FAST doubles as the best Spell a NINJA can cast (and having two FAST casters in the party can be more useful than you might think). So I thought I'd treat myself to it, and whilst I love the game, the spell names have always annoyed me a little. A listing of the spells and special abilities of Final Fantasy II (FF2, FF2j, FFII, Famicom) Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy. If you raise the potency over 100, you will produce a higher tier spell. Final Fantasy is a Japanese anthology science fantasy media franchise created by Hironobu Sakaguchi, and developed and owned by Square Enix (formerly Square).The franchise centers on a series of fantasy and science fantasy role-playing video games.The first game in the series was released in 1987, with 14 other main-numbered entries being released since then. The energy that you do absorb will be used to cast and create spells and will be stored in your inventory. The amount of elemental energy you add increases the potency of the spell. Traditionally, the system features only three tiers, though occasionally a fourth tier using the -ja (ジャ, ja?) there are only 8 spells, one per level). 35,984. Magic does not cost MP to cast, instead requiring cooldowns in the case of Ring Magic and in the case of Elemental Magic, replenishment of elemental energy stores at resource deposits scattered across the world. Very dissapointed after 1 run through, I used an expericast + hotel to basically get to level 99. Katakana acts as a special alternate alphabet that has a variety of uses. One other usage, as we see with magic, is that katakana can order items within a shared category. There are levels of summons, with level 1 being Chocobo, level 2 being Shiva, and so forth down the list. In English, we might normally order items of the same category numerically or alphabetically. At first I thought it was due to bad English translation, but the English translation is flawless. In the original Final Fantasythere was a four character limit on ability names, so all spells in that game only had four characters in them (this also applied to the English NES version which led to some creative names). It seems Squall's "whatever" attitude was contagious, because with the 8th installment, they decided not to bother with the English system, and just leave the Japanese as-is, with -ra and -ga. Now Fire spells would progress from Fire to Fira and Firaga. ", Though if -ja level spells work their way into Final Fantasy XIV, I bet we could think of jokes for that too. Going into all of them would be a whole other linguistic adventure, but feel free to discuss them in the forums. Elemental Magic consists of Fire Magic, Ice Magic and Lightning Magic are the elemental magic in the game and require elemental energy to cast. In Final Fantasy XI, -ga labels the AoE versions of Elemental or Enfeebling spells. team decided to use words before spells name which end with -ra (Extra) and -ga (Méga). Type. Original upload 18 February 2013 10:30PM. You will need one of the elements, Fire, Lightning or Ice and you can add Items and ingredients to improve the strength or add additional effects to the spell. This apparently disappeared after Final Fantasy IV, making only the occasional appearance when necessary. team decided to use -ra, -ga, while French loc. To level the playing field, this list will exclude born-deities and mindless monsters. This description generator will generate a short random description of a spell, including its effect, appearance and inventor. Until Final Fantasy VIII, the higher level spells of each element were simply numbered -- for example, Fire, Fire 2 and Fire 3. It's a useful system to gague power and utility. Archived. A Famitsu editor at the time wrote of the mix-up: "Luckily -ja still sounds pretty cool. A created spell is stored in a flask, and using the spell in combat or choosing to empty the flask will free the flask to hold another item. … In Final Fantasy, -ra level Enfeebling spells had a higher chance of working. Magic is the core to Final Fantasy VI, and, in a lot of cases, the key to success. Posted by [First] [Last] on [Server] 5 years ago. According to Dengeki PlayStation, magic will take a similar form to past Final Fantasy titles. Apparently when working out the whole ã¢ãã©ã¬ system, there was a miscommunication along the way, and ã¸ã£ snuck its way in by accident. Chance = (catalysts' effect level x number of catalysts used) / 100, Bonus EXP = (catalysts' effect level x number of catalysts used)x 100, Gambling: spell either fails or deals significant amount of damage. Old school gamers grew up with the simple 1,2,3 numbering pattern, while folks who jumped in during the Playstation era may be more familiar with -ra and -ga, taken from the original Japanese. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. Whether this spell is black magic, white magic, or a special ability; … Magic is the core to Final Fantasy VI, and, in a lot of cases, the key to success. Version. This meant several things: 1. whats a good strategy to cast spells mid fight and not hit friendlies? Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (PC) Ultima (Apple II) Unlike other effects- the more you reinforce this effect, the higher chance of failure. 35,984. We could have ended up with something like Thunder-byo. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Final Fantasy IV (PlayStation) Final Fantasy (NES) Final Fantasy (PlayStation) ... Name. One of my minor gripes with FFXIV is the lack of elements that feel uniquely Final Fantasy, or well, unique in general. The 㢠suffix was originally for mid-level White Magic spells, mirroring -ra for mid-level Black Magic. Fail chance = (catalyst's effect level x number of catalysts used/100). I've kept the descriptions short in order to mimic descriptions you'd often find in games and other franchises. They can also be discarded without casting if you wish to free up a flask. This page contains a list of All Magic Spells in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition (FFCC). Its a franchise staple for fucks sake. suffix is featured, in this case Firaja, but spells with four tiers of power are rare, usually confined to the three basic elemental spells and the Cure family. Usually, this would be level 3 for Black Magic attack spells (Ice 3), or 4 if -da were included in the progression, (Cure 4). Katakana can also be used to add emphasis to words, similar to how a word might be bold or italic or put in "quotes" to imply a hidden meaning. When -ga just won't cut it, -ja comes in to raise the stakes. *A level 99 Killcast spell has a 19.8% chance to succeed on a creature with no Instant Death resistance. Percentage healed = (catalyst's effect level x number of catalysts). Kinda glad not everything has been found on day one. Games. Once emptied, you lose the spell and any ingredients you added to it. Over the holiday break, we have been treated to a handful of tidbits and a plethora of screenshots for Final Fantasy XIV. Does anyone know if there's a way … ~ra defined white magic and ~ga black magic (with a few exceptions as Elmer pointed out - and even then, the prefix of the spell was usually enough to work out where you were, like Hastega). A -ra spell is typically one step above the base level spell, whether it be in power, proc rate or by having an AoE. Spell name generator . First appearing in Final Fantasy Tactics, -ja came to represent level 4 Black Magic spells; the ultimate level above -ga. Those familiar with FFT's notoriously odd translations might be amused to hear that -ja itself was a communication error in the original Japanese. Ra is the lucky little prefix that became the general representative for mid-level spells. You could go the traditional route and use actual word roots as inspiration (Witcher's Igni spell, Harry Potter's Incendio, Reducto, Protego for example). Ice Magic : Can freeze any water around the caster of the spell. Final Fantasy - Tales - Persona Spell Names -RPG Spell Names-Final Fantasy - Tales - Persona Spell Names -RPG Spell Names-Endorsements. I will refer to the Conjurer effects as 1 and 2, and the Summoner/Sage effect as 3. Once a spell is created, it is saved for easy future creation. The effects of the spells when cast by Conjurers are picked from one of two effects, both of which are different from the effect when cast by Summoner or Sage. Yes there is. People bitching about spells doesn't understand how to craft or except long time consuming fancy spell animation. [Question] Close. Now, Final Fantasy 1 didn't have very many spells, but it's good to know about them right? We get 3 different magic? What style of spell names do you prefer? On an exam or in a textbook, it is common to see multiple-choice problems ordered ã¢ã¤ã¦ã¨ãª (ah-ee-oo-eh-oh), where we would use abcde or 12345. There are rare instances where -ga is used for AoE Enhancing spells, such as Garuda's Hastega. Anyone who has played the Japanese version of a Final Fantasy title can see the majority of spell names are phonetically spelled English words. For example, adding three Zu Beaks gives you (3/0.7 = 4.29, rounds down to 4) additional spell uses, and adding six Zu beaks gives you (6/.7 = 8.57, rounds down to 8) additional spell uses. One of these, which was recently mentioned, is the magic system. Last updated 23 February 2013 4:22PM. In earlier titles, Cure was split into four spells: The second stage being -ra, the third being -da (ダ, da? Every Call Magic spell is in its own level (i.e. FAST is arguably the best Spell in the game, as it doubles the melee damage of any character for the rest of the fight. As Final Fantasy XIV pulls from the series' past, what kind of naming system will it build? Simple question but I see it debated quite a bit lately with my other FF friends. Final Fantasy (NES) Final Fantasy (PlayStation) Final Fantasy II (Famicom) Final Fantasy III (Famicom) Final Fantasy IV (PlayStation) Final Fantasy VI (SNES) Final Fantasy VIII; Final Fantasy XIII; Final Fantasy XIII-2; Final Fantasy All The Bravest; Theatrhythm Final Fantasy; Ultima. The following is the spell crafting list that players can create in the game: TBH, after waiting for this game to play it on my PC. The type of spell this is; twin spells are the result of using Palom and Porom's Twin battle command; special spells are the effects and abilities created by items or monsters. You spent 10 years making this and that's all i get? For Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Spell names". A nice gift from the folks at Square Enix, but there are still many mysteries about the upcoming MMO that are yet to be solved. This crap was so half-assed it's a joke. Final Fantasy III (Famicom) Final ... Name. Until Final Fantasy VIII, the higher level spells of each element were simply numbered -- for example, Fire, Fire 2 and Fire 3. ããã㢠(Protectra) uses 㢠and is an AoE version of Protect, although the English version changes the suffix to "ra" to match with other enhancing White Magic. Weak as hell. Weather also has an impact during battle as magic can have different effects depending on the current climate such as setting dry areas on fire, or thunder magic being amplified during rain. Same goes for Summons. 133. Final Fantasy II (Famicom) Final Fantasy (NES) Final Fantasy (PlayStation) Final Fantasy III (Famicom) ... Name. The following jobs can summon: Evoker, Summoner, and Sage. Read on to learn all Magic Spell names, powers, effect area sizes, timing, types, and whether they are for single player or multiplayer use only! The spell item will be equipped in place of a weapon when in battle. So, what do all these suffixes mean? Final Fantasy and Spell Names Jan 7th, 2010 at 3:16 PM by Elmer Over the holiday break, we have been treated to a handful of tidbits and a plethora of screenshots for Final Fantasy XIV. Bliz… However, if magic followed the standard ordering convention of Japanese, we would have Fire, Fira(ã¢), Firey(ã¤), Firoo(ã¦). Final Fantasy Tactics introduced a fourth level to this, which uses the suffix -ja. Lightning Magic: Can deal large damage to target of … For Final Fantasy VII Remake on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Spell names". Final Fantasy is a fantasy role-playing video game developed and published by Square in 1987. Elemental spells are obtained by crafting them through the process of Elemancy which takes harvested elemental energy and combines it with Items to create spells. His weapon, the "Masamune", which has been featured in numerous Final Fantasy titles, is an elongated nodachi that he learned to use during his days in SOLDIER. Can party members cast magic, they can be equipped with it but I cant figure out how they cast it? The created spells are limited use, and their inventory is determined by the flasks you have. The release of Final Fantasy XIII also brought with it the beta application signups. I will refer to the Conjurer effects as 1 and 2, and the Summoner/Sage effect as 3. So, what might Eorzea's mystical side look like? Fire Magic : Can set fire to Oil and other flammable or explosive objects. These types of spells do not have to be refilled with elemental energy to cast and instead are tied specifically to their casting item. I'm super happy that the mod makes dialog less of a train wreck, but why did they have to mess with item names? They can be made by using just 1 point of an element with a rare item called hardened hide which drops from a jabberwok, they also have a limit break effect with a 99 chain rating. Magic & Spells in Final Fantasy XV will be covered here. 9 … "So on ze Puddinks ve cast Thunder, ja?". *****ing THREE!!!??? there are only 8 spells, one per level). What the *****??? 1/2/3/4 for tiers. German loc. Not playing anymore, this game is boring. Some other spells use a two-tier system. The caster's HP is reduced to 1. Enhancing spells like ã→Bar→Barrier or ã¨ã³→En→Enchant. There are 2 different types of magic that are found in the game: Ring Magic is a story related feature that can only be unlocked during an event in the main questline. Can only be used by Noctis as he is the bearer of the Royal Ring of Lucis. Unlike most buffs, it doesn't stack with itself, but it doesn't have to. Elemental energy is present throughout the world of Final Fantasy XV in deposits, and are a type of energy that the party can absorb (similar to Final Fantasy VIII's 'Draw' mechanic.) Final Fantasy 7. close. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, First spell guaranteed; following have reduced accuracy. Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films. Each summon has three effects that depend on which jobis summoning it. Version. 1.6. The Japanese names for magic spells often have their names written in katakana and are borrowed from English words. Certain Characters can cast spells that buff party members or damage Enemies. I wouldn't write too much off this early in the game. 4, really ? The Evoker can use the two lesser effects at random, the Sum… rather than the expected ブリザード (Burizādo?, lit. This name generator will give you 10 random names ideal for many different types of magic spells. The tiers are reflected as follows: Success chance of effect = (catalysts'effect level x number of catalysts). As Square Enix continues to evolve the series and implement new battle systems, these terms come to have new meanings. Final Fantasy I/II Advance - Final Fantasy I Magic FAQ by: transience written: 8/12/2004 version: 2.01 Introduction: Final Fantasy I for the GBA has a different magic system from past incarnations. Well whether you think so or not, here is the list of all the spells and their costs and etc. There's the numbered tier spells seen in the North American releases of Final Fantasy, IV (II), V (PS) VI, (PS/III), VII and XIV. Is there a mod that.. mods.. the Beacause re-translation which gets rid of all the renamed items and spells? Final Fantasy II (Famicom) Final Fantasy (NES) Final Fantasy (PlayStation) ... Rare spell tomes can only be found as treasure or won from monsters; ... and cannot be learned from tomes. For Final Fantasy VII Remake on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Spell names". Advent Children Final Fantasy 9 Final Fantasy 10 Final Fantasy 12 Final Fantasy 13 Kingdom Hearts Wild Arms 2 LoTR: The Third Age Also See: RPG Site Video-Game Music Videogame Radio Elemental Magic has impact - visually and mechanically on the environment. It has largely fallen out of use except for "Araise" -- a recurring spell familiar to most fans that uses 㢠as a prefix. insane dmg. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Head on over the ZAM forums to get your speculation on. Instead, spell progression goes: Like the English names, the system has been altered somewhat over the years, especially the interchanging of the middle ranks. Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films. When creating spells the amount of energy given to the spell increases its potency which results in an increase in its damage and radius and adds a suffix to the spell's name, such as -ra or -ga. The names are roughly divided into separate categories, but the main difference between them is how the names … Teaching every character every spell isn't required, but is very For Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "how do I remove skill description from the action bar? ブリザド (Burizado?) ". For one, the spell names. Characters are likely to be removed, especially chōonpu and sokuon (e.g. The names are based on spells you'd find in games, both computer and otherwise. The damage is capped at 99,999. Of course, there are many other suffixes and prefixes throughout the Final Fantasy series. videogame_asset My games. To craft new spells, you will open the Elemancy tab in the game's menu. It feels too generic, and one thing contributing to that is the lack of elements unique to the Final Fantasy franchise. You can play it as loose as you like, like in Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden series where he describes the spells as "faux-latin" (fuego, forzare, fulminas). It is the first game in Square's Final Fantasy series, created by Hironobu Sakaguchi.Originally released for the NES, Final Fantasy was remade for several video game consoles and is frequently packaged with Final Fantasy II in video game collections. ), and the fourth being -ga. -da is also used in the Jap… Magic can damage both enemies and any party members caught in the spell radius. Default at lvl 99 but damage can break 9999. Spiny Barramundi Fin gives Vulnerable Level 21e.g. While the old magic system was governed by uses per spell level, this version introduces an "MP" system that has dominated the FF series in recent years. How pathetic. I was hoping for the crazy magic we saw in the demo :( the rain one was so cool to see. The created spell is then stored in a Magic Flask and equipped in one of the 4 weapon slots for use in Combat. Another rank that has seen limited use, ã used to occupy the space between 㢠and 㬠under White Magic. The release of Final Fantasy XIII also brought with it the beta application signups. During the theater performance in Final Fantasy IX, ãã¡ã¤ã(Fireda) is available as one of the phony "SFX" spells. Besides being what your enemies scream when assaulted by these powerful spells, -ga is used to indicate the highest levels of attack magic. The effects of the spells when cast by Conjurers are picked from one of two effects, both of which are different from the effect when cast by Summoner or Sage. Final Fantasy 1 Spell List. Players will equip an item like the Ring of the Lucii, which corresponds to a specific spell like the Death Spell. For Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Spell Names" - Page 2. Created by Spell duplication occurs when adding an item to a spell increases the spell's number of uses. Increased damage factored in Catalyst's Power Value. Magic can damage both enemies and any party members caught in the spell radius. I do like the ga/ja/ra/a ideas, but at the same time, I grew up in the FF1-FF4 (2) era and I' somewhat Nostalgic for the old Cure 1, Cure 2, Fire 1, Fire 2, etc. Just Fire, Blizzard and Thunder ? Which one would you prefer? When used in combat, it is thrown like an explosive and the spell is expended with the flask returning back to your inventory, empty. Men's names are longer and always in -loix, -aux, -mont, or -geant. However, there have been several patterns throughout the history of the Final Fantasy series. It seems Squall's "whatever" attitude was contagious, because with the 8th installment, they decided not to bother with the English system, and just leave the Japanese as-is, with -ra and -ga. Japanese, employing different alphabets, (hiragana, katakana and kanji) follows different rules. Although the classes have been altered dramatically from what most fans are familiar with, the naming conventions for magic are said to be largely unchanged. I liked the combination that 11 used, combining numbers with ga/ra/ja, etc. [Question] It bothers me to no end that the spells are numbered instead of hating the -a and -aga suffix. Final Fantasy 15 / FFXV - Elemancy Guide [Final Fantasy 15/ FFXV] This page summarizes all the obtainable magic and spells in Final Fantasy XV. More and more is being discovered daily it seems. I likeed the naming conventions they implemented in FF11. Now we have Final Fantasy XI, which mixed both of these to form a naming system that could better accommodate the range of spells available to adventurers in Vana'diel. ***** you square. The Final Fantasy series has presented dozens of mystical worlds, and in each universe there is a form of magic. In Final Fantasy XI, status effect healing spells use ã(na), which speculation points to being the first character for phonetic spellings of "nullify," "nurse," or just the beginning of æ²»ã(nao-su) "to heal." Both the Wildwood and Duskwight clans of Elezen spell their names very similarly. The most common use is to spell out foreign loanwords, for instance ãã¡ã¤ãã«ãã¡ã³ã¿ã¸ã¼ (Fainaru Fantajii) Final Fantasy. The Masamune is named after the famous Japanese swordsmith Goro Nyudo Masamune, whose blades … Speaking of which, what naming scheme do you think Final Fantasy XIV will use? In some English versions of Final Fantasy elemental spells are named Fire, Fire2, Fire3 while in others they're named Fire, Fira, Firaga (or Thunder, Thundra, Thundaga). Final Fantasy. Is this it ? Final Fantasy XI uses -ra to refer to AoE, and the recently released Final Fantasy XIII has brought back -da for Enhancing magic. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. All Powercast spells are at T1 even if beyond 100. 10 years... Tetraflare can be crafted by mixing 99 Thunder/fire/blizzard with 99 Debased or rare coins. Is there any way to mod the spell names? Adding items will create a similar spell with some added effects, such as adding a healing factor, boosting the amount of effects or adding debuffs. The world of Final Fantasy XIV offers a wide variety of classes in its world. Suffixes or numbers? In Final Fantasy VIII, -ra spells were essentially "level 2" of the base spell. Spell description generator. Minimum at 50%. The magic of FF is the reason i still play FF but if this is the route they're taking when it comes to making their games -prioritizing graphical fidelity over story and gameplay- then i'll consider FFXV their last game. thundara: inflicts electricity-based elemental damage of superior intensity and range. The goal of this mod is to update the spell names to their modern counterparts (E.g., Bolt2 > Thundara) as well as provide more informative spell/item info (E.g., 'lightning element attack' > 'D 1.6. So, we've been introduced to many ridiculously heavy-hitting spellcasters over the years. 133. Please note that we will be updating information found in this section regularly. Final Fantasy - Tales - Persona Spell Names -RPG Spell Names-Final Fantasy - Tales - Persona Spell Names -RPG Spell Names-Endorsements. Final Fantasy XI uses the -ra suffix on Enhancing magic to indicate an AoE spell, such as Protectra or Shellra. English loc. Inflicts lightning based elemental damage, Casts the ultimate fire spell that burns to no end, Casts the ultimate ice spell that freezes to no end, Casts the ultimate thunder spell that shocks to no end. Certain Weapons also provide energy absorption effects. A list of magic spells and special abilities in Final Fantasy III (FF3, FF3j, FFIII, Famicom) Final Fantasy. 0. There will be single-target spells, area-of-effect spells, and different levels of magic will require longer casting times and higher MP consumption. Name. Even back in the original FFXIV, spell names from the rest of the franchise were used. While Black Magic had only three ranks, White Magic had four and went [spell name], -ã¢, -ã, -ã¬. dude you use a potion and that will heal allies instead of hurting them, super easy. Is there any way to mod the spell names? Flare, freeze and electron are missing from this list unless I missed them. Every Call Magic spell is in its own level (i.e. Barramundi Innards give "Vulnerable Level 99". In some cases, characters will speak in full-on Katakana to help convey their speaking voice, whether it be monstrous (Diabolos), or comically disoriented (Cardians). The suffix used for the second tier spell in these cases varies. Um... Where is Holy, Meteor, Flare, Ultima ? Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Increased damage factored in Catalyst's Power. team decided to keep the old FF spirit by using numbers at the end of the spells name. chevron_left. Field, this list will exclude born-deities and mindless monsters, these terms come to have new.! In the Jap… Final Fantasy was originally for mid-level White magic spells and special abilities Final... ( Fainaru Fantajii ) Final Fantasy Tactics introduced a fourth tier using the -ja ( ジャ ja. Of mystical worlds, and different levels of magic spells, you lose the spell day one the features... 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Both enemies final fantasy spell names any party members or damage enemies ; 0 of 0 information! Stack with itself, but the English translation, but the English translation, but it 's a useful to. Essentially `` level 2 '' of the base spell than the expected (... Buff party members or damage enemies in -loix, -aux, -mont, or,. Vii Remake on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled `` spell names write too off. Will use the playing field, this list unless i missed them what might Eorzea 's mystical side look?. Chronicles: Remastered Edition ( FFCC ) ra is the lack of elements that feel uniquely Final Fantasy unlike effects-! The tiers are reflected as follows: success chance of working when assaulted by these powerful spells, and Summoner/Sage... Flasks you have 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled `` spell names -RPG spell Names-Final final fantasy spell names - -! Emptied, you lose the spell names -RPG spell Names-Endorsements decided to final fantasy spell names! We 've been introduced to many ridiculously heavy-hitting spellcasters over the ZAM forums to get your speculation on sounds... You use a potion and that 's all i get level Enfeebling spells had a higher of! [ spell name ], -ã¢, -ã, -㬠ra is list., there are only 8 spells, mirroring -ra for mid-level White magic had three... These terms come to have new meanings or Shellra, combining numbers with ga/ra/ja, etc game and... 99 Killcast spell has a variety of classes in its world continues to evolve the series ',! By using numbers at the time wrote of the phony `` SFX '' spells Elezen spell their very! This effect, appearance and inventor simple question but i see it debated a! Still sounds pretty cool between 㢠final fantasy spell names 㬠under White magic them would be a other... 5 years ago potion and that 's all i get = ( catalyst 's effect level number... Of failure except long time consuming fancy spell animation and inventor II Famicom...
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