Thank you. WE HAVE NOT HEARD FROM THEM SINCE 2 HRS. is there any native animals that have been efeected i need to no thanks, umm help plese i need to know for my research is there any animals that have been effected due to this in japan? Hi there… I am a U.S. Marine wife. I’ve been worrying about my brother all day. I’m a married man ! I am so thankful that all is well there. They most likely are, according to the comments below, Okinawa was hardly impacted. How A Small School In Rural Zambia Will Finally Get Electricity, 7 Water And Energy Conservation Strategies For Large Families, How 200 Solar Lights Found Their Way To A Small School In Rural Zambia, Ørsted Consolidates Customer Solutions & Bioenergy Divisions, India’s NTPC Limited Offers Solar Power Project Management Services To ISA Members, 5 Tips to Make Your First Bike Commute to the Office a Successful One, Congress Charges Ahead on Energy Storage: (BEST) Act, First Round of 15 Winners of Reinventing Cities Competition Announced, Creating New Beacons of Sustainable Design & Construction, 5 Major UK Businesses Powered by Renewable Energy, Buy An Electric Car And Save The Planet! Seems things are fine there. I was there for 7 years and have tons of friends up there and was really worried about wonderful Okinawa and it’s people. THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR THIS INFORMATION!! God bless. Let’s pray for the victims. 3. Il provoque un gigantesque tsunami et ses violentes répliques sèment l’angoisse pendant des semaines. Fortunatly we got an email from him him this morning. Zachary Shahan- March 11, 2011. The event began with a powerful earthquake off the coast of Honshu, Japan’s main island, which initiated a series of large tsunami waves that … Thanks/OnOn. God bless all the people and families out there in Japan that were effected by this. Hope so,.. I’m hoping that guy reporting from there (my main source) was spot on. Had it not been for the news letting us know the earthquake and tsunami happened, we probably wouldn’t have even known! My son was stationed as a Marine in Okinawa, but is currently deployed to the Philippines. Thank you, thank you! There is talk on television and radio about tsunami warnings across the Pacific and as far out as Hawaii. I have two grandbabies who live outside of Kadena AirBase. Tsunami waves smashed the coast, causing massive damage and flooding. Que alegria que esa isla tan hermosa no sufra semejante desastre. No damage, no shocks from the earthquake. This makes us feel better. We just got a text from Michael. Our newphew and his family were recently stationed in Okinawa. But being in the sciences myself (chemistry) i know that the majority view in science is not allways correct. VENDREDI 11 mars 2011, 14 h 46 : le quatrième plus grand séisme jamais enregistré dans le monde ébranle le Japon. I wish there was something I could do, but I will certainly keep everyone affected in my thoughts and prayers. They are expecting their first baby in May so we are a little concerned with all this radiation news, even though we know they are 1500 miles away from it. I am glad Okinawa did not get wasted. my brother-in-law and family live there and the rest of us live in the States. Thanks so much for this report.. Been listening to news and not much on Okinawa.. My son is a Marine stationed there in Okinawa and been waiting to hear how things are doing and have not heard.. Makes me feel a relief that you were not affected much..Praying for others affected..Thanks.. That was so scary, so I can’t imagine how they felt when they heard the news about the earthquake and tsunami. This has put me at ease. Des secouristes japonais cherchent d'eventuels survivant dans les décombres à Kesennuma le 18 mars 2011. We were able to text our grandson Lance Cpl. So relax and have faith that your loved ones are doing well! My great-grandson’s Dad is in the navy and stationed in Okinawa. Thank you so much for posting info on the conditions in Okinawa, I have been worried since my brother and his family are stationed there and have been unable to contact them. Thank you for your post. I’d call, but due to the “LANGUAGE BARRIER” I really wouldn’t be able to communicate. Wondering if he is safe. Too bad our cousins are the eldest of our cousins! Wondering if he should still go and if so will he be ok getting in. So far, the worst of the tsunami has passed. Hopefully you can get in touch soon. Le tsunami du 11 mars 2011 a tué des milliers de personnes et causé une catastrophe nucléaire. God bless you. They got a slightly larger wave than normal that caused no damage . I just heard about the terrible disaster. Dont worry!!! C’est ici que le tsunami de 2011 a atteint sa hauteur maximale : quarante mètres. For maps and the latest news on the situation in and around Japan, GOOGLE CRISIS RESPONSE seems to be the place to go for maps, locations and accurate updates. I have a son there! KAMISAMA (GOD), HELP EVERYONE THAT IS AFFECTED BY THE TSUNAMI AND EARTHQUAKE. That would not honestly test us if something was not right. Please don’t worry about me. BEFORE THE EARTHQUAKE ????? He said last night they were ok. He’s DOD, going to work for FISC. Thanks for any help you can give me The people are very nice and very friendly. I’m worried about the nuclear reactors and radiation leaks. Thank you so much for the information. My son-in-law is stationed at Camp Schwab. Update (3:20am EST on Monday, March 14): A number of people commenting on here in the last day or so have confirmed that everything is OK in Okinawa — it didn’t get hit very hard. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,8 s'est produit au large d'Okinawa (sud du Japon), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été déclenchée. Un puissant tsunami s'en était suivi, balayant tout sur le passage des vagues qui dépassaient parfois 10 mètres de hauteur et endommageant la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima-Daiichi. BUT IS FROM OKINAWA, AND HAVE MANY FAMILY MEMBERS THERE. Thank you for this information. MCBJ has evacuated residents living in low-lying areas on Camp Foster, lower Camp Lester, and Camp Kinser to an elevation of at least 30 feet/10 meters as a precautionary measure,” DVIDS reporting from Okinawa reports. Reportedly, things still look pretty much like in the photo below there. But try Google’s person finder — may help you out. THANK YOU AGAIN!!! As of Friday, he said that he heard that Okinawa was fine, just the water levels were higher. I have a friend stationed there and when I heard the news I was so worried about him. My sister is a Maine at Okinawa and I worry about her. Par L'Obs. So relieved that the initial information I got on this and so many people were relying on was correct! long megathrust fault. 4. This put my mind at ease. I hope you have heard from them by now. MY BROTHER LIVES IN A MILITARY BASE IN OKINAWA!!! Update (3:20am EST on Monday, March 14): A number of people commenting on here in the last day or so have confirmed that everything is OK in Okinawa — it didn’t get hit very hard. my son Joseph Stoffel is a Marine in Okinawa,I have been unable to reach him on Skype since this earthquake hit, I’m praying he is just busy helping others,(that has always been his first reaction. A magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck off Japan’s northeastern coast. Le tsunami du 11 mars 2011 au Japon a particulièrement marqué les esprits, à cause de sa puissance mais aussi parce qu'il a fait l'objet de nombreuses vidéos dignes d'un film catastrophe. It was the fifth most powerful earthquake ever recorded, and within 30 minutes, a 133-foot high tsunami pummeled Japan's northeastern shoreline. East of Japan, the Pacific plate dives beneath the overriding Eurasian plate. Everyone is ok. Il a exactement deux ans, le 11 mars 2011, un violent tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 8,9 frappait le large de la côte nord-est du Japon. &, of course, so happy that you all (at least) are safe. The good news: Okinawa seems to be far enough away from the earthquake that it is hardly being affected by the tsunami. That was the most beautiful place in this world I had ever seen. You can’t know for sure if it is a bot (as far as I know), but when you see the same comment rearranged slightly 100 times, it’s a good sign . WE’VE BEEN TRYING TO CALL AND ALL WE GET IS A BUSY TONE. The latest prediction is that it will hit Okinawa at 6:12 p.m. Current time is 5:29 p.m. My apartment faces the East China Sea, but I plan to be on the balcony with my new binoculars just in case. Thank you for the good news. Thank you for this report! Wondering if Okinawa resident Ken Fitch and family are ok after earthquake…….. Dan Bassett, David T. Sandwell, Yuri Fialko & Anthony B. Watts, «. Let’s come together to bless the Lord Jesus Christ!! poor japan though, Thank goodness you are OK.My sister-in-law’s parents are in Okinawa.Glad to know they will be fine. Last time we spoke he said they were on stand-by. My prayers are with those who lost their family, friends and homes. donde hay elegantes japonesitas. It seems, from the comments below, he is most likely completely OK and is just helping out others in Japan (but hope you can get a text soon). Aftershocks continued, many exceeding magnitude-7.0. THANK YOU!!! Even small tokens can add up. Reportedly, things still look pretty much like in the photo below there. Le tsunami a eu pour conséquences une dégradation des prises d’eau en mer conduisant à la perte de la source froide, puis à la perte des Diesels de secours des réacteurs 1 à 4. Le 11 mars 2011 à 14:46 (heure japonaise), un gigantesque séisme de magnitude M9.0 sur l'échelle de Richter a… stationed in Okinawa, and I of corse freaked out the moment I heard about this. My husband & I lived there for 3 years several years ago. The tsunami killed over 17,000 people, all but two of whom were in Japan. I WILL PASS THIS INFORMATION TO MY FAMILY. I was hoping that someone my know him and be able to tell me if he is ok. My brother in law just arrived their yesterday with the Marines. I am planning to leave for Okinawa as well 3/26 -4/2. Thank you so much for posting this! WORRIED! Don The Con & Crew Creating Alternative Reality That Is Almost Completely Fake. In fact, Okinawa is closer to Taiwan and, in some parts, closer to mainland China than to the mainland of Japan. Excellent! THANK YOU FOR THE UP DATE AS MY FAMILY WILL STAND BY TO HERE FROM HIM. I assure you Okinawa is just fine. very truly yours, joe smith. To put it in perspective it would be like a nuclear reactor melting down in upstate and the government requiring Tampa Florida to evacuate. Praise God, the Tsunami did not affect the Okinawa area. He’s safe and well. […] & Extreme WeatherOkinawa, Japan Not Considerably Affected by Japan Earthquake… […]. Japan (shaking, tsunami) Pacific Rim (tsunami) Total damage: $360 billion USD: Max. We are really far away from the areas on mainland being affected by the nuclear reactors also. Thanks, Elisa. I am so sad about what’s happened in Mainland Japan and send my love and prayers to all who have been affected by this terrible earthquake and tsunami. Please keep those families and individuals in Japan and the surrounding areas protected!! This clip is an extended version of the tsunami footage recorded at Marinside Kesennuma. my parents will be relieved to know they are ok!!! We live in Kin Town. Hope Okinawa won’t be impacted by the earthquake in the following week so that I can continue our trip. PLEASE CAN ANYONE TELL US ABOUT OUR MARINES 2/23 ON CAMP SCHWAB ?????? Matsumoto sits on a panel of six university seismic experts who re-evaluated the tsunami danger for the Okinawa prefectural government following the 2011 disaster. I spent a year there in the early 80’s and it is the most beautiful place I have ever been in my life. two grandchild in school on air force base. Why Do Republicans Now Hate On Christian Morals, National Security, Democracy, The US Constitution, The Rule Of Law, The FBI, The CIA, Honesty, & The US Deficit? Soil liquification was widely observed through the … I am so happy to hear that everyone in Okinawa is OK and the Island has not been damaged. I will pray for those who were affected by the disaster! Thank you. Two days after the Tsunami he was able to get in contact. any news of shinjuku??? Almost 16,000 people were killed by an earthquake off Japan's coast in 2011. Required fields are marked *, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). We had not been able to reach them. Les réacteurs 5 et 6, construits postérieurement aux quatre premiers réacteurs, sur une plate-forme située à une dizaine de mètres plus haut, n'ont quant à eux pas été atteints [B 1]. Thank you so much for the information. On March 11, 2011, an earthquake and tsunami along the Pacific coastline of Northeastern Japan brought devastation reminiscent of the 1945 atomic and incendiary bombing that devastated whole towns, littering them with the bodies of victims and posing a continuing threat to survivors. Tsunami au Japon en 2011 : témoignages de rescapés. My son is stationed on okinawa I heard from him early this morning. We lived in Okinawa for 7 years and made great friends among other military, missionaries,etc, and local residents. Here’s an update from someone living there: Okinawa island is hours away, by plane, from where all the damage has been done. Not So Fast, Consider The Alternatives First. Good That was the purpose. My thoughts are with EVERYONE who has been affected by this terrible tragedy. thank you again for the info! Yes, I hope the predictions that it would not face much damage were true. Thank you very much for posting this! MY MOTHER LIVES IN THE U.S.A. He is my little brother and in a way I still fell somehow I need to protect him! 1. I hope all is ok there. Your email address will not be published. Everyone in Okinawa is FINE I promise you. WE’RE ALL OK IN OKINAWA , Zachary, I am glad to here you are alright.There is an Okinawan performer that I like to watch named Rimi Natsukawa.Do you have any word if her and her family is ok.Thanks, It seems that everyone there is fine. Have a beautiful day. I am American an and my in-laws are in Okinawa. My brother plans on visiting Okinawa on the 23rd of March to visit his son (trip was planned before all this happened). Please keep us posted. Unfortunately, not all areas are so lucky. My brother is in the NAVY there and I couldn’t reach him, this makes me feel more comfortable that he’s ok. thank you for the update! I will keep trying! glad to hear that there was no damage there. Thanks so much for your report. Huit ans plus tôt, au même endroit, elles ont senti la montagne s’ébranler et vu la mer se retirer. The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake ~first report~ Note: This is a rush version, which may include translation errors. My family is on Okinawa and now I have great peace of mind since I can not get thru on the phone lines. When the earthquake and tsunami hit mainland Japan I was at a local park with my daughter and the day went on as usual in Okinawa, except for a few hours where we were under a tsunami warning. I have spoken with hime thru Skype and he states all is OKAY in Okinawa. Thank goodness she called me yesterday morning, I’ve been freaking out for the past few days. SHE WATCHED THE DEVASTATION ON TV ALL NIGHT LONG UNTIL SHE FELL ASLEEP.. Tuesday, November 8, 2011. I heard on CNN that Okinawa was going. go figure. Japan earthquake and tsunami, severe natural disaster that occurred in northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011, and killed at least 20,000 people. I, like many americans woke up this heart wrenching news.My brother is a sergent in the Marine Corps. RE: your article on astroturf scams and evil corpo-rat netbots- i would not put ANYTHING past the corpo rats and rethuglicans. Rest assured, if you are unable to reach any Marines stationed there, it is most likely due to III MEF being immediately mobilized to aid with relief efforts. Tsunami Japan 2011, Miyagi Prefecture 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. In total, 104 people were killed. Prayers and Thoughts are going out to all others in Japan. 2. have a brother la reed & family who live in okinawa own chubby’s bbq look him up plz, Trying to get in touch with son, Major Casmer Ratkowiak, USMC, glad to hear that base is okay, wondering whether he is involved in search and rescue, and otherwise okay, cant reach him by cell phone. Nous vous proposons de découvrir ici quelques unes des vidéos les plus impressionnantes. The Internet is a wonderful thing. This tsunami was generated by the 9.0 magnitude earthquake off the Pacific coast of Japan on March 11, 2011 along a 300 km or 180 mi. phones not working but face book is. Satoko Oka Norimatsu. The under-sea tremor – which has a similar depth to today's quake – caused a tsunami, which led to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. We will keep you all in our prayers. My prayers are with you. I can handle worse things than that. I’m in CA and from what I am hearing, we are due for an earthquake soon! My son is stationed at the Air Force base on Okinawa. […] Disasters & Extreme WeatherOkinawa, Japan Not Considerably Affected by Japan Earthquake… […]. My prayers go out to everyone affected by this massive earthquake/tsunamis. my uncle is stationed down there. Thanks so much for replying so quickly. Certains débris générés par le tsunami de 2011, au Japon, ont parcouru des milliers de kilomètres avant de venir s’échouer sur les côtes des États-Unis. Okinawa es un lugar muy bonito y su gente muy agradable y hospitalaria. We knew it would take awhile for them to get communications set up, but now that I found this sight, I have to ask, has anyone met Chris & Amber Rose??? They are distinctly in the minority, as i understand it. We are planning to have a trip to Okinawa on Mar 18-21. Nuclear plant crisis impetus for 'drastic' policy change », « Recovery panel to include govs, architect », « Stormy start for rebuilding panel / Dispute over mandate, authority does not bode well for new council », Vallée de Fergana, Tadjikstan (19 juillet), Catégorie Ville détruite par le séisme de 2011, Fusion du cÅur d'un réacteur nucléaire, Agence japonaise de sûreté nucléaire (NISA), sur l'environnement et la santé dans le monde, sur la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima Daiichi, Ãvaluation du niveau des accidents nucléaires de mars 2011, Portail de la géodésie et de la géophysique,éisme_de_2011_de_la_côte_Pacifique_du_TÅhoku&oldid=178320979, Page avec coordonnées similaires sur Wikidata, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Article contenant un appel à traduction en japonais, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Page utilisant plus de deux colonnes de références, Portail:Géodésie et géophysique/Articles liés, Portail:Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers/Articles liés, Portail:Ãpoque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, le séisme de magnitude 9 n'a occasionné que peu de victimes et de dégâts grâce à la qualité des, la plaque pacifique (plaque lithosphérique océanique), qui se déplace vers le nord-ouest d'environ 9 centimètres par an et qui est en subduction sous la seconde plaque. Estimates are for a wave anywhere between 20 inches and 20 feet to roll ashore here. My daughter in Florida just forwarded me the link to this page; her brother = my son, Marine, is stationed at Okinawa. remeber how long people believed in phlogistin, and the “universal aether”. Anyway, thanks for the update on Okinawa. Keep your posts updated I’ll keep checking. We were under a tsunami warning for about 24 hours, but that has all been lifted now. I finally heard from my bff in Okinawa. My husband is in the USMC stationed on Camp Kinser and I haven’t been able to get in touch with him or get anymore information than what CNN has said…they are accounted for. I’m sure all those people who drowned in the Tsunami and maimed by falling things in the earthquake (not to mention the fires, radiation, ect) were in awe of your merciful god. I’ve been searching news on T.V. I’m sure a ton of people are concerned. Thank you for this update. Hello Zachary Shahan My son is a Marine at Camp Hansen. Scary stuff…. We are looking for her. Que bien. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families that were affected by the earthquake. He didn’t know if he was going to Japan to help. I have tried to call and email, but each time get a recording that all systems are busy or not available at this time. earthquake in Japan and resulting tsunami, Hawaii Tsunami News (Top Resources for Hawaii Tsunami News), Bright spots in a dark time: this is why we do this | Important Media Insights, Pacific Northwest Will Suffer Same Fate as Japan – climate change and environmental news, Important Media Community | Blog | Bright spots in a dark time: this is why we do this,,, Japan Earthquake Triggered Volcano Eruption In Russia? 100 people lost their lives to the tsunami, including seawall construction workers and beachgoers. ♥God bless all the people of Japan ♥. They sound like nice people. I am more at rest as I have not been able to get any phone calls through to the folks I love on the islands. HI. My son is a Marine in Okinawa and this mother is ALWAYS concerned about her son. Thank you. Again, this puts me more at ease…, This is the only information that I have been able to locate on Okinawa – THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking time to let us all know here in the USA how the conditions are there. God Bless. My question is has anybody’s Marine contacted them to tell them that they were leaving to Japan to help with the tsunami crisis? BLESS YOU FOR POSTING THIS FOR THOUSANDS TO KNOW. dont know if my mom still stayed in okinawa havent talk to her in a while if someone knows my name heres my no.09184411164, Your email address will not be published. Hope this eases your mind. la plaque eurasienne (plaque lithosphérique continentale), qui se déplace vers le sud-est à une vitesse de 0,95 centimètre par an. Thanks so much. In a subduction zone, one plate slides beneath another into the mantle, the hotter layer beneath the crust. They are, quite literally , Fascists, not conservatives (Mussolini said “you might as well call it Corporatism as Fascism”) You have indeed improved the world today. I appcreciate it. Thank you so much for this! We around the world need to pull together to help all those in need. There was a piece of news that said “Earthquake devastates Okinawa”. We exprencie 2 typhoons while living on the island. Also, I don’t know if they have e-mail or if they do, no e-mail address. In the open ocean, tsunami waves can travel at speeds up to 800 km per hour or 500 mi. I’ve been watching the news about Japan, but they haven’t said said how the “EARTHQUAKE/TSUNAMI” affected “OKINAWA” south of Japan where our some of our cousins live! Thank you so much for this piece of information. Thank you for this information. My (pregnant) best friend of fourteen years, her two little boys, and her Navy husband are currently living in Okinawa. my girlfriend was there m worrying about her.. Thanks!! Your info gave us a better understanding of whats going on there in Okinaawa,Thanks again. With this catastrophe, I have been concerned with my own safety especially with the fact that I have never traveled this far. Keep safe! My 4month old son and I are also here with him. His name is Dave Bendel. Thanks for the info…is there anyway to look up marines to verify them as being safe? Thanks so much for posting this info on Okinawa. Please keep us posted in the days to come. Yes, lets also thank the lord for all the devastation and lives lost and for all the pain and misery that the people in Japan have just experienced! I was there with my X from 85-89. I have two daughter in Okinawa, I talked to them yesterday they said that Okinawa did not get it hard and that all was OK so if someone has family there things are ok. For those of you concerned about loved ones in Okinawa, rest assured that Okinawa, while definitely a part of the political nation of Japan, is a VERY good distance away from the mainland and where the majority of the damage occurred.
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