In turn, this means that whenever you attack or use magic with these characters, they will be appropriately stronger than the attacks or magics used by any other party … Comments; Shares. Thanks. But like with all the best FFs, it's the characters, story, world and the heart that truly elevate this one to greatness. The gameplay differs from previous titles, the draw and junction systems being the most notable changes. How important exactly is keeping low levels. The best and worst Final Fantasy party members. Getting a PS2 long after the fact. With two hits, that's only a 60% chance, and with a full four attacks with adept, you're looking at 120% in FOUR hits. - Ace_Strife . Normal encounters - Anyone with Quistis and Degenerator (kill 95% of enemies in one shot). When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions the problem occurred under and what kind of effects it had. Well, I had a big struggle choosing which version of FFVI to play (ended up with GBA with sound and color patch) so no surprise I'm struggling to choose the party now. Best entry in the serie for me. Granted, I love all the artwork done for her character and she’s got to have one of the best outfits in the game. That setup has never let me down, through the countless number of times I've played the game. Stat differences are ultimately negligible, so your limit breaks are what decide things really. I like Quistis. Chapter 6: Tomb of The Unknown King 9. This time, it's Quina from Final Fantasy IX, a character who barely has any impact on the story and isn't that great of a party member to use in battle. I'm so far liking Cloud, Barret and Tifa as my party but I hear so much talk about either Cloud, Barret and Yuffie or Cloud, Cid and Yuffie. Chapter 8: D-District Pris… From this point on, all you opinions will be rejected! RenoKy. 50 comments. Personally, I usually go Zell, Squall, Rinoa, but What about you guys? WaterofDarkness 11 years ago #2. One of the earlier Final Fantasy's, VI, has the largest cast of playable characters sitting at 14.. With so many characters, it can be difficult to decide which to use. Zell, Squall and Rinoa are the ideal party, especially if you can junction them correctly. For example, characters who frequently use a particular type of weapon (sword, bow, axe, etc.) Never did I change party members, unless it was necessary to do so for the progression of the story. Chapter 5: Galbadia 8. Chapter 7: Deling City 10. With a bit of luck, and a lot of Triple Triad, power and glory can be yours super early in the game. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about "Story Walkthrough: Ultimecia Castle (Chapter 22)" with us! It has a cool love story, an amazing soundtrack, and a gorgeous visual design. will become more adept at wielding a weapon of that type, as well as increasing their physical strength. This is the Story Walkthroughs page of Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (FFVIII, FF8) for Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. This list is the real deal, we Cid you not. I was wondering what is the hands down best party (3 FF8 characters used in battle). Yes, Final Fantasy VII in general has a very strong cast of characters but obviously someone had to come out at the bottom of this list.That person is Yuffie Kisagari. The number of party members changes from game to game, but four is the most common configuration. Gatling Gun, IIRC, but it's single target, so ultimately not terribly useful. While the FF8 cast has been training since youth, I don't really understand it. By PC Gamer 06 April 2018. Laguna Dream 2: Centra 7. For her unique weapons, value to the story, her awesome limit break, and her beautiful outfit, she totally deserves a spot here. most_games_r_ok - 11 years ago 2 2. Regent Cid of Lindblumworries how this will impact Princess Garnet, and dispatches the Tantalus Theater Troupe to kidnap her. Learning weaknesses and being able to junction elements into attack or even status. Having the super customizable junction system. Unless you've over leveled and are using sub par magic, there is nothing that is going to present a challenge to you outside of Omega weapon and that's optional. Final Fantasy II is unique in the Final Fantasy series for not using experience-based levels. In most Final Fantasy games, either the Crystals directly give godly power to the party, or the protagonist (or even party members) are more than human in a way that it makes sense for most enemies to fall under them. Playing cards, training GFs, learning abilities for theses GFs. Perfect GF Party Setup - no un-teachable, overlapping GF abilities! Tifa, FF7 (kick ass) 5. < > Showing 1-15 of 29 comments . Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). How do you like to split up your party in the final castle? Chapter 1: Balamb Garden 2. Having the possibility early on to earn some really good items in the game. The other person is kind of preference. Chapter 4: Timber 6. Here is a character by character comparison of each character’s stat growth as they level. Rydia, FF4 (summoning) 4. Childhood rivals, Squall Leonhart and Seifer Almasy, duel on a stormy night. User Info: Frogtk. Chapter 2: Dollet Exam 3. Chapter 8: D-District Pris… Chapter 3: Training Center 4. 2 Fast 2 Quick. Similarly… I'm curious if anyone else Has a "favorite three" as it were as their main party setup. I just always enjoyed the laid back experience of FF8. Laguna Dream 1: Deling 5. One of Yuffie's best weapons allows her to farm monsters for items via the Morph materia much more effectively than anybody else, as she can deal normal damage while using it. For some reason we … When I played FFX before I did Tidus, Auron, Yuna because those are the characters I liked. Rinoa, FF8 (magic) 6. Chapter 5: Galbadia 8. I believe Gatling Gun and Homing Missile are str based and yes with 255% Magic not Str I had Homing Missile via using a laser cannon not do 9999 damage. martin_cross. Dec 8, 2015 @ 12:27am All of those are perfectly good mixes with at least one long range character. Chapter 7: Deling City 10. I'm just wondering what party other people used, and what makes them good. I’m psyched to see how she does with real voice acting if we can get a true HD remaster of FF8! Which magic junctions best to which stat? Chapter 4: Timber 6. © Valve Corporation. Below is a list of those abilities categorized according to ability type. Laguna Dream 3: Winhill 11. I'm the same way but i believe that is the best party formation as you have one healer/summoner, two good attackers and one to use offensive magic. The game will split your party up across all six characters multiple times, so you'll get the chance to use everybody, and every party combination is legit, but the simplest way to set your group up is: "To say the game is harder at level 100 is the most ignorant thing I have ever witnessed." Cecil, FF4 (Dark Knight/Paladin capabilities) 8. 15 hits dark/fire/ne , party ATK/MATK/DEF/MDEF +30% , [Sorceress's Knight Mode] , break dmg lv1 , QC 15sec for Self and Edea if present in party , [FF8 Var Buff] [Sorceress's Knight Mode]: Dark/Fire Abilities(Infinite,Variable Damage Buff,Wcast) [FF8 Var Buff]: based on number of FF8 char in team : 0~1 : Self CritRate 100% and 100% wcast Dark/Fire for 1 turn. If you spend a lot of time and effort unlocking her abilities by devouring enemies (who need to be at the perfect level of HP too), Quina can be improved — a bit. Dec 22, 2013 @ 12:16am Zell , Squall & Rinoa #5. I'm trying to figure out which party I want. Instead of leveling up to learn new spells and abilities via weapons or a job class, the player must draw the spells from enemies and draw points, hotspots scattered throughout the game containing random numbers of a specific spell, or create them from items. Frogtk 11 years ago #3. Apr 23, 2016 @ 10:35am i think zidane dagger quina and freiya :) #1. 1. The best party in the game for me is Squall, Zell and Irvine for some reason i barely die using them they have good attacks and good GF's equip to them. Apr 23, 2016 @ 11:01am In terms of optimal parties: Zidane, Quina, Freya and Steiner. User Info: most_games_r_ok. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Irvine, FF8 (limit breaks) 7. Too late to edit - I meant Selphie's slots *aren't* always the most reliable. The duel ends in a tie with both leaving with scars across their faces. I try really hard not to use Rinoa until they force me to use her. 1. save hide report. Final Fantasy VI Best party, Story-wise. I'd have to say, out of all the years of playing FFVII, my most effective party setup is Tifa, Red XIII, and Cloud. if Angelo was Squalls dog instead of Rinoa she would be utterly useless, her attack animation takes to long too Rinoa's a joke. How to get Lionheart, Squall's Ultimate Gunblade, very early in FF8. What isn't disputed is that each of the games has characters that are memorable, fun, strange and so much more. -FF8Wizard on Final Fantasy VIII. Chapter 1: Balamb Garden 2. Squall, FF8 (same as above) 3. In flashbacks, does Laguna's party literally have the same inventory as Squall? Final Fantasy is the most recognizable JRPG series around and its highly disputed which of its games is best. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Pre Angel Wing Rinoa I used Squall (Lionheart made) ASAP and not from 20x Elnoyle cards, Zell and Quistis. Overall best party … You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Laguna Dream 2: Centra 7. They are the best damage dealers in the game, as well as having the highest natural stats (Squall with hit, Zell with Str, Rinoa with Mag). Instead of earning experience points at battles, each participant develops depending on what actions they take during the battle. Zell. I dont care about "well i like rinoa, shes cute so use her" i want the BEST team for the game. Specifically, this looks at a character’s HP, MP, Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Magic, Spirit and Luck. My favorite party is Irvine, Squall, and Quistis. Laguna Dream 1: Deling 5. Zell Squall Quistis. Note that the rankings below compare each character’s stat to other characters. Chapter 3: Training Center 4. Both are cadets at Balamb Garden, a paramilitary academy training SeeD, an elite mercenary force contracted to help people all around the world. The princess yearns to escape from her wicked mother and willingly boards the Theater Ship. Chapter 6: Tomb of The Unknown King 9. During the operation Vivi, a lone black mage, and Ad… Best party Zidane dagger vivi steiner :) whats your best party? The game will split your party up across all six characters multiple times, so you'll get the chance to use everybody, and every party combination is legit, but the simplest way to set your group up is: Squall, guy, girl All characters are identical minus two things: stats and limit breaks. I know it's rare XD. I always had this party for all my playthroughs. Best party for a newcomer? zell squall and selphie ( sometimes swap her out for quistis and irvine ) i refuse to use rinoa, she does my head in being the damsel in distress act -.-. A character with a ranking of “1” has the highest of any character as it relates to that specific stat. The next morning Squall wakes up at the infirmary on the day of his SeeD field exam. Despite the fact that many a young man has obsessed to an absurd level about this fictional woman (more on that as this list develops), Yuffie is easily the weakest of your main party members in terms of characterization. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I like selphine in party cause of her slots and plus if you junction her right she can be a dealdy melee attacker. Some character… Irvine and Zell all the way best limit breaks. I found Wakka and Rikku annoying, but after reading apparently they are good. All rights reserved. Read on to find chapter walkthroughs and guides corresponding to each section of the game, including the main story and side quests. Questis a close 4th cause of Blu magic Last edited by 2 Fast 2 Quick; Dec 22, 2013 @ 12:15am #4. bulletsd. User Info: WaterofDarkness. The first major consideration is which characters have the best stats. < > Showing 1-15 of 21 comments . Cloud/Cid's LV 4 limits are great, and Yuffie's second LV 3 is also awesome. share. Poll: Who was your "best party" in FFX, and why? Rinona's attacks seem to hit air type mobs hard. Squall, Zell and Selphie or Rinoa, for plot's sake I like to keep Rinoa close to Squall and I like to keep Quistis and Selphie and Irvine together, because ♥♥♥♥ Irvine, that and Quistis has alot of figuring out to do in regards to the nature of her feelings towards Squall, which are explained over time, and make more sense from a distanced support standpoint, Selphie and Irvine develope a relationship so keeping them together works well. Rinona is very handy in party with some of her limit breaks that ress and heal people and find loot and etc. I think it is important to point out that I have completed this game early in my childhood and even though I don't remember much it's still a replay. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Irvine and Zell all the way best limit breaks. All characters can deal 9999 easily, Quina and Freya can heal. Chapter 2: Dollet Exam 3. Fli. Each of the Guardian Forces in Final Fantasy VIII has a set of support abilities that can be equipped to a character when he or she junctions a GF. Laguna Dream 3: Winhill 11. I'm getting stoked for the FFX/X-2 release. The reason I prefer this setup, is because I just feel the most comfortable with it. He glimpses a mysterious girl who seems to know hi… CloUdStrIfe8293 I'm Rick James, Bitch. We've pulled together 10 pro tips for newcomers to the Final Fantasy franchise which they should know before playing Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. Queen Brahne Raza Alexandros XVI of the kingdom of Alexandria lusts for power, and seeks to increase her domain by conquering the surrounding lands. for me its squall rinona since your her knight and Selphie. Who are the best party members to partner with Squall? For example, Yuffie has the highest Luck of any character. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Some games have set parties, with members joining and leaving as the plot demands it, such as Final Fantasy IV, while other games allow the player to swap party members in and out to form whatever team they desire, which began in Final Fantasy VI. Major consideration is which characters have the best party '' in FFX, and what makes them good of... ( sword, bow, axe, etc. i 'm just wondering what is n't is... On to find chapter Walkthroughs and guides corresponding to each section of the Unknown King 9 of his field! 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