As its base level, the hack squat looks like a reverse deadlift. The barbell hack squat is a compound exercise, providing benefits that go beyond just the lift. Timeless programs are always a good choice. Required fields are marked *. But it works the quadriceps and glutes just like a regular barbell squat. I will say that the hack squat has helped me with my deadlift. Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. For one, it is a very old movement. In the hack squat your heels are elevated. Trust me, people will talk about you. And before the advent of training machines there was only iron. The barbell hack squat intensely activates the quadriceps muscles on every repetition. 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With inclusion of old school movements like the hack squat and balanced training schemes, you will too can start to develop a timeless physique. Old school barbell exercises have a sexiness ranking of ZERO. I'm NASM Certified Personal Trainer and nutritional coach since 2012. Here are a few benefits of barbell hack squats that the machine version doesn’t share: Engages stabilizer muscles to complete the lift. For as big as your upper body is, people will only see the stilts you are walking around on. Barbell Hack Squat Vs Front Squat The two exercises are good for working the lower body muscles, but they hit these muscles differently. Using a scheme based around leg extensions and partial squats will also leave you with laughable wheels. During this era the great George Hackenschmidt gave the iron game a very underrated jewel; an exercise for building strong, stallion-like quads. If you have Olympic lifting shoes you will not need to elevate as it is already built into the shoe. The hack squat has weight concentrated on your shoulders. It also tends to be much more low-back friendly as the load is under the center of mass rather than in front. The barbell hack squat is closer to a deadlift since you pull it off the ground. You can’t use the same amount of weight because you’re pulling from behind your back. He is also a two-time Men’s Health Next Top Trainer Finalist and his groundbreaking first E-Book, Use Speed To Get Lean, is available at As barbell hack squats can be challenging to perform, you may prefer to use a hack squat machine. The barbell hack squat is a compound leg exercise which targets the quad muscles, while also using the hamstrings, glutes, calves, hips, core and lower back as secondary movers. There are also many variations of hack squats you can practice such as: barbell hack squats, hack squats with Smith machine. Join 500,000+ newsletter subscribers! Again, your options are to use the same weight for each round or to increase the load slightly each round. PH: 1-800-537-9910 These small muscles used during free weight lifts protect and strengthen joints. Slowly grab the barbell and lift it from the rack. Men who trained over a century ago used movements and schemes that developed strength and physiques that stood the test of time. The barbell hack squat is a lower-body strength exercise. Learn how to get order discounts and FREE fitness gear! full 12 week push,pull,legs program!- build muscle & strength! *** The rest is prescribed to be slightly longer here because lunges eat a lot energy. For this, you stand on the machine's foot platform with the pads resting across your shoulders and then squat as low as possible before standing back up. Barbell Hack Squat - Quads specifically Leg press - Feet positioned low to target the quads then/ close together (outer quads) By this time I was pretty exhausted, but done calf raises, calf raises (feet pointing out), leg press (calf raises) & squat raises for my calves too Awesome day, I rekon this exercise could be really good for my development of quads! My form sucks. Muscle & Strength, LLC You are correct in your assessment of the barbell hack squat and that you cannot argue with Hackenschmidt! 11 Best Protein Powders Without Artificial Sweeteners, 10 Best Compact Home Gym Options To Consider Right Now, Donkey Calf Raise Exercise Guide and Videos, Here’s A Handy List of Barbell Weights FYI, Cross Jacks Exercise Guide, Variations and Videos, 10 Healthy Habits of Fit People Who Achieve Their Fitness Goals, Shanique Grant 2x Ms. Physique Olympia Champ Announces Retirement From Bodybuilding, Shanique Grant — Complete Profile: Height, Weight, Biography, Hafthor Bjornsson Shows Of Shredded Physique 1 Week From Boxing Debut, Dani Speegle Shares CrossFit Transformation and Tips To Success for CrossFit Open. Remember, movements are like the food chain. So if you train lower body on Tuesday, perform it again the earliest on Friday. Learn how to build muscle, burn fat & stay motivated. Stand with your back to the barbell, keep your legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart and feet pointed slightly outward. The barbell hack squat is a free weight alternative if you don’t have access to a hack squat machine or even if you just want to switch things up a bit. Another very uncommon lift, a barbell hack squat is essentially just a regular barbell deadlift except that you’ll be holding the bar behind your body rather than out in front. Use an opening 5×10 rep scheme, but use supersets. i thought i'd give hack squats a try, but i dunno if my form is just way off or what, but i cant figure out how to do em withought draggin the bar the entire way up and down the barbell hack squat - Forums The hack squat is one of several squat variations that use a barbell. When you look at fitness infomercials and you see a vibrating dumbbell being promoted as the answer to all fitness questions then you will see where I am coming from. Place a barbell on the rack so it is on the same level as your buttocks. The exercise also places more emphasis on … At a bodyweight of 165-170lbs, I have danced with over 400lbs on this move many times. Then the front squat shifts the weight focus to the front of the shoulders. Try doing this with regular squats, and you'll immediately … The way the hack squat stresses your quads helps you to develop that sweep/flare/roundness look that you cannot obtain with inferior movements. But with the Smith machine hack squat, you can hammer your glutes while simultaneously protecting your lower back—and your knees—by shifting your feet in front of the barbell, which increases your hip's ROM. Email: click here. I hurt my back on the Hack Squat before. Tweet. To prove my point, I want you to think back. Share. This time I'm going to try increase reps and lower weight. Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. Learn how real people made their transformations! Thank you for the kind words. With this movement, you will apply load by holding a barbell behind your legs. Instead, being a very smart and barbell-minded man, came up with the ultimate move for building powerful quads, the barbell hack squat. At the end of the day, training is not complicated. It’s more of an intermediate exercise since balance and coordination are required to effectively keep the tension equal on both legs. Learn exactly how with Fitman’s new book, Use Speed To Get Lean! The barbell hack squat is an old school strength exercise that’s been used for decades by bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike to build strength in the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Lift the barbell all the way up against the back of your legs until your standing straight by pressing through your heels while exhaling. * Walking Lunge - 5 steps on each leg. The four muscles in the front of your leg that comprise the quadriceps are the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, and the vastus lateralis. They look like Halle Berry in Swordfish. It has been a part of my programming for the last 6 years, and part of the reason that I was able to develop powerful and aesthetic quads. Columbia, SC 29209 The barbell hack squat is a compound leg exercise which targets the quad muscles, while also using the hamstrings, glutes, calves, hips, core and lower back as secondary movers. Day 1 - Quad emphasis. What a dude. And about these of back squats, front squats, Sumo squats or overhead squats are also ideal alternatives to challenge yourself. Having the barbell requires you to bend your knees more to stay balanced, while allowing you to stay more upright. If you want to get that lean and ripped body, it’s time you step your game up and train like an athlete. It is a shame because in my opinion the hack squat is a without doubt the go to move for the quads. The front and back squat barbell variations are named after where the weight is placed. The focus will be to use more volume. But if you dig a little deeper into the move, you will see that muscles involved and the mechanics are different. Secondly, whereas the deadlift places most of the stress on your posterior muscles (glutes, hamstrings, back, traps), the hack squat places most of the stress on your quads. That was about 2 years ago and I'm going to try again, nothing does the quads quite like it, and it really does stress the lower quads more than the rest. Leanbean Fat Burner Review – Does It Have What You Need To Get Lean? Check your inbox for your welcome email. It’s called the barbell hack squat, very similar to reverse hack squatsand it is an advanced move that will take a fair amount of strength, practice and core stability. New school machines and gimmickry have a sexiness ranking of 100. If you increase the load each round, make sure your starting load is not too heavy so that you give yourself room to go up in weight. Three moves on this day have very high quad involvement. Keep your back straight, chest up, and core tight. According to European strength sports expert and Germanist Emmanuel Legeard this name was derived from the original form of the exercise where the heels were joined. Success! So why is this supreme movement ignored? Join 500,000+ Great post and video, I love your enthusiasm! I've many certifications including NASM-FNS, NASM- CES and NASM-CPT I am part-time writer, have written for many publications include flex, fitnessvolt, coachmag and M&F. When you begin to hack squat, you should be able to build great strength in this movement. You can accomplish this by wearing Olympic lifting shoes or by standing on 5lb plates. Please check out my video below for the instruction on how to perform the hack squat. The barbell hacksquat is a great exercise. 1. The hack squat is a bit different. What are the differences? However, our reviews are based on well research backed analysis. I will present a very basic quad focused scheme based around the inclusion of the barbell hack squat. The focus will be to move heavy weight. Barbell hack squats are a classic gym exercise that can help you build bigger legs. Hold the barbell from behind, making sure your hands are shoulder-width apart. The barbell is on the front of your shoulders in a front barbell squat and behind your head, resting on your shoulders, in a back barbell squat. To build top-level quads, you need top-level programming. This means getting back to the most essential basics of sprinting and lifting workouts. Hack Squat with Barbell Benefits. All Rights Reserved. #5 – Barbell Hack Squat. The load of the hack squat is below your hips which minimizes forces and strain on the spine. The second 3 weeks would look like this: ** You can hold a dumbbell to your chest to add resistance when bodyweight becomes easy. The barbell hack squat is a multi-joint exercise that targets the muscles in your quadriceps, gluteus maximus and adductor magnus posterior (inner thighs). First, the most obvious difference is that the bar is behind your body. The average person thinks to themselves... “Why should I do a hack squat when instead I can text and post pictures to Instagram while just sitting on the leg extension machine doing nothing?” Perpetrators. Once you feel strong and stable in the movement that a hack squat requires — pushing through the heel and pushing your butt back — try a barbell squat. - 1700 Lincoln St. Denver, CO. © Copyright 2010 - 2021 Fitnes Volt IBC. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Day 2 - Supersets. I was being very careful about form too, but I had no mirror etc so I had to largely go by feel that it was OK. Hacks are a much undervalued exercise-and you can't argue with George 'the Russian Lion'. What is this old move you are telling us about? Pin. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. The bb hack squat does not offer much resistance or load on the shoulders and back muscles as the conventional squats minimizing strain on your spine. You can return back to this 6 week scheme at any time during the year to really bring your quads up to par. Hackenschimdt, who was a great wrestler, strongman and athlete, did not have the luxury of using a leg press or a hack slide to promote growth in his quads. Share. I use the exercise on both of my leg days. Squat down by bending hips back while allowing knees to bend forward, keeping back straight and knees pointed same direction as feet. Use a 5×5 rep scheme. Simplicity is the key to life. Benefits of the Barbell Hack Squat: The pros at Muscle and Strength say that the first main benefit of the barbell hack squat is simply that it is a method for placing a huge amount of muscle-building tension in the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. Descend until thighs are close to parallel to floor and bar is behind lower leg. Training all year with no progression or accountability is going to leave you with those pipe cleaner legs. You want to base your training around the biggest moves, and move them to the top. Email: sm(at)
Disclosure: has an affiliate relationship with different brands and is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. It’s efficient, in that by studying this move, you can get better at both the deadlift motion and the squat motion in the same motion. Instead, being a very smart and barbell-minded man, came up with the ultimate move for building powerful quads, the barbell hack squat. If you are maintaining the same weight across the board, choose a weight that you could do 15-20 reps to start and build from there weekly. Stand with your feet shoulder-wide, flat on the floor. In addition to these muscles, it targets the forearm muscles and the wrist flexors and extensors. Don’t forget to consider carefully related your gymnastic goals! And if are known as Peter Pipes, you will be the laughing stock of the gym. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Doing hack squats is all a matter of preference. The barbell hack squat allows you to load up the bar without having to worry about injuring yourself. Fitman is the owner and head performance coach of The Fitman Performance Center in Roslyn, PA located right outside of Philadelphia. Back in the early days of the strength and physique game, there were no commercial gyms that banned deadlifting. In turn, your quads do more work. At our mission is to educate and inform you about the latest in professional bodybuilding, fitness, and sports-related content. Slowly squat down and grab the barbell at the knurls with a pronated (overhand) g… The split will require two days of lower body training with one of the days being more quad specific. Hit your quads hard and heavy and reap the benefits of new strength and muscle mass. When you initially perform the hack squat it can feel a little weird, but just like with any move, once you get into a groove it will feel normal just like any other move. Well you would have to think back to the last time you saw that is was snowing…in Philadelphia and in June. Ok you have my attention, but the hack squat looks like a reverse deadlift. For the latest news and updates please follow us on. Lastly, when deadlifting you are trying to shift your weight onto our heels. The barbell hack squat is done by placing the barbell behind the body as illustrated below. For example a 4 day training split could look like: Two lower body sessions separated by at least three days. Slowly lower yourself back down and touch the barbell to the ground like a deadlift while inhaling. My point is that you rarely ever see the hack squat being performed. Your energy is like pellets and the lunge is like Pacman. Can I go back to my elliptical and read my magazine? If you increase the load each round, make sure your starting load is not too heavy so that you give yourself room to go up in weight. You are elevating the heels during the squat to put more stress on the quads. By pulling the bar from behind you, you are stressing the quads big time. I rub on the back of my calves, from the floor. Many people find them uncomfortable and the form can be pretty tricky, but if you can’t get access to a squat rack, leg press or a smith machine they’re worth trying to see if you enjoy them. You're right in that very few people actually do it. M&S weekly newsletter sends you workouts, articles and motivation based on your goal. It actually more closely resembles a deadlift since you’re lifting from the floor but it’s very effective nonetheless. Here’s how you can do this move. But it is very effective for building mass and strength. To perform a hack squat place a barbell on the floor and stand in front of it with your calves resting against the bar. The barbell hack squat is a close variation to the machine-based hack squat exercise, making it a great substitute. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. Fast Mass Program: 4 Day Superset Split Workout, The Optimized Volume Workout (O.V.W) Program, HIT MASS Program: 3 Day High Intensity Training Split, The Cobra Workout: Heavy High Volume Back Program, Glute Ham Raise (Rest 45-60 seconds between sets). Keep in mind that one may need to squeeze the scapulae on lockout. Learn how to incorporate them into your workouts and improve your quad size. We believe you should have the best information at your fingertips to help you reach your fitness goals and to stay up to date on everything happening in the bodybuilding, fitness and strength sports industry... Read more. How To Do Hack Squats . When was the last time you witnessed someone perform this exercise? Barbell hack squats are more beneficial than the regular squats in the way that they give the option of training your thigh muscles by limiting excessive development of the hips. It’s more of an intermediate exercise since balance and coordination are required to effectively keep the tension equal on both legs. When you then return to deadlifting, you will find that the quads and grip are both stronger, and you will really have gained a boost in the lift. Most experienced bodybuilders prefer performing the free weights version of the hack squat as opposed to performing it on a machine. It is best to utilize an overhand grip for a traditional hack squat. Some people struggle with the barbell hack squat because their glutes get in the way, especially during the descent. Hold it near the back of your legs. However, you cannot use as much weight when compared to a normal squat or deadlift due to the position of the movement. The funny thing about the barbell hack squat is that it looks more like a reverse deadlift than any form of squat. A wooden plank about a 1/2 inch thick or 5lb plates will work under the heels if you do not own lifting shoes. You will use this scheme for 3 weeks before swapping the moves. What is this old move you are telling us about? The barbell must be positioned just behind your legs. Keep your back straight and feet pointed slightly outward to relieve pressure on the knees. If you are maintaining the same weight across the board, choose a weight that you could do 10-12 reps with to start and build from there weekly. Safety First. Your options are to use the same weight for each round or to increase the load each round. And due to the more upright body position, the hack squat is not as hard on one’s mid/lower back as the deadlift. The second round of moves will use a 3×10 rep scheme. Patty and Selma from the Simpsons seem sexier than having to go perform a hack squat. Learn how to cook delicious healthy meals and snacks! Hack squat – the barbell is held in the hands just behind the legs; this exercise was first known as Hacke (heel) in Germany. The goal is to keep the spine neutral, engage the glutes, and refrain from rounded shoulders. Hack Squats - Muscles Targeted. newsletter subscribers! Hackenschimdt, who was a great wrestler, strongman and athlete, did not have the luxury of using a leg press or a hack slide to promote growth in his quads. The barbell hack squat requires stabilization, coordination, and balance to perform effectively, so it’s best for intermediate lifters. Now, the barbell hack squat more closely resembles a deadlift than an actual squat because you’re pulling the weight off the ground. The barbell hack squat primarily works the quadriceps. Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. We teach you how to do thousands of exercises! In today's get fit quick society, the majority of trainees are looking for shortcuts to reach a desired goal. Join over 500k subscribers who receive weekly workouts, diet plans, videos and expert guides from Muscle & Strength. Also when walking, do not stand up to rest your quads. The bottom line is that if you are NOT performing the hack squat, you are missing out on maximizing your quad strength and growth. The hack squat is the most underutilized quad movement of all time. When you get close to muscle failure in a hack squat, it literally feels like someone poured gas on your quads, lit a match and drove off to let you incinerate. So much so that without the name you would never associate the two. The barbell hack squat targets mostly the quads while the hamstrings, glutes, calves lower back, and core are also involved as secondary movers. Squat down and grab the barbell with a wider than shoulder-width grip. Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. 1180 First Street South Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. If this happens to you, allow your knees to flex forward as you descend. I have seen maybe one or two other trainees outside of my team perform it over the last 6 years, and their versions absolutely did the move no justice. The goal is to keep constant tension on the muscle so keep walking forward and only stop until you reach 10), rest 90 seconds between sets. This is done to put stress on the quads by keeping your body more upright. Your training around the inclusion of the barbell to the machine-based hack squat Vs front squat the. Attention, but they hit these muscles differently squat to put stress on the back of your.. The most obvious difference is that you can do this move who weekly! Cook delicious healthy meals and snacks allow your knees to full extension leave with! Learn exactly how with Fitman ’ s very effective nonetheless Lunge - 5 steps each. With no progression or accountability is going to leave you with those pipe cleaner legs time saw! As barbell hack squat Place a barbell exercise since balance and coordination are required to keep. 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