To reclaim the amulet, I will need to seek out their final resting places. Behind this is a ninth sarcophagus which contain the remains of Archmage After the Archmage death King Horald ordered a man hunt of battlemages to kill the 3 sons. Sigdis also carries the Gauldur Blackbow. Quest ID The Gauldur Amulet Only 30 percent eh? At the northern end of the room is a stone table where you place the three parts of the Gauldur Amulet during the related quest. Out of all the Gauldur Amulet "improvements" on the Nexus, the one from Zim's Immersive Artifacts is my favorite in terms of gameplay, but is not lore-friendly at all. After conquering Saarthal, Folgunthur, and Geirmund's Hall and defeating the undead reincarnations of Jyrik, Mikrul, and Sigdis, the time has finally come to reforge the three Gauldur Amulet Fragments and put the legend to rest. This can be fixed by entering the correct combination, then turning each ring once and using the claw again. Killing the thralls while in the sarcophagus prevents them from spawning during the battle. Some of the word walls are locked in dungeons that you can only access after joining a guild that may or may not fit with your play style. However, he does have a small contingent of leveled draugr thralls who will attack the Dragonborn upon Mikrul's awakening. Knowing that the source of his power was his magic amulet, the three sons killed Gauldur and divided the amulet … Permissions and credits Author's instructions. He also may shout the Dragonborn into a place where it may be impossible to move at all (including console commands). The one to the right has a chest with leveled loot and a Word Wall for Frost Breath. ". A door to the right of the word wall provides an exit back to Folgunthur. In the Forbidden Legend, quite a long Quest, I have collected the three parts of the Gauldur Amulet, read the Journal of Daynas Valen, and read the three Writs of Sealing. The three Gauldurson brothers in spectral form. No fix is known at this time, although reading "Lost Legends" may fix the quest. Beware of the plate triggering a dart trap. At the entrance to Gauldur's grave, there is a false wall which leads to some leveled loot with the wall automatically unveiling itself upon clearing the dungeon, An adept-locked chest containing leveled loot and potions in the chamber where the Emerald Dragon Claw was found with the chest atop a pillar (using, An adept-locked chest in the water below the pillar in Reachwater Rock. Gauldur Amulet Fragment is the name given to the three fragments of The Gauldur Amulet. The next room contains several more draugr. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 5 months ago. This bug can be fixed by: Reloading a save that occurred just before entering the cave. Once you have it in hand, go to the next piece! He has a copy of. Forbidden Legend is one of the quests in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The quest begins in Folgunthur by reading the journal of Daynas Valen, which is located under a tent in the camp outside of the tomb. The lever to the left of the leftmost throne opens the door to the room with pillars to unlock the grille covering a staircase (from the left, Hawk-Whale-Snake) plus a soul gem trap. If you're anything like me, after reading the story of the Gauldur legend wherein three brothers discover immense power from mere fragments of an even more powerful amulet, you were a tiny bit disappointed with the reforged Gauldur Amulet. Base Value The only known way to fix the quest (if it was obtained by killing Jyrik) is to obtain a copy of "Lost Legends" and read it. The Claw and his notes are on his corpse. Reading the note before the quest was obtained will make further progress impossible. You are pointed towards Reachwater Rock, a cave hidden underneath one of the waterfalls running into Karth River, southeast of Markarth. Community content is available under. This Amulet is suppose to be the cause of 3 greedy sons to wand up murdering Archmage Gauldur, their father, to obtain the Amulet for themselves. In order to be able to enter Saarthal, you first need to complete the College of Winterhold quest First Lessons. Each of the amulets provide a bonus to a primary stat. Simply join the college and you will receive a quest that will take you there. Active 4 years, 5 months ago. If the Dragonborn is near the brothers' ghosts, the second brother fought in Reachwater cave might shout in such a way that the Dragonborn is pushed into the locked coffin. Before opening, disarm the trap or stand to the side of the chest to avoid the fire. Reading the notes activates the next three parts of the quest. New main objective: Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Saarthal. During the final battle, disintegrating any of the three brothers with a lightning spell (or killing one of them while under effect of Dawnbreaker) will cause the ash pile to reappear on the altar but the quest will not advance. There are many enemies to defeat like Draugrs, undead and a mini-boss - Mikrul. The article Lost Legends locations has more information on their locations. Location yea you have to complete the quest. Once the pillars are in place, the lever by the gate opens the door. The easiest way to attack him is with stealth and ranged attacks. After climbing the wooden ramp, immediately to the right is an altar with the body of Geirmund holding a key. Active 4 years, 5 months ago. Enchantment This will complete the quest for finding the amulet. Increases your Health, Magicka, and Stamina by 30 points. Activating the quest; New main objective: Investigate the Gauldur … before being banished along with his brothers. The quest has the Dragonborn adventuring across Skyrim, exploring the Nordic Tombs of Folgunthur, Geirmund's Hall, Saarthal, and Reachwater Rock. Forbidden Legend is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in which the Dragonborn must recover the separated fragments of The Gauldur Amulet from various Ancient Nord ruins to be reforged and defeat the bound spirits of the sons of Arch-Mage Gauldur. Reload the game, go in, and go straight to the dead adventurer on the hill. Subscribe. The lore suggests the amulet is incredibly powerful, so powerful in fact that broken into three pieces it still gave the Gauldur brothers significant power. Behind this is a ninth sarcophagus which contain the remains of Archmage Gauldur; once you have completed the quest make sure you … The Dragonborn cannot attack using arrows or melee attacks. PC PlayStation 3 PC PlayStation 4. It is the reward for completing the "Forbidden Legend" quest. After all of the fragments have been collected, the quest continues in Reachwater Rock, near Karthspire. User Info: The_Viewtiful_1. The Dragonborn should reload the last save, go back to his room, and if he is out of his tomb again, simply back out of the zone and re-enter. Archmage Gauldur was a powerful and renowned conjurer who lived in Skyrim during the opening days of the First Era. Across the bridge at the top of the stairs, he will be lying on another claw keyhole. A treasure chest at the bottom of the pool when you first enter the cavern located just below the dead Adventurer. He traveled to Folgunthur with two adventurers that he met on the boat, looking for the fragments of the amulet. Reward Unsubscribe. It may not be in the player's inventory at all after retrieving it from Reachwater Rock. However, the quest completion can still be achieved using dragon shouts to attack, such as Unrelenting Force. On the way in, the Emerald Dragon Claw is available from the pedestal with the note next to the dead adventurer. Nothing respawns in any of the dungeons, except Folgunthur, meaning items can be safely stored inside containers and will remain there if the Dragonborn wishes to return and retrieve them later. If a bugged game does not fix itself when reading "Lost Legends" and is stuck on "Read Daynas Valen's notes," then a resolution is to just collect all other fragments from the three sons—Jyrik at Saarthal, Mikrul in Folgunthur and Sidgis in Geirmund's Hall—then go to Reachwater Rock after all of the sons and all three trials are defeated. neroAngelo 9 years ago #1. There are many enemies to defeat like Draugrs, undead and a mini-boss - Mikrul. The only way to fix is to reload before or during the battle. So the next step would be to reforge the amulet. Over 200 captioned screenshots provide even more help. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Xbox 360 . In the next large room, there are 5 draugr and draugr wight waiting to rise from their crypts. Gauldur Amulet FragmentLost LegendsWrit of Sealing His three sons Jyrik, Sigdis and Mikrul grew resentful of their father's power and murdered him in his sleep sometime during the reign of High King Harald ( 1E 143 - 1E 221 ). At the console: Exiting console mode and looting the body for the fragment will cause the journal will be updated, and the quest can now be completed normally. This was tried by disintegrating one, two and all three. Disintegrating any of the three bosses will prevent the triggering of the forging of the amulet, causing the Dragonborn to be trapped in the room. Subsequently, reading the Writ does nothing. Forbidden Legend/ Gauldur Amulet quest and quest Items not working - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Mod Troubleshooting : So I started the Under Saarthal quest sometime after reading the book, Lost Legends I did not get a quest to investigate anything and no quest started. They killed Gauldur in his sleep and split his amulet between … don't worry you do not have to go very far into the mages quest to get what you need. Inside is a door to Folgunthur Crypt. There are stairs up to the right, but they lead to a blocked path. When the three sons of Gauldur divi… yea you have to complete the quest. Tolfdir should be followed into the excavation site. This does not work if they equip a necklace, and then equip The Gauldur Amulet second. If the "Forbidden Legend" quest is not active, his copy of Lost Legends can be read to start the quest. The path to the left leads to a strong leveled draugr. Man kann es in der Quest Die verbotene Legende zusammensetzen und erhält es als Questbelohnung. He will be missing for a short stretch where he leaves after defeating a room full of draugr, but will return right before the Dragonborn discovers the antechamber with Jyrik and The Eye of Magnus inside. Additionally, the Ghosts' use of Unrelenting Force may cause one to get stuck on the platform that the Ghosts who have not yet fought are on – this may cause them to not be able to get back down. Once the Dragonborn has completed the first part of "Under Saarthal" … 0002D773 … Make your way closer and it'll eventually mark a hard spot to check out. The Gauldur Blackblade is a leveled unique Ancient Nord Sword in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. 0 Therefore I think it makes sense If the Dragonborn has a healthy supply of empty petty soul gems, a bow with soul trap and good sneak skill, the clones can be farmed to gather a good number of souls. Gauldur was known to be just and fair and beloved by the people of his time. At the end of the quest, when Gauldur's coffin opens, Sigdis will turn around and face the coffin and whisper "Gauldur!" Statements and footage within the video may be inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or otherwise misleading to viewers. He will be available for most of the dungeon. Congrats! After completing the very short quest "First Lessons," Tolfdir will give the quest Under Saarthal. Where are locations of Gauldur amulet fragments? The real Sigdis has a slightly different helmet model (Ancient Nord Helmet) than his clones (Helm of Yngol), and his clones will always have full health, and be surrounded by a slightly bluish glow. All three Gauldur Fragments and the Ivory Dragon Claw from Folgunthurare needed to gain entrance. After he has been killed, the Gauldur Amulet Fragment can be looted from his corpse. All three will attack the Dragonborn, including using Shouts like Unrelenting Force (which will knock the Dragonborn over whether or not any bonuses for the Unrelenting Force shout are active) and, at higher levels, Disarm. In addition, they both feature only one internal area. There are three Gauldur Fragments located in three separate dungeons: Saarthal, Folgunthur, and Geirmund's Hall. Once inside, kill the Skeevers, loot the dead guy, and drop down the hole to the water below. A simple mod to improve the Gauldur Amulet\'s stats from vanilla game, without making it overpowered, but rewarding for the quest to obtain it. So the next step would be to reforge the amulet. At this point, the Under Saarthal quest should be followed. The Gauldur Amulet was originally owned by the powerful wizard Archmage Gauldur during the First Era. I want to get the full amulet, but I lack the stamina fragment. Gauldur legend quest. A mage can defeat him by watching the elemental cloud around him as it changes randomly between storm, frost, and fire, and not using the element that is cloaking him as he will resist the attack. If the quest was received before going to the College of Winterhold, Saarthal cannot be entered until. It also has a weight of 0, when most amulets weigh 0.5 or 1. Reentering Geirmund's Hall solves this. well this time instead of creating spells i focused on on editing an item we all know by now the The Gauldur Amulet is a unique amulet found in Skyrim. Down the stairs are two frostbite spiders. Viewed 184 times 2. Re-try the door with the right combination. There is a large hole in the ground against the eastern wall. At the bottom is an underwater alcove, with a chest and a Potion of Waterbreathing at the southern end. While it increases Stamina, it does not increase carrying capacity. After the defeat of the three sons, Harald ordered every record of their murders destroyed and Gauldur's name and deeds were struck from history, with only fragmented stories left behind. To unlock the puzzle, the order of the pillars starting from the first is hawk, whale, snake, whale. Gauldur amulet quest? Continuing, you will find a set of steps that lead down to a water-filled room with a pillar puzzle and some draugr. 1 Acquisition 2 Smithing 3 Enchanting 4 Levels 5 Trivia 6 Bugs 7 See also 8 Appearances It can be obtained in the ruins of Folgunthur by defeating Mikrul Gauldurson during the quest "Forbidden Legend." Page 2 of 3 - Gauldur's Magic Amulet - posted in Skyrim Spoilers: It is highly frustrating, and gauldur's amulet isn't the only thing you can't complete if you don't join a guild. The quest may completely disappear from the log without it being completed. Inside, there is a dead Adventurer near the Emerald Dragon Claw, on a pedestal along with a note warning would-be explorers to stay away from the site. If several attempts at reloading and retrying the pillars is not successful, restarting the quest may be required. Open your quest Journal: Long ago, the Archmage Gauldur was murdered by his three sons, who stole his amulet of power and divided it among themselves. Reloading can fix this problem. First will be Mikrul, who again can be faced as a leveled draugr with a small horde of draugr thralls. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: Increases your Health, Magicka, and Stamina by, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. The Gauldur Amulet is a necklace which grants +30 to Health, Magicka and Stamina. Some of the word walls are locked in dungeons that you can only access after joining a guild that may or may not fit with your play style. User Info: neroAngelo. A copy can be found on a dead adventurer's body in Reachwater Rock where part of this quest takes place. Where can I find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment for a stamina increase? The Gauldur Amulet is a necklace which grants +30 to Health, Magicka and Stamina. This quest can be started by reading the book "Lost Legends" found throughout Skyrim. The Saartthal Amulet gives you "Spells cost 3% less magicka" where as The Gauldur Amulet gives you +30 Stamina, +30 Magicka, and +30 Health(Base game without mod) Viole Apr 20, 2014 @ 2:31pm Ale [author] Apr 20, 2014 @ 2:29pm The quest is now over, but be sure to grab the gold from Gauldur's remains as well as loot the chest you'll find as you make your way back to the world map. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine,, Find the Gauldur Amulet fragment in Saarthal, Find the Gauldur Amulet fragment in Folgunthur, Find the Gauldur Amulet fragment in Geirmund's Hall. To reclaim the amulet, I … Sometimes when Sigdis uses Unrelenting Force it will push the Dragonborn into the water, from where it will be impossible to get out (console commands allow you to get out). Type in: Help "Gauldur Amulet Reforged" Afterwards type: player.additem [ID] [#] 2. This section contains bugs related to Forbidden Legend. If the Dragonborn equips it first, then subsequently attempts to equip another necklace, both will be equipped. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Glitch in Gauldur Amulet quest. In the water surrounding the pedestal is an adept locked chest with some gold. Geirmund's Hall is a dungeon close to Ivarstead, grave of the hero Geirmund. Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Folgunthur, Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Saarthal, Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Geirmund's Hall. While it increases Stamina, it does not increase carrying capacity. The quest details the investigation of the Gauldur legend, and the finding and forging of the long lost, ancient Gauldur Amulet. Halfway down the water room is a table with a soul gem – taking it releases a swinging mammoth skull trap. Go with the roleplay aproach, Complete the vanilla quest get the vanilla amulet and afterwards spawn in the Reforged edition as the reward instead and use it. Side quest The draugr he commands will not stop attacking until Mikrul is defeated. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I'm in a cave where I had to drop down a hole into a small lake and there are some of those animal pillars that I need to activate. The brothers were hunted down in secret and sealed in tombs across Skyrim. Forbidden Legend/ Gauldur Amulet quest and quest Items not working - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Mod Troubleshooting : So I started the Under Saarthal quest sometime after reading the book, Lost Legends I did not get a quest to investigate anything and no quest started. This will cause the Dragonborn to be stuck there until the amulet is reforged. His helm's decorative horns curl downwards; the horns on his clones' helmets will be curled upward. I'm trying to get my 2nd piece of the gauldur amulet. The fragments are part of the quest "Forbidden Legend." After that is a dead end and a lever on the ground which will trigger a trap if activated. ". Killing Sigdis just before he teleports might make him disappear. Defeat him using physical attacks or Destruction magic that does not match his elemental cloak. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: This article contains video content produced by Fandom with some or no input from editors of The Elder Scrolls Wiki, and may not properly represent the scope of the written article below. It is the reward for completing the "Forbidden Legend" quest. Beyond that door is Mikrul Gauldurson, one of the easier Gauldur brothers as he has no special skills that separate him from a regular leveled draugr. Update: Reload does not always work. All three parts of the the Gauldur Amulet are in my inverntory. The only way to fix this is to reload a save before the disintegration. The quest details the investigation of the Gauldur legend, and the finding and forging of the long lost, ancient Gauldur Amulet. Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Geirmund’s Hall¶ Geirmund’s Hall is just east of the small town of Ivarstead, which if you’ve played even a little bit of the main questline you’d be able to fast-travel there. Legendary Gauldur Amulet. I want to get the full amulet, but I lack the stamina fragment. If the Dragonborn is not skilled with magic it may be best to not join until prompted by the quest "Elder Knowledge" as this will only require a demonstration of the Voice to join the college (after asking her if an exception may be made for being the Dragonborn). If the Dragonborn is standing in certain parts of the dungeon the weapon may be dropped outside the mapping making it impossible to retrieve. Be careful because that little island on the map is a big forsworn camp. All three parts of the the Gauldur Amulet are in my inverntory. His three sons resented his power and coveted it, eventually devising a plan to take it from him. Archmage Gauldur will then reforge the Gauldur Amulet Fragments into The Gauldur Amulet, a necklace that grants +30 to health, magicka, and stamina. Saving and reloading may fix this glitch. In the Forbidden Legend, quite a long Quest, I have collected the three parts of the Gauldur Amulet, read the Journal of Daynas Valen, and read the three Writs of Sealing. User Info: neroAngelo. Up the wooden ramp is an iron door. This, however, is not a common bug. Activating that one will cause the drawbridge to drop. The reward is a necklace with +30 stamina, magicka and health. Open your quest Journal: Long ago, the Archmage Gauldur was murdered by his three sons, who stole his amulet of power and divided it among themselves. Gauldur legend quest. Can someone tell me where I can find it? A major source of his power was his magical amulet. I'm trying to get my 2nd piece of the gauldur amulet. Where can I find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment for a stamina increase? Exit through the cave behind Sigdis's coffin. Occasionally, only two of the three brothers will appear as ghosts. If Sigdis is killed by sneaking with a bow and a bullseye perk, his body is paralyzed and will teleport and also spawn clones endlessly. How to find hidden, powerful weapons. One should repeat this until the correct combination is shown again. Type This area contains a chest and some items surrounding the chest. Each fragment individually grants +30 to one of the three main stats: Health, Magicka, and Stamina. He should be in his tomb, where he can quickly be killed and looted. Reading the writ will start the next quest point. The chain pull in the previous room finishes the job. The trap door can be closed by activating the lever on the right wall of the staircase. Out of all the Gauldur Amulet "improvements" on the Nexus, the one from Zim's Immersive Artifacts is my favorite in terms of gameplay, but is not lore-friendly at all. Hi everyone how's it going? Once all three sons have been defeated, they will reappear as ghosts above the pedestal. If the amulet in Saarthal is not picked up before the. Amulet A boss fight walk through to get the Gauldur Amulet in The elder scrolls V : Skyrim Ahead will be a dragon claw puzzle door, but there will be several draugr in crypts on either side. Geirmund's Hall is the only tomb to appear in, Saarthal is the only tomb that is actually a. Folgunthur is the only tomb not to be directly mentioned by someone else. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 5 months ago. NEED HELP! Geirmund's Hall and Reachwater Rock are the only tombs not to feature Word Walls. Other bugs can probably be solved by reloading the last save or autosave. Description. Gauldur Amulet Reforged: … Skyrim - The final boss fight of the Gauldur Amulet questline, in Reachwater Rock. Inside is yet another claw door, this time using the combination of the Ivory Dragon Claw: Hawk, Hawk, Dragon (again, from the top down). There are also spike and fire traps, and at least one live draugr. Some players experience a bug where they are not able to open the first door in Reachwater. The Gauldur Amulet is gotten from doing the Forbidden Legends quest, which must be done in conjunction with Under Saarthal in order to assemble the amulet fully. Inside, past one claw keyhole is a room with puzzle pillars and another claw keyhole (all are already opened), then the corpses of draugr and Valen's compatriots. If the player character has a large body it will mold into the flesh of the character creating quite a strange look. First was finding the actual spot to enter. Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Saarthal [edit | edit source] To complete this part of the quest it is easiest to do both the "Under Saarthal" quest and this at the same time. The path can be opened by activating the two on the right starting with the one nearest the gate, then the lever on the left furthest from the gate, the left lever closest to the gate, then finally the one on the right closest to the gate again. This video shows how to complete the quest "Forbidden Legend" in Skyrim. Can someone tell me where I … File credits. NEED HELP! The Gauldur Blackblade can be upgraded with a steel ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, Retrieve the amulet from Jyril's corpse. The next clue about the origin of the Gauldur Amulet Fragment (if needed) can be found in The Arcanaeum by reading the book Lost Legends (on a small table on the right hand side of the room, behind the pillars not in the middle, as the room is entered). For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Glitch in Gauldur Amulet quest. Gauldurs Amulett ist ein einzigartiges Amulett in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. When trying to unlock the first rotary door in Reachwater Rock, using the correct combination, the door may not open. Though Gauldur was wise, wealthy, and honorable, his sons Jyrik, Mikrul, and Sigdis Gauldurson resented living in their father's shadow. Location of every powerful Dragonwall. Warriors may treat him like a draugr scourge lord, or another draugr mage. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Saarthal excavation site can occasionally be found with. Forbidden Legend This attracted the attention of the High King Harald of Skyrim, which caused him to send his best warriors and his personal battlemage Lord Geirmund. The fragments can be found in different order. This quest can only be completed if the Dragonborn joins the. The whole process of finding Gauldur Amulet Fragment is strictly connected with the College quest Under Saarthal (descriptions of both can be found in this guide). 1864 The path continues to a room with two thrones. Finding the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Saarthal during the quest ". I'm in a cave where I had to drop down a hole into a small lake and there are some of those animal pillars that I need to activate. However, behind that lever on the right-hand side is another lever on the wall. If the lair is entered with Mikrul Gauldurson already out of his tomb, there is a chance his corpse cannot be looted after killing him. This section contains bugs related to The Gauldur Amulet. This quest can begin by finding and reading a copy of Lost Legends, or the Ancient Edict in Reachwater Rock, or simply finding Daynas Valen's abandoned camp and reading his notes. Further up the path is a claw door, which can be unlocked by rotating the rings to match the combination inscribed on the palm of the Emerald Claw: Bear, Whale, Snake (from the top down). This can be resolved on the PC at the location where the boss was killed. When the Gauldur Amulet has any items below it in the 'Apparel' list, they can equip it, then equip two other amulets. The quest can also be activated by reading a Writ of Sealing in any of the burial locations. Gauldur amulet quest? [Go do the Mage’s College quest “Under Saarthal” to get this piece!] Es gibt drei Fragmente von Gauldurs Amulett… As they look to take the Dragonborn on three against one, their father appears and banishes them, with Sigdis commenting on realizing their father has awoken before Gauldur's sarcophagus bursts open and unleashes the spell to send them to Oblivion. The Gauldur AmuletStaff of Jyrik GauldursonGauldur BlackbladeGauldur Blackbow A copy can be found on a dead adventurer's body in Reachwater Rock where part of this quest takes place. I personally enjoyed the quest to obtain the amulet, but the amulet itself was very underwhelming given the quest and the lore behind the amulet. This quest stage only appears if the Dragonborn finds the Ancient Edict first. Quest Giver There is also a skeleton with a random sword, shield, helmet an… The brothers were hunted down in secret and sealed in tombs across Skyrim. The journal tells of his travels with the Ivory Dragon Claw, and his time on a passenger ship from the city of Anvil in Cyrodiil to Skyrim. Page 1 of 3 - Gauldur's Magic Amulet - posted in Skyrim Spoilers: It has been annoying the hell out of me that my very non-Mage Dovahkin has to join the Mages Guild to complete the main quest and complete Gauldur's Amulet...the closest he comes to magic are the Shouts, so it seems very odd that he would join the Mages Guild. Past the gates, the path goes down stairs, then northeast across a set of stairs where there is a falling boulder trap.
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