For transportation, In a bar graph, each bar (rectangle) represents only one value of the numerical data. represents data through pictures of objects. Step I Take a graph paper and draw two mutually perpendicular lines OX and OY. Refer to question 54. Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions : (b) On which day were the maximum number of bulbs sold? Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions: False. Question 5: Why are the tally marks essential? (a) The minimum number of times (b) The maximum number of times. Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions. Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Maths Chapter 9 Data Handling Ex 9.1. We can arrange the table as shown below: (b) The highest number of students preferred Ladoos. Following are the choices of games of 40 students of Class VI: Step I Take a graph paper and draw two mutually perpendicular lines OX and Oy. Statistics in singular sense includes: (a) Collection of data (b) Organization of data (c) Presentation of data Solution: In order to draw a bar graph representing the above data, we follow the following steps: (d) Minimum number of bulbs were sold on Wednesday and Saturday i.e 8 bulbs. Home appliances sold by a shop in one month are given as below: Step II Along OX, mark of home appliances and along OY, mark number of appliances. Some important Facts about Data handling worksheet for class 6 We have seen that data is a collection of numbers gathered to give some information. 20 tickets. Solution: For NH 8, Last Updated on April 5, 2020 By Mrs Shilpi Nagpal Leave a Comment. Step IV Choose a suitable scale to determine the heights of the bars, according to the availability of space. Get solutions of all NCERT Question of Chapter 9 Class 6 Data Handling. Solution: (a) Which material is used in maximum number of articles? In order to construct a bar graph representing the above data, we follow the following steps: Step III Along OX, choose the uniform (equal) width of the bars and the uniform gap between them, according to the space available for the graph. (a) How many people have surname ‘Roy? (c) Minimum number of tickets were sold for Chennai, i.e. Solution: Solution: Printable Tally Chart worksheets Here you find our free grade 2 and 3 tally chart worksheets. Read the bar graph given below and answer the following questions. (f) State whether true or false: (b) 175 students like Mathematics. where, A, B, G, M and 0 stands for the fruits Apple, Banana, Grapes, Mango and Orange, respectively. In a bar graph, bars of uniform width can be drawn horizontally or vertically with equal spacing between them. Since, a bar graph is a pictorial representation of the numerical data by a number of bars of uniform width erected horizontally or vertically with equal spacing between them. Prepare a pictograph of the information given in question 38. For Patna, Can you name them? Solution: (a) The number that appeared the minimum number of times is 4. Question 1. For advertisement, (b) How many students obtained marks below 4? Step IV Choose a suitable scale to determine the heights of the bars, according to the availability of space. (a) Which subject is most popular among the students? An observation, occurring five times in a data is recorded as | | | | | using tally marks. (c) What is the length of National Highway 9? NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Maths Solutions Pdf free download was designed by expert teachers from the latest edition of NCERT Exemplar Books to get good marks in board exams. (b) What is the number of students wearing shoe size 6? Question 19: Step IV Choose a suitable scale to determine the heights of the bars, according to the availability of spate. (b) Which material is used in minimum number of articles? Solution: (c) From the table of question 4, we can observe that mango is liked by most of the students. An observation occurring seven times in a data is represented as Pictographs and bar graphs are pictorial representations of the numerical data. (b) Is the number of girls in Class VI less than the number of girls in Class V? Here, we choose 1 unit length represents 5000 mobile users. On arranging the given data in a table using tally marks, as shown below table Step III Along OX, choose the uniform (equal) width of the bars and the uniform gap between them, according to the space available for the graph. a) Find how many students obtained marks equal to or more than 7. b) How many students obtained marks below 4? Here we have given NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Data Handling. (b) National Highway 10 is the shortest among the above shown highways. (c) For which city were the minimum number of tickets sold? Step V Calculate the height of various bars as follows (a) Arrange the names of sweets in a table using tally marks. Their responses are listed as below: . a) Find how many students obtained marks equal to or more than 7. b) How many students obtained marks below 4? Question 15: False (vii) Mentioning of scale is necessary in pictographs. Solution: For cotton, (d) From the graph, we can observe that, the number of students decreased to 150 in 2003-04 from 200 of previous year 2002-03. 50 million hectares can be represented by 10 symbols. The numerical data five represented as using For NH 3, (c) The merchants who have sold 600 or more number of baskets are planning to buy a godown for the next season. Clearly, the length of NH 2 is about three times the length of NH 10. 3. Prepare a pictograph of the above data using a symbol of your choice, each representing 1000 newspapers. Solution: Question 31: The total number of students wearing shoe sizes 5 and 8 is the same as the number of students wearing shoe size 6. Catherine threw a dice 40 times and noted the number appearing each time as shown below : Make a table and enter the data using tally marks. The number of two wheelers owned individually by each of 50 families is listed below. From the pictograph, the number of fruit baskets sold by Rahim, Lakhanpal, Anwar, Martin, Ranjit Singh and Joseph are 400, 550, 700, 950, 800 and 450 respectively, (a) Martin sold the maximum number of fruit baskets i.e 950. From the table, we can observe that banana and grapes are liked by equal number of students, i.e. Solution: Tally marks are easy to use. It is beneficial in scanning the data. Ex 9.1 Class 6 Maths Question 1. They're just marks we write down. Answer: The tally marks are important as we mainly use them to keep the record of a running or continuous count. (d) On which of the days minimum number of bulbs were sold? 6 b 14 B 22 c 30 b 38 c 7 c 15 B 23 b 31 b 39 c 8 d 16 D 24 c 32 d 40 b ANALYSIS QUESTIONS TALLY MARKS CONCEPTS 6 Use of number line 4,5,7,8,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,24,25,26,27,28,29,32,34,36, 37,38,39,40 Basic operation without using number line 11,12 Successor , Predecessor(Skill) (b) Is the number of girls in Class VI less than the number of girls in Class V? (b) Which length of the carrots occur maximum and miniumum number of times? Hence equal number of bulbs were sold on Wednesday and Saturday. Fruit tally sheet jotter work. Arrange the data in a table using tally marks. Our printable tally graph worksheets contain counting tally marks, writing number, classifying pictures, drawing tally marks, paperclip and board activity, reading tally graph and word problems. Prepare a pictograph of the above data using an appropriate symbol to represent Rs. then the symbol True. Step II Along OX, mark type of the plant and along OY, mark number of plants. Let OX as the horizontal axis and OY as the vertical axis. Hence, Ladoo is the most preferred sweet among students. Prepare a bar graph of the data given in question 28. Find the number that appeared. (d) The cities for which the number of tickets sold is more than 20 are Patna, Jaipur, Delhi and Guwahati. (d) In which year did the number of students decreases as compared to previous year? India; School Math. A pictograph represents data through pictures of objects. Find the number that appeared. Length of NH 9 = 900 km ‘ She has started this educational website with the mindset of spreading Free Education to everyone. Using these charts you will learn to represent the five lines accordingly. (a) What is the circulation of English newspaper? (ii) Which village has the maximum number of tractors? False In question 2, the number of students who scored marks less than 4 is (a) 15 (b) 13 (c) 12 (d) 10 10. 2. (i) Construct frequency distributioin table for the above data. Question 3. Step IV Choose a suitable scale to determine the heights of the bars, according to the availability of space. ... tally marks. (c) How many girls are there in Class VII? (a) On studying bar graph, tree is maximum in number in the garden. Edugain. Tally marks determine: (a) Class width (b) class boundary (c) class limit (d) class frequency. Make a table and enter the data using tally- marks. (c) On Wednesday and Saturday 8 bulbs are sold. True (vi) The frequency 9 is represented as fMI using tally marks. The data can be arranged in a tabular form using ……… marks. Ex 9.1 Class 6 Maths Question 2. In a bar graph, bars of uniform width are drawn vertically only. Step V Calculate the height of various bars as follows: The data in this regard is displayed as pictograph given below: Class 1; Class 2; Class 3; Class 4; Class 5; Class 6; Class 7; Class 8; Class 9; Class 10; Competitive Exams. (b) Given, number of students in 2001-02 = 150 Number of students in 2002-03 = 200 Number of students in 2003-04 = 150 Number of students in 2004-05 = 300 Number of students in 2005-06 = 350 (b) How many students like Mathematics? Marks in Mathematics test Tally marks Number of students (e) Which shoe size is worn by minimum number of students? Step I Take a graph paper and draw two mutually perpendicular lines OX and OY. For salaries of employees, Arrange these marks in a table using tally marks. The following table represent income of a Gram Panchayat from different Annual expenditure of a company in the year 2007-08 is given below: In a Mathematics test, the following marks were obtained by 40 students. Questions - Noses. Fruit tally sheet. Do check out the sample questions of Examples: Tally Marks Class 6 Video | EduRev for Class 6, the answers and examples explain the meaning of chapter in the best manner. Solution: In order to construct a bar graph representing the above data, we follow the following steps: , 15. 60 flowers. (c) On which of the days same number of bulbs were sold? (c) Which game is liked by minimum number of students? On arranging the given data in a table using tally marks, as shown below table Draw a bar graph to represent the above information by choosing the scale of your choice. Question 29: Tally Marks. Length of NH 8 = 1400 km Ex 9.1 Class 6 Maths Question 4. In order to construct a bar graph representing the above data, we follow the following steps: (b) The number that appeared the maximum number of times is 5. 200 cold drink bottles can be represented by 4 complete symbols. Question 42: (c) From the pictograph, we can observe that surname ‘Saikia’ appears the least number of times in the directory. Lesson Summary. (a) Name the subject in which Patricia obtained the least marks. Jalebi, Jalebi, Rasgulla, Ladoo, Rasgulla, Jalebi, Ladoo, Rasgulla, Ladoo, Ladoo, (A) English (B) Hindi (C) Maths (D) None of these. 5 million hectares can be represented by ill symbol. Question 1. Using tally marks, which one of the following represents the number eight? The lengths in centimetres (to the nearest centimetre) of 30 carrots are given as follows: In questions 6 to 13, state whether the given statements are True or False. In order to construct a bar graph representing the above data, we follow the following steps: (e) If one big carton can hold 9 bulbs. Following pictograph represents some surnames of people listed in the telephone directory of a city. For Chennai, Solution: For purchase of machinery, (b) Marathi and Bengali are the two languages in which circulation of newspapers is the same. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Tally charts and frequency tables, 1 counting tally marks, Tally chart, Tally marks uajsh, Reading tally charts, Weekend sale 1, Bar graph work 1, Grade 1 questions tally charts and bar charts. This quiz is incomplete! (a) By observing the choice of sweets of 30 students. (c) Which surname appears the least number of times in the directory? Arrange the data given above in a table using tally marks and answer the following questions: Following pictograph shows the number of tractors in five villages. Refer to question 39. Ex 9.1 Class 6 Maths Question 1. Solution: Therefore, the minimum number of girl students are in Class VIII, Hence, the number of girls in Class VI are more than the number of girls in Class V, (c) The number of girls in Class VII are 12. Ex 9.1 Class 6 Maths Question 3. It is 1500 km long. Question 11: Number of mobile phone users in various age groups in a city is listed below: Step I Take a graph paper and draw two mutually perpendicular lines OX and OY. In a pictograph, if a symbol represents 20 flowers in a basket, then three symbols will represents (20 + 20 + 20)flowers i.e. Step IV Choose a suitable scale to determine the heights of the bars, according to the availability of space. (c) Given, circulation of newspapers in Hindi = 1400 and circulation of newspapers in Bengali = 600 So, difference = 1400 – 600 = 800 Complete Examples: Tally Marks Class 6 Video | EduRev chapter (including extra questions, long questions, short questions) can be found on EduRev, you can check out Class 6 lecture & lessons summary in the same course for Class 6 Syllabus. (b) Glass is used in the minimum number of articles. False 10 lakh. 8. doctor, engineer, doctor, pilot, officer, doctor, engineer, doctor, pilot, officer, pilot, engineer, officer, pilot, doctor, engineer, pilot, officer, doctor, officer, doctor, pilot, engineer, doctor, pilot, officer, doctor, pilot, doctor, engineer. if picture of 1 book represents 50 books in a library, then picture of 1/2 book will represent 25 books in a library. The following table gives the data of number of schools (stage-wise) of a country in the year 2002. (e) In the year 2004-05, the increase in number of students is maximum as compared to the previous year. Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions: Page 192. Updated: Dec 2, 2014. docx, 44 KB. In order to construct a bar graph representing the above data, we follow the following steps: The data can be arranged in a tabular form using tally marks. =17, Question 3: (b) Raigarh and Jashpur have the same area. True (a) What is the number of carrots, which have length more than 20 cm? Hence, the required pictograph of given data is shown below, Take [T] =10 lakh and [f =5 lakh], Question 36: (b) Shoe size 6 is worn by 300 students. Jalebi, Jalebi, Rasgulla, Ladoo, Rasgulla, Jalebi, Ladoo, Rasgulla, Ladoo, Ladoo. A survey was carried out in a certain school to find out the popular school subjects among students of Classes VI to VIII. Prepare a table using Tally Marks. 900 km can be represented by 4 complete symbols and 1 incomplete symbol. (iii) How many more tractors village C has as compared to village B. (e) Number of tickets sold for Delhi and Jaipur together = 100 + 50 = 150 Solution: (b) Which type of plant is minimum in number in the garden? False (ix) Median is always one of the numbers in a given data. For pulses, NCERT Answers for Class 6 Maths Chapter 9 Data Handling Exercise 9.1. The bar graph below represents the circulation of newspapers in different languages in a town. Solution: Rs. Solution: The number of students was maximum in the academic year 2005-06. Solution: Solution: Question 4. Read the graph and answer the following questions: (a) The minimum number of times. Our printable tally graph worksheets contain counting tally marks, writing number, classifying pictures, drawing tally marks, paperclip and board activity, reading tally graph and word problems. Question 4: What is the tally chart and tally marks when it comes to statistics? 30 million hectares can be represented by 6 symbols. Step II Along OX, mark stages and along OY, mark number of schools. Fill in the blanks in the following table which represents shirt size of 40 students of a school. The following list tells colours liked by 25 students. Solution: Let OX as the horizontal axis and OY as the vertical axis. For sugarcane, To play this quiz, please finish editing it. 1400 km can be represented by 7 complete symbols. (d) Table with tally marks from the given information is shown below This resource is designed for UK teachers. Solution: The following bar graph shows the number of houses (out of 100) in a town using different types of fuels for cooking. (a) Which fuel is used in maximum number of houses? (c) The length of National Highway 9 is 900 km. After teams have chosen a topic or question they want to ask, have them create a survey they can use to collect data in the form of tally marks. Draw a bar graph representing the above data. What is a data, raw data; How do we organize the data using tally marks (converting raw data into tally marks) What is a pictograph and how to read it