order that a court may issue against someone if they cannot pay their debts when they are due to be paid. lying or deceiving to make a profit or gain an advantage, or to cause someone else to make a loss or suffer a disadvantage. blameworthiness or a fault. a card issued by a bank to a customer. to give up a valid claim against someone; a document used to cancel a claim one person has against another. the former name for a court order which made someone bankrupt. details about the past of a defendant or a person found guilty of a crime. the summary of an organisation's financial transactions during the year covered by their accounts, and a 'snapshot' of the assets and liabilities at the end of the year. a person appointed to act for another person (such as when someone cannot look after their own affairs). Presenting a collection of great quotes by famous lawyers and judges of all time about law, lawyers, justice system, courts, judges . the name for the rules used for running a Christian church. If a court convicts someone of an offence, the court may order that the offender is supervised by a probation officer for a period of at least six months but for no more than three years. the profit you make if you sell or dispose of a longterm asset (such as a building) for more than it cost you. If you have possession of something for a long time you may gain title to it even though you do not have documents to prove that it is yours. ~ Cicero, Roman politician and lawyer, "When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff." A disclaimer can also be a notice to limit responsibility. the documents which prove who owns a property and under what terms. the body of a person who has been killed unlawfully; or, he facts which make up an offence. an agreement giving someone the right to use something but which does not prevent other people being given similar agreements. If an accused person is placed on remand they are either kept in prison for a short period or have to pay bail or get someone to pay it for them. It gives authority to the person appointed to act for the person who signed the power of attorney. An example would be a bank customer assigning to the bank the right to receive the benefits from a life insurance policy to give the bank security for a loan. to draw up a contract and agree its terms. a trust which manages investments. ~ Abraham Lincoln, 'It usually takes 100 years to make a law, and then, after it's done its work, it usually takes 100 years to be rid of it." a magistrate's written instruction to search a property. the financial statements are drawn up clearly. The defendant fills in, signs and sends back the acknowledgement of service to confirm in writing that the documents were received. a court ordering someone to stay at a named place at stated times of the day. ~ Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice, "Certainty generally is illusion, and repose is not the destiny of man." a court judgement which a creditor may get against the person or organisation which owes the money, giving the creditor security over the debtor's property for repayment of the debt. This is known as an alternative verdict. an arrangement where people can buy a share in part of a property for a period of time in each year. “If you violate laws of God, you're a sinner. which evidence can be presented in court. what remains to be given out from an estate after all debts, taxes and specific legacies have been paid. It is also the profits lost by a landowner when wrongly deprived of the use of his or her land. the power it has to deal with particular cases. the person an action is being taken against. a statute used to bring together all the strands of the law on a particular subject. (This term is Latin.). taking land and giving compensation for it. ~ John Marshall Harlan II, Supreme Court Justice, "Independence doesn't mean you decide the way you want." books of account which companies must keep by law to show and explain all their transactions. a court for the clergy. a type of tax levied on certain goods such as petrol. forever. The reserve cannot be paid out to the members until the company is liquidated and so it prevents the company's capital being reduced. When an employee has been dismissed it is the employer's responsibility to prove that the dismissal was fair. one of the people who are acting as a jury. Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made. someone who encourages or helps another person to commit a crime. in a position of trust. proceedings brought by one person against another in a civil court. The European Community therefore should only do subsidiary activities and this is called subsidiarity. a life assurance policy on more than one person's life. Legal Quotes Inspirational Quotes about Legal. the area over which a bailiff has jurisdiction. extra damages awarded because the defendant has caused the victim anguish, loss of self-respect or shame. ~ German proverb, "A good lawyer knows the law; a clever one takes the judge to lunch." the airspace above the land necessary for ordinary use of the land; and. an act which is illegal, such as theft. Brian Thornton-June 9, 2017. When property is sold the buyer should be able to use the property free from interference by the seller. a defence sometimes used for someone charged with murder, that they suffered lowered powers of reasoning and judgement because of their unusual state of mind. something owned such as a building, a vehicle or money in the bank. (This term is Latin.). Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser -- in fees, expenses, and waste of time. a penalty charged if tax is paid late. Lower courts must follow the precedents set by the decisions of higher courts and this is called binding precedent. (Since April 1999, this has been known as a 'search order'.). being dismissed from a job because it no longer exists. the age when a person gains full legal rights and responsibilities. A company's articles set out its rules. the Civil Division of the Appeal Court; and. This is called a confiscation order. (This term is Latin.). a person (usually a solicitor) who is authorised to certify documents, take affidavits and swear oaths. a payment made by a professional person, such as a solicitor or accountant, on behalf of a client. a court which hears appeals against the decisions of other courts. taking game from someone else's land without permission. the person who borrows the money to buy a property. Here are some of the most famous Legal quotes by top authers around the globe; It is a sign of the times that the absence of meaningful ID requirements in many states leaves our voting process vulnerable to fraud and allows legal … evidence which by law cannot be disputed. (This term is Latin.). failure by one side negotiating a contract to disclose (reveal) information which the other side would need to consider when deciding whether or not to go ahead. The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 was passed to control unfair exclusion clauses. If a company is insolvent (cannot pay its debts when they are due for payment) the members can pass a special resolution to have the company wound up (liquidated). 41 Famous Marijuana Quotes from the Most Successful People in History by Marco Medic , July 12, 2017 Last updated: July 13, 2020 Cannabis has been a trending topic ever since the counterculture movement in the 1960’s , and it hasn’t lost any momentum since then. a loan agreement under which a person can borrow again to top up the loan, as long as they do not go over their credit limit. ~ Sandra Day O'Connor, Supreme Court Justice, "Commitment to the rule of law provides a basic assurance that people can know what to expect whether what they do is popular or unpopular at the time." writing things or saying things which encourage ordinary people to rise up against the Government or which cause discontent. It is used for short periods before a trial starts. a person who regularly brings court cases which have little chance of succeeding. Here is a list of 15 commonly used phrases in the English language. a written agreement which can be made, when a debtor is in financial trouble, between the debtor and the creditors. (This word is Latin.). Other tax is called direct because the individual taxpayer pays it. doing something that harms other people's rights. the house that a husband and wife live in as a married couple. an arrangement under which goods can be kept by the potential buyer for a period while their resale is attempted. "Everyone is presumed good, and in doubtful cases the resolution should be for the accused." , address and occupation tax, Customs duties and Excise as security for law... Assault such as helping your country such as the land has deteriorated the tenant kept to all the to! To follow professional person, if 10 items cost £100 you would three... 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