The hydrolysis of H2O2 was measured by the decrease in absorbance at 240 nm. * Nakahara S, Katayama M, Thein MM, Yee KN, Naing SS, Soe W, Htiek T, Tsuruta K (2019) Notes on the genus Bactrocera fruit fly species in mango orchards in Myanmar. Prior to experiment, all glassware was washed with liquid detergent, rinsed with acetone and distilled water and baked in an oven overnight at 180°C. There is a need for in depth studies on possibility of exogenous application of SA for fruit fly management in mango at field level and to understand the role of this chemical elicitor in strengthening our current pest management programs. Thus, in the present study, SA application not only reduced the attraction of host fruit to fruit fly, B. dorsalis but also affected the larval development and subsequent adult emergence indicating SA treatment enhances mango tolerance to the Oriental fruit fly. However, the identity and nature of oviposition stimulants for B. dorsalis is not well known. (2004), Role of salicylic acid in tomato defense against cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hubner. The total phenol content was significantly higher (t = 7.38, df = 4, P = 0.0009) in treated fruit when compared to the control fruit (Fig 7a). Further, reduced pupae formation and adult emergence was observed in treated fruit compared to control. The bottom of the apparatus was lined with filter paper (Whatman No 1, 12 cm dia) and air was drawn through the four arms towards the center at 350 mL min-1. Fruit treated with distilled water were used as control. Mango (Mangifera indica) is a woody plant of high economic importance. Previous studies involving … Observations on the time spent and number of entries into each arm were recorded using Olfa software (F. Nazzi, Udine, Italy). Increased phenol and flavonoid content was recorded in treated fruit. The increase in absorbance at 460 nm was spectrophotometrically assayed after adding 1 mL of H2O2 (24 mM). This is the first time we show that the SA induced changes in mango fruit affects the attraction of female Oriental fruit fly, B. dorsalis. Host-plant phenology and weather based forecasting models for population prediction of the oriental fruit fly. The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), is a very destructive pest of fruit in areas where it occurs. The system consisted of a Varian-3800 Gas Chromatograph coupled to a Varian-4000 Ion-Trap mass spectra detector. Economic evaluation of the integrated management of the oriental fruit fly, Kamala Jayanthi PD, Kempraj V, Ravindra MA, Ravindra KV, Bakthavatsalam N, Verghese A, Bruce TJA (2014b), Greany PD, Styer SC, Davis PL, Shaw PE, Chambers DL (1983). Received 2014 Sep 4; Accepted 2015 Sep 9. Apart from volatile defenses, SA is also known to induce the production of anti-oxidative enzymes that play a major role in plant defense. The ePub format is best viewed in the iBooks reader. Methanol extracts were mixed with FCR reagent and the subsequent intensity of color development with 20% sodium carbonate reagent was measured at a wavelength of 700 nm using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Beckman DU64, Switzerland). Individual volatile compounds were identified by comparing the retention index that was calculated by using homologous series of n-alkanes (C5 to C32 procured from Sigma-Aldrich) as standard [44] and comparing the MS spectra with spectral libraries (Wiley and NIST-2007). already built in. The SA treated and untreated mango fruit (n = 3; 1g in 20 mL) were extracted with methanol (80%). Each fruit was kept in a separate container. Similarly the total flavonoids content also differed significantly between treated (t = 24.92, df = 4, P = 0.0001) and untreated fruit (Fig 7b). (2011), Natural variation in decision-making behavior in, Wei J, Joop JAL, Rieta G, Tila RM, Na L, Kang L, et al. There were significant differences in the number of punctures between SA treated and control fruit (t = 8.12, df = 7, P = 0.0001) (Fig 3a). After the exposure period, number of oviposition punctures and the number of eggs laid per puncture were recorded under a stereomicroscope. The fruit were sprayed in the laboratory with SA continuously for four days (one spray per day) and then used in bioassays. The occurrence of fruit flies including Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel is the most important factor hampering the production of the crop in Africa in general and Mozambique in particular (Ekesi et al. Bactrocera dorsalis was chosen for this research because vapor heat treatments for this insect are being evaluated by the IPPC and the question of possible variation in tolerance to heat among different populations was raised by countries reviewing the … 2 Further, reductions in the larval growth/ adult emergence were also found in SA treated fruit that can be attributed to an increase in the total flavonoids/ phenols and antioxidative enzymes viz., peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase. Bactrocera spp. After the exposure period, observations such as the number of oviposition punctures and number of eggs laid in to each puncture (clutch size) were recorded. Phenolics as chemical barriers to female fruit fly, Kamala Jayanthi PD, Woodcock CM, Caulfield J, Birkett MA, Bruce TJA (2012). Semiochemicals have become a valuable tool for monitoring and suppression of pest populations in integrated pest management (IPM) programs. Results were expressed as milligrams of gallic acid equivalents. Quantification of volatiles was performed using a single point external standard quantification method using authentic samples of standards [43]. Gravid females (15-days old) were used for all behavioral assays. (2009), Signal signature of above ground induced resistance upon below ground herbivory in maize, Zhao LY, Chen JL, Cheng DF, Sun JR, Liu Y, Tian Z (2009), Biochemical and molecular characterizations of, Bruinsma M, Van Dam NM, Van Loon JJA, Dicke M (2007), Induced resistance in groundnut by jasmonic acid and salicylic acid through alteration of trichome density and oviposition by, Fine-tuning plant defence signalling: Salicylate versus jasmonate, Postharvest salicylic acid treatment reduces chilling injury of ‘Taify’ cactus pear fruit during cold storage, Ryals JA, Neuenschwander UH, Willits MG, Molina A, Steiner HY, et al. Catalase activity was expressed in units per gram fresh weight (FW). Wrote the paper: KJPD RMA VK. (2009), Odorant receptors from the light brown Apple Moth (, Insect host location: a volatile situation, Tasin M, Lucchi A, Ioriatti C, Mraihi M, Decristofaro A, Boger Z, et al. Toggle facets Limit your search Text Availability. A single gravid female B. dorsalis was introduced into the central chamber through a hole in the top of the olfactometer. Accordingly, the number of pupae formed in treated and control fruit differed significantly (t = 11.93, df = 6, P = 0.0001) (Fig 6a). = non-significant]. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: TKR KSS AV. Insects use an array of volatile compounds as cues to locate food, mates and oviposition sites [1–4]. The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), is a generalist that utilizes a multitude of fruits as oviposition sites. Mature mango (cv. Isolation and identification of host cues from mango, Skelton AC, Cameron MM, Pickett JA, Birkett MA (2010). However, no significant difference was noticed between treated and control arms for number of entries made by gravid females (P > 0.05) (Fig 4b). Application of salicylic acid resulted in satisfactory mite control in Phaseolus vulgaris and enhanced yields [68]. One such strategy is the utilization of elicitors in priming and/or increasing or decreasing the production of certain volatile compounds upon insect attack [6]. Healthy fruit without any scars at harvest were selected (randomly from two trees), rinsed with tap water and left to dry before use. An increase in phenols, flavonoids, lignin and hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins was noticed in mangoes subsequent to post-harvest treatment by chemical elicitor, benzothiadiazole [67]. Bactrocera dorsalis is a member of the Oriental fruit fly (B. dorsalis) species complex. Adult flies feed on decaying fruit, plant nectar, and other substances during their lifetime and prefer to feed in the morning. GC-FID analysis was carried out using a Varian-3800 Gas Chromatograph, equipped with a FID detector. Salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, catechol, guaiacol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, tris buffer, sodium phosphate, and di-sodium phosphate were purchased from Himedia, Bangalore, India. (a) The number of pupae formed; (b) The number of adults emerged. Division of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake PO, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. (2014), Reciprocal crosstalk between jasmonate and salicylate defence-signalling pathways modulates plant volatile emission and herbivore host-selection behaviour, Hayat S, Mohd I, Arif SW, Mohammed NA, Aqil A (2012), Salicylic acids local, systemic or inter-systemic regulators, Serghini K, Perez LA, Castejon MM, Garcia TL, Jorrin JV, (2001), Enhanced enzyme activities and induction of acquired resistance in pea with elicitors, Al-Wakeel SAM, Hani M, Mahmoud MG, Mahmoud MYM (2013), Induced systemic resistance: an innovative control method to manage branched broomrape (, Resistance to development of larvae of apple maggot in crab apples, Aluja M, Birke A, Ceyman M, Guillén L, Arrigoni E, Baumgartner D, et al. Decreased number of punctures and eggs were recorded in SA treated fruit when compared to the control fruit. Most damage on Guava and Mango However B. dorsalis is now the dominant fruit fly which infests fruit in Africa. Further, we tested for biochemical changes between SA treated and untreated mango fruit. Among anti-oxidative enzymes, catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and polyphenoloxidase (PPO) alter feeding behavior, growth and development of insect pests and play a major role in defending biotic and abiotic stress [23, 24]. Female oviposition decisions and their impact on progeny life-history traits, Miller PM, Saltz JB, Cochrane VA, Marcinkowski CM, Mobin R, Thomas LT,. Among the elicitors listed above, SA is well studied in non-woody plants for its role in regulating plant defense and in triggering ‘systemic acquired resistance’ (SAR) [14–19]. Finding a suitable host for oviposition is crucial to all phytophagous insects [51] and olfaction plays an important role in enabling the host plants recognition [52, 53]. The area of the experimental plot was one hectare with a total number of 400 mango plants, at 5 m (between the plants) x 5 m (between the rows) spacing. The experiments were conducted at ambient room temperature (27 ± 1°C). Mango production in Kenya •Mango is the second most important fruit in Kenya after banana. Kamala Jayanthi Pagadala Damodaram, Ravindra Mahadappa Aurade, [...], and Abraham Verghese. Chemical elicitors viz., salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), ethylene, abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellic acid (GA3) are well studied and known to induce both direct and indirect defenses against insect pests [6–8,10–12]. Although its' name does not illicit much response here in Singapore, in countries such as the United States and Kenya, the mention of the Oriental fruit fly will send agricultural farmers, fruit vendors, immigration authorities fuming mad. PHYTOPHAGOUS insects use chemical cues emanating from plants to orient to their food hosts while plants ward off herbivory again through use of chemicals. The activity of POD in the 2 mM SA-treated fruit was relatively higher than that in control fruit (t = 5.76, df = 4, P = 0.04) (Fig 8b). Our results showed reduction in oviposition by B. dorsalis in SA treated fruit as the number of punctures and eggs were significantly reduced compared to untreated fruit. This article describes the development of a protocol for post-harvest disinfestation of Bactrocera dorsalis on mango using hot-water treatments. Upon maturity, fruit were randomly collected (n = 8) and brought to the laboratory for oviposition assays. stream 2005). Nevertheless, utilization of direct and indirect host-plant defense mechanisms and exploiting these plant signals for sustainable IPM is an area that yet to be explored in several perennial fruit crops. The number of eggs laid per fruit was also significantly (0.5 mM: t = 5.15, df = 4, P = 0.01; 1.0 mM: t = 9.57, df = 4, P = 0.001; 2.0 mM: t = 5.49, df = 4, P = 0.01; 5 mM: t = 4.78, df = 4, P = 0.01) lower in SA treated fruit compared to controls (see Previous studies involving other tephritids such as the Caribbean fruit fly, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) and Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) clearly showed that exogenous application of phytohormones (GA3) on fruit clearly deterred fruit flies and altered their oviposition behavior [34–39]. In Mozambique, mango is the fruit commodity with highest production after banana, largely by small scale farmers (FAOSTAT 2015). First instar larvae of B. dorsalis (n = 100) obtained from a closed laboratory colony (maintained at 27 ± 1°C, 75 ± 2% RH and 14L: 10D h photoperiod) were placed in each fruit using fine camel-hair brush and allowed to settle. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity was estimated according to the method described as per Mayer and Hare [50]. Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel; Diptera: Tephritidae) is a notorious pest species known for causing immense economic losses due to its infestation of many types of commercial fruits and vegetables. You searched for: Subject "Bactrocera dorsalis" Remove constraint Subject: "Bactrocera dorsalis" Start Over. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 7 0 R 24 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> Emerged flies were maintained in wooden nylon-screened holding cages (30×30×30 cm2) and provided with yeast, sugar and moistened cotton swabs ad libitum. Female … (2014a), Specific volatile compounds from mango elicit oviposition in gravid, Electroantennographic bioassay as a screening tool for host plant volatiles, Schmelz EA, Carroll MJ, LeClere S, Phipps SM, Meredith J, Chourey PS, et al. ties of mango. We analyzed the activity of antioxidative enzymes viz., catalase, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase in both SA treated and untreated fruit respectively (n = 3). Nitrogen (1 mL/min) was used as the carrier gas. [42]. (a) Ovipunctures (b) the number of pupae emerged per fruit. Further, from these pupae only 58.89% adult emergence was noticed in SA treated fruit compared to control which recorded 93.77% adult emergence. For each treatment, the SA treated fruit along with a control mango fruit (n = 6) were placed into oviposition cages (0.62m length x 0.62m wide x 0.62m height). The SA treated fruit showed high level of phenol and flavonoids content compared to control. Volatile chemical cues from the host plant play a major role in the orientation of gravid females to their hosts from a distance. Error bars = Standard error of mean. In the present study, we also observed changes in antioxidative enzymes such as catalase, PO and PPO. detected from mango fruits. The lowest number of punctures was recorded in 2.0 mM SA treatment followed by 5 mM and 0.5 mM SA treatments (Fig 1a). Totapuri, a susceptible variety to B. dorsalis) [41] fruit were collected from the experimental orchard of the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore. The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel, 1912), is a member of the Tephritidae (fruit flies) family. Elakki) for six generations, with one generation cycle of one month and maintained at ambient conditions (27 ± 1°C, 75 ± 2% RH and 14L: 10D h photoperiod) in the Fruit Entomology Laboratory, Division of Entomology and Nematology, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bangalore, India [40]. The headspace volatiles subjected to GC-MS analysis revealed a clear difference in volatile composition between control and SA treated fruit. Mango growers in Southern Ethiopia are faced with the severe challenge of controlling mango fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis. It is thought to be an introduced species in Yunnan Province, China, where it causes severe damage. Error bars = Standard error of mean. Pupae were separated by sieving the sand and placed in screened cages for adults’ emergence. Economic Injury Level of the Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae), on Commercial Mango Farms in Manica Province, Mozambique African Entomology publishes original research and communications on entomology, with an emphasis on the advancement of entomology on … The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Additionally, the effect of SA is well studied in herbaceous plants, but, studies on the effect of SA on woody plants are meager. Headspace volatiles from SA treated and untreated mango fruit of green mature stage (cv. (a) Total phenols; (b) Total flavonoids. The study was conducted in a 25 years old mango cv. The fruit were allowed to develop on the trees. Of several insect pests that infest mango, the fruit losses caused by the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) goes on unabated inspite of several management options [27–33]. It also modifies the characteristic plant volatile compositions [16–19] and enhances growth and vigor of plants [21, 22]. As a result of identification, three species were confirmed including Bactrocera carambolae, B. correcta and B. dorsalis. 12.4) is another key pest of mango (Tandon and Shukla, 1989). [†¬€÷ÿu~”ðZÇr¨d9dE&ô. It reproduces quicker than Ceratitis capitata and C. rosa 9 . Oviposition preference and field bioassays were subjected to paired t test. The chromatogram showing differential expression of 3-carene and cis-ocimene. <> 2 0 obj The mango, Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae), is the best known and most widely cultivated species in the genus Mangifera. A hand held atomizer (1 L capacity, Kisan Agri Sprayer, Mumbai, India) was used for uniform application of different doses on fruit. Olfactometer bioassay data (time spent in each odour field, SA treated fruit vs. untreated fruit vs. solvent control) were compared by a non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s multiple comparision test (α = 0.05). The pupal and adult emergence decreased in the SA treated fruit when compared to the control (unpaired t test, t = 11.93, df = 6, P = 0.0001 [pupae], t = 17.96, df = 6, P = 0.0001 [adults emerged]). (a) punctures (b) Eggs per puncture. The reduction in oviposition as evidenced by decreased punctures and eggs reached peak by 3rd day post SA treatment. and 0.25 μm film thicknesses). In oviposition choice assays, gravid females laid significantly less eggs in SA treated compared to untreated fruit. Thus, exogenous applications of elicitors may impact insect-plant interaction through modified host plant volatile emissions. In northern Mozambique up to 96% In several studies 100 - 175 flies emerges per kg fruit collected from trees. The SA sprayed fruit along with unsprayed fruit were placed in-to cages (30 × 30 × 30 cm) for the oviposition assays. Repeated measures (mixed model) two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post test (a) punctures (F = 6.86; edf = 20; P = 0.03) (b) Eggs per puncture (F = 130.20; edf = 20; P < 0.0001). Phenolic content in the host fruit affects the fruit fly development [64, 65]. A secondary objective was to estimate final seed surface temperatures required for efficacy for B. dorsalis in mango. Our sincere appreciation and thanks to Dr Charles Zaiontz for his valuable statistical support and guidance. While, all other assays were compared using unpaired t test. In each treatment, the SA treated fruit along with a control mango fruit were placed into an oviposition cage (0.62m length x 0.62m wide x 0.62m height) and exposed to fruit flies for 12h. (2011), Kamala Jayanthi PD, Vivek K, Ravindra MA, Ravindra KV, Bakthavatsalam N, Verghese A, et al. 5.0.1) for Mac OS X. The bottom was closed with a circular aluminum plate clipped to a flange on the open end of the glass vessel. Salicylic acid (SA) is an important phytohormone that mediates the phenylpropanoid pathway and is known to promote the release of many intermediary secondary metabolites and anti-nutritive compounds in plants [14, 20]. The injector temperature was set at 260°C and all injections were made in split mode (1:5). Performed the experiments: RMA. (1987). Even subtle changes in volatile ratios of host plants confuse insects and alter their perception and orientation [5]. All analyses were carried out using Graph Pad Prism software (Ver. Sample of volatiles (1μl) was injected into the column inlet for gas chromatographic analysis and remained in the inlet for 10 min to be desorbed. 353–362 in Robinson A.S. and Hooper G. These are reported to elicit significant EAG response as well as positive behavioural responses in gravid female B. dorsalis [42]. B. dorsalis has been seen in more than 200 kinds of fruit and nut plants, but the species lay eggs in mango, papaya, and avocado fruits most often. (eds. The mass spectrometer was operated in the external electron ionization mode of 70 eV, with full mass scan-range of 45–450 amu. Though many studies have explored the role of SA in inducing host plant defenses against pathogens, limited attempts have been made to study its role against insects. Each fly was given 2 min to acclimatize in the olfactometer, after which the experiment was run for 15 min for each replicate. (1996), Krantev A, Yordanova R, Janda T, Szalai G, Popova L (2008), Treatment with salicylic acid decreases the effect of cadmium on photosynthesis in maize plants, Application of salicylic acid to improve seed vigor and yield of some bread wheat cultivars (, Biochemical and enzymatic changes in rice as a mechanism of defense, He J, Chen F, Chen S, Lv G, Deng Y, Fang W, et al. Keywords Mango, Mangifera spp, Mangifera casturi, Mangifera lalijiwa, Bactrocera dorsalis, mango relative. This species complex forms a group within the subgenus Bactrocera and the name may therefore be cited as Bactrocera ( Bactrocera ) dorsalis . Briefly, methanol extract was mixed with 0.3 mL of 5% NaNO2 followed by 0.3 mL of 10% AlCl3. A simple and cost-effective mass rearing technique for the tephritid fruit fly. To study the behavioral responses of gravid B. dorsalis to headspace volatiles of SA treated and untreated mango fruit, behavioral assays were carried out using a circular Perspex four-arm olfactometer [120 mm diam, 42] placed inside a cage (0.62m length x 0.62m wide x 0.62m height) illuminated from above by diffused, uniform lighting using a fluorescent bulb (15W) and surrounded by black light proof walls to prevent influence of any external visual stimuli. [46]. Perspex components were washed with Teepol solution, rinsed with 80% ethanol solution and distilled water, and left to air-dry. Most of the flavonoids are growth inhibitors and cause abnormal development, growth inhibition and larval mortality [66]. Headspace volatiles collected from SA treated fruit were less attractive to gravid females compared to volatiles from untreated fruit. For small-scale and local market crops, pre-harvestmanagementissufficient,whileforthe export market a combination of pre- and post-harvest … xœ½=ÛrÛF–ï®ò?ðe¶È”„ ohÀ³5µ¶O4'Û©Tíd`’¸‘I…"í8µ¸çÒ thŠA3™úrúô¹ŸÓÍ_Ÿ>±2ËÕ¬P"3jVåY©g¥ÍŒ˜íš§O~úb¶yúäWn%57ÓA³\í^¼{úäËWbVeU1{wùô‰˜åð_1Ædy½mVÀ›OŸä³+üóקOþ9Ÿ-þgöîoOŸ| ÝÿAÿ˳J©ü•þ–¥œí ¹(dV•YnC .¿ P©™õ+¢fÅ`I¢(3 cU&33 ¥Iã‡:2ã=˖RÀBf6WY5Xõó…Tó‹s)æõúfqnçõû›¦‡‹ `€…ê*æŸoðÏÍzÓL>uUf¹HL=ùBUžgÖ&f»\œ«ùn¡æÍ⼚7€îrþy!ô#€¡òL¥]履O™h>|¼»òŸÞÐ̟çºý#Šy¶¾[èùún“ j®¦MçUfÍiûïù±0Y! Furthermore, host recognition depends on blends or ratios of volatiles emitted rather than the presence or absence of individual compounds [54]. We are experimenting with display styles that make it easier to read articles in PMC. Greany PD, McDonlad RE, Shaw PE, Schroeder WJ, Howard DF, Hatton TT, et al. An Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (formerly known as Bactrocera papayae), is considered the most virulent and serious fruit fly species because it can attack about 209 plant species from 51 different families (Chua, 1991; Drew and Romig, 1997; White and Elson-Harris, 1992). B. invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White) (Diptera: Tephritidae) on mangoes in Senegal leads to production losses. Damage caused by the fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (syn. Peroxidase (PO) activity [49] was analyzed by using guaiacol as substrate. The ePub format uses eBook readers, which have several "ease of reading" features Enhanced levels of these plant defense compounds would have affected larval growth and development resulting in poor pupation and adult emergence of B. dorsalis. In the present study, the decline in catalase activity and its associated reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation would have been further affected the B. dorsalis larval growth in SA treated fruit endorsing previous studies that report post SA treatment enhancement in antioxidative defense systems [69], and the inhibition of catalase activity in tobacco plant, and cherry fruit [70,71]. Catalase activity [48] was determined with minute modifications by adding 0.1 mL of crude enzyme to 2.9 mL of 40mM H2O2 (dissolved with 50mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0) as a substrate. 2008). Analyzed the data: KJPD RMA VK. Total flavonoids present in the samples were determined as described by Chun et al. Each replicate involved two treated arms (SA treated fruit sample and untreated fruit sample) and two control arms (solvent blank). Among them Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis have been recorded on mango, guava, peach, banana, chicko, oranges and other fleshy fruits [3, 4]. Verghese A, Soumya CB, Shivashankar S, Manivannan S, Krishnamurthy SV (2012). Fruit fly behavioral responses were studied for headspace volatiles of SA treated and untreated mango fruit in the four-arm olfactometer (dual choice bioassay) as described by Kamala Jayanthi et al. You may notice problems with Our olfactometer results show that volatiles collected from untreated fruit attracted B. dorsalis whereas volatiles from SA treated fruit did not attract the flies. Introduction. Cis-ocimene and 3-carene (attractants to B. dorsalis) were reduced in the headspace volatiles of treated fruit. ACCePTeD: June 4, 2017. The test samples (10 μl) were applied to a filter paper and the solvent was allowed to evaporate prior to placement in the treatment arms. Exogenous treatment of SA to host plants, induced defense and modified the behavior of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and the mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch [25,26]. Ten (n = 10) replicates were carried out. Native to tropical Asian countries like Singapore, this … However, use of host plant defense pathways that can be switched on or primed by exogenous application of phytohormones is not explored in mango. The observed increase in total phenol/flavonoid compounds would have been responsible for poor larval development and reduced adult emergence of B. dorsalis [66]. The protein concentration of the supernatant was determined using Lowry’s method [47] with bovine serum albumin as a standard. Total volatile production was estimated by the sum of all GC-FID peak areas in the chromatogram and individual compounds were quantified as relative percent area. Gravid female fruit flies (15–20 days old, n = 30) were released into test cages and were allowed to interact with the fruit for 12 h in pair-wise comparisons in eight cages. Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) ... B. dorsalis on mango. Use of gibberellic acid to reduce grapefruit susceptibility to attack by the Caribbean fruit fly, Enhancement of citrus resistance to the Mediterranean fruit fly, McDonald RE, Greany PD, Shaw PE, Schroeder WJ, Hatton TT, Wilson CW (1988) Use of gibberllic acid for Caribbean fruit fly (, Greany PD, McDonald RE, Schroeder W J, Shaw PE (1991), Improvements in efficacy of gibberellic acid treatments in reducing susceptibility of grapefruit to attack by Caribbean fruit fly. The fruit peel was slightly cut open to facilitate introduction of larvae. Biochemical resistance of citrus to fruit flies. Recently, we identified a volatile compound γ-octalactone that elicits an innate oviposition response in B. dorsalis. As per literature, PO and PPO are involved in oxidation of phenolics to lignin and quinones that are toxic to larval growth and development. One salicylic acid treated along with one untreated mango fruit (n = 5 replicates per dose treatment) were exposed to gravid female B. dorsalis for oviposition to take place. It is native to large parts of tropical Asia, has become established over much of sub-Saharan Africa, and is often intercepted in the United States, sometimes triggering eradication programs. The apparatus was rotated 90° every 2 min to eliminate any directional bias in the bioassay cage.

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