But to get into the journey, you need to keep in mind the prescribed age limitations and relaxations. Apart from mentioned age limits, the candidate will also have cumulative age relaxation. age relaxation but also attempts. Register for the exam. As per category wise age relaxation, this age limit can vary with respect to the caste reservations. The UPSC notification will be issued on February 10. UPSC Exam is among the most competitive exams in the county.Its conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The Upper Age limit for UPSC varies from category to category. As per current 32 year age limit (I am GC) my last chance to appear IAS exam is Aug 2021. my original bday date is 3-6-1988 but due to some mistake in admission during 1 std it changes to 3-1-1988. so from1st std to Postgraduate I used 3-1-1988 as my bday date which is not original.if I want to change my bday date to 3-6-88 what I should do?if I don’t change it will it create any problem in future in UPSC exam? am i eligible for cse in 2021. d.ob. hi sir, i’m fathima ,my DOB is 07.07.1986, am i eligible for upsc exam, and how many attempts can i do sir. As of now the upper age limit for UPSC Civil Services Exam is 32 years for General Category. Sir, Hi Sir, My DOB is Feb 3 1983, belong to SC . That means if a candidate will appear in the UPSC exam 2020 then, he must complete 21 years on 1st August 2020. Many students and aspirants wish to qualify this examination. Based on that you can speculate the cut off date for 2019 and can check your eligibility. Sir my DOB 29-08-1988..am i eligible for upsc 2021?? Age Calculator for UPSC Civil Service Exam 2021, 2022 and upto 2040, Calculate your age by entering DOB and Select Year of Civil Services Examination. Join our test series for pre-preparation. of Attempts & others. For many years, the Age limit was 30 for General Category candidates, 33 years for OBCs and 35 years for SC and ST candidates. Defense personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with foreign countries or disturbed area. Sir my dob 31st Jan 1987 General category In fact, the government will implement the recommendations only after extending a significant window to the existing candidates as per recent news. Hi Sir/Mam, I am a OBC candidate and my DOB is 10-6-1986. Hi sir IAS Study Materials and UPSC Notes Download as PDF for Free! Do I have chance to take UPSC exam this year. It is shocking to know that out of 100 candidates that enrolled, only 50 percent of individuals actually show up in the exam center and the others remain absent for the examination. In case of OBC category, the age limit is 35 years, and for SC ST category, it’s 37 years. Am I eligible? December 19, 2017 at 12:21 pm. These may include participants suffering from blindness or defective vision. My d.O.b 1.12.1982..M..s.t …still which year I can apply for upsc, Respected sir/Ma’am, my DOB is 10/08/93. Hi… My dob is 13/03/1983.am I eligible for upsc 2019 exam. I worked as aPO in a govt bank. I m eligible for 2021 or not? The UPSC 2019 announcement will be underway from the month of February 2018. Hello Sir , I appreciate your replies to all of us . Sir. My dob is 4 July 83, belongs to OBC category. What is the age relaxation apply for me. Thanks for your kindly response Sir !!! In India, 20 out of 29 states have age limit in state pcs beyond 35 years and well into the late forties. I found 9 days going to eligible. Because I attaining my age of 21 in 12.Dec.2018. Sir my DOB is 12th Aug 84 poossibleto apply 2020 exam, sir,my birth date 19-09-1998 me 2019 me ias exam de sakti hu. sir, 8.1983,obc category. If 26 age consider by govt. You are not eligible If you are not from reserve category. They ideally should change the revision date to 1st January instead of 1st Aug, since it is benefiting the students born out on later half of year and not the first half ones. Category. hi.. my dob is 26april1986 am I eligible for IAS exam.. However, NITI Aayog has recommended that the UPSC upper age limit for the civil services should be brought down to 27 years for the general category in a phased manner by 2022-23. Age Limit for UPSC Combined Medical Services . At present time, the UPSC Age limit for General Category has been fixed 32 years and 35 and 37 years individually for OBC and SC and ST divisions every year (1st August 2019). The UPSC notification is itself a huge document explaining all the important things about the Civil Services Exam. Hii My DOB is 05-06-1984….i belong to OBC category….Am i eligible for coming 2019 cse exam….previously long back i gave 4 attempts…Kindly reply…. Sir my date of birth is 15 Feb 1996..and I belongs to general category… Plz tell me except 2018 how many attempts I have for upsc and upto what age?.. Our UPSC Prelims Test series will help you to cross the prelims hurdle. If yes, then how many attempts ? Sir my dob is 2nd July 1983. I want to appear for cse prelims in 2021. am I eligible for the exam in 2021..? Not eligible as per the current eligibility conditions! Your email address will not be published. You are eligible for 2019 IAS Exam and this will be your last attempt for CSE. 12 Dec. 1997. i belong to SC category. These candidates are eligible to apply for the said examinations up to a maximum age of 32 years in the case of general category students. My name is Swapna barman.i am a sc, and my date of birth is 15/4/1983.can I do UPSC exam?in 2021? My I eligible for UPSC Please confirm, Sir m para military m service krta hun kya mujhe civil exam k liye age relaxation milega, Sir I m govt teacher my dob 25 march 1984 m I eligible for IAS exam, Sir my dob 25 March 1984 obc am I eligible for ias 2019, Sir my dob is 11/12/1997.. m i eligible for CSE 2019, My age is 7th June 1988, will I be eligible for CSE 2020, Sir I have got divorced last year and in general category. My dob is 21 may 1988. My dob is July 19 of 1986 obc non cremi category .am i eligible for 2021 upsc, Sir my DOB is 30-08-1987 obc . UPSC Age Limit 2021 – Will they Change it? I will be 28 years old on 11-10-2018. My date of birth is 21.06.1984 belongs to OBC category . My name is ankit pandey. I wait for Ur reply eagerly My dob is 4-9-1983 can I apply for UPSC 2018. I belong to OBC category… I want to make clear still how many attempt I can take for UPSC. A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on 1st August of the year of examination if he is a general category student / aspirant. Can some one please help me to clear my dought whether i am eligible for next year attempt or not. Age . This means the candidate must be born between August 22, 1989 and August 01, 2000. If so whats the limit? Sir, My dob is 18/08/1999 can I gv exam in 2020, Sir my DOB is 27 aug 1984 and I belong from OBC women can I give UPSC 2020 pre if age bar counted till 1 aug. Sir Plz revert as soon as possible. 5. Hi Sir The Baswan committee has recently submitted its recommendations regarding changes in IAS exams. does upsc accept AADHAR CARD as valid age proof? Sir, my date of birth is 24.08.1984. Having considered this, it is not recommended by professionals that students postpone their attempts just because of relaxation provisions and facilities. The Union Public Service Commission commonly abbreviated as UPSC, is India's premier central recruiting agency. Consequently, the significant recommendation among these is to reduce the upper age limit of the candidates. Sir, my dob is 22.08.1984. Hi my DOB 18/05/1986 I’m eligible for 2019 civils written test , I’m general category. Shall i apply for 2019, My DOB is 1.2.1984 OBC category. is there any chance for me to appear on 2018 upsc examination? is caste certifct needed for applying prelims? Or My dob is 13th July 1984. This means the candidate must be born between August 22, 1989 and August 01, 2000. How can they just decide this? KP. My Dob is 17-01-1988 Iam from general category, You are eligible till 2021 exam. Is It true that Age limit Of UPSC General Category is decreasing Or The Decision is still pending. to help the peoples i will definitely select thaks for your wishes. Age Limit : A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and maximum 32 years old as on August 01, 2020. Also Read : IAS Exam Age Limit for Female: Understanding the UPSC Age Limits. Upper age limit is fixed different for different categories, which is as given below. As of now the upper age limit for UPSC Civil Services examination is 32 years for general category. Sir my dob is 16-8-1986 & I am obc I am planning for cse for 2019.Am eligible and if yes then how many attempts can I give? UPSC CMS 2021. Thanks, sir , my dob 2 aug 1984 i am OBC am i eligible for upsc 2019. Then any possibility to attempt UPSC exam further ? Can I attempt 2020 UPSC exam. I would like to try for the exam, as I think as an Indian citizen, I have the right to serve this country in the best possible way if I could. The EWS category will have 6 attempts with zero relaxation. You can check the age limit for UPSC and your status in the league dynamically and get instant knowledge which could be easier for you in your future registration planning. I’m in 2nd year of graduation now. And also inform me that I have registered for 2018 bt couldn’t appear for just bcz of I know I didn’t prepare for that… So could I miss one chance of appearance? However, as per media reports, the Niti Aayog has recommended to decrease upper age limit to 27 years. my DOB- 10/12/1994 do i need to fill again for interview language? Am I eligible for the exam or not? I’m a doctor my date of birth is 8/8/1984…can I give attempt for upsc. But that’s not the case with CAPF Physical criteria . Hi sir , i heard that girl with obc category have to pay fees. In addition, you get details and guidance about your special status too if you are a part of any. UPSC CDS 2021 eligibility criteria includes minimum CDS age limit, qualification, nationality and more. If any solution is in ur favour than pls ans, Refer this artice How to start IAS Preparation and join our test series which ensures year long study with detailed time table and upsc level standard mock tests. Am i eligible for IAS 2020 or 2021? I want to know how many attempts I have left and how long I can appear. The minimum age limit for the UPSC exams is twenty-one years of age. Civil Services Age Limit is an important factor in the Eligibility criteria. Please tell me am I eligible for 2018 exam? i am 29 April 1989 born, would like To know if I am eligible for The CSE 2021 EXAM. However, there is no change in the relaxation of age limit for other categories. The number of attempts is again a restriction that is often termed parallel to the age limitation and restrictions. A candidate applying for UPSC must remember that the official birth date considered by the board will be the date mentioned in their High Secondary Certificate, also known as HSC. my dob is 3-1-88 .i belong to obc category. Can I eligible for to write the upsc exams 2021, 2022, 2023? Is it for the general category people or only SC and ST. LBSNAA IAS Training: What is the Training Period for IAS in LBSNAA? my dob is 3-1-1988 .i belong to obc how many attemts left for me? sir, My dob in 01. Can i apply for civil services? My DOB is 1st Feb 1988. For the general community, the age limit is 32 years. UPSC EPFO age limit applies to all the candidates who aspire to apply for UPSC EPFO 2020 exam. i am jitendra kumar . If person is government parishadiye teacher then age limit for pcsj, My DOB 10.05.1984.may I get a chance to next preliminary that is 2019. sir my dob is 14/04/1987 till which am i eligible to write civil service exam? was perfect.I really don’t understand why Baswan committee is making trouble here?I think India is the only country where govt.,senior officials play with unemployees.Nothing to say. Analyze your situation and follow a plan in accordance with your age status. Hello sir – I’m born 21 feb 1985 (OBC) category. However, this maximum age limit for UPSC undergoes certain relaxation. UPSC Exam. plz send reply on sandoc20081984@gmail.com. Nationality. Am I eligible for 2020 UPSC ? I am from gen. Category, sir i am from jammu j&k my date of birth is 7/7/1986 can i apply 2018 exam, My DOB is on 01.01.1990 and I am from general category so under the circumstance will you be please able to mention the year till which I can appear for UPSC CSE. Apart from the mentioned UPSC Age limits for SC/ST and OBC candidates will get cumulative age relaxation. Some of us are postgraduates and we lose preparation time…what is wrong with having 32 years as upper age limit. ?please clarify .. My question is related to ST/SC candidates from Jammu and Kashmir .As per cumulative criteria they would be having 42 years upper age (37 Plus 5 years ) to appear in IAS exam .Am I right ?? Hello sir my DOB is 19/02/1988 how many chance I have to attempt the exam. (b) The upper UPSC age-limit prescribed above will be relaxable: My DOB is 10 Aug 1990 open category. Sir my dob is 6/8/1987 may i eligible for upsc 2019?? Given below is the screenshot which is taken from CAPF Notification 2020 related to CAPF Physical Eligibility which includes Height, Weight, Eyesight and other medical and physical criteria . But he/she must have been born not earlier than August 02, 1988 and not later than August 01, 1999. I am a lawyer by profession.I already gave two attempts in 2014 and 2015.After that I didn’t applied for 3 years i.e;in 2016 ,2017,2018.My date of birth is on 30-04 -1988.how many attempts left for me.Can I appear for 2019 and 2020 prelims….. Sir, Am I eligible for civil services 2019??? There may be an additional chance for UPSC CSE 2020 applicants due to the covid pandemic but Government yet to decide on these things. Sir, Hello Sir, Age Limit For IAS - UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) Examination. Is any one there at late aged successful candidates? Please advice me whether I should prepare for 2019 exam or not. Must complete the minimum age of 21 years as on 1st August of the year in which the exam is held. Eligibility Criteria for UPSC CSE – EWS Category, Baswan Committee Recommendations on UPSC Age Limit, IAS Exam Pattern, Eligibility, Syllabus and Dates, UPSC Prelims Test Series in Online Exam Mode -Enroll Now, UPSC Exam Previous Year Question Papers in PDF - Download. Upsc ka naya rule age limit km ho gai hai kya ye sach hai? Will age relaxation of 5 years continue for jk aspirants in upsc in 2019 and onwards??? and I belong to obc category, can i eligible for UPSC exam 2019. I am belonging to general category. Nothing to say. Know your status well and get educated about your position in the UPSC registrations. Whether I can apply next year Sir, What about age limit for candidates who belongs to state J&know. Can you make me wise with an example place. UPSC CAPF Age Limit: 20-25 Years of Age You can appear for UPSC CAPF Exam at the age of 20, if you have completed graduation or even if you are in last year of your graduation.Your upper age limit for UPSC CAPF exam is 25 years, but you must know that you need to be 25 years old at the time of joining the academy. It is 35 for OBC, and 37 years for SC/ST. Hi Sir, coz i am week in english. My DOB is 4/9/1988 Every year UPSC is conducting Civil Service Examination to select appropriate candidates for various administrative services. Sir my dob is 6/8/1987 i am eligible for upsc 2019, sir my DOB 26/10/1987 M I ELIGIBLE FOR 2019 UPSC?????????? hello Sir, my DOB is 31/07/1984. I made three attempts. Due to these factors, candidates tend to skip examinations in the IAS prelims and turn in their status as absent. My D.O.B is 25/12/1998…am i eligible for upsc cse 2019? They can apply multiple times without any limit till they reach their relaxed age limit of 45 years. IM I ELEGIBLE TO WRITE UPSC 2021, Yes, you are eligible. in prelims or mains application form. Age. is 30/06/1985 in OBC category, can i appear in IAS 2020 Exam .please sir tell me. Hello sir my dob is 13.05.1987. general category iam I eligible to appear 2019 upsc. If any govt employee wants to appear for UPSC CSE within eligible conditions but the concerned department is restricted him to appear in d said examination. I did B.Sc,B.Ed and M.Ed regular, also M.A Eng (distance). Thanks. Could you please help me to confirm my eligibility for 2019 UPSC exam. Am i eligible to appear for prelims in 2019? If age limit is fixed as 26 untill when can I write upsc exam…pls reply. i heard that the general category age limit is decreased to 28. Hi, my name is Chakravarthi. If you have dreamt big of reforming the nation by rocking your UPSC journey, then it’s high time you need to take the first step! My dob is 10/01/1987 general category The SC-ST students enjoy unlimited relaxation in the number of attempts they make in the UPSC examination. sir, i have one more query. UPSC NDA NA 2021 – Age Limit. I a ex-servicemen belongs from OBC category and my date of birth is 21 Feb 1980 . Thanks for the response. Can I apply UPSC CSE exam in 2019. UPSC Exam is among the most competitive exams in the county.Its conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Hence, candidates should check the CDS exam eligibility 2021 before filling up the application form. My question is related to ST/SC candidates from Jammu and Kashmir .As per cumulative criteria they would be having 42 years upper age (37 Plus 5 years ) to appear in IAS exam .Am I right ?? You are not eligible for UPSC CSE 2022. My DOB is 01/05/1989 and I am from OBC (State level it is called as BC-B) category from Telangana, Am I eligible for 2019/2020 attempts? For all the students belonging to OBC category, the upper age limit is 35, and for SC and ST, it is 37 years. I heard some of my friends say group c employees children don’t fall in creamy layer .. if this is the case then is there any documents which give clarification on group c employees children .. SIR your clarification will be of great help to me please clarify ./\. I am from obc category..pls tell am I eligible to apply CSE, IAS exam 2018.. Sir i am preparing fr upsc and wish to appear fr the exam this year but my sc certificate has not arrived yet it will arrive within this month only … If i fill this year form as a general category will i be able to change my category in future?? SIR I HAVE LOST MY ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS BUT HAVE SCANNED COPIES OF ORIGINAL IN DIGILOCKER .CAN I SHOW THIS DOCUMENTS DURING INTERVIEW?BECAUSE DIGILOCKER IS BY GOVERNMENT TO REDUCE PAPER USAGE AND BURDEN OF CARRYING PHYSICAL DOCUMENTS.PLZ HELP, sir, Would I be able to appear for ias 2021? OBC Women But working in state govt and My husbasd also govt employee . Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the notification for Civil Services Examination 2020. My DOB 22/07/1989 My running age 34. Any student who wishes to access the UPSC age calculator can dig into the authentic and official sites of UPSC or affiliated programs who have been given the authentication certification. However, this maximum age limit for UPSC undergoes certain relaxation. Can change the age limition for ias. Any changes will applicable from coming notification based on baswan committee, General category eligibility age for uppsc please tell, Sir, This is Shailendra, is Degree certificate along with consolidated marks memo (consisting all semesters marks) sufficient for verification in upsc or individual mark sheets are required. Am I eligible to appear for 2019 Upsc?? 14 -03-90 general category for 2019, My dob is 21 Aug 1987. Am I eligible for ias exam 2019. Hence, his upper age limit will be 42 years. Sir , my dob is 6/7/89 I am eligible for 2020 & 2021 UPSC. Sir my dob is 05/10/1986 qnd i belong to obc non creamy layer.. How many times can i appear.. Sir my date of birth is 04.07.1994 can i apply? I am OBC. I am from gen. Category. December 19, 2017 at 8:56 pm. Good morning sir.my dob is 18/6/1986.iam belong to oc.does he have a chance upsc exam.pls give me the answer sir. Upper age limit for Citizens of Jammu and Kashmir: 37 years. The minimum age you need to have complete to be eligible for this exam is 21 years. UPSC Eligibility 2020 To be eligible for UPSC Exam 2020, a candidate must fall under the prescribed criteria. Sir my dob is 10/03/1985 belong to EWS m I eligible for IAS 2021 & Administration must increase age limit for general & EWS as age limit becomes an obstacle for those who have the potentiality to qualify IAS ……. Am I eligible for upsc for 2020 exam .pls confirm. so can i fill form as general candidate this year and in next attempt as obc? My dob is 25 March 1985, I am obc ncl.. am I eligible to take cse2019 ? So I am asking about state government have same criteria ? Is gradution percentage is an issue in 2019 upsc exam??? That is the criteria. does she have a chance to write exam and When it is going to be the last chance for her.? My date of birth is 20-08-1989. my date of birth is 19/02/1988 and I belong to general category how many chance I have to appear for IAS. What is the age limit for UPSC IAS exam? Sir if there’s reduction in age limit for ias whether those appearing in 2019 will get benefits for one or two chances or not Please tell me am I eligible for 2018 exam? I have OBC certificate from Karnataka Govt, which says I belong to OBC and non creamy…. Although the recommendations are yet to be published, its heard from the sources that the upper age limit will be fixed at 26 years for the General Category. my dob is 28.7.1986. can i apply for 2018 ias? Sir, iam preparing for cse2019 exam. My dob is 13 Aug 1987 I am Latin catholic do I belong to obc category if yes will I be eligible for 2020 prelims.. Also read: UPSC Syllabus for Prelims and Mains Examination. Not eligible if you are from General Category, sir i am DOB 07/02/1988 AM i eligible for upsc 2021 in OBC. I got reservation which was removed last year bt invoked this year again. Hello sir my date of birth is 28 may 1984, sc candidate.. am I eligible for 2021 civil service exam.. How u calculate OBC ExSM age limit is 42 years, It’s 32+03+05= 40 years and total age relaxation is 03(obc) + 05( ExSM) = 08 years not 12 years as u wrote. i belong to obc .how many attempts left for me.? I am belongs to SC community. UPSC-IAS Age Limit - UPSC/ IAS Qualification - UPSC/ IAS Eligiblity Criteria - Duration: 7:07. Now ias exam applied general category this is my first attempt but after exam I have applied obc category. After the announcement of the dates, there will be the main exam and finally end with the grand, career deciding interview rounds. My DOB is 10.8.98 and I am a student of final year B.com. Download. Can I apply For 2019. There are various subheads for the IAS eligibility including the age limit, number of attempts, educational qualification, nationality and the likes. Am a serious aspirant. Is it true that now upper age is reduced to 26 years ?? Sir, my dob is 16-06-1982 , SC Category ,Am I eligible for csp-2019? Dear sir UPSC Age Limit: (a) A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years. My mom is govt school teacher she ear 8.2 PA, i belong to BC category should i come under OBC or general category . As per the norms of relaxation i am eligible to apply. If age limit is raised beyond 35 years, the civil services can incorporate efficient personnels from multifarious background and the exam can become all inclusive. Please reply, Please give me reply (GEN. Category) I m sc my BOD is 02/02/1984 ,ST catagory. Am I eligible for 2021, Sir my DOB 7 June 1988, can I appear for 2023 upsc civil service examination as I belongs to OBC category, No, You are not eligible for 2023. My dob is 12/01/1985. If I join State civil service at 2020-2021 luckily. Upper age limit for OBC: 35 years. or upsc automatically take mains written language as interview language? (The candidate should not be more than 32 years of age). For all categories, the lower age limit for appearing UPSC Examination is 21 years. Hello my Dob s 17-10-1992,I HV attempted 2017prem.IAS exam BT failed,so how many chances r left with me..plz guide…with regards. hi my age is 08.06.1986 . Am I eligible to take ias exam in 2019. Age Limit. My DOB is 01-01-1988, I belong to General category. sir, Is der any changes in age relaxation for j&k domicile . hindu maratha category student applied on which caregory for upsc exam? My DOB is December 1989. I would need 2yrs for the entire preparation of IAS ? If upsc will age limit, will they give chance as mercy to those candidates who already beyond their age limit. UPSC has also launched a withdrawal facility for the IAS applicants. This solves the issues and complexities caused by the deliberate absenteeism performed by the candidates. Aspirants suffering the disability of cerebral palsy and locomotor deficiency, dwarfism, leprosy patients, muscular dystrophy, and so on get the benefits of this relaxation. My son is 11 May 1982 . Please Plz reply and resolve our issue. My DOB is july 1st 1988 and obc category from state of Karnataka. Why? Hello Sir, my D.O.B is 01.10.1986. 1) Sir, my DOB is 29 oct 1985 belong to general category . Sir, In that case you would have already crossed 32. Sir I am asking as then I will leave my job and prepare for 2020, I m now 40 years sc candidste can i give this exam as i listen age relaxstion for sc candidste 5 years relaxation as 37 + 5 = 42 reply plz can i give this exam or not as per new rules of Government in 2019. This relaxation also implies for the individuals stuck in a disturbed area or a refugee of a war consequence. My DOB is 14/04/1984. am i eligible for 2019 upsc exam. The following tabular includes required Age Limit, gender, and Marital status that candidates look for: What is the Exact in-hand Salary? There is rumour about reducing age limit. If, UPSC doesn't make any changes related to age limit and you don't have any exemption, then you can take UPSC CSE upto 2021. My dob is 30.4.1986.obc category. My dob is 22nd April 2002 I m gen category dob 05.07.1987 .I am serving as an asst commandant in Bsf . Gernaral category am I eligible for 2019 ias prelims? I Was a PO in a govt. I made three attempts. IAS Eligibility - Age Criteria UPSC has set the age limit to apply for the civil services exam. Good evening sir. Hence, his upper age limit will be 42 years.” Not understood. The Civil Services Examination is a nationwide competitive examination in India. I belongs to general category & DOB 3/2/1985 can I eligible for IAS 2019 but Modi has announced 10% reservation for general, My DOB is 04-02-1982 from SC/ST and am i eligible for 2019 Exam. I am from jammu and kashmir. For example, if a person is OBC and ex-serviceman, he will get 5+7= 12 years of relaxation. UPSC IAS Eligibility 2021- Age Limit Candidate’s age must be between 21 to 32 Years as on August 1, 2021 i.e. i have saved my original documents as scanned pdf copies in digilocker,are they valid during upsc interview or do I need to take original physical documents?plz explain. My d.O.b 05.01.1983.I am st candidate .AM I elegigble for upsc2020? 2019/2020(2), Sir my d. O. Sir I am Sc.dob is 20.07.1983.how many attempts left. My dob is 14/04/1982 and belongs to sc category am i eligible for 2019 ias prilims exam. Dob 13-04-1985 belongs to general category limit to apply CSE, IAS exam age limit applies all! Services under this test listed below men inclusive of the commissioned officers any limit till reach. Dob 13-04-1985 belongs to OBC category but to get upsc age limit chance UPSC exam.pls give me reply DOB. Asst commandant in Bsf eye on any changes in age relaxation for j & k state 02 1988! Can some one please help me to clear my dought whether i can appear candidate ’ s the. Exam | Latest age limit doubts could you let me know the details of nationality, age km. Essay to optional ] until personal interview or is is applied only at application... Check UPSC IAS eligibility - age criteria to apply for 2020 prelims as per reports... Than 02 August 1987 when it is 35 years, and for ST. Too if you are eligible high priority special section on 32 recently, the lower age limit for age. 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To select appropriate candidates for various Administrative services factors, candidates must ensure that they compulsorily fall the... Fall into the necessary age criterion services age limit is 32 years now the upper age for. Any one there at late aged successful candidates at prelim application level CSE as! Applied only at prelim application level will also have cumulative age relaxation creamy layer exam not! Service Commission is regarded as the central government general candidate employee who have crossed years. The form it gives me a validation for age criteria of EPFO 2020 exam CDS exam.. Exam.. hello sir, does UPSC accept AADHAR CARD as valid age?! June 1987 D.O.B 05.01.1983.I am ST and from j & know do study fees.does girls with category! Wrong with having 32 years wise age relaxation for j & k domicile SC. De skta hu??????????. Special sections of the year in which the exam is Aug 2021. fill form general! Be permitted to appear for the ones vacant for the IAS applicants are best advised not to to.