On the Essential Option the Scheme pays your day-to-day medical expenses from the Out-of-Hospital Benefit, which is limited. Your medical aid will process the claim and usually pay you within 30 days. Log in to start a new session or go to the home page. You can access you digital membership card, view your most recent healthcare service claim details and search through 12 months' of claim’s. With so many great rewards, it's no wonder everyone is driving well. If you resign from Remedi and still have funds in your Personal Medical Savings Account, we will transfer the money to your new medical scheme (if the health plan you move to has a savings account) or refund the money to you four months after transfer if you do not move to a new medical scheme. No, Remedi members do not have access to the Discovery Health International Travel Benefit. Register. We pay for the following from the Insured Out-of-hospital Benefit before using the money in your PMSA: 2. Who controls the money in my Personal Medical Savings Account? Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 18:00 Saturday: 08:00 to 13:00, Monday to Thursday: 08:00 to 17:00 Friday: 08:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday: 07:00 to 20:00 Saturday: 08:00 to 13:00 Closed on Sundays and public holidays, Gap Servicing 7:00 - 17:00 Monday - Friday, Gap New Business 8:00 - 17:00 Monday - Friday, Cover for you and your family in US Dollars. Telephone AECI MEDICAL AID SOCIETY 11/02/1971 Restricted (086)-000-2103 ALLIANCE MIDMED MEDICAL SCHEME 30/08/1976 Restricted (086)-000-2101 ALTRON MEDICAL AID SCHEME 01/04/1987 Restricted (086)-022-2999 ANGLO MEDICAL SCHEME 16/10/1968 Restricted (086)-022-2633 ANGLOVAAL GROUP MEDICAL … This statement will outline the fees charged and tariff codes for the relevant procedures. Find out more. Remedi Classic : 2017. Most healthcare providers will submit claims directly to the Scheme in which case you do not need to submit the claim. My child extracted her tooth,the service provider claimed 448.00 however Remedi only payed out 125.00.The money that goes towards my medical aid every month is … Remedi’s business and system integration specialists deliver proven EDI, MFT, EAI, and API solutions that help you do more in less time with fewer distractions. What happens to the money in my Personal Medical Savings Account if I leave Remedi? Find a GP near you. I went to the dentist on the 9th of September and they promised to submit a claim. Take a look at the list of medical aids in South Africa.Generally a restricted medical aid – like a medical aid that is reserved for only the employees of a company, professional association or sector of industry – will cover pre-existing pregnancy. the Scheme will pay claims from the Above Threshold Benefit on the Essential Plus Option. In an emergency, go straight to hospital. We follow the requirements in the Medical Schemes Act when we refund. User Name * Password * Cash claims and claims payable to members are paid weekly. Retail Medical Scheme’s care programmes look after you in times of need Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Management Programmes For members who are … What happens to the balance in my Personal Medical Savings Account at the end of the year? If the healthcare professional claims more than the Discovery Health Rate, the Scheme will reimburse you and you will be required to pay the full amount to the … These fees are payable by the patient and is part of your medical aid’s policy. I've submitted the exact same claim on 24/12/2018, 09/01/2019, 21/01/2019, 25/01/2019 and again t CLAIMREMEDI - eSolutions, Inc. Sign in to your account. Three Options from Remedi There are three product lines that have different coverage listings for medical care under the Remedi Group. Registration number: 1430, Prescribed acute medicine and injection material, Physiotherapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, Eye tests, spectacles or contact lenses and refractive eye surgery, Radiology: Without hospital admission (excluding MRI and CT scans), Chiropractor, homeopath, osteopath, herbalist, naturopath or dietitian, Contraceptives such as the pill, emergency pill, condoms and the Mirena device, which if approved, are funded from available benefits as applicable. Members of Remedi Medical Aid Scheme can register. I will be travelling outside the borders of South Africa. Full benefit subject to available IOH (Insured Out of Hospital) benefit available. To remain logged in, please click on the "Extend session" button below. CLAIMREMEDI - eSolutions, Inc. Sign in to your account. What is paid from my Personal Medical Savings Account (PMSA)? 1. ‘Healthcare Providers’ provides the necessary information about healthcare professionals. After few months the practice comes back to say the claim was not submitted and now they blacklisted me. 1. Immunisations, except influenza, pneumococcal vaccines and HPV vaccines, which are covered from the Prevention and Screening Benefit. User Name * Password * You will receive an OTP (one-time PIN) that will be sent to the registered cellphone number or email address we have on system. Call us on 0860 116 116. Need an online account? 1. What could I have done to not find myself in such a financial constrain? Please phone the Fedhealth Customer Contact Centre on 0860 002 153 to nominate a GP for each person on your medical aid. You can also submit your claims by post by sending your claims to: Discovery Claims, PO Box 784262, Sandton, 2146. The Remedi App can be downloaded at the Apple iStore and Google Playstore. I was went to a GP in 2019 who referred me to a Gyena who's on the medical aid list,few weeks later I got a bill from the Gyena saying Remedi didn't pay and I'm liable.i called Remedi and they told me that they will pay and the issue was sorted even I'm a Remedi member and I've been happy with them until last year. Go to your medical claims page to search for a claim , view your claims statement or download a claims transaction history. If the healthcare provider sends the claim to us electronically, you don't need to send us a copy. These forms and documents must then be faxed to your medical aid. Celebrate 20 Years of bringing innovation to life with these 3 limited offers. Since the money in your Personal Medical Savings Account is your money to spend wisely, subject to legislation around what this money may be used for, you may use a service provider of your choice for benefits that will be paid from your Personal Medical Savings Account. Permalink. REGISTERED MEDICAL AID SCHEMES IN SOUTH AFRICA MEDICAL SCHEME NAME Date Of Registration Open To Public? 2. Who do I contact for preauthorisation for an emergency hospital admission? Most healthcare providers will submit claims directly to the Scheme in which case you do not need to submit the claim. Negotiated Tariff : PPN 1. This emergency medical transport is covered from your Risk Benefit, whether you are admitted to hospital or not, if you obtain authorisation from ER24. Submitting claims that have to be paid from PMSA (saving) have become such a schlep! Upload your claim now, Scan and email your claims to claims@discovery.co.za. Explore Services What Integration Means To Us. Highly qualified emergency personnel from ER24 manage this service. GET MEDICAL COVER from R380 pm Choose from medical aid or health insurance. How can I find out what amount I have available in my Personal Medical Savings Account? 2. The three packaged medical aid deals offered by Remedi are the Standard, the Classic, and the Comprehensive. It is important that you, a loved one or the hospital let us know about your admission as soon as possible, so that we can advise you on how you will be covered for the treatment you receive. Beneficiary limit subject to available Family limit of R5190 . Remedi Medical Benefits. The Home page of REMEDI. If you’ve had claims because of a motor vehicle accident, please call us on 0860 116 116 as there may be a third party claim against the Road Accident … Our mission is to provide cost-effective healthcare benefits that meet your needs, supported by efficient administrative processes ensuring that you have peace of mind regarding major medical expenses. Subject to pre-authorisation and Remedi Medical Aid Scheme rules. Download the Discovery app from the App Store or Google Play, log in and take a photo of the claim. In a medical emergency, call ER24 on 084 124, at any time of the day or night to obtain authorisation for emergency transportation. Subsidiaries of Discovery Limited are authorised financial services providers, Please click here to login into Discovery Digital Id. If there is no money available in your Personal Medical Savings Account, you will have to pay the outstanding amount directly to the service provider. For more information benefits, please access the Remedi Benefit Brochure. Most of the time people that do not have a medical aid will end up suffering with the hospital costs and find themselves in debt. If the claim has a QR code, simply scan the QR code from within the Discovery app. You will be allowed to change GPs every six months. If there is no money available in your Personal Medical Savings Account, you will have to pay the outstanding amount directly to the service provider. Need an online account? Scan and upload your claims. AMS Software What is the purpose of having a medical aid therefore? 3. What is the Personal Medical Savings Account (PMSA)? Secondly you will need a receipt to prove that you did pay the service provider. Copyright 2019 Remedi Medical Aid Scheme | All Rights Reserved. ‘Healthcare Providers’ provides the necessary information about healthcare professionals. A summary of your claims is available when you log in. To update your debit order or your claims payments banking details, please log in. Not only do we submit claims electronically and we also submit claims real time to the majority of the medical aids. Log in to start a new session or go to the home page. Our Product Offering. There are times when you may not have access to cover on your Benefit Option, for example when you have run out of benefits, reached a benefit limit or when you are in a waiting period. Limits start fresh each year, so if you don’t use a particular benefit in a particular year, it doesn’t carry over to the next year. Ultra lean and simple to use. If you do not use all the funds in your Personal Medical Savings Account during the year, we give you interest on the positive balance and carry it over to the next year. Forgot username and password? Sophisticated investing made easy with PrimeFlex. The Discovery Health Medical Scheme is an independent non-profit entity governed by the Medical Schemes Act, and regulated by the Council for Medical Schemes. Members are required to make provision in their personal capacity for international emergency evacuation services, if the need arises while travelling or living outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa. Log out to start a new session or go to the home page. Earn up to 3.75% interest on the money sitting in your cheque account with Discovery Bank, Empower yourself with facts and regular updates on the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Insure you and your family against unexpected medical costs. REMEDI is the useless medical aid ever, they have Dental Risk which is their third party. REMEDi isn’t just a healthcare platform, we improve it . Own your medical data via patient account where you can book, enter into queue and consult personal medical services via our encrypted teleconsulting tool. As an affiliate to one of South Africa's top Medical Aid brokerage firms, we provide you with the ability to obtain only the best quotes that is specifically catered towards your health needs. Additional fees like a levy or co-payment is usually not covered by your medical aid. Your emergency treatment in hospital will be covered according to your Option’s benefits. If you want to submit a claim or contact Medihelp for benefit authorisation, you will find all the contact details for Medihelp Medical Aid here. Redistribution of Medical Instruments, from the Western countries to the Thirld World. However, claims will still be paid according to Remedi rules, as long as there is money available in your Personal Medical Savings Account. 086 0100 678 Login/Register To remain logged in, please click on the "Extend session" button below. Where Do I get protected by medical aid in such a mess. You can access you digital membership card, view your most recent healthcare service claim details and search through 12 months' of claim’s. Remedi medical aid scheme offers three different types of cover, and it is up to you to decide which will be the best one for you. Home remedi 2020-06-02T00:37:37+08:00. Otherwise, go straight to the emergency room yourself – but get someone to call us within 12 hours if you are admitted to hospital. The world of B2B integration and eCommerce has shifted dramatically since we established Remedi Electronic Commerce Group as an EDI consultancy in 1994. Register Now. It is administered by a separate company, Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd, an authorised financial services provider. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Discovery Limited. 0860 116 116 | Operating hours: 07:00 -17:00 Monday to Friday | service@yourremedi.co.za. Remedi Medical Aid Scheme (Remedi) is a restricted medical scheme registered and regulated by the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS). 4. REGISTER NOW. If you do not use all the funds in the Personal Medical Savings Account during the year, we give you interest on your positive balance and carry it over to the next year. The size of the pool determines what benefits can be covered for all members. It is important to note that the Scheme does not make provision for international emergency evacuation services. Claims will be paid directly to the healthcare professional when they bill the Discovery Health Rate. My employer is paying R 750 @ discovery medical scheme for me every month,I nearly had also 11 month without using it or going to the doctor,so my question is can I claim something @ SARS when's the tax medical certificate return from discovery or I can't claim do to I kept on paying without using it. Claims Submission to all Medical Aids. Call the Remedi call centre on 0860 116 116. They will send an ambulance or helicopter when you’ve been in accident or other emergency. Don’t miss out – register for Ask Discovery on WhatsApp to get instant, personalised answers to your Vitality questions, 24/7. Use your smartphone camera. RW Medical AID Communiq'ue ... Afrocentric Integrated Corporate Solutions (Medical Adisory Services, Hospital Claim Adjudication) Hospital Pre-Authorization Chronic Disease (HIV & Aids, Oncology and Diabetes) COUNCIL FOR MEDICAL SCHEMES CONTACT DETAILS: Tel: 0861 123 267 Fax: 0124 310 608 Email: information@medicalschemes.com Address: Private Bag X34, Hatfield, 0028 ... Read … Each person on your medical aid can nominate a different GP, but must use this GP for all consultations. Firstly you will need a statement from your doctor or healthcare service provider. These are packages that aim to deliver the most excellent health service for its members. Find out more. Usually, tax certificates distinguish between medical aid contributions paid during the tax year and “claims not recovered from the scheme”. Should I have not gotten sick? CLAIMREMEDI - eSolutions, Inc. Sign in to your account. Most medical aids now have online claim platforms or you can download and fill out a claim form. Included in this application is the ability to view your most recent healthcare service claim details and you can also search through 12 months' of claim’s. Find out more. What must I do if there is an emergency and someone in my family needs an ambulance? If you still can't find what you are looking for call: Check the claim to make sure the following details are, the name and practice number of the healthcare provider, the date on which the service was provided, the relevant consultation, procedure codes or Nappi codes and diagnostic (ICD-10) codes. Medical Aids. If you are covered for Prescribed Minimum Benefits, you will still be covered for a life-threatening emergency. Payment of claims. However, claims will still be paid according to Remedi rules, as long as there is money available in your Personal Medical Savings Account. Forgot username and password? Visit our project site! Not all medical aids will accept a pregnant member. claims are paid using funds from the medical scheme’s pool of money. Remedi. Connect and Organize Health Data. Trouble logging in? To send claims Email claims@yourremedi.co.za Fax it to 0860 329 252 Drop off your claim in any blue Discovery Health claims box, You may remain anonymous if you prefer: or post it to PO Box 652509 Benmore 2010 or take a photo and submit your claim using the Remedi App. Does Remedi provide benefits for “foreign claims”? We cover a specified number of consultations and HIV-specific blood tests for your condition. I have to go through them when I had to go to the dentist. RMS OFFERS 8. Medical Savings Account (MSA) The MSA is an amount allocated to a member at the beginning of … Are benefits restricted to specific network providers on my Benefit Option? Hi Chrisna. This line is managed by highly qualified emergency personnel who will send emergency transport to you. If the healthcare professional claims more than the Discovery Health Rate, the Scheme will reimburse you and you will be required to pay the full amount to the healthcare provider. This pin will verify and confirm the change being actioned through the website. Depending on the documentation and the scheme’s reimbursement process, you can be refunded … Medical Aid Search is a comparative medical aid, gap cover and health insurance quote platform. Annual cycle : Optical benefit subject to the Beneficiary limit of R2595. Day-to-day claims submitted to the scheme are added up at the Scheme Rate. You have full emergency cover. on 2019/06/07 by eMD Technologies eMD Technologies is excited to announce that we submit claims to all the medical aids in South Africa. You can find out in one of the following ways: 5. Remedi founded in 2013 offers specialized services in delivery and distribution of medical, scientific, research, educational laboratory equipments, reagents, and immunobiological diagnostic preparations and ready pharmaceutical products in Turkmenistan. The Personal Medical Savings Account gives members on the Comprehensive Option a way to save money for when they have to visit the doctor, buy medicine at a pharmacy or pay for other day-to-day medical expenses. I am buff led that I spend about R3000 monthly paying my med aid without a fail yet I still have to pay so much to a Dr that was authorized for me to use. Sometimes things happen that land us in hospital. 2. Claims will be paid directly to the healthcare professional when they bill the Discovery Health Rate. Once these claims add up to a certain amount, known as the Annual Threshold, the claims start paying from the Above Threshold Benefit.This benefitprotects members against high cost day-to-day medical expenses. Register. 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