The Quilt border on the 'Sew Simple... it's just Squares' Cot Quilt is very simple and is made from simple lengths of fabric. Read more about creating a care label by Clicking Here. Trim away excess border fabric at quilt corners. After sewing all the strips together, fold the binding strip in half, wrong sides together and press a crease. It’s your voice, the quiltmaker’s voice, saying “I made this” long after you’re there to say it yourself. Use a unique pin to signify center. Sew the six binding 2 1/2″ x WOF strips together into one long strip with diagonal seams as follows. Pat yourself on the back and snuggle up in your quilt! Pretty much, when I'm quilting I'll quilt this feather come back here and then continue on the quilt, so when I rearrange I can easily move and quilt on the next one. Binding fabric – 1/2 yard There are two easy ways to add a border to your label design: using the background color tool or using the shape tool. Fold the quilt top in half diagonally, right sides together, creating a triangle. I can't hand sew due to my RA. We’ve gone from Four-Patch Coasters to making an entire quilt. Before attaching borders, measure the quilt to detect any serious problems. Prepare a border strip that is longer than necessary. Sew the border to the quilt with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Sew on the binding until you’re about 12″ from where you began sewing the binding on, and take a couple back stitches to secure. Once it’s adhered to the label, iron the label to the quilt. This fold creates the miter. You can do this by folding the border strip in half and finger-pressing to find the center, and doing the same with the quilt top; then align those marks. Scrap of light fabric for label, washed and dried Permanent Fabric Marker Light Iron-On Fusible such as Heat N Bond Lite or Lite Steam-a-Seam 2 I work in rows. Even after removing the outer linen border, the quilt will not lay flat. Usually this gathering is not noticeable, but long border seams exaggerate the effect. Now your border is centered on the quilt. Learn how to make a fence rail border, an offset rectangle "brick" border… Most of the labels I see are stitched to the quilt backing by hand, like this adorable baby quilt label photographed by Moose Mama on Flickr: You’ll want to place your label somewhere that it won’t show if the quilt is hung up on a wall or laid out on a bed. Trim the fabric to the size label you want, plus half an inch for seam allowances. At some point every machine needs help to keep strips feeding evenly under the needle. Start near a corner. Pins can also help! The last step to sewing the quilt top is to make and sew on the borders. You can go back and make the How to Quilt projects any time by Clicking Here for the main article. Quilt labels are also a great place to put a few words of meaning, like a quote, a poem, or a scripture. Label is permanently secured to the quilt this way. We can’t wait to see what you make! Sew the binding on 1/4″ from the edge. It's also a great way to increase the size of a quilt block to turn it into a placement, tote bag, or pillow. Hold the fold with a finger or pin, and then fold the binding back over the fold to line up over the quilt once more. Adding a border to a quilt block is super easy and you can make it look anyway you want! Permanent Fabric Marker Place pins across the diagonal of the binding to simulate the seam line. Depending on how it is quilted, there may or may not be quilting going through the label. Iron the fusible onto the back of the label following the manufacturer’s directions. Uh oh. Press carefully–but don’t press so aggressively that you add a “wave” … Sew the 1-1/2″ strips to the label like you’re adding a border to a quilt using a 1/4″ seam allowance; it doesn’t matter which ones you sew on first. Trim the ends of the long side borders even to the quilt. We're sewing along February - April 2018, but you can use the resources anytime to help you make a large quilt. Watch this method in action as Bonnie Browning demonstrates how to start a double-fold binding and how to sew a mitered corner. longarm quilting, long arm quilting, quilting service, quilting, English paper piecing, hand sewn, hexagons, how to Prep Your Quilt Top for Longarm Quilting, how to Enlarge a Backing for Longarm Quilting, how to Assemble + Finish Quilt-as-You-Go blocks. Finger press a crease into this diagonal fold. On a hard workspace, place a strip right side up horizontally with the tail (long ends) pointing towards your non-dominant hand. Fold the binding back on itself so the raw edges of the binding and the quilt are even to one another. I'm pleased with the way the borders are now fairly flat. All of these are excellent questions to answer on a quilt label. This beautiful quilt is a medallion style quilt. First I sew the vertical sashing strips to the blocks in the top row. A triangle of fabric will be right side facing up. Lay quilt top on a large surface or on the floor and measure your quilt in three places through the center of your top, average these numbers and cut the borders this length. Refold the binding in half and finish sewing the binding to the quilt. We attempted to spread out the fullness evenly with basting spray. Of course, I had to release much of the geese row in order to reattach them evenly. The key to adding borders that help keep your quilt square is measuring correctly. Take your time stitching in the ditch, and feel the binding on the back of the quilt as you feed it through to make sure the stitches will catch it. I always attach the label after basting, but before quilting for a few reasons-1. If you don't have dual feed, use a walking foot. How to Sew the Label to the Quilt. Repeat with all four borders. If there is more than 1/2” difference, square the top again, or look for problems in the piecing that need to be fixed before adding the border. Place a ruler over the strips intersecting at a 45-degree angle as shown below and mark. A square ruler is handy! A walking foot moves the fabric from the top as you sew, reducing uneven feed. But first let's talk about why it happens. Once the quilt is all quilted, baste around the edge of the quilt with long, low-tension stitches on your machine. Choose the option that's best for your label shape and design. A difference of up to an 1" may be fine. Pins or Wonder Clips Press the seam as desired. If your quilt is smaller than 38 1/2″ x 38 1/2″ do as follows: Fold the Top Snowball Border … Remove pins as you sew. Use a pair of scissors to trim one of the ends about 6″ from the seam. By sewing the long border seam from the center out, it attaches even more evenly! And the printable fabric can sometimes be a little hard to hand stitch; so the border will help with that. Are measurements approximately the same? Maybe your 12" strips sew evenly, but what about 24" strips or 36" strips or borders, which might even be 100" long! Lay the top binding over the diagonal fold. Now lay the other binding end on top of the trimmed binding end. Mark. I was able to make a big improvement though. Attach a walking foot to your sewing machine. A quilt label is akin to the artist’s signature on a painting. Use wonder clips or pins to secure the binding in place. Roxanne Glue-Baste-It (optional) On a quilt, it’s typically a small piece of fabric adhered to the bottom right corner of the back of the quilt, printed (or stitched) with information pertinent to the quilt. The feed dogs pull the fabric from the bottom only. Once the blocks have been sewn together, the quilt top is almost finished. Press the seam allowances open. Working from the front stitch in the ditch along the folded binding edge. For best results, dont cut border strips and sew them to the quilt without measuring rst. Freezer Paper (optional). Repeat to make 2 top and bottom Snowball Borders. Print Your Own Quilt Label Tutorial To start, cut a piece of freezer paper and light-colored fabric slightly larger than a standard piece of printer paper (in the US, that's 8 1/2" x 11"). So we’re going to cut it in half like this. Sew the Borders to the Quilt Top. You can place a pin in the mark for later. My great-grandmother made quilts for her loved ones and I have one which she embroidered with her signature, the year it was made, and that she made the quilt with love for me and the date of my birth. For a fee I offered to correct the border for the customer. Mark that measurement and trim on the marked line using a pair of scissors. Repeat until all the strips are sewn together. Pencil or Marking Tool Now the quilt was more square and ready for borders. Continue matching and pinning the border to the quilt just as you did side borders, working with ends first then matching and pinning the remaining length. I’ve seen many quilters just measure the side of the quilt the border will be sewn to and cut the border to that length. Read all about what other quilters think about all things quilt labels by clicking below! Although you can have dozens of border options to think about when planning your quilt, you most likely will use one of two basic types.The easiest and most common border style is the plain border, shown in Figure 1. Repeat steps 1-4 to sew all four borders. (That’s the width of the binding.) Sew on either side of that line and then cut this four times. I used to just sew on the border strips and trim them to size afterward, and then If your quilt's edge has some fullness already, ease that fullness into the border by not stretching the quilt's edge completely flat. I know she put her love in every stitch of that quilt, but the label feels like a tangible connection to her I can look at and touch when I miss her. Your sewing machine has feed dogs that move the fabric along as you sew. Quilt labels are most commonly placed in the back bottom right corner of the quilt. Attaching a border to a quilt isn't as simple as it seems. Center the text and cut the label to the desired size. Lastly, position the quilt label as desired on the quilt back. Be sure to leave a margin of empty space around the text, plus 1/4″ on all sides for the seam allowance; I usually make my cut 5/8″ outside the text on all sides. Place the binding over the quilt top so the raw edges of the folded binding and the raw edge of the quilt line up. Then measure the side edge of your quilt and add on the width of your top and bottom borders subtracting 1” that will be taken up in seam allowances when these are added (calculation based on ¼” seams). At the corners of the quilt, mark 1/4″ from the edges, like we did when making miters. Read more about creating a care label by Clicking Here. Make sure that the border strip is flat and smooth. Quilt labels are also historically important. The quilt measured 102.5" along one edge, 98.75" at center and 102.25" at the opposite edge. If not, you have uneven feed. This article will explain how to make quilt borders. Scrap of light fabric for label, washed and dried That's why we need dual feed or a walking foot. Bring your needle down in the 1/4″ mark and take a few backstitches to secure the binding. Start sewing the binding on again as before. But this really improved that geese side, making it flatter and straighter. Sewing Sashing. Sew the border to the quilt top, starting and stopping ¼” away from the ends of the quilt, backstitching at each end. Sometimes a quilt will have just one border, and other times a quilt will have multiple borders of different widths. A great place to use scraps from your quilt! Peel off the freezer paper and use a few dots of glue to baste the raw edges to the back. Cut a piece of light iron-on fusible the size of your label, and note that it’s better if it’s a touch smaller than a touch bigger. I'm going to tell you how to fix that! Lay the binding over the quilt to ensure the binding fits and that it isn’t twisted. Cut a piece of freezer paper the exact size of the finished label. Check out "how to sew a quilt" for more information. And we’re ... Jenny demonstrates three different ways to make a beautiful quilt by adding a border to a panel. We strongly recommend using thicker borders in your design to reduce the visual effect of any shifting that occurs naturally during the printing process. Hand sew the label to … If you are sewing your label on you can add it before the quilting and it will be quilted on, or if you don’t like that you can sew it on after the quilting {covering up a little bit of those stitches} Either way will work. I removed a cumulative total of 17" of excess border fabric, plus those two geese blocks. Please, DO NOT do that! Make sure that the border strip is flat and smooth. We begin by sewing the binding strips together with diagonal seams. This post is part of a series:  the Big Bed Quilt-Along. I can sew the label to only the backing fabric on my machine. Sew a ½” seam from one end of the strip to the other. ... To finish a printed label it’s nice to sew on a border. See some beautiful quilts in our office in Huskvarna. Use this as a guide for writing out the quilt label. Not sure about your machine? This series is a resource for you and now that you know how to quilt, share the fun and teach a friend! I also removed one goose from the center of the opposite side. Decide what you’d like to write on your label and write it on a piece of paper the size and layout you want for the label. After sewing a border, have you ever noticed that the outer edges of your quilt are wavy? Lay another strip over the first strip at a 90-degree angle, right sides together, with the tail pointing towards you. I press the seam allowance under 1/4" & then use the machine to sew the label to the backing before quilting. Match them exactly and sew without pins. But that’s not all a quilt label does. :D. Best of all? Quilt labels usually note a few things such as: Think of the Five W’s from English class: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. This is the last project in the How to Quilt series. If your quilt's edge has some fullness already, ease that fullness into the border by not stretching the quilt's edge completely flat. Video is included on how to create a quilt label with Sue Hausmann and Janie Lantz. Now this is a really formal traditional kind of feather but I have a fun feather variation that's really easy to quilt and it's perfect for borders… 4. Even if you are making the quilt to be used until it wears out, add a label, because it can mean a lot to the person using it. We’re finishing the All-Border Quilt with a label and binding. Those ruffles will add a wonderful whimsical touch to the finished piece. This can eliminate uneven feed, making sewing borders easier. Attaching borders to this quilt was particularly challenging since the quilt already had fullness in the piecing. Refold the binding in half like the seam is already sewn. There were waves all along the edges. Write your label text across the fabric using a fine tip permanent fabric marker/pen. Place pins every 4" or so connecting the border to the quilt edge. Before we get started, you should have your quilt all basted with the excess backing and batting trimmed away, leaving just a couple of inches all the way around your quilt. Pin the border's center to the center of the quilt's edge. Walking Foot (optional), From the binding fabric, cut: Because there was so much fullness in the flying geese layer, I removed one goose from the center of one side of the quilt. If you'd like to learn how to quilt, I have a full step by step tutorial! You can stitch the plain border with squared corners or with mitered corners, depending on your expertise. I hope this tutorial is helpful. As you sew towards the corner, look to stop on the 1/4″ mark from the edge you made earlier. Lots of free sewing patterns and tutorials for making bags, zipper pouches, quilts, mini-quilts, easy clothing items, and other crafty little things to sew. We’re going to start with quilt labels today, because it’s an important step in making a quilt that is too often skipped. The basting and quilting will be much nicer now, as this beautiful quilt deserves! Fortunately, she agreed that I could use the photos to demonstrate this process! Set the generic labels aside for later use. We’re finishing the All-Border Quilt with a label and binding. Once satisfied, unfold the binding again and sew the diagonal line marked by the pins (remove the pins as you sew). This causes an uneven feed with the bottom fabric moving slightly faster than the top fabric. Here's a test. Choose a backing fabric for the label. Dry the fabric and press flat. A mitered corner is stitched at a 45-degree angle to the sides of the quilt.Figure 1: A plain border can have squared o… Quilt Labels… Trim the seam allowance to 1/4″ and press open. Pin the ends together to hold the matching edges. Center and press the shiny side of the freezer paper to the back of the label fabric with a warm iron. The greater the difference, the less square and flat your quilt top. If your machine has dual feed, it also moves the fabric from the top. It is a narrow boarder cut 3 inches, but when it is sewn the finished border will be 2 and a half inches wide. Place pins every 4" or so connecting the border to the quilt edge. (6) 2 1/2″ x Width of Fabric strips. Fold in half to find its center. How to Attach a Quilt Label~ 1) You can piece the blocks into the back {if you are piecing the quilt back} or you can use a seperate block and sew it on. Once you sew around the whole quilt, check the back for any places the stitches missed the binding on the back and take that section again until all the binding is secure. Watch more How to Quilt videos: to read transcription file Sew a stripe 4 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ rectangle to the left and right side of a Snowball unit with all fuchsia corners. Show off your creations. Open the fold on the bottom binding end to see the wrong side. How to Quilt: Quilting the All Border Quilt, who the quilt is for or what occasion it marked. Take 3 measurements:  along two opposite edges and through the quilt's center. Sew the border seam, starting at the center of the border where you placed the unique pin. This mark will guide us when we sew on the binding. Such quilts are built from center as rounds and rounds of borders, multiplying the risk of creating fullness. When you reach the end, return to center and sew the seam in the opposite direction. Light Iron-On Fusible such as Heat N Bond Lite or Lite Steam-a-Seam 2 Fold over the corner of the end at a 45-degree angle away from you. Join the How To Quilt AQS Facebook group. For best results, consider making some corrections before attaching the border. Replace this end over the quilt with a little sticking out from the edge so we can see the end of it easily. Lift the foot and cut the thread. Quilt Labels Material Requirements. Cut two 12" long fabric strips. Cut the quilt label you’ll be using away from the other labels. Leave yourself about an 8″ tail of binding. Labels on quilts can be made in different ways and techniques. Most of my labels are printed on Printed Treasures. Put the label and the backing fabric right sides together and trim everything to … Once you’ve confirmed, replace the top strip over and secure with another pin. Using a universal needle and coordinating thread, edgestitch the perimeter. There are a few things to keep in mind when you plan your border; you’ll need to consider how you’ll finish the ruffled edge and when to add the border for best results. adding borders on only one or two sides of your quilt. With the right sides together, and raw edges aligned, pin and sew the side border strips to the side edges of the quilt with a 1/4" seam allowance, matching the center fold lines. If the border is slightly larger or smaller than your top, you can ease in a little bit of difference by putting the … Wash your scrap of light fabric in the sink with a bit of dish soap to remove any finishing product that would keep the permanent pen from marking the fabric. If you missed the instructions for piecing the All-Border Quilt, click here! Measure 2 1/2″ from the trimmed binding end to create a 2 1/2″ overlap. The quilt won't lie completely flat no matter what you do. There are lots of types of binding, but for the All-Border Quilt we’re going to make straight-grain double-fold binding. Sew on the marked line and trim a 1/4″ seam allowance. Sometimes it works better to draw a line lightly and then go over it a second time to darken the line. You finished the All-Border Quilt from start to finish and completed the How to Quilt series. Match the ends of the binding together so the right side of the top binding end and the right side of the diagonal fold are facing. Fold the raw edges of the label over the freezer paper (to the back of the label) and set a crease with your iron. Repeat this down the entire length of the strip. The awesome team of quilt pros over at Love Patchwork & Quilting have created this set of cute quilt labels as the final touch for your quilts and other patchwork gifts. She proudly displayed the label in a block on the front of the quilt, as a commemoration of the occasion. Borders should enhance the quilt, not just make it larger (though I gure that is a good enough reason if needed). Wait to place yours until after binding the quilt so there’s no risk of accidentally placing it over an area that will be sewn over in the binding process. Welcome to the last week of the last project of How to Quilt: A Beginner’s Guide. Move the top binding end aside for a moment. Your seam will be exposed on the top of your quilt Don’t make this mistake and sew the seam to the quilt back … Use hashtag #BigBedQAL to share your progress! Please let me know if you have any questions! Also, please don’t sew on a border strip and then cut it to length. Quilt labels are easy to make and there are many ways to do it. As a result, the top fabric will be subtly gathered. Trim the excess batting and backing even to the quilt top. Soon it became clear that, despite our efforts, the border would have puckers if quilted in its current condition. Pin the selvage ends and carefully fold the strip open following the marked line to check that the seam will create a long, continuous strip. Sew with the quilt border on the bottom so you can make sure quilt seams don’t get flipped in the wrong direction. Roll the edge of the binding over the raw quilt edge and around to the back. Although the border seams looks flat and tidy, the raw edges of the quilt have waves of fabric, also called "fullness." You absolutely can add a ruffled border to your baby quilt! It can be helpful to sew binding on using a walking foot to help with moving all the layers. Press the seam allowances away from the center. At the end of the seam, are the fabric ends still exactly matched? It can provide valuable cleaning and care information. Quilt shows typically require a lot more information on a quilt label than you would normally put on a quilt – for example, your address. Heat press the ink unless otherwise specified by marker manufacturer. This week when prepping a customer's quilt for long arm quilting service, we noticed lots of fullness in the borders. Watch this technique in motion as Bonnie demonstrates how she joins binding ends and shares how she remembers the process from project. Press the seam allowances toward the border. Pin the midpoint of the border to the vertical midpoint at the top of the quilt, right sides together and raw edges matched. 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