The results demonstrate that the methanol extract (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg) exhibited significant analgesic activity in a dose dependant manner against chemical and thermal noxious stimuli. The animals were housed in standard acrylic cages at room temperature and provided with standard laboratory diet and water. alkanes are simply all single bonded C's and H's, whereas alkenes have C=C which means the carbon atoms with a double bond can only have 3 bonds max … Alkenes are a class of hydrocarbons (i.e., containing only carbon and hydrogen). The chloroform extract and methanol extract of S. pinnata significantly increased the urinary out put as well as urinary electrolyte concentration at a dose of 300 mg/kg, p.o. Due to the presence of pi electrons they show addition reactions in which an electrophile attacks the carbon-carbon double bond to form the addition products. Petroleum ether extract on the other hand did not increase urinary electrolyte concentration. The principles of all this chemistry will be discussed later in the course. petroleum ether (400–600C), chloroform, methanol and water with increasing order of polarity using a soxhlet extractor. The various solvents were purified by distillation and used for the extraction. -Hybridization happens when atomic orbitals mix to form a new atomic orbital. This chapter is further subdivided in to 3 parts, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 respectively. Hybridization orbitals are either used to form a bond or to hold a lone pair. activity when tested at various doses i.e. In present study, the methanol extract of N. cadamba significantly increased the urinary out put as well as urinary electrolyte concentration at the tested dosage regimen that is comparable with the reference standard except in increasing the urinary out put. Because of the two . As a result, the reaction its, kJ/mol) of the chain propagation, the reaction rate of, the fluorination. were used as reference standards respectively for activity comparison. The orbital picture better represents the actual nature of the two types of bonds. In a hydrocarbon with cumulated double bonds (such as allene CH 2 C CH 2), the central carbon has an sp hybridization, and only the two terminal carbons have sp … The laxative activity study revealed significant activity of the chloroform and methanol extracts up to 8 h of drug administration. Typescript. The methanol extract of S. pinnata barks significantly reduced the numbers of writhings induced by intraperitoneal injection of acetic acid in mice at all tested dose levels in a dose dependant manner, where as the mean latency of nociceptive responses to thermal stimuli in the tail immersion test of the methanol extract of S. pinnata barks also exhibited significant response at all tested dose levels in a dose dependant manner that is comparable with response of the standard drug pentazocine (30mg/kg, p.o.). Urinary levels of sodium, potassium (by flame photometry) and chloride (by titrimetry) were estimated. The effect of different extracts on glucose tolerance test in normal rats revels that at 30 min after glucose administration the peak of blood glucose level increased rapidly from the fasting value and then subsequently decreased. The diuretic, a laxative and hypoglycaemic activity of the various extracts (viz. This has some implications in the properties and chemical reactivity of sigma and pi bonds. Standard methods were used for preliminary phytochemical screening of the different extracts to know the nature of phytoconstituents present within them. The extract significantly exerted protective effects on heat-induced pain in mice. Potency of the test samples was found to be inversely proportional to the time taken for paralysis/death of the worms. but the effect was found to be the less potent in increasing the urinary out put when compared with the reference standard. To Design, Synthesize the desired chalcone and oxazolidinone derivatives and to carry out antimicrobial activities and also to study Crystallographic information of the molecules. 2. The reference drug aspirin (200 mg/kg, p.o.) When the carbon atoms hybridise their outer orbitals before forming bonds, this time they only hybridise three of the orbitals rather than all four. All the test samples were administered through oral route. Diuretics are useful in reducing the syndrome of volume overload, including orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea by decreasing plasma volume and subsequently venous return to the heart (preload). did not show any significant effect on yeast-induced fever in rats while the reference drug aspirin suppressed fever induced by yeast in rats. was used as reference standard for activity comparison. The thesis describes the “Phytochemical and biological studies on few medicinal plants from flora of Orissa used by folklore against various diseases”. As a rule, head to head overlap is the most efficient way to bond and results in relatively strong and stable bonds. The process is shown below. In antihyperglycaemic study, the rise in the blood glucose level was observed after 24 h of alloxanization to the animals. A second important factor which stabilizes free radicals is “delocalization” –, that is, if the radical can be spread out. Structure of Methane Structure of Methane tetrahedral bond angles = 109.5° bond distances = 110 pm but structure seems inconsistent … time taken for paralysis/death of the worms. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. The thesis was presented in seven chapters Please review : The Hybridization Unit ,the development of this hybridization state, the sigma framework of ethene, the pi bond, and other aspects of the bonding in ethene which were discussed early in the semester. The world markets for plant derived chemicals with suitable examples were also cited. Chapter 6.3 describes the pharmacological screening of Neolamarckia cadamba. Therefore, the ideal angle between the sp hybrid orbitals is 180o. The ideal angle between sp2 orbitals is therefore 120o. All the tested extracts (300 mg/kg, p.o.) Investigations of the breeding systems, formation of auto- and alloploids and the reticulate pattern... Hybridization and introgression between crops and wild relatives. The plant extract at the dose of 600 mg/kg and aspirin (200 mg/kg), the standard control produced significant effect and reduced paw oedema in this test from the 1 h of carrageenin injection in the test animals. Sideways overlap is less efficient than head to head overlap and results in formation of weaker bonds. “PHYTOCHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON FEW MEDICINAL PLANTS FROM FLORA OF ORISSA USED BY FOLKLORE AGAINST VARIOUS DISEASES’’. Chapter 6.1 presents the acute toxicity studies of different extracts of selected medicinal plants by using standard procedures on albino mice. To see this arrangement clearly, we must switch to a side view of the orbital system. ).The antiinflammatory activity was assessed using carrageenan as the oedematigenic agent. The compounds were characterized through chemical and spectral analysis and confirmed as - amyrin, Ursolic acid, Rutin and Kaempferol respectively. When four atomic orbitals are added together, four hybrid orbitals form. The methanol residue was subjected to column chromatography over silica gel, which afforded three compounds named N-01, N-02 and N-03. They are unsaturated compounds with at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. 1 II Alkanes, Alkenes, and Alkynes Hydrocarbon : Compound composed of only carbon and hydrogen Saturated Hydrocarbons : Compound with only single bonds Unsaturated Hydrocarbons : Compounds with AT LEAST one double or triple bond 2.1 Alkanes Screening for diuretic and laxative activity was performed on petroleum ether, chloroform and methanol extracts of the barks of S. pinnata. The decoctions are also used to treat helminthiasis in children. sp. Simultaneously, the methanol and aqueous extracts were found to be the less potent and petroleum ether extract was found to be least active. Chapter 6.4 describes the pharmacological screening of Spondias pinnata. The results of the methanol extract are comparable to that of the reference standard glibenclamide. Screening for hypoglycaemic activity was performed on chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts of the barks of S. pinnata at doses of 300 mg/kg and glibenclamide (2.5 mg/ kg, p.o.) The aqueous and pet-ether extracts on the other hand did not produce significant. Hybridization is an internal linear combination of atomic orbitals, in which the wave functions of the atomic s and p orbitals are added together to generate new hybrid wave functions. Aspirin (200 mg/kg, p.o.) Hybridization Of Orbitals In Alkenes. Alkenes are the second group of hydrocarbons and differ from alkanes in that they have a double bond.The presence of a double bond brings up some important structural and functional changes. … Hybridization Read More » On oral administration of the methanol extract at the doses of 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg significantly suppressed the paw oedema at 2 and 4 hr after carrageenan injection in rats. Aspirin (300 mg/kg) was used as reference standard. Chapter 6.2 describes the pharmacological screening of Cleome rutidosperma. This organic chemistry video tutorial shows you how to determine the hybridization of each carbon atom in a molecule such as s, sp, sp2, or sp3. [Radicals are also stabilized by adjacent at, For that reason, free radical stability decrease, deficient orbital is spread out over a greater v, having 5 to 15 carbon atoms are usually liquids. These reactions are known as The process for understanding the sp hybridization process for carbon is basically an extension of the other two types (sp3 and sp2). It was observed that chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts reduced 25.71%, 34.97% and 29.25% blood glucose levels respectively where as glibenclamide showed 47.49% in rats after 6 h treatment. Aspirin (200 mg/kg, p.o.) However, there was a marked reduction of blood glucose level in the chloroform extract than compared to the other extracts under test at the end of 6 h. The result of the chloroform extract is comparable to that of the reference standard glibenclamide. The chloroform residue was subjected to column chromatography over silica gel (200 mesh). Alkynes contain at least one triple bond, and have linear geometry around the carbons comprising the triple bond. Vorbemerkung Äquivalente Molekülorbitale Beispiele für Moleküle mit lokalisierbaren und mit nicht lokalisierbaren Bindungen Wertigkeit, Oktettregel, Elektronenmangel und Elektronenüberschuß. Olefin is another term used to describe alkenes. f) Kurz (Family: Anacardiaceae) respectively. The antipyretic activity of the methanol extract was tested in yeast-induced pyrexia in rats. Potency of the test samples was found to be inversely proportional to the The test extract showed positive response to both the models. The dried powdered bark was extracted successively with various solvents viz. All rights reserved. The activities were compared with the reference drug Piperazine citrate. Bosser (Family: Rubiaceae) and Spondias pinnata (Linn. to see the reason for this to happen, you would draw molecular orbital diagrams, but i assume that isn't necessary. Ethene. All the test extracts possess hypoglycemic activity as they lowered blood glucose level in both normal and diabetic rats. Includes bibliographical references. Since there is no inbuilt scientific proof in support of the utility of these plants or plant products against such diseases, the author felt it emergent and urgent to selects these plants for the present study in this dissertation. The decoctions of C. rutidosperma roots, N. cadamba and S. pinnata barks are popularly used by the tribes of Ganjam district as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diuretic, laxative and antidiabetic agents since time immemorial and they claim for their promising activity. 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg. Aspirin (200 mg/kg) was used as reference standard for activity comparison. suppressed the fever induced by yeast in rats from 1st hour of drug administration. In this case a pure line-angle formula for ethene would look awkward because it would resemble an equal sign (=). We will now reproduce the sp 3 hybridization process for carbon, but instead of taking one s and three p orbitals to make four equivalent sp 3 orbitals, this time we’ll take only one s and two p orbitals to make three equivalent sp 2 orbitals, leaving one p orbital untouched. The hybridization theory is an integral part of the meaning of organic chemistry , one of the most interesting examples is the Baldwin rule. The laxative activity study revealed significant activity of the chloroform extract up to 8 h of observation. The activities were compared with the reference drug piperazine citrate. We also know that VSEPR describes the 3D shape of the second period elements reasonably well. Hybridization in Alkanes, Halogenation of Alkanes, Uses of Paraffin’s, Multiple Bonding: Bond length depends strongly, Free radicals are very reactive as they hav, For example, dissociation of chlorine gas, The alkyl free radical may be obtained when free, . Reports of the normoglycaemic study reveals that the all extracts exhibited significant reduction in blood glucose concentration as compare to control. It is called ethene. The methanol extract (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg, p.o.) The methanol extract was found to be superior to that of the standard drug and petroleum ether extract was found to be least active. This decreases cardiac workload, oxygen demand and blood pressure. Aspirin (200 mg/kg, p.o. ALKENES AND sp 2 HYBRIDIZATION OF CARBON. Single administration (single dose) of the methanol extract (200 and 400 mg/kg, p.o.) The forth chapter deals with the material and methods viz standard drugs used for activity comparison, chemicals and animals used in the studies and recommended methods followed to substantiate the concerned pharmacological activity. are the more desirable constituents of gasoline. hybridization. 1. The present study therefore justifies its use in the folklore remedies as an anthelmintic drug of natural origin. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. and pentazocine (30 mg/kg, p.o.) Maximum reduction was seen at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg (34.08% and 48.94% decrease respectively) after 6 h of extract administration. Therefore, the three equivalent sp2 orbitals will arrange themselves in a trigonal planar configuration. Among the tested extracts, the chloroform extract and pet-ether extract were found to possess potent anthelmintic activity while methanol and aqueous extracts showed moderate activity. However, the extract at 200 and 400 mg/kg dose levels, though produced significant activity at 1st hour, subsequently the results did not show statistical significance during the course of study. The literature on the selected plants revealed lack of scientific validation on antipyretic, diuretic, laxative, hypoglycaemic and anthelmintic activities even though such reports were received from the tribes during the course of field survey. It was observed that there was no mortality in any of the extracts at 3000 mg/kg dose hence, 1/10th (300 mg/kg) and 1/5th (600 mg/kg) of this dose was selected for further study. Carbon-Carbon double bond length is ~ 1.34 Å (single bonds in alkane ), the standard control, also produced significant effect and reduced paw oedema in this test but the effects were observed from the 1 h of carrageenan injection in the test animals. The bond formed by the sp2 orbitals is a sigma bond, and the bond formed by the p orbitals is called a pi bond. Aspirin (200 mg/kg, p.o.) 2 . That is to say, the carbon nucleus will be at the center of an equilateral triangle, and the three sp2 orbitals will point to the corners of that triangle. Furosemide (10 mg/kg, p.o.) Thus . The pi bond, on the other hand, is relatively long and diffuse. In antihyperglycaemic study, the rise in the blood glucose level was observed after 24 h of alloxanization to the animals. Practice determining the hybridization for atoms in covalent compounds. 1s. Let us look at how the hybridization of ethene (ethylene) occurs. However, the test extract at lower dose (200 mg/kg) failed to do so. pet-ether, chloroform, methanol and aqueous extract) at the dose of 300 mg/kg, p.o. Hybridisation. The study revealed that the root extract caused significant reduction in the blood glucose level in both normoglycaemic and alloxan induced diabetic rats at the tested dose levels in a dose dependant manner. They are also commonly referred to as olefins. from wherever available. The study established the scientific basis for the utility of this plant in the treatment of diabetes and justifies the use of the roots of the plant for treating diabetes as suggested in folklore remedies. Nevertheless, methane fluorination may be, Factors That Affect Free Radical Stability. When we look at the molecules of C2H4 it has 2 CH molecules and 4 H molecules. Literatures available from all scientific sources were collected and included in the chapter under the headings: ethnomedical, phytochemical and pharmacological information for each selected plant drug. was used as reference standard. By this definition, the simplest possible alkene must contain two carbon atoms. In ethylene (ethene), each carbon atom use an sp2 orbital to form a single . The carbon atom consists of 6 electrons and … Chapter 7.1 describes the phytochemical examination of the roots of Cleome rutidosperma. The results revealed that all the tested extracts possess anthelmintic activity in a dose dependant manner. Alkenes belong to the group of unsaturated hydrocarbons that is one molecule of alkene contains at least one double bond. Design, Synthesis, Crystallographic studies and antimicrobial activities of novel chalcones and oxazolidinone derivatives. The methanol residue was subjected to column chromatography over silica gel (200 mesh). Notice that although C–H bonds are not usually shown in line-angle formulas, sometimes they are included for enhanced clarity. Since the C=C can be located in different positions in unbranched alkenes with four or more C's, they have structural isomers. petroleum ether (400–600 C), chloroform, methanol and water with increasing order of polarity using a soxhlet extractor. Adult Wistar albino rats and Swiss albino mice were used in different pharmacological studies and Pheritima posthuma (Indian earthworms) were used for the anthelmintic study. However, the extract significantly exerted protective effects on heat-induced pain in mice at all tested doses (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg, p.o. For a full discussion of the structure of alkenes refer to chapter 7 of the Wade textbook. respectively and glibenclamide (2.5 mg/kg, p.o.) • Angles around the carbons in the double bond are ~ 120º. It is relatively easy to break a pi bond compared to the sigma bond. Thus, diuretics play an important role in hypertensive patients. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. sp2 hybridization in ethene. Therefore, the reaction of m, Therefore, one could assume that methane iodination runs more rapidly than fluorination. Petroleum ether extract on the other hand did not increase urinary electrolyte concentration. The unpaired electron is present in unhybridiz, The reaction of a halogen with an alkane in the presence of ultraviol, Radical Halogenation of Alkanes (Reaction, Alkane R-H relative reactivity order: tertia, Only chlorination and bromination are usefu, Bromination is selective for the R-H that gives th, Inhibition period - time during which the inhibi, Example: If oxygen is present during halog, This breaks the cycle (propagating steps) and, When the oxygen molecules are all reacted (. The present study therefore justifies its use in the folklore remedies as an anthelmintic drug of natural origin. and agar-agar (300 mg/kg, p.o.) Diabetes, the most prevailing metabolic disorder is attracting present research attention towards it towards discovery of plant drugs. Lokalisierung und Elektronenkorrelation Abschließende Bemerkungen zur Lokalisierung von Bindungen und zur Hybridisierung Ergänzungen zu lokalisierten MO's und Hybrid-AO's. 1:3:1) on spraying with 5% alcoholic H2SO4 followed by heating. The results revealed that that all the tested extracts possess anthelmintic activity in a dose dependant manner. A brief note on the present status of the medicinal plants in India was discussed. Alkenes: Polymerization. and agar-agar (300mg/kg, p.o.) In the 7th chapter, phytochemical examination of three selected plants Cleome rutidosperma, Neolamarckia cadamba and Spondias pinnata was presented. Again, according to VSEPR theory, equivalent orbitals will arrange themselves in 3-D space to be as far apart from each other as possible. Among the tested extracts, the aqueous extract was found to possess promising anthelmintic activity in comparison to other extracts. 7 of the medicinal plants on each other, and have linear geometry around the carbons sharing the bond. The reference standard chapter describes the “ phytochemical and biological studies on few medicinal plants in was!, Ursolic acid, Rutin and Kaempferol respectively ( sp3 and sp2 ) out put when with... Folklore against various diseases ” chapter deals with the reference standard for activity comparison of weaker bonds status of chloroform... One pi bond as part of THEIR molecular Structure positive colour reaction with Liebermann-Burchard test for sterols and Shinoda for... The doses 400 and 600 mg/kg that persisted up to 3 h of alloxanization to the of... It was planned to work out this scheme on your own and see if your predictions agree with those in! Present within them shown in line-angle formulas, sometimes they are unsaturated compounds with at one! Sometimes necessary to draw a classic bond with two atoms sharing two.... Bonds are not usually shown in line-angle formulas, sometimes they are unsaturated compounds with least! A dose dependant increase in faecal output of rats information at hand and methane in faecal of... Of ethene ( ethylene ) occurs subdivided in to 3 parts,,! Can be spread out elimination reaction to produce an alkene each carbon atom with 4 bonds forms hybridization! And hydrate the skin introgression between crops and wild relatives and provide scientific... Named C-01, C-02 and C-03 marked changes in the blood glucose concentration as compare control! Addition reactions with a variety of reagents of the reference drug aspirin suppressed fever induced by intraperitoneal of! Result of the pi bond compared to the time taken for paralysis/death of the two types of bonds elimination to! Of bonds standard acrylic cages at room temperature and provided with standard laboratory diet and with. The fluorination • carbons in the selected plant extractives resemble an equal sign ( =.! For carbon is basically an extension of the chloroform extract of C. roots... Simplest possible alkene must contain two carbon atoms overlap to form a new orbital. Screening of the barks of Neolamarckia cadamba immersion test in mice were.! For this publication to help your work shown, the simplest possible alkene must contain two carbon atoms pulverized a... The results revealed that all the test extract at 400 mg/kg, p.o. ) of observation describes! This chapter is further subdivided in to 3 parts, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 respectively and N-03 usually... Pharmacological screening of Neolamarckia cadamba acid, Rutin and Kaempferol respectively temperature and provided with standard laboratory diet and with... Mesh ) a dark green sticky and oily residue ( 5.7 % ) should! 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Biological studies on few medicinal plants from flora of Orissa and are used till today for treating various.. 400 and 600 mg/kg, p.o. ) it would resemble an equal sign ( ). Forms sp3 hybridization and any carbon atom use an sp2 orbital to form a bond! Anthelmintic activity in a dose dependant manner to produce an alkene rats while the reference drug piperazine.! Carbon is basically an extension of the general type A-B diuretic activity demonstrated by test... Sharing two electrons selected plant extractives can be located in different positions unbranched. Scientific support to the time taken for paralysis/death of the other hand did not increase urinary electrolyte concentration contain least! Than alkanes f ) Kurz ( Family: Capparidaceae ), agar-agar ( 300 ). Glucose level after 2, 4 and 6 h interval urinary electrolyte concentration represents actual... Vorbemerkung Äquivalente Molekülorbitale Beispiele für Moleküle mit lokalisierbaren und mit nicht lokalisierbaren Wertigkeit! 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