More Information on Shipping. As we know, slim radiators benefit from low-speed fans more than the thick ones, and the 120mm fan format only adds additional cooling surface. £3.84. EK-Supremacy MX UNI – a CPU water block that fits all modern CPU sockets like Intel® LGA 115*, Intel® LGA 20** and AMD® AM4 with a universal mounting mechanism that offers error-preventing, tool-less installation. The Pacific M360 D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit is an efficient, yet quality liquid cooling solution for all watercooled gaming systems. Aktuelle Folie {CURRENT_SLIDE} von {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Meistverkauft in Wasserkühlung. Kit 10&12mm - Water Cooling Hard Tubing Tool - EK Water Blocks EK-HD Tube D.I.Y. FREE Shipping by Amazon. $48.00 shipping. Um Caseking in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren. All dies finden Sie hier. Best practice is to gently secure these fittings using the enclosed Allen Key 9mm. CPU Block; VGA Block. Slovenian liquid cooling specialist EKWB is releasing a new line of ready-to-assemble liquid cooling kit. Copyright © - Alle Rechte vorbehalten * Alle Preise inkl. or Best Offer. FREEZEMOD PC Computer Water Cooler Hard Tubing Fitting G1/4 to 14mm (Black) £4.37. This kit … £324.00. Inside you will find a W4 RGB CPU waterblock, PR22-D5 pump/reservoir combo, RL360 radiator, C1000 Pure Clear coolant, 3 Riing 12 RGB fans, 6 C-Pro compression fittings, 2 adapter fittings, 4 PETG hard tubes and other accessories. Mit den Zubehörprodukten in dieser Kategorie wird Ihnen das Hard Tubing viel leichter von der Hand gehen, denn wer hat schon eine Heißluftpistole zu Hause oder ermittelt genau den richtigen Biegeradius ohne Schablone? Des Rätsels Lösung ist Wärme. Thermaltake Pacific CL360 Max D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit. Thermaltake Pacific Gaming RL240 D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit. 3.9 out of 5 stars 48. Es handelt sich hierbei lediglich um eine Prognose. Wir bauen Ihnen Ihr individuelles TRAUM-SYSTEM! EK-HD Tube 10/12mm – a total of 2 meters of acrylic hard tubing with timeless clarity. More Information on Shipping. Thermaltake Pacific C360 DDC Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit Review. PETG 10x14mm 500mm Rigid Tube Hard Horse for Water Cooling(Transparent) L&6. Individuelles PC-SystemSpezieller PC-Wunsch? Torque STC . EK-Vardar is simply the best choice for computer radiator cooling as it provides unmatched performance throughout the entire operating range. Water-Cooling with Hardline Tubing Guide: PETG and Acrylic. If you're new to water-cooling, don't want to mess around with heating up and shaping hard tubes, or wish to build a system that can be easily reconfigured, go with soft tubing. RTL Rigid Tube Bending Gleitmittel zum Biegen von... EK-Torque HTC-16 Farbring - 10er Pack, schwarz, EK-Torque HTC-16 Farbring - 10er Pack, blau, EK-Torque HTC-16 Farbring - 10er Pack, silber, Silicon Bending Insert für 13mm HardTubes - 30cm, blau, EK-Torque HTC-16 Farbring - 10er Pack, rot, EK-Torque HTC-16 Farbring - 10er Pack, lila, EK-Torque HTC-16 Farbring - 10er Pack, gold, EK-Torque HTC-14 Farbring - 10er Pack, blau. GPU Cooling . Free postage. EK-Vardar F3-120 (1850rpm) – industrial grade high-static pressure computer cooling fan, designed and built primarily for high-performance computer liquid cooling systems. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! verpassen Sie keine Neuigkeit oder Aktion mehr. Praktischer Schlauchschneider für sauberes und glattes Durchtrennen von PVC- oder PETG-Schläuchen / -Tubes mit einem... Set zum Zuschneiden von Acryl-Tubes mit 10 - 12 mm Innendurchmesser, mit Säge, Schmirgelpapier & Silikonlitzen, Praktisches Entgratungs-Tool, zum Entgraten von Hard-Tubes aus Kunststoff oder Metall. Eiskoffer Professional - Bending & Measuring... Hard Tube Silicone Bending für ID 12mm - 1m. Die Acryl Tubes sind im Ausgangszustand starr und nicht biegsam, lassen sich allenfalls in die gewünschte Länge zurechtschneiden. Software; Webcams; Cameras; Gaming Chairs; Open Box / Refurbished Specials; PCs & Laptops . $499.99. Wenn man die Acryl-Röhren erhitzt, werden sie ab einem bestimmten Punkt biegsam. Caseking ist DER Online-Shop für gaming-interessierte PC-Nutzende und Hardware-Begeisterte. Bellow is the full list of components included with every HT Kit and MSR prices with VAT included: HT Series kits are compatible with the following CPU sockets: – Intel LGA-1150/1151/1155/1156 Click & Collect. The plethora of separate product categories at Caseking, enables you to browse through a gargantuan assortment of more than 10.000 items to find exactly what you require - starting with hose clamps right through high-end graphics cards or from gaming mice to the super PCs and from notebook PSUs to 4K Ultra HD monitors! These kits are a great choice for enthusiasts who are looking for a complete high-performance hard tubing liquid cooling solution. Metal Tubing Cutter Schneidewerkzeug für Hard Tubes... Hard Tube Silicone Bending für ID 10mm - 1m, Schlauchschneider für Soft- und Hard-Tubes von 0-25 mm, EK-HD Tube Reamer/Entgrater für Hard-Tubes. This kit brings everything you need to assemble your custom liquid cooling loop. Co-engineered by EK Water Blocks, it has been designed to lower the production costs yet still offer premium hydraulic performance at the best price. Water Cooling Kits Water Cooling Configurator DIY Bundles EK Fluid Gaming Hardware AIO Water Coolers Water Blocks Processor Graphics Card Motherboard & RAM Components Reservoirs Pumps Radiators Tubing Sensors & Controllers Fluids, Dye & Coolants Hard Tubing / Fittings Acrylic/Hard Tubes Fittings Tools Fittings 10/8 mm 11/8 mm 13/10 mm 16/10 mm Thermaltake Pacific C360 DDC hard tube Water cooling kit is designed for users who likes an efficient and high-quality Combo kit that is ready to sync with 5V RGB Capable motherboards from Asus, Gigabyte, MSI and as rock. I am asking this because i my actual build is already a hard tubing setup, and i noticed that bending gets incredibly harder or easier depending on the tubing brand you go for. The kit includes three pure 12 a RGB sync radiator fans, a Pacific W4 a RGB CPU water block, Pacific pr15-ddc pump/reservoir Combo, Pacific C360 radiator, a bottle of T1000 transparent … Abonnieren Sie den kostenlosen Caseking Newsletter und : 94.20 x 87.40 x 228.10 mm; Model #: CL-W216-CU00SW-A; Item #: 9SIA8EF7EF8234; Return Policy: View Return Policy $299.99 – Free Shipping; Add to cart . Low Stock 1 left. Artikel 1 EK Water Blocks EK-HD Tube D.I.Y. Rigid PETG and acrylic tubing for custom PC water cooling provides a visual impact that’s very different from the once-standard flexible tube. GeForce RTX 30 Series; GeForce RTX 20 / Titan Series; Radeon RX 6000 Series; Radeon RX Navi Series ; Radeon VII Series; GPU Backplates . In addition, the cutter and reamer … 80mm Series Radiator; 90mm Series … Pc Cpu Overclocking Water Cooling System Set 240B Radiator + Sc600 Pump + 190Mm Tank + 2M Tube + Cpu Block With Total Fitting Fo. Zögern Sie nicht uns anzurufen: Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Bei der konventionellen Verschlauchung (Tubing) von Wasserkühlungssystemen kamen bisher flexible Schläuche aus unterschiedlichem Material zum Einsatz, starre Tubing-Abschnitte waren vereinzelte Ausnahmen, etwa zwischen mehreren Grafikkarten eines Multi-VGA-Gespanns. GeForce RTX 30 Series; GeForce RTX 20 / Titan Series; Radeon RX 6000 Series; Radeon RX Navi Series; Radeon VII Series; Multiple GPU Connectivity; Chipset Blocks; Fittings . The result is an easy installation which brings perfect performance every time. Laptops / Notebooks; 2-in-1 Laptops; Tablets; Accessories. Noch Fragen? For those looking to get into liquid cooling, Thermaltake’s Pacific CL360 Max D5 Hard Tube water cooling kit appears to be a good starting point. Buy Bykski Tools Kit Set for Water Cooling Rigid PETG Tubing Cut System Mandrels Heat Gun Saw File (45° 90° 180° PETG Bending Tool): Water Cooling Systems - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Designed for cases with limited radiator space in mind, the HT kit is a great choice for liquid cooling enthusiasts who are looking for a complete high-performance hard tubing cooling solution. The kit includes three Pure 12 ARGB Sync Radiator Fans, a Pacific W4 ARGB. 11,59 € Thermaltake V-Tubler PETG Tube 16mm OD 500mm 4 Pack Wasserkühlung transparent 4,7 von 5 Sternen 74. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für EK Water Blocks Ek-kit Ht240 Hard Tubing Watercooling Kit bei eBay. For a successful installation of the kit, EK recommends the purchase of the EK-HD Tube D.I.Y. Nach dem Erkalten ist die feste Form dauerhaft in den Tube übergegangen, Spannungen gehören also der Vergangenheit an. … Gleitmittel für das Biegen von Hard-Tubes von XSPC, verhindert das Steckenbleiben des Biegeschlauchs im Hard-Tube,... Zierring für die Compression Fittings Torque-HTC-16 von EK Water Blocks, aus anodisiertem Aluminium, Silikon-Biegeschlauch von Alphacool, zum Biegen von Hardtubes mit 13 mm Innendurchmesser, 30 Zentimeter Länge, Zierring für die Compression Fittings Torque-HTC-14 von EK Water Blocks, aus anodisiertem Aluminium, Leider gibt es in dieser Kategorie kein Produkt mit einem Award, Sorry, The Pacific M360 D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit is an efficient, yet quality liquid cooling solution for all watercooled gaming systems. NEW. To bend hard tubing, the tube must be made malleable – done with heat – and must also keep the full internal diameter so that flow is not kinked. Once limited to the most dedicated water cooling fanatics, today it’s often the material of choice of even the beginner. – Intel LGA-2011(-3) Get it as soon as Fri, Aug 28. VIRUS T Reservoir; Cylinder Reservoir. The end result is a beautiful looking hard tubing liquid cooling loop that is also ready for a future upgrade. The kit includes three Riing Duo 12 … Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Hard Tubing for Liquid Cooling. EK, the leading computer cooling solutions provider, will be presenting its latest products and innovations at another EK EXPO. Thermaltake Pacific M360 Plus D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit. Inside you will find a W4 RGB CPU waterblock, PR22-D5 pump/reservoir combo, RL360 radiator, C1000 Pure Clear coolant, 3 Riing 12 RGB fans, 6 C-Pro compression fittings, 2 adapter fittings, 4 PETG hard tubes and other accessories. Furthermore, all TT RGB PLUS products can work with Amazon Alexa Voice Service. This website uses cookies. by our team on interesting and educational liquid cooling topics. Amazon's Choice. Furthermore, all TT RGB PLUS products can work with Amazon Alexa Voice Service. Laptop Coolers / Stands; Laptop Carrybags; Warranties & Other Accessories; … The price is … Bring out your craftsmanship and make a liquid cooling masterpiece! Free postage. leider gibt es in dieser Kategorie keine weiteren Kommentare. Corsair CMW32GX4M2C3200C16W Vengeance RGB PRO 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 Desktop Memory. If you are cooling your rig with air and dreaming about liquid cooling, these kits will make your transition to this elite club as easy as possible! Wie werden sie also an die eigenen Wakü-Komponenten im Computer angepasst? Lohnt sich auf jeden Fall! Thermaltake Pacific C360 DDC Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit. Click & Collect. gesetzl. Barrow Flexible Tube 360mm Liquid Cooling Kit for AMD/Intel. Low Stock 1 left. Mehrwertsteuer zzgl. 99. PWM control allows for automatic pump speed regulation depending on your CPU temperature. This is a very simple to … Die Versandvorbereitung (Kommissionierung) dauert krisenbedingt aktuell mindestens 4-7 Werktage. Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit. Share. Designed for use with solid tubing, the EK-HDC Fitting prevents the hard tube to be pulled out of the fitting by compressing the rubber gasket underneath the ring. Kit 10&12mm - Water Cooling Hard Tubing Tool. Thermaltake Pacific Hard Tube Bending Kit. So, which is your favourite hard tubings brand you usually go for if you need to bend them? Once installed, these kits are a full custom loop solution. Designed for cases with limited radiator space in mind, the HT kit is a great choice for liquid cooling enthusiasts who are looking for a complete high-performance hard tubing cooling solution. Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit. Designed for ID 12mm x OD 5/8” (16mm) hard tube, the Pacific Hard Tube Bender Kit allows makers to construct aesthetically superior water cooling systems by allocating the tubes and radiators to each particular component and incorporating externally-modular upgrades into their chassis. $199.00. Model … Supporting Thermaltake’s patented TT RGB PLUS Software, the Pacific M360 Plus D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit is an efficient, yet quality liquid cooling solution for all watercooled gaming systems. EK-XRES 100 SPC MX PWM (incl. Thermaltake Pacific M360 Plus D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit Supporting Thermaltake’s patented TT RGB PLUS Software, the Pacific M360 Plus D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit is an efficient, yet quality liquid cooling solution for all watercooled gaming systems. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Reddit WhatsApp Telegram Viber Line. It comes in a weight-saving 100mL concentrated form, which just needs to be diluted with 900mL distilled water (not included). Hinterlasse einen Kommentar für ein Produkt in dieser Kategorie. Das System oder Bundle wird erst nach der Bestellung und vollständigen Bezahlung von uns individuell zusammengebaut. $12.59$12.59. Available in various angles, the laser-marked mandrels are made from solid aluminum and are anodized for maximum durability. We want to thank you for considering EK as your cooling solutions provider. Compare. To learn more about our Cookie Policy and how to manage cookies, Unlocking the Technology at the Upcoming EK EXPO. The EK-KIT HT240 and HT360 are complete hard tubing liquid cooling kits dedicated to users who seek top performing market proven components with versatile case compatibility in focus. Hard Tube Kit; Soft Tube Kit; Water Cooling Block. Model #: EHD-RNU-ASD77517; Item #: 9SIAN7VBTP3821; Return Policy: View Return Policy $25.49 – Free Shipping; Add to cart . Type: D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit; Block Compatibility: Intel LGA 2066 / 2011-3 / 2011 / 1366 / 1156 / 1155 / 1150 / 775 AMD Socket AM4 / AM3+ / AM3 / AM2+ / AM2 / FM2 / FM1; Block Material: Copper (Nickel Plated) Pump Dim. Water Cooling Kit. The adapter allows the connection of liquid cooling components and fittings with G1/4″ threads to simplify the tubing routing possibilities in your cooling loop. Samsung 970 Evo 1TB - NVMe PCIe M.2 2280 Solid State Drive (MZ-V7E1T0BW) Thermaltake AC-053-CN1OTN-C1 PCI-E x16 3.0 200mm TT Gaming Riser Cable (Black) AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX Desktop … DIY Laptop Liquid Cooling Kit Water Pump Reservoir Hard Tube 275mm CPU Heatsink. The tubing has to be heat treated to achieve desired bends and shapes. Dive into custom PC water cooling with the latest water cooling kits from Thermaltake. GPU Water Blocks . They can be upgraded with additional water blocks, for example, GPU water blocks and components, such as additional radiators. System konfigurieren, Einfach, schnell & kompetent +49 (0)30 - 40 36 642 - 00, Exklusive Produkte, Leidenschaft & Expertise aus Berlin, Schneide- und Biegekit von XSPC zum einfachen und schnellen Bearbeiten von Hard-Tubes, Hochwertiges Werkzeugset zum Bearbeiten von 13 oder 16 mm Hardtubes, Werkzeug & Winkel im edlen Werkzeugkoffer, 1 Meter langer Biegeschlauch von Bitspower zum Biegen von Hardtubes mit 12 mm Innendurchmesser, Tube Cutter von Bitspower, für Metall-Tubes, sicheres Schneiden, sauberes entgraten, 1 Meter langer Biegeschlauch von Bitspower zum Biegen von Hardtubes mit 10 mm Innendurchmesser. These complete kits will provide you with the latest technology in liquid cooling systems for your computer. Funktioniert einwandfrei und nachdem schneiden, keine Fransen oder Ähnliches! Schneidewerkzeug / Winkeln... Laser-Fitting von Alphacool, nützliches Tool bei der Gestaltung eines Wakü-Loops, 4-Pin Molex-Anschluss, Schwarz, Biegeschablone vom King Mod Service, zum präzisen Biegen von Acryl-Tubes, transparentes Acryl (10mm stark), Silikon-Biegeschlauch von Alphacool, zum Biegen von Hardtubes mit 10 mm Innendurchmesser, 30 Zentimeter Länge, 10er Set schwarze Dichtungs-O-Ringe für 16-Millimeter-Anschlüsse, 1 Meter langer Biegeschlauch von Bitspower zum Biegen von Hardtubes mit 11 mm Innendurchmesser. To our Service three 120mm Vardar fans are included with EK-KIT HT360 ID 12mm - 1m noch! Also responsible for the name of this Kit you usually go for if you are also invited to read blog. Der Online-Shop für gaming-interessierte PC-Nutzende und Hardware-Begeisterte eiskoffer Professional - Bending & Measuring... Hard Tube Water cooling Kit.. Bestätigten Anlieferungstermin für diesen Artikel vom Hersteller oder Lieferanten erhalten ein Produkt in dieser Kategorie sofort... 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Vorbehalten * Alle Preise inkl various components or Water blocks and the unique twists and turns of tubing! In one shot Tube kits today, actually Thermaltake V-Tubler PETG Tube 16mm OD 500mm 4 Pack transparent! Von Hard-Tubes mit 5/8 Zoll, inkl Hinweise in der Produktbeschreibung gehören also der Vergangenheit an 16mm. Transparent ) L & 6 written by Alex Banks August 23, 2019 | 14:00 und. Who are looking for a future upgrade ist, stellen tubings mit festen Röhren ( Rigid Tubes ) aus dar! Elegant, polished Water blocks, for example, GPU Water blocks, for example, Water! Und individuelle Dienstleistungen rund um Gaming, PC-Hardware und Modding sowie eine stetig wachsende Community jungen. Fri, Aug 28 Reservoir ; OD65mm Reservoir ; Cube Reservoir ; Cube Reservoir ; Reservoir. Rufen Sie uns an: +49 ( 0 ) 30 - 40 36 -! Hinlänglich erprobt ist, stellen tubings mit festen Röhren ( Rigid Tubes ) aus dar. 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