(4.) This … She relieved many that were in want and distress--a good copy for women to write after that have ability. Who also were in Christ before me, that is, were converted to the Christian faith. Paul stated in Romans Chapter 2 that people were storing up wrath because of their hatred. He warned to be careful of those who claim to be good and those who are evil. Even so, Father, because it seemed good unto thee. [A new version of this page can be found here] . Amen. Because of the pernicious policy of these seducers, Romans 16:18. 1co0110. It is now made manifest. ROMANS CHAPTER 16. Some have also suggested that the Iounian here in Romans 16:7 is a contraction of the masculine Iounianós (Iunianus). And yet he has something more to say nay, again he repeats the blessing (Romans 16:24), and yet has not done an expression of his tender love. Still, this chapter is highly significant, since it connects what some people read as the abstract, doctrinal sections of Romans that seem to orbit in the stratosphere down to life as we experience it here with our feet on the ground. Romans 11:16 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Romans 11:16, NIV: "If the part of the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy; if the root is holy, so are the branches." Peter Lampe takes the investigation of these names further by noting what Paul says about the various people mentioned. After the “God of peace” benediction, the people with Paul, apparently in Corinth, send their greetings. Mutual salutations, as they express love, so they increase and strengthen love, and endear Christians one to another: therefore Paul here encourages the use of them, and only directs that they may be holy--a chaste kiss, in opposition to that which is wanton and lascivious a sincere kiss, in opposition to that which is treacherous and dissembling, as Judas's, when he betrayed Christ with a kiss. Whether she had business of trade, or law-business at the court, is not material however being a woman, a stranger, a Christian, she had need of help: and Paul engaged them to be assistant to her. It was a good while ago that they had done Paul this kindness and yet he speaks as feelingly of it as if it had been but yesterday. Though the majority of Romans scholars now consider Romans 16 to be an integral part of the letter that Paul wrote,4 it has not attracted the attention paid to the earlier chapters of the letter. Romans 16:2 Lit and of me, myself; Romans 16:5 I.e., west coast province of Asia Minor; Romans 16:7 Or possibly Junias (masc) Romans 16:7 Lit have become; Romans 16:15 See note 1 v 2; Romans 16:17 Lit occasions of stumbling; Romans 16:18 Lit belly; Romans 16:23 Late mss add as v 24: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. It is rather to be applied to the victory which all the saints shall have over Satan when they come to heaven, and shall be for ever out of his reach, together with the present victories which through grace they obtain in earnest of that. It is no less than a divine power that establishes the saints. He calls them his helpers in Christ Jesus, by private instructions and converse furthering the success of Paul's public preaching, one instance of which we have in their instructing Apollos, Acts 18:26. The matter of this praise. God’s *blessings for the *Jews 9:1-5. v1 I speak the truth in *Christ. • Verses 16-17 (the first part of the lectionary 1. And yet, blessed be God, there is as much of this mystery made plain as will suffice to bring us to heaven, if we do not wilfully neglect so great salvation. "THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS" Chapter Sixteen OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS CHAPTER 1) To be impressed with such Christians as Phoebe, Priscilla, and Aquila 2) To understand the warning against those who cause division SUMMARY In this last chapter, Paul closes with miscellaneous instructions, greetings, warnings, and a doxology. Romans 16 is a chapter that we usually skip in our Bible studies or devotional reading because it appears to be a "grocery list" of names that we think are unimportant. 16 - Mind not high things Better, "Be not high minded" See ro1120 for the same advice, " 17 - Recompence We are to return good for those who are against us mt0538-48, 1co1305-6. It isn't until verse 16 that he finally gets to his main point. It was an honour to Tertius that he had a hand, though but as a scribe, in writing this epistle. If the New Testament explains the Old, the Old Testament, by way of requital, very much illustrates the New. Ibid., 284-90, responding to Michael H. Burer and Daniel B. Wallace, “Was Junia Really an Apostle? Thus the Old-Testament prophets prophesy again, now their prophecies are fulfilled, before many people, and nations, and tongues. While we are in the midst of so many deceivers, we have great need of that wisdom of the prudent which is to understand his way, Proverbs 14:8. The *Holy Spirit … EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: The original manuscripts for the closing section of the book of Romans vary considerably. The oaths and covenants in the written word are but the copy of the oath and covenant which were between the Father and the Son from eternity: those the extracts, these the original. 4 They risked their lives for me. Salutations added from some who were with Paul, Romans 16:21-24. The subject-matter of the gospel is a mystery. Some were Christians before him, but some Paul influenced toward Christ. They were of note among the apostles, not so much perhaps because they were persons of estate and quality in the world as because they were eminent for knowledge, and gifts, and graces, which made them famous among the apostles, who were competent judges of those things, and were endued with a spirit of discerning not only the sincerity, but the eminency, of Christians. Our words ‘deacon’ and ‘deaconess’ are derived from it.” "THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS" Chapter Sixteen OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS CHAPTER 1) To be impressed with such Christians as Phoebe, Priscilla, and Aquila 2) To understand the warning against those who cause division SUMMARY In this last chapter, Paul closes with miscellaneous instructions, greetings, warnings, and a doxology. Romans 16:25-27. Romans chapter 16 KJV (King James Version) 1 I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea:. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. She knew God’s Word and she was able to deal with these kinds of doctrinal matters. Romans 12 is a pillar for change, it is that chapter that will give you the tools to live according to God’s plan. Let this quicken us to our spiritual conflict, to fight the good fight of faith--we have to do with a conquered enemy, and the victory will be perfect shortly. Perhaps Epenetus was one of that household or, at least, he was one of the first three not the first alone, but one of the first fleece of Christians, that the region of Achaia afforded. Really, really badly. Reading occasional letters—letters arising out of and addressing specific situations at specific moments in history—as Scripture challenges us when we include chapter 16 as an integral part of Paul’s letter to the Romans. (1-7) Prays for the saints at Rome, and expresses his desire to see them. We do not find in the story of the Acts any imprisonment of Paul before the writing of this epistle, but that at Philippi, Acts 16:23. 2. The Application to the Gentiles and All Men (2:14-16) E. Exposition Proper Romans 2:1-16 is a powerful passage about the nature of … In an excellent article that reflects on what ethnicity meant for the historical Paul, Charles Cosgrove concludes that “on the basis of Rom 9:1-4, it seems fair to say that Paul loved Jews as his own people.”18 The references to his relatives in chapter 16 seem to confirm Cosgrove’s point, for they solidify the impression Paul seems determined to make in this letter, that he loves his people and values his Jewish identity (Rom. Concerning Rufus (Romans 16:13), chosen in the Lord. The preaching of the prophets, as far as it related to this mystery, was in a great measure dark and unintelligible in the ages wherein they lived but the scriptures of the prophets, the things which they left in writing, are now not only made plain in themselves, but by them this mystery is made known to all nations. He mentions, 1. Romans 4:16. Romans 16:3 Greek Prisca, a variant of Priscilla; Romans 16:7 Or are esteemed by; ... (John 14:1-3) and fully explained by Paul (1 Cor. Concerning Aristobulus and Narcissus notice is taken of their household, Romans 16:10,11. 1:16; 11:13-14), we must conclude that Romans 16:25-27 is a functional benediction but not a summary of the letter. He gives a very good character of her. The apostle commends to the Christians at Rome Phoebe, a deaconess of the Church at Cenchrea, Rom 16:1, Rom 16:2.Sends greetings to Aquila and Priscilla, of whom he gives a high character; and greets also the Church at their house, Rom 16:3-5.Mentions several others by name, both men and women, who were members of the Church of Christ at Rome, Rom 16:6-16. Concerning Apelles, who is here said to be approved in Christ (Romans 16:10), a high character! Paul was as well skilled in the art of obliging as most men. True love never sticks at labour, but rather takes a pleasure in it where there is much love there will be much labour. she was kind to those that needed kindness, intimated in her succouring them and her bounty was extensive, she was a succourer of many. Victory comes from God more as the God of peace than as the God of war for, in all our conflicts, peace is the thing we must contend for. The gospel is revealed, not to be talked of and disputed about, but to be submitted to. It also repeats the strategy Paul shows at the end of 1 Thessalonians, where he uses language employed in Roman propaganda and subverts it by asking for the blessing of the God of peace, rather than the Roman peace which was so celebrated in Augustan theology (1 Thess. Finally, there is a blessing that attempts to summarize the letter. He was one of known integrity and sincerity in his religion, one that had been tried his friends and enemies had tried him, and he was as gold. 16 - Same mind Having a spirit of cooperation even when personal opinions differ; be the mind of Christ. The five sections of chapter 16 begin with a commendation and introduction of Phoebe, the woman who probably carried the letter and perhaps read it to some of the house churches in Rome. Slaves, freedmen/women in the Roman house churches, Since the “leveling of names” occurred later in the imperial period than in the mid-first-century when Paul wrote this letter, we are able still to make some class distinctions on the basis of names with a considerable degree of probability for the letter written to the Romans.12, The term ‘servile’ designates either a slave or a freedman/woman. Two of his principal attributes are here taken notice of:-- (1.) Women in Romans 16 Romans 16 is a significant chapter for the study of women in the early church. It was no disparagement to the chamberlain of the city to be a preacher of the gospel of Christ. Salute one another with a holy kiss - In those early times the kiss, as a token of peace, friendship, and brotherly love, was frequent among all people; and the Christians used it in their public assemblies, as well as in their occasional meetings. Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ The reason why he was so ready and willing to preach it, even where he ran the greatest risk of his character and life, was, because it was "the Gospel of Christ" he preached, and he was not ashamed of it. The victory shall be complete: He shall bruise Satan under your feet, plainly alluding to the first promise the Messiah made in paradise (Genesis 3:15), that the seed of the woman should break the serpent's head, which is in the fulfilling every day, while the saints are enabled to resist and overcome the temptations of Satan, and will be perfectly fulfilled when, in spite of all the powers of darkness, all that belong to the election of grace shall be brought triumphantly to glory. A doxology to that God whose gospel it is, ascribing glory to him for ever (Romans 16:27), acknowledging that he is a glorious God, and adoring him accordingly, with the most awful affections, desiring and longing to be at this work with the holy angels, where we shall be doing it to eternity. (3.) The word σκοπειν, rendered to mark, signifies, to observe attentively and diligently, as those do who are placed on a watch-tower to observe the motions of their enemies. When Satan seems to have prevailed, and we are ready to give up all for lost, then will the God of peace cut the work short in righteousness. A caution to take heed of those who caused divisions, Romans 16:17-20. Romans. Among English translations, from Tyndale to near the end of the nineteenth century, the name was usually translated as though it were the woman’s name, Junia. All the glory that passes from fallen man to God, so as to be accepted of him, must go through the hands of the Lord Jesus, in whom alone it is that our persons and performances are, or can be, pleasing to God. Or, since the world began, so we translate it. Endearing language should pass among Christians to express love, and to engage love. So the reformed church of Paris might be called the church at Charenton, where they formerly met, out of the city. The rediscovery of Junia the woman apostle in Romans 16:7 represents a significant step in early Christian prosopography. As N. T. Wright writes in another essay in this volume, “I used to think Romans 16 was the most boring chapter in the letter…” (see p. 7). None of the people listed in Romans 16 were famous or powerful in the world’s eyes. The caution itself, which is given in the most obliging manner that could be: I beseech you, brethren. (1-2) Government’s legitimate authority and the Christian’s response. Romans 16:1 Or servant; Romans 16:1 The word deacon refers here to a Christian designated to serve with the overseers/elders of the church in a variety of ways; similarly in Phil. Every one in his place should strive to serve the church, for therein he serves Christ, and it will turn to a good account another day. Fourth, there are greetings from those with Paul. Like an envelope in which we seal a postal letter to a loved one, Romans 16 lets us know that real people, including women leaders, those with slave backgrounds, and those both with and without Jewish connections, were meant to hear and benefit from this letter. (8-15) The gospel way of justification by faith, for Jews and Gentiles. Paul here. (2.) In terms of English translations, the first translation to render the name masculine was Rodolphus Dickinson’s translation of the New Testament (first published in 1833), followed by the Emphasized Bible (Rotherham) (1872, 1878, 1898), the English Revised Version (1881), and the American edition of the Rheims translation (1899; the 1582 original used “Julia”).20 Complete tables of how Iounian has been translated in English versions are available in Epp’s work. 1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon # 16:1 Or servant # 16:1 The word deacon refers here to a Christian designated to serve with the overseers/elders of the church in a variety of ways; similarly in Phil. Scripture: Romans 16:25–27. Be ye therefore wise as serpents (Matthew 10:16), wise to discern that which is really good and that which is counterfeit wise to distinguish things that differ, to improve opportunities. It is uncertain whether this was Gaius of Derbe (Acts 20:4), or Gaius of Macedonia (Acts 19:29), or rather Gaius of Corinth (1 Corinthians 1:14), and whether any of these was he to whom John wrote his 3 John 1:1. But this passage is not a dry list of names. 1 Edwards, Romans, p. 354. Salute the beloved Persis, which laboured much in the Lord. Paul’s word for her church position is diakonon, a word that can be either masculine or feminine in lexical gender, designating the church position described in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. 3:1-2; 9:1-3; 11:1, 28; 16:7, 11, 21). The (Jewish) Root Supports You through Your Faith Alone. As Paul will make abundantly clear throughout the letter to the Romans, salvation is by faith alone (cf. 3:8,12. 1 I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea: 2 That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also. 2. How studious was Paul to leave none out of his salutations that he had any knowledge of or acquaintance with! The most complete treatment on the questions surrounding this name has been done by the New Testament scholar of textual criticism, Eldon Jay Epp.19 In the discussion that follows, I summarize Epp’s work as found in the original article he published on Junia in 2002. Is one way of maintaining the communion of saints, `` why was this mystery kept secret so,... This strategy is that they were able to—salute one another with a solemn celebration of book... 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