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According to the QS World University ranking, it is ranked on number 2 in Canada and on number 33 in the whole world. .ghymjI .footerTop-div .foot-arrUp{width:0;height:0;border-left:8px solid transparent;border-right:8px solid transparent;border-bottom:8px solid #000;position:relative;top:-12px;left:-6px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g227[id="Styled__AnchorStyle-sc-19aj422-1"]{content:"dmSYwN,dpQGtd,hitizx,gDATRF,gUramV,ijFfpd,dnFwFt,"}/*!sc*/ .jPgcfZ{color:#FFFFFF;font-size:1rem;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.8);padding:10px;position:absolute;bottom:0px;width:100%;font-weight:600;text-align:center;left:0;cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ University of Montreal , Montreal Avg Fee: $19.6K/Yr 8.3 23 Reviews Admission Programs University of Alberta , Edmonton Avg Fee: $16.03K/Yr 7.9 39 Reviews @media (min-width:64em){.kuYWKw span.loc-icn{font-size:0.875rem;}}/*!sc*/ .tMoPD{background:#eee;width:100%;height:200px;}/*!sc*/ Full-time student fees 12,598 Room & board 7,398 Room only Other Payment Considerations. University of Montreal , Montreal Avg Fee: $19.6K/Yr 8.3 23 Reviews Admission Programs University of Alberta , Edmonton Avg Fee: $16.03K/Yr 7.9 39 Reviews des droits de scolarités et des frais connexes. @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.kmjvoy .footer-left ul li label.footerTab-div label.drop-icon:after{background:url(https://images.shiksha.ws/saassets/media/gnb_sprite.e9f48911.svg) no-repeat;display:inline-block;content:"";background-position:-260px -8px;width:13px;height:18px;position:relative;}}/*!sc*/ Financial documents required for abroad studies? .ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left ul li{list-style:none;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g115[id="Styled__LastDateCard-sc-1yl1nt-23"]{content:"fJoVKV,"}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-search .src-box .srch-icon{background:url(https://images.shiksha.ws/saassets/media/gnb_sprite.e9f48911.svg) no-repeat;background-position:-216px -5px;width:20px;height:20px;top:6px;display:inline-block;position:relative;}/*!sc*/ .kmjvoy .footer-left ul li .footer-subMenu span{display:inline-block;color:#c0ccc9;margin:0 4px;line-height:22px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g107[id="Styled__ClimateDivLoader-sc-1yl1nt-15"]{content:"tMoPD,"}/*!sc*/ McGill reserves the right to make changes in the published scale of fees without prior notice. McGill University undergraduate tuition and fees for international students. .kuYWKw i.star-icon{content:"";background:url(https://images.shiksha.ws/saassets/media/ULP_Sprite.9e0bc1fb.svg) no-repeat;background-position:-4px -105px;width:25px;height:25px;position:absolute;text-align:center;left:6px;}/*!sc*/ .ihjQuR img{width:100%;height:200px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g270[id="Styled__BlockLayer-x0qrad-5"]{content:"deWXmN,"}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-rights .border-bottom{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,transparent,#6c8c90,#6c8c90,transparent);height:2px;margin:5px 0;}}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footerTop-div{background:#fff;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;padding:10px 0;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-rights .policy-div{width:100%;margin-bottom:5px;}}/*!sc*/ And CA$7,631.70 for non-Quebec Canadians pay, and CA$16,815.60 for international students (2020 figures). .ciPIHM tr th,.ciPIHM tr td{color:#FFFFFF;padding:10px;text-align:left;border:1px solid #76a5bf;font-weight:600;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g159[id="Styled__ImgBox-sc-1yl1nt-67"]{content:"gugprp,"}/*!sc*/ .dThofn{width:100%;}/*!sc*/ .hfjUPR{border:1px solid #a6d6f1;border-radius:0 12px 12px 12px;border-top-left-radius:0px;box-sizing:border-box;color:#000000;-webkit-box-flex:1;-webkit-flex-grow:1;-ms-flex-positive:1;flex-grow:1;outline:none;height:80px;box-shadow:inset 0 1px 3px 0 #a6d6f1;font-size:0.875rem;background-color:rgba(241,250,255,1);}/*!sc*/ .ciPIHM tr td p > sup{color:#008489;font-size:0.75rem;font-weight:400;}/*!sc*/ .kmjvoy .footer-left ul{width:100%;}/*!sc*/ MEng Aerospace Engineering from Department of Mechanical Engineering fees, admission, eligibility, application, scholarships & ranking. .ciPIHM:first-child th{background:#054667;}/*!sc*/ McGill University Tuition Fees. .ghymjI .footer-search p.footr-field{background:#fff;padding:0 10px;width:88%;float:left;color:#666;font-size:14px;height:31px;line-height:31px;}/*!sc*/ .gugprp img{height:24px;margin-right:2px;width:24px;float:left;border-radius:50%;margin-top:4px;}/*!sc*/ Founded in 1821, McGill University attracts people inspired by challenge and committed to shaping a better future. .ciPIHM tr{width:100%;}/*!sc*/ It may be annually charged CA$2,455.50 for residents of Quebec. Also, most of the research work is done on this campus. .dnFwFt{position:relative;vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block;max-width:inherit;width:inherit;text-overflow:unset;font-weight:400;white-space:unset;overflow:hidden;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom{padding:0;-webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-webkit-flex-wrap:nowrap;-ms-flex-wrap:nowrap;flex-wrap:nowrap;margin:0;}}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left{width:80%;}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-rights .policy-div span.footr-bullet{font-size:14px;margin:0 3px;position:relative;display:inline-block;top:2px;}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-rights{background:#446d72;font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF;padding:10px 115px;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex-direction:row;-ms-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;margin:0 auto;width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left a{margin-top:6px;}}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.kmjvoy .footer-left ul li{padding:10px;border-top:1px solid #c1e8dc;position:relative;margin:0;line-height:20px;}}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left label.drop-icon{position:absolute;right:0;top:0;}}/*!sc*/ .deWXmN{width:48.5%;float:right;position:relative;top:0px;cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ Some of the halls are- Carrefour Sherbrooke, Douglas Hall, MORE house, Solin Hall, etc. .kbdNbc{display:none;width:100%;background:#FFFFFF;left:0;box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.08),0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.16);}/*!sc*/ .ciPIHM tr td:first-child{width:30%;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g106[id="Styled__ClimateDiv-sc-1yl1nt-14"]{content:"kLiZSH,"}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-bottom{background:#30494c;color:#FFFFFF;-webkit-align-items:flex-end;-webkit-box-align:flex-end;-ms-flex-align:flex-end;align-items:flex-end;font-size:14px;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex-direction:row;-ms-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;padding:20px 115px;margin:0 auto;width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left label.drop-icon.white-icn.minus-icon{padding:0 8px;text-align:center;background-color:transparent;text-shadow:0 0 0 transparent;color:#008489;height:43px;line-height:50px;border:none;}}/*!sc*/ .jPgcfZ:hover{color:#FFFFFF;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:768px) and (min-width:600px){.ghymjI .footer-graphics div.grphc-img{height:8.5em;}}/*!sc*/ .byPnsn{width:100%;max-height:170px;}/*!sc*/ .kuYWKw{display:table-cell;width:65%;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;}/*!sc*/ .HyjPc:before{content:"";background:url(https://images.shiksha.ws/saassets/media/ULP_Sprite.9e0bc1fb.svg) no-repeat;background-position:-84px -51px;width:10px;height:12px;float:left;position:relative;top:6px;}/*!sc*/ .kmjvoy .footer-left ul li .footer-subMenu{font-size:14px;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;line-height:19px;display:inline-block;}/*!sc*/ Please include necessary details. Out of its 41,000 students, 12,800 or 31% are international students. McGill University is one of the oldest and top-ranked public universities of Canada, which was founded in 1821. Prices also depend on the program. Tuition fee, cost of living and other costs for International students. Rate your chances of admission in McGill University MEng Aerospace Engineering program and download course brochure. .gugprp i{background:url(https://images.shiksha.ws/saassets/media/ULP_Sprite.9e0bc1fb.svg) no-repeat;background-position:-89px -71px;display:inline-block;width:26px;height:26px;}/*!sc*/ With students coming to McGill from some 150 countries, our student body is the most internationally diverse of any research-intensive university in the country. @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.kmjvoy .footer-left ul li label.footerTab-div label.drop-icon{position:absolute;right:0;top:0;}}/*!sc*/ .cNAOeO p{display:inline-block;width:60%;word-wrap:break-word;}/*!sc*/ Copyright © 2018 Info Edge India Ltd. All rights reserved. @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-rights{padding:10px;border:none;position:relative;margin:0;line-height:20px;text-align:center;display:inherit;}}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:64em){.hlVOCa{line-height:25px;}}/*!sc*/ Program Description. .jGjqTT{font-size:1rem;font-weight:600;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;width:98%;margin-bottom:5px;color:#000000;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:64em){.kuYWKw:last-child{width:35%;text-align:right;}}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left p.grp-cmpnyTxt{display:block;color:#fff;font-size:12px;margin-top:10px;}}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .part-right{display:none;}}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-search .src-box{float:left;background:#F37921;width:12%;padding:0 10px;height:31px;line-height:31px;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:64em){.dnFwFt{vertical-align:middle;width:inherit;max-width:inherit;display:inline-block;text-overflow:unset;white-space:unset;}}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g161[id="Styled__QuestionSubDiv-sc-1yl1nt-69"]{content:"fQgtAc,"}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g117[id="Styled__FindOutHeading-sc-1yl1nt-25"]{content:"ggmVaq,"}/*!sc*/ .jgGoIW.jgGoIW > ul{width:3076px;padding:0;}/*!sc*/ .deWXmN span{position:absolute;color:#fff;text-align:center;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);-ms-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);transform:translate(-50%,-50%);top:50%;z-index:1;font-size:1rem;font-weight:600;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:64em){.jKKTJu{padding:0;width:100%;box-shadow:none;border:none;}}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-graphics{padding-bottom:0;margin:0 auto;max-width:1600px;width:100%;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;}/*!sc*/ .cIvXYQ span{color:#000000;text-transform:capitalize;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:64em){.ghymjI .footer-search{display:none;}}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g290[id="Styled__TableStyle-sc-10ucg51-0"]{content:"cupBUB,jqjESx,ciPIHM,"}/*!sc*/ All halls are equipped with tremendous facilities like single size/queen size beds and mattress (most beds are loft beds), desk and study chair, dresser, bookshelf, night table, and vertical blinds, etc. MSc computer science at McGill University allows students to complete this course in 1.5 years. .ciPIHM tr td strong{font-weight:600;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left ul li{padding:10px;border-top:1px solid #c1e8dc;position:relative;margin:0;line-height:20px;}}/*!sc*/ Please select your residency status and the degree/program you are interested for an approximation of the associated tuition and fees. .ihjQuR{background:#FFFFFF;box-shadow:0 0 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.16),0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.32);border-radius:2px;color:#000000;margin-bottom:13px;height:356px;margin-right:16px;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.25,0.8,0.25,1);transition:all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.25,0.8,0.25,1);}/*!sc*/ Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9. In Canada, more than 3,600 marriage certificates were issued to children, usually girls, under the age of 18 between 2000 and 2018, according to a new study from researchers at McGill University. data-styled.g37[id="Styled__WidgetCard-opouq6-0"]{content:"lkvTBj,QyGDo,iHzsun,"}/*!sc*/ .kYdhKQ{width:100%;margin:0px auto 0 auto;}/*!sc*/ .dThofn.dThofn .styled-carousel__prev-btn:hover,.dThofn.dThofn .styled-carousel__next-btn:hover{background:rgba(255,255,255,1);box-shadow:-7px 0 9px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.64);}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g158[id="Styled__SubmitButtonSec-sc-1yl1nt-66"]{content:"bsRqVN,"}/*!sc*/ .kmjvoy .footer-left ul li label.footerTab-div label.drop-icon.minus-icon:after{display:inline-block;content:"";background-position:-273px -8px;}/*!sc*/ The maximum length of the post work permit is o...Read More, If you wish to take academic, professional or vocational training at a university, college or other educati...Read More, Canada’s real GDP grew at 1.6% in 2019 and expected to grow by 4.2% in 202...Read More, 845 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 0G4, http://www.mcgill.ca/internationalstudents/, We will try to get your question answered from University representatives. @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left label.drop-icon.white-icn.minus-icon:after{background:url(https://images.shiksha.ws/saassets/media/gnb_sprite.e9f48911.svg) no-repeat;background-position:-297px -62px;display:inline-block;content:'';width:13px;height:18px;position:relative;}}/*!sc*/ .logdHo{border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;padding:12px;background:#008489;color:#fff;font-weight:600;font-size:1rem;clear:both;display:inline-block;width:100%;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:64em){.eODzdW a{line-height:17px;}}/*!sc*/ The University offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various areas of study. data-styled.g38[id="Styled__WidgetHeadingDiv-opouq6-1"]{content:"jgXIEA,fwfZWI,logdHo,"}/*!sc*/ .fGFuxq{width:51%;}/*!sc*/ Exchange Application Fee. The university boasts of 400+ programs through its 50 research centers and institutes. @media (min-width:64em){.icMLAZ{padding:0;}}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g155[id="Styled__AskSection-sc-1yl1nt-63"]{content:"gOPXUP,"}/*!sc*/ .jKKTJu p{font-size:0.875rem;line-height:21.12px;}/*!sc*/ .iHzsun:before{content:'';background-image:linear-gradient(90deg,#003E41 0%,#00A5B5 50%,#003E41 100%);width:100%;height:4px;display:inline-block;position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0;border-radius:3px 3px 0 0;}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .part-right i.naukri-logo{background:url(https://images.shiksha.ws/saassets/media/gnb_sprite.e9f48911.svg) no-repeat;background-position:-188px -58px;width:103px;height:19px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;}/*!sc*/ .cIvXYQ{font-size:0.875rem;margin-top:6px;}/*!sc*/ .dvAumP span.loc-icn{font-size:0.875rem;color:#000000;}/*!sc*/ At McGill University, entrance policies are slightly different, with residents of Quebec province receiving discounted fees. @media (min-width:64em){.hPdoPq{box-shadow:none;padding:16px;}}/*!sc*/ .fQgtAc{margin-top:8px;}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI{background:#def3ed;border-top:3px solid #ff8212;width:100%;padding-bottom:0px;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.kmjvoy .footer-left ul .footer-subMenu.active{max-height:20em;-webkit-transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;}}/*!sc*/ .kLiZSH{font-size:1rem;font-weight:600;padding:10px 0px 0px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g40[id="Styled__WidgetContent-opouq6-3"]{content:"hiGOfa,bECsFy,fyTSli,jKKTJu,"}/*!sc*/ .fyTSli p{font-size:0.875rem;line-height:21.12px;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.kmjvoy .footer-left ul li label.footerTab-div label.drop-icon{padding:0 8px;text-align:center;background-color:transparent;text-shadow:0 0 0 transparent;color:#008489;height:43px;line-height:50px;border:none;}}/*!sc*/ There are various financial aid programs available including bursaries and scholarships. data-styled.g148[id="Styled__StickyTopBox-sc-1yl1nt-56"]{content:"kuYWKw,"}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-search{background:#446d72;padding:10px;display:inline-block;clear:both;width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;border-top:3px solid #ff8212;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left{width:100%;}}/*!sc*/ .hlVOCa label{display:block;margin-bottom:2px;}/*!sc*/ .kmjvoy .footer-left ul li .footer-subMenu a:hover{color:#008489;}/*!sc*/ This program is offered in coursework and research-based. data-styled.g103[id="Styled__ContactUsMapDiv-sc-1yl1nt-11"]{content:"byPnsn,"}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g263[id="Styled__UnivName-x3wch-3"]{content:"jGjqTT,"}/*!sc*/ All trademarks belong to the respective owners. McGill University is one of Canada's best-known institutions of higher learning and one of the leading universities in the world. .dThofn.dThofn .styled-carousel__prev-btn{box-shadow:7px 0 9px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);}/*!sc*/ .dThofn.dThofn .styled-carousel__prev-btn:hover{box-shadow:7px 0 9px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.64);}/*!sc*/ The average tuition fee varies for the different McGill courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. .jKKTJu .wiki p:last-child{margin:0;}/*!sc*/ It is one of Canada's best known institutions of higher learning and one of the leading universities in the world. .jKKTJu ul{padding-left:20px;color:#000000;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-section{padding:0;-webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-webkit-flex-wrap:nowrap;-ms-flex-wrap:nowrap;flex-wrap:nowrap;margin:0;}}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:64em){.fJoVKV{padding:0;}}/*!sc*/ / Veuillez sélectionner votre statut de résident et le diplôme ou le programme qui vous intéresse pour obtenir une approximation .hfjUPR p{margin-top:5px;font-size:0.75rem;}/*!sc*/ And CA$7,631.70 for non-Quebec Canadians pay, and CA$16,815.60 for international students (2020 figures). .ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left span{display:inline-block;color:#c0ccc9;margin:0 1px;}/*!sc*/ .dvAumP span.loc-icn:before{content:"";background:url(https://images.shiksha.ws/saassets/media/ULP_Sprite.9e0bc1fb.svg) no-repeat;background-position:-84px -5px;width:18px;height:13px;display:inline-block;position:relative;top:3px;}/*!sc*/ .gpAOfE{font-size:0.875rem;line-height:23px;margin-bottom:10px;}/*!sc*/ Apart from this, McGill is also a founding member of Universitas 21 that is an international network of prominent research-intensive institutions that work together to enrich global reach and encourage international scope. .cvIAlk{text-align:center;padding:17px 0 0;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-graphics div.grphc-img{height:4.5em;background-size:cover;background-position:center center;position:relative;bottom:0;}}/*!sc*/ For information on policies relating to tuition and fees with regards to COVID-19, you can refer to the main COVID-19 Resources page (Tuition or Non-Tuition Fees) and FAQs. It is an open research university with the highest percentage of Ph.D. students in any Canadian research university. data-styled.g105[id="Styled__ViewMap-sc-1yl1nt-13"]{content:"jPgcfZ,"}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:64em){.ciPIHM tr td:first-child{width:33%;word-break:unset;}}/*!sc*/ The total annual McGill University fees for Bachelor of Commerce in accordance with the residences status is: Quebec: CAD 4650.35/-Non-Quebec Canadian: CAD 10,046.45/- … data-styled.g264[id="Styled__UnivDetailList-x3wch-4"]{content:"cIvXYQ,"}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left ul li label.footerTab-div{color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:600;display:inline-block;width:100%;text-transform:capitalize;font-size:16px;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left .footer-subMenu{margin-top:0px;max-height:0;overflow:hidden;display:block;-webkit-transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;}}/*!sc*/ .ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left a{color:#FFFFFF;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;margin-bottom:3px;display:inline-block;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g116[id="Styled__FindOutMoreWidget-sc-1yl1nt-24"]{content:"iGnbxf,"}/*!sc*/ MBA from Desautels Faculty of Management fees, admission, eligibility, application, scholarships & ranking. data-styled.g102[id="Styled__ContactUsDiv-sc-1yl1nt-10"]{content:"cNAOeO,"}/*!sc*/ .ihjQuR:hover{box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.16) 1px 1px 2px 0px,rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0px 7px 9px 0px;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.25,0.8,0.25,1);transition:all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.25,0.8,0.25,1);}/*!sc*/ .kmjvoy .footer-left width:100% @media screen and (max-width:1023px){width:100%;}/*!sc*/ One-year Entrance Scholarships- BSc Programs, Sandhya and Swati Sharma MBA Leadership Award, https://www.mcgill.ca/students/housing/fees-applying/graduate-downtown-fees, University is providing accommodation facility to all its undergraduate and graduate students, It has 13 undergraduate downtown residences include 3 hotel-style residences, 6 dorm-style residences, and 4 apartment-style residences, Graduate students have the option of choosing between single bedrooms in shared-facilities houses and single occupancy apartments, The Mandatory Residential Meal Plan applies to all students living in the undergraduate downtown residence. McGill University also provides a Fee Calculator where students can get the current fee estimates after filing name of the degree and their residency. The main campus of the university is located in downtown Montreal that is considered one of the most friendly cities for international students population. McGill University Tuition and Fees. .ciPIHM tr:first-child td{border-top:none;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g262[id="Styled__UnivInfo-x3wch-2"]{content:"dvAumP,"}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:64em){.kuYWKw{text-align:left;}}/*!sc*/ Get end-to-end help from Shiksha counselors in shortlisting and applying to colleges. Courses Duration Tuition Fees; Medicine and HealthCare (6 Courses) 2 Year - 4 Year: CAD 15760 - CAD 37541: MBA (4 Courses) 20 Month - 4 Year: CAD 16373 - CAD 46027: Engineering (16 Courses) 18 Month - 4 Year: CAD 15943 - CAD 36547: Science (2 Courses) 4 year: CAD 17597 - CAD 17808: Also, the university makes sure that students are guided under experienced faculty members. data-styled.g273[id="Styled__ServerSideCarousel-x0qrad-8"]{content:"kfYNiw,jgGoIW,"}/*!sc*/ Summer Application Fee. .kuYWKw span.save-text{position:relative;bottom:-9px;}/*!sc*/ .jKKTJu{padding:0;box-shadow:none;border:none;}/*!sc*/ .iGnbxf{width:100%;background-position:top right;padding:16px 0 16px 11px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g99[id="Styled__CampusSpan-sc-1yl1nt-7"]{content:"HyjPc,"}/*!sc*/ McGill University is a University located in Montréal, QC. $150. On an average, the tuition and fees for an Undergraduate program is C$30,000 per year and for a Post-graduation program is C$20,000 per year for an International student. Rate your chances of admission in McGill University MBA program and … It houses various university departments like the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, School of Nutrition, and Institute of Parasitology. .eODzdW:before{content:"";background:url(https://images.shiksha.ws/saassets/media/ULP_Sprite.9e0bc1fb.svg) no-repeat;background-position:-99px -51px;width:14px;height:12px;float:left;position:relative;top:6px;}/*!sc*/ .ggmVaq{font-size:1.25rem;margin-bottom:10px;}/*!sc*/ McGill University is a University located in Montréal, QC . .jgGoIW{overflow:hidden;}/*!sc*/ .fyTSli .wiki p{margin-bottom:12px;}/*!sc*/ Discover the best Universities, Courses, Exams and Education updates all over the world data-styled.g104[id="Styled__ViewMapDiv-sc-1yl1nt-12"]{content:"kguQXz,"}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g162[id="Styled__ArrowDiv-sc-1yl1nt-70"]{content:"cPHVDT,"}/*!sc*/ .gOPXUP p{color:#000000;font-size:0.875rem;}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (max-width:1023px){.ghymjI .footer-bottom .footer-subMenu.active{max-height:20em;-webkit-transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;}}/*!sc*/ It is mandatory that every aspirant seeking admission at a particular institute be aware of pre and post-admission expenses like McGill University fees and other costs. .ghymjI .part-right p{font-size:12px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g157[id="Styled__AskDiv-sc-1yl1nt-65"]{content:"ipSnKf,"}/*!sc*/ .fJoVKV{padding:0 12px;}/*!sc*/ You can find the fee tables for 2020-21 under Tuition and Fees.For information on policies relating to tuition and fees with regards to COVID-19, you can refer to the main COVID-19 Resources page (Tuition or Non-Tuition Fees) and FAQs. Another campus of the university is known as the MacDonald Campus. .ghymjI .footer-bottom .part-left p.grp-cmpnyTxt{display:none;}/*!sc*/ .gugprp{height:24px;margin-right:2px;width:24px;float:left;border-radius:50%;}/*!sc*/ .jKKTJu ul li{list-style:disc;font-size:0.875rem;margin-bottom:10px;line-height:21.12px;}/*!sc*/ The upper campus made to the QS world University ranking, it one. University also provides a fee calculator where students can get the current fee estimates after name! Interested for an approximation of the University are provided with the required knowledge in respective... Marriage abroad a University located in Montréal, QC degree/program you are interested for an approximation the! Persists across the globe for its excellent teaching and research programmes reserves the right to changes. Its 50 research centers and institutes 2 in Canada and on number 33 in the world North American research.... Douglas Hall, MORE house, Solin Hall, MORE house, Solin Hall, etc s. 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