Class 1 and 2 licences ... UK Civil Aviation Authority clears Boeing 737 MAX for return to service 27 January, 2021 . The safety management SARPs are intended to assist States in managing aviation safety risks, in coordination with their Service Providers. Based on the regulatory authority accorded to it under the Act (see Part III, below), the Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have recently developed regulations, technical standards, technical guidance material, and circulars to govern RPAS. Medical requirements and guidance material for the certification of pilots, air traffic controllers and cabin crew Pilots. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) creates regulations for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity and environmental protection. Medical standards. The establishment and maintenance of international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), as well as Procedures for Air Navigation (PANS), are fundamental tenets of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) and a core aspect of ICAO’s mission and role. Its headquarters is located in the Quartier International of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. GENERAL Section 22A of the Aviation Act, 1962 (as amended by section 5 of the Aviation Amendment Act, 1998) empowers the Director: Civil Aviation to issue technical standards for civil aviation on the matters which are prescribed by regulation. The 2009 Civil Aviation Act forms the basis for regulating RPAS. NAMIBIAN CIVIL AVIATION TECHNICAL STANDARDS NAM-CATS-DO “DESIGN ORGANISATIONS FOR PRODUCTS, AND APPLIANCES” The Director: Civil Aviation has under regulation 11.03.5 of the Namibian Civil Aviation Regulations, 2001 and in consultation with the Civil Aviation Regulations Committee issued the technical standards in the Schedule. The organization also regulates operating practices and procedures covering the technical field of aviation. Mozambique Civil Aviation Technical Standards - Medical Requirements M0Z-CAT-MR Rev 1, 03 January 2015 Page 8 of 81 Glossary Administrative action – Deterrent action taken by or on behalf of the Minister, including oral counselling, suspension or cancellation of documents of entitlement, and imposition of a The Aviation Standards Sector in the General Authority of Civil Aviation is the legislative, regulatory and the governing body of the aviation industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The sector monitors and updates laws and regulations in synchronization with the international aviation developments. NAMIBIAN CIVIL AVIATION TECHNICAL STANDARDS RELATING TO THE OPERATION OF FREE BALLOONS AND AIRSHIPS 1. Mozambique Civil Aviation Technical Standards- Part 175 - Aeronautical Information Management Services 7 MOZCATS 175 – 24 February 2014 V 1.0 SUBPART I GENERAL 175.01.1 General Decree 21 of 2001 empowers the CEO of the Civil Aviation IACM of the Republic of Mozambique IACM to issue technical standards for civil aviation on the matters prescribed Other Roles & Functions of Technical Standards (TS) Branch are: Develop National regulations by adopting or exceeding from ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in the relevant Annexes to the Convention and file difference, if any on as required basis. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations.It changes the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. Given the increasing complexity of the global air transportation system and its interrelated aviation activities required to assure the safe operation of aircraft, the safety management provisions support the continued evolution of a proactive …