"Pure-Hearted Romantica"), stylized as Junjo Romantica ~Pure Romance~ for English release, is a yaoi/boys love series by Shungiku Nakamura. "Pure-Hearted Romantica"), stylized as Junjo Romantica ~Pure Romance~ for English release, is a yaoi/boys love series by Shungiku Nakamura. He is an example of the tsundere character archetype; he has a bad temper and is feared among his students, though he is actually shy and gets flustered easily. Occupation During the time when Nowaki left the country for further studies, Hiroki built up his career and had great achievements. Akihiko, during their childhood, used the expression 'digging one's grave' to relate what Hiroki was doing to himself. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. 1. Well, I hope you like it :)I don't own Junjou Romantica or the music It began as a manga series and has expanded into several CD dramas, a light novel series titled Junai Romantica, and an anime series. After the divorce, Shinobu made his move and finally tore the walls of Miyagi's hear… Kaoruko Usami • All • Action • Adventure • Comedy • Drama • Fantasy • Horror • Mecha • Mystery • Romance • Sci-fi • Slice of Life • Sports • Supernatural • Memes • Funimation. Kyo Ijuuin • High quality Junjou Romantica gifts and merchandise. "Okay, here we go," the doctor said, aligning the tip. Couple number 2s video, song Every Heart by BoA Almost done, one more to go. Age Arrived in camp: Canon: Junjou Romantica Job: Visiting Lecturer on Undead Literature Cabin: Love Hotel Age: 29 Height: On the taller side of average, probably. A Junjou Romantica database that anyone can edit! Saved by Winiber Sibaja. Keiichi Sumi • Discover (and save!) Voiced by Jul 7, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Sara Leman. He believes that if the students are taking the class then they have come there to learn, not to use their cellphones or chat during class. A great way to help is to just reread a chapter or rewatch an episode, especially later chapters and episodes. In which after awhile he finally convinced Akihiko to let him read his stories. People also love these ideas ... . This junjou romantica litrato might contain portrait, headshot, and closeup. In one of the chapter/episode, Hiroki appears to only let his family (with the exception of Akihiko Usami) call him "Hiroki" and gets agitated when others address him in this way. Haruhiko Usami • Junjou Romantica ~~ Kamijou Hiroki. Akihiko Usami is a main protagonist in the Junjou Romantica series. He is often called "Demon/Devil Kamijou" by his students because of how he treats them in class. Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! It focuses on three storylines: the main couple (Junjou Romantica) which comprises the bulk of the books, and two other male couples (Junjou Egoist and Junjou Terrorist) that provide ongoing side stories. Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Physical Traits: Nothing much out of the ordinary, really. Add information to existing pages, such as plot summaries, pictures, or info missing from the infobox. Junjou RomanticaMisaki Takahashi ❤ Akihiko Usami, Junjou EgoistHiroki Kamijou ❤ Nowaki Kusama, Junjou TerroristYoh Miyagi ❤ Shinobu Takatsuki, Eri Aikawa • Photo of Hiroki for fans of junjou romantica 33279242. Takahiro Takahashi • During one of his tantrums he ran off to his base and found a sleeping Akihiko there. your own Pins on Pinterest He divorced Risako after three years of marriage because of this. The needle was huge! At times, if one is caught sleeping or not paying attention in his class, he will throw an eraser, marker or even books at them and yell at them to wake up. When Nowaki comes in the picture, his pride shatters bit by bit. siganme en facebook:https://www.facebook.com/zara.hanazono.3 It's clogged with clichés and nothing really happens except for three random couples falling in love, confusing each other about how they … IamKyon, mintymidget210 and 5 others like this. Photo of Hiroki and Nowaki for fans of junjou romantica 12854924 29 He is just as insecure, if not more, than his lover Nowaki Kusama, about their relationship. There will be 4 seasons of Junjou Romantica. 08-jun-2013 - Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. Birthday Risako Takatsuki • Later, after they reconcile, Hiroki told Nowaki that in this world there is only one person allowed to call him a name no one ever calls him, which is "Hiro-san". Hiroki and Nowaki Kusama first started a tutor-student relationship at first when Nowaki sees Hiroki crying in a park and approached him to ask him to join in his activity with his 'friends; acquaintances'. 26-abr-2015 - Brittny Valdez descrubrió este Pin. Name He is very prideful, refusing to give up at any and all costs. Read more! Feel free to send us your "Junjou Romantica Wallpaper", we will select the best ones and publish them on this page. He is very prideful, refusing to give up at any and all costs. Later in the manga, Hiroki is seen owning either an iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S with a bear design on the back. Weight: Average? It focuses on the Junjou Romantica couple Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko Usami. I personally like this vid. His first love was his Sensei in high school, and after her death, he had trouble truly opening his heart to new relationships. "Pure-Hearted Romantica") is a yaoi series by Shungiku Nakamura.It focuses on four storylines: the main couple, which comprises the bulk of the books, and three other male couples that provide ongoing side stories ("Junjo Egoist", "Junjo Terrorist", and "Junjo Mistake"). Ryou Shizukuishi • Hope you enjoy song:Duvet BôA anime: Junjou romantica Junjou egoist While his parents would tell him to quit an activity if it cost him so much trouble, he refused to do so, as he considered it to be a loss. Hiroki Kamijou Miyagi is the ex-husband of Shinobu's sister Risako Takatsuki, and currently the lover of Shinobu. A Un-named mother and father When Nowaki tries to call him "Hiroki" due to jealousy, Hiroki got angry and Nowaki turn upset about it, this causes a small shift between them. nowaki. picha of Hiroki and Akihiko for mashabiki of junjou romantica 11887701 Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Maybe because it's so sad or something...? Associate Professor, subordinate to Miyagi Yoh 1.03 Knock and it shall be opened unto you, 1.04 Fear is often greater than the danger itself, 1.08 Away from home, one needs feel no shame, 1.14 What happens twice can happen thrice, 1.19 Life often brings misfortune in times of great happiness, 1.21 Out of the frying pan, into the fire, 1.29 Even the longest journey begins with a single step, 1.31 The darkest place is under the candlestick, 1.34 Hours are like days to lovers parted, https://junjouromantica.fandom.com/wiki/Junjou_Romantica_Wiki?oldid=12303, The most recent anime installment is the Junjou Romantica OVA (season 3) (see. Mar 12, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Lelia Blackwell. He absolutely hates losing. Male It has expanded into several cd-dramas, a manga series with a spin-off running in Asuka CIEL, a light novel series running in The Ruby with a spin-off and a 24-episode anime series. 8. He is just as insecure, if not more, than Nowaki Kusama, about their relationship. Hiroki Kamijou (上條 弘樹, Kamijō Hiroki) is a main character in the Junjou Romantica series. Misaki is young man with slightly messy brown hair, lightly tanned skin and long thin eyebrows above his big dark green eyes. Wow este es video es un pequeño regalo del AUTOR de la serie :V "Pure Romance") is a yaoi series by Shungiku Nakamura. your own Pins on Pinterest In finding this out, he debated on changing his appearance, asking Shinoda (A man he had a brief "fling" with) if he would look good in glasses and a clean hair cut. Sep 29, 2014 - Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. Because of his one-sided love towards his childhood friend Akihiko Usami, he seems to not know how to receive love or what to expect of it, causing him to question and become very confused with how Nowaki treats him. Basic Statistics Edit. It's where your interests connect you with your people. It would seem that Hiroki thought that Nowaki's touch was the same as Akihiko's, but further inspection showed that Nowaki's hands and body are warm as opposed to Akihiko's which was not. Kanji During one of his tantrums he ran off to his base and found a sleeping Akihiko there. Junjou Romantica ~~ Kamijou Hiroki. Contribute to make this wiki better! When he found out that Usami was living with one of his students named Misaki Takahashi, he was happy for him as he feels that his childhood friend was not capable of living with another person (due to knowing his cold demeanor). At the same time, Hiroki was disappointed that Nowaki did not said or written anything to him since his departure. Why? There will be. Hiroki gritted his teeth and looked away. Hiroki Kamijou (上條 弘樹 Kamijō Hiroki) is a character from Junjou Romantica. Edit and add information where needed! Discover (and save!) Read more! Read more information about the character Nowaki Kusama from Junjou Romantica? Kentarō Itō Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. Name: Kamijou Hiroki Journal: textbooktsun Played by: . Crying, he sat at a park bench where a chance encounter with Nowaki Kusama happened. He used the onesided love that Akihiko had to his advantage and slept with him, only to later regret it as Akihiko surely did. For as popular as Junjou Romantica is, wikis don't get many editors, and many pages here still need attention. Tsumori, Associate Professor, subordinate to Miyagi Yoh, Hiroki in disguise at the coffee shop across from. 25-dic-2017 - Pame Calle descrubrió este Pin. Ryuuichiro Isaka • No use crying over spilt milk is the second episode of the Junjou Romantica anime series. hiroki. About Junjou Romantica; Junjou Romantica (純情ロマンチカ, Junjō Romanchika, lit. Junjou Romantica Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. He is gay because he's in a relationship with Nowaki Kusama after if falling in love and being rejected by Akihiko Usami. StoryThe mind boggles - by all accounts and purposes, Junjou Romantica looks and smells like one of the worst anime ever. Make suggestions on how to improve the wiki. He even went so far as to make students forfeit the exam if they have missed three days of his class. Lover In the end he is hoping he could be the most important thing to Nowaki, and that alone would make him happy. 1 Biography 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 Sexuality 5 Sexuality 5.1 Reaction 6 Relationships 7 Tropes 8 See Also 9 Navigation Hiroki Kamijou About. Hikaru Hanada (花田 光, Hanada Hikaru, born September 12, 1958 in Gifu) is a Japanese voice actor and actor who is affiliated with Office Osawa.. Three very different couples caught up in a storm of pure romance! I don't know why. Nowaki Kusama Because of his one-sided love towards his childhood friend Akihiko Usami, he seems to not know how to receive love or what to expect of it, causing him to question and become very confused with how Nowaki treats him. Anime debut His schedule consisted of: Often during his childhood, Hiroki would complain about how he had no time for himself. Tanaka • Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance (Japanese: 純情ロマンチカ/ピュア ロマンス, Hepburn: Junjō Romanchika, lit. He is in a relationship with Hiroki Kamijou and their relationship is titled Junjou Egoist. Saved by Winiber Sibaja. Junjou Romantica (純情ロマンチカ, Junjō Romanchika?, lit. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hiro-san (by Nowaki)Pink Diamond (by latin-america fandom) Gender Akihiko and Misaki. Years later, Hiroki discovered that Akihiko harbored a one-sided love towards Takahiro Takahashi (Misaki Takahashi's older brother). . He often found Akihiko writing in one of his note books. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. How many seasons in junjou romantica? Junjou Romantica Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. It's where your interests connect you with your people. Photo of Nowaki and Hiroki for fans of junjou romantica 17500708 Then look through related pages (characters, chapter, episode, etc.) Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 上條 弘樹 Characters, voice actors, producers and directors from the anime Junjou Romantica (Junjo Romantica) on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. It's where your interests connect you with your people. Hiroki Kamijou He is in a relationship with Nowaki Kusama and their relationship title is Junjou Egoist. Also called He states that "once I [Hiroki] do well at something, I want to get even bett… Akihiko is a prolific and successful novelist. Yes. MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world! So whenever he became upset or stressed he ran to his secret base, which was a clearing in the middle of a forest that was part of Akihiko Usami's estate - though this was unknown to him until a bit after he met Akihiko. Mizuki Shiiba • Junjou Romantica (純情ロマンチカ, Junjō Romanchika, lit. Photo of Miyagi and Hiroki for fans of junjou romantica 17500807 A bit of a loner and extremely passionate about classical Japanese literature, he apparently graduated at the top of his class. Misaki Takahashi is a regular high school student who is preparing for his university entrance exams. He is known for roles such as Usami Akihiko in Junjou Romantica Latest Gallery Contributors. After receiving the "trinket" from Nowaki's trip to America, he still has it with him. Hiroki: The appearance that Hiroki has (Eye, not in the chapters of the selfish couple, but appears as a character in the story of Junjou Romantica) is very special because I think it’s something that fans had long expected. mintymidget210 o/////o. Kaoru Asahina • At MyAnimeList, you can find out about their voice actors, animeography, pictures and much more! It focuses on not only a main couple but two other male couples. Fuyuhiko Usami • He clenched tightly in an effort to displace his anxiety. Funny Height Challenge Pictures. His lover is Misaki Takahashi and their relationship title is Junjou Romantica, which is the same title as the series. Surely it would hurt going in. See List of Junjou Romantica Characters for more! Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. We choose the most relevant backgrounds for different devices: desktop, tablet, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, Sasmsung Galaxy, etc. We need everybody's help to make this wiki shine! Page cleanup - spelling, grammar, rephrase for clarity, etc. Photo of Hiroki and Nowaki for fans of junjou romantica 20006321 to see that the events are documented and accurate. Hiroki Kamijou (上條 弘樹 Kamijō Hiroki) is a gay character from Junjou Romantica. Add interesting content and earn coins So far we have 133 articles! There was … Nowaki Kusama (草間 野分, Kusama Nowaki) is a main character in the Junjou Romantica series. 1. Hiroki gripped Nowaki's hand as the needle was inserted into his lower stomach. 1.03 Knock and it shall be opened unto you, 1.04 Fear is often greater than the danger itself, 1.08 Away from home, one needs feel no shame, 1.14 What happens twice can happen thrice, 1.19 Life often brings misfortune in times of great happiness, 1.21 Out of the frying pan, into the fire, 1.29 Even the longest journey begins with a single step, 1.31 The darkest place is under the candlestick, 1.34 Hours are like days to lovers parted, https://junjouromantica.fandom.com/wiki/Hiroki_Kamijou?oldid=12240, Saturday -- Cram School, Swimming and School. S1E02 / EP02: No use crying over spilt milk Keksi626 8 Deviations Featured: Shinobu and Miyagi eyes Madoris 4 Deviations Featured: Junjou Romantica Hiroki grew up in a rather wealthy household who was quite proud even as a child. Novermber 22 HipWallpaper is considered to be one of the most powerful curated wallpaper community online. He is 17 years older than Shinobu, he being 35 and Shinobu being 18. He's a little skinny but not terribly so. Misaki has started classes at university and makes a new friend, and Akihiko shows his jealous side. 1 Personality 2 Biography 3 Image Gallery 4 Trivia 5 Navigation Nowaki Kusama is a kind and very understanding individual, more towards Hiroki Kamijou than anyone else. Shinosuke Todo • Family He states that "once I [Hiroki] do well at something, I want to get even better at it". Disappointed that Nowaki did not said or written anything to him since his departure Kamijou Hiroki Journal: Played. Takahiro Takahashi ( Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko Usami is a main couple two! Anime ever ones and publish them on this page, his pride shatters bit bit! And many pages here still need attention Brown Hair: Brown Physical Traits: Nothing much out of Junjou! 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