to question a witness for the other side in a case. ~ William Blackstone, "Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere." a certificate showing the extra shares and fractions of shares the owner is entitled to. See more ideas about law school, law school graduation gift, law school graduation. the jury's decision at the end of a case. the record of an organisation's income, spending and financial situation. a court which deals with civil cases such as disputes over unpaid debts and negligence claims. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, "If you laid all of our laws end to end, there would be no end." a court's verdict that the person charged with a crime did not commit it. This often happens when an employee does something wrong while at work which becomes the employer's responsibility (such as an employee working negligently and causing someone else to be hurt because of the negligence). The lending is secured with a mortgage of the property. A registrar examines all the documents and, once satisfied with everything, issues the grant of probate. Although we hope the explanations will prompt lawyers to make sure they only use legal jargon where strictly necessary, our wording is there to explain ideas and concepts rather than to give strict legal definitions. to draw up a contract and agree its terms. This is called a confiscation order. describing land that only the owner has any rights over. an authority to act given by one party to another. Actual bodily harm. A change is as good as a rest. Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. the name for tangible goods (goods which can be touched) such as watches, clothes, furniture and so on. treating someone less favourably because of their race, colour, nationality or culture. a statute used to bring together all the strands of the law on a particular subject. the assumption in the law that goods sold by a business will be fit for their purpose. ~ Elena Kagan, Supreme Court Justice, "The task of a judge is not to make the law - it is to apply the law." a trust which holds property for a person until they ask the trustee to return it. I saw you on the other side of the street, crossed over to say hello, and found out that it wasn’t you. The scrutiny is done by a court officer. ~ Mortimer Zuckerman, "...the Constitution will endure as a vital charter of human liberty as long as there are those with the courage to defend it, the vision to interpret it, and the fidelity to live by it." lump-sum compensation a company pays to an employee whose contract has been ended. (This is a Latin term.). It means treaties. a card issued by a bank to a customer. the person who gives property to a settlement. For example, a committee set up to deal with a particular situation is an ad hoc committee. Brian Thornton-June 9, 2017. a Scottish lawyer who is the equivalent of a barrister in England and Wales. a clause in a legal document which qualifies another section of the agreement. It has now been replaced with the term bankruptcy order. a company which acts as a trustee and holds a trust's assets. threatening or frightening someone into doing something. letting someone take possession of goods but the ownership does not change. “What is this $100 charge for?” asked the client. testifies in a way which differs from their previous statement. in fact or in reality. The creditors share the money the debtor manages to pay in proportion to what they are each owed. It is also in a civil case a written statement (pleading) by the defendant setting out the facts that the defence will rely on. If a bill of exchange is marked not negotiable it cannot be transferred to someone else. claiming that a defamatory statement is true. When land is sold, the person selling and the person buying both sign identical copies of the contract and exchange them. a person who can deal with legal matters for the public and give advice on legal matters. Better See Laws. They're first in with their fees and first out when there's trouble." Please email us with your comments. In particular, in a case where someone had been killed or injured because of someone else's negligence the act prevented a contract limiting the negligent person's liability. someone who has been given complete authority to act. a tax which companies pay on their profits. A bunch of fives. Lower courts must follow the precedents set by the decisions of higher courts and this is called binding precedent. share capital which has been allocated to shareholders who have subscribed for (asked for) shares. It is partly independent and does not form part of the Government. debts which can be bought and sold, such as debentures. The coupon has to be surrendered (given back) to get the interest or dividend on the bond. ~ Ronald Dworkin, "It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive." The courts consider dangerous driving to be a very serious offence. ~ Martin Luther King, "If you want good laws, burn those you have and make new ones." When someone reaches the age when the law says they are able to commit a criminal offence they have reached the age of criminal responsibility. closely related people who die at the same time, and it is unclear which of them died first. ~ Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice, "The only people who have quick answers don't have the responsibility of making the decisions." the lowest number of qualifying people needed for a meeting to be able to make a decision. someone who has lent money without getting any security for the loan. a court for the clergy. It is an alternative to swearing an oath when the person giving evidence does not wish to. The creditors agree to accept a proportion of what is owed to them in full settlement. making a claim in court against someone who has already made a claim in court against you. disposing of all a company's assets and paying all its debts. If their defence succeeds they will be convicted of manslaughter. the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. regaining possession of land by taking court proceedings. Copyright. If they are not disclosed the contract can be cancelled or become unenforceable. Please contact us if you want to reproduce any part of it. when magistrates look at the evidence in a case and then send the case to be heard in the Crown Court. Legal Quotes Inspirational Quotes about Legal. a conviction which, after the passage of a stated time period, does not have to be disclosed (revealed) to a court. a statute which sets out the time limits within which a court action must take place. There is a system of recording and registering, at the Land Registry offices, details of land ownership and interests in land. a person who holds property and looks after it on behalf of someone else. a power of attorney which takes effect in the future. This is called a creditors' voluntary winding up. the scrutiny of and, if necessary, the lowering of a solicitor's bill to a client. If a court decides that a person is not guilty of a crime, or the case has not been proved, it will acquit the person. Accumulation. a type of tenancy agreement under which the landlord has the right to take the property back at the end of the tenancy agreement. Each circuit has its own system to administer the courts within the circuit. under Scottish law, a person who acts as public prosecutor and coroner. the claimant's written statement setting out the claim in a civil case. failure by one side negotiating a contract to disclose (reveal) information which the other side would need to consider when deciding whether or not to go ahead. a written promise to pay an amount of money to someone at a given time. (They may still have to pay compensation though.). The language used in law is changing. a scheme for paying legal costs out of public funds for people who cannot afford to pay for them. an act which, if carried out by a person with debts, could have led to bankruptcy proceedings against that person. ~ ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Supreme Court Justice, "And it is no less true, that personal security and private property rest entirely upon the wisdom, the stability, and the integrity of the courts of justice." Threatening someone with a weapon such as a knife or gun is common assault. a licence under which only the licence holder has any rights. cannot be transferred. the space in the atmosphere directly above a piece of land. If a company limited by guarantee is wound up, the money its members have to pay is limited to the amount shown in the memorandum of association. Their decisions act as precedents for the lower courts to follow. Normally the court orders that the debts are repaid by instalments and as long as the debtor keeps to the order the creditors cannot do anything else to recover their money. If the term is not complied with damages can be claimed by the injured party. a clause which forms part of a company's memorandum of association It sets out the purposes the company was formed for. ~ Sandra Day O'Connor, Supreme Court Justice, "Commitment to the rule of law provides a basic assurance that people can know what to expect whether what they do is popular or unpopular at the time." a charge used to provide security for money lent to a company. ~ Joseph Story, Supreme Court Justice, "The aim of the law is not to punish sins, but is to prevent certain external results." an attempt to prove that the person was somewhere else when the crime was committed. If the creditors agree with the proposals it avoids bankruptcy of the individual or liquidation of the company. special rights which some people have because of the job they do or their special status. a person who regularly brings court cases which have little chance of succeeding. land which is not recorded in the registers at HM Land Registry. part of the Department of Social Security. "No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it. without dividend. For example, if someone cannot pay their debts a court may adjudge them bankrupt. a term for supplying goods and services on which value added tax can be charged. when insolvent, paying one creditor while leaving other creditors unpaid.

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